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65 Cards in this Set

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DEF. "The Way"
name for the early Christian movement
DEF. Theophilus
"friend of God"
DEF. Evangelist
someone who preaches the Gospel
DEF. Kerygma
proclamation of the Good News
DEF. Ekklesia
a gathering
DEF. Martyros
Greek word for witness
DEF. Pax Romana
time of peace in Rome, approximately 300 years
DEF. Hellenization
the spreading of Greek language and culture
DEF. Urban
DEF. Dispersion
spreading outside of Palestine
DEF. God-Fearer
Gentile who liked Judaism but did not necessarily follow the laws. Prime candidates for Christianity.
DEF. Sect
a reorginization of an existing religion
DEF. Cult
a new faith not accepted by mainstream society
DEF. Shavuot
The Feast of Weeks
What is Shavuot to us..?
DEF. Pentecost
birth of the Church
What is the official language of the Church?
What language was the earliest writings of the faith in?
DEF. Deacon
somebody to look after physical needs of the people; chosen by Apostles
DEF. Samaritan
those Jews that assimilated with Assyrians
DEF. Hebrew Christian
you need to follow laws to be a Christian
DEF. Hellenist Christian
you did not need to follow all laws to be a Christian
DEF. Conversion
180 degree turn
DEF. Katholikos
universal, open to all
Who is Luke?
the author of Luke and Acts
Who are Peter and Paul?
2 main characters in Acts, Opens with Peter and ends with Paul
Who is Steven?
the first martyr of the Church and he is a Hellenist deacon
Who is Phillip?
(not Apostle Phillip) Hellenist deacon who spread the Gospel outside of Judea
Who is Cornelius?
Roman centurion and God-fearer
Who is Barnabus?
Secondary Apostle who becomes the companion of Paul
Who is Gamaliel?
Rabbi who trained Paul
Who is Herod Agrippa?
King who beheads James
Who is James?
Hebrew Christian, head of Church in Jerusalem
Who is Ananius?
disciple (follower) called by God to convert to baptize Paul
What happened in Jerusalem?
Church was founded
What happened in Antioch?
Christians got their name and the first bulk of Gentiles were accepted
What happened in Rome?
center of the Gentile world and it becomes the center of the Church
What happened in Damascus?
place where Paul had his conversion
What is the Book of the Acts of the Apostles about?
The birth of the Church and the spread of the Gospel
What is the relationship between the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts?
They are companions to one another.
What is the significance of the Book of Acts during the Easter Season?
Read throughout Easter season at Mass
Chart out the geographical order of the missionary effort in the early Church.
Jerusalem ->Judea/Samaria->Ends of earth (Rome)
Who was the author of Acts?
Luke was a Greek ______ and a companion of _____.
physician, Paul
When approx. was Luke written?
80 AD
What is the four-fold purpose of Acts?
1. Not strict history-sacred history
2. Kerygmatic (testement about Christ and his significance to the world)
3. Legitimize it as a religion of Roman world
4. Relate qualities of life in early Church
Describe the characteristics of the early church communities? (3)
1. Devoted to Apostles teachings
2. Communal worship- to celebrate the Sacraments and gather in prayer to support one another in faith. Broke bread in private homes.
3. Morality based on charity- communal sharing and social concern.
What are the five conditions of the Roman Empire that allowed for the successful spread of the Christian movement?
1. Pax Romana
2. Hellenization
3. Cities
4. Religious tolerance
5. Safe, efficient travel
What is the relationship with Pentecost and the Sacrament of Confirmation?
At both you receive the Holy Spirit and the gifts that you received at Baptism become activated in you.
Why did the Christian movement initially move from Jerusalem to the West?
What were Paul's three claims to apostleship?
1. Witnessed the Risen Messiah
2. Filled with the Holy Spirit
3. The Gospel Truth, a product of divine revelation
What were the three decisions of the Council at Jerusalem?
1. Gentiles have equal status in the movement.
2. All may share in the Agape meal
3. Circumcision and most dietary laws were not required.
Which group was negatively affected by the decisions of the Council at Jerusalem?
Hebrew Christians
How many missionary journeys did Paul go on?
What characteristics did he have that allowed him to be a successful missionary?
1. Trained under Rabbi Gamaliel- good Jewish education
2. Raised in Dispersion
3. Roman citizen- more freedom to travel
On which journey was Paul arrested?
the third one
In what year did Christianity separate from Judaism?
90 AD
What year was Pentecost?
30 AD
How many days after Easter was Pentecost?
50 days
How many days after Easter was the Ascension?
40 days
Apostle means ...?
one who is sent
T/F. The Disciples were the only ones who received HS and spoke in tongues.
FALSE. Cornelius and his family also did.
Agape Meal will become...
The Eucharist
Who gave speeches at the Council? Were they opposed to Gentiles being let in?
Peter and James (Hebrew Christian); No.
Who can be considered the first theologian of the Church?