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45 Cards in this Set

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Where can the Bible's teaching about itself be found?
2 Timothy 3
2 Peter 1
Where can the Bible's teaching on assurance of salvation be found?
John 17
2 Timothy 2
2 Corinthians 13
Where can the Bible's teaching on justification be found?
Romans 3-4
James 2
Genesis 15
Where can the Bible's teaching on repentance be found?
Matthew 3-4
Acts 2
Acts 17
Luke 13
Luke 24
Where can the Bible's teaching on prayer be found?
Matthew 6
Luke 11
Luke 18
John 17
Where can the Bible's teaching on divorce be found?
1 Corinthians 7
Matthew 5
Matthew 19
Mark 10
Deuteronomy 24
Where can the Bible's teaching on the second coming of Christ be found?
1 Thessalonians
Matthew 24
Revelation 19
Where can the Bible's teaching on the trinity be found?
Titus 2
Romans 8
Matthew 28
Ephesians 1
1 Peter 1
John 1
Where can the Bible's teaching on faith and works be found?
Romans 3
James 2
Galatians 2
Where can the Bible's teaching on marriage be found?
Genesis 2
Ephesians 5
1 Corinthians 7
Where can the Bible's teaching on total depravity be found?
Genesis 6
Psalm 51
Romans 3
Where can the Bible's teaching on providence and sin be found?
Acts 2
James 1
Romans 9
Where can the Bible's teaching on God's hatred of sinners be found?
Malachi 1
Romans 9
Where can the Bible's teaching on civil government be found?
Matthew 22
Romans 13
1 Peter 2
Where can the Bible's teaching on Adoption be found?
Romans 8
Titus 3
Hebrews 2
Where can the Bible's teaching on saving faith be found?
James 2
Matthew 7
Where can the Bible's teaching on the purpose and work of the church be found?
1 Corinthians 12
Ephesians 4
Where can the Bible's teaching on heaven and hell be found?
Matthew 10
Mark 9
John 17
2 Corinthians 5
Revelation 21
Where can the Bible's teaching on perseverance of the saints be found?
John 6
John 10
John 17
Romans 8
Where can the Bible's teaching on law and grace be found
Hebrews 9-10
Galatians 4
Where can the Bible's teaching on election be found?
John 6
Romans 8-9
Where can the Bible's teaching on the person and work of the Holy Spirit be found?
Luke 24
John 3
John 15
Where can the Bible's teaching on the person and work of Christ be found?
John 1
John 3:16
1 Timothy 2:5
1 John
Where can the parable of the lost sheep, lost coin and lost son be found?
Luke 15
Where are the "I AMs" found?
John 6
John 8
John 10 (times two)
John 11
John 14
John 15
Where can accounts of the passion be found?
Matthew 26-27
Mark 14-15
Luke 22-23
John 18-19
Where can an extended meditation on God's law be found?
Matthew 5
Where can the account of Lazurus raised from the dead be found?
John 11
Where are the accounts of the great commisson found?
Matthew 28
Mark 16
Where can the accounts of Jesus' tempation be found?
Matthew 4
Mark 1
Luke 4
Where can the feeding of the 4000 be found?
Matthew 15
Mark 8
Where can the vision of cherubim and wheels be found?
Ezekiel 1
Where can descriptions of baptism be found?
Matthew 28
Colossians 2
Who were the 12 disciples/apostles?
Simon Peter, Andrew, Simon, James, John, James, Bartholomew, Andrew, Thomas, Matthew, Judas Iscariot, Judas (Thaddaeus), *Matthias
Where can the account of Elijah and the prophets of Baal?
1 Kings 18
Where can the account of David and Goliath be found?
1 Samuel 17
Where can explanation of church discipline be found?
Matthew 18
2 Corinthians 2
Where can Joshua's encounter with the captain of the host of the Lord be found?
Joshua 5
Where can the account of the feeding of the 5000 be found?
Matthew 14
Mark 6
Luke 9
John 6
Where can the account of the rich young man be found?
Matthew 19
Mark 10
Luke 18
Where can God's covenant with Noah be found?
Genesis 8
Where can Peter's sermon at Pentecost be found?
Acts 2
Where can Nathan's rebuke of David be found?
2 Samuel 12
Who are the 12 tribes of Israel?
Reuben, Simeon, Judah, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Naphtali, Benjamin, Gad, Asher, Dan, Joseph (Ephriam, Mannaseh),
What are the 10 commandments in order?
No other Gods, No graven images, Don't take the Lord's name in vain, honor the Sabbath, Honor mother and father, Don't kill, Don't commit adultery, Don't steal, Don't lie, Don't covet