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131 Cards in this Set

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Felt that foreign domination would end when all the Jews were walking by the Law?
Ruled with the Pharisees in the Sanhedrin
Were in control of the High Priesthood
Lived in community and practiced celibacy and Scripture study
Believed the best response to the culture was to take up arms and fight
Created the Oral Law of Moses
John the Baptist likely came from this group
Their names come from the Hebrew word that literally means -to separate.
Believed that the Jews should cooperate with the prevailing ruling powers
Were concerned with matters of Levitical purity
What can be defined as the "blending of cultural beliefs, philosophies, and practices with Christianity or any other religion?
Because captivity was so brutal, the Jews recommitted themselves to the Law of Moses when they returned to Israel. (true/false)
Alexander the Great conquered Israel. What implication did this have for the writing of the New Testament?
the New Testament was written in Greek.
Alexander the Great studied under Solomon. (true/false)
What group of people revolted and cleansed the temple?
the Maccabees
NT book written primarily to the Jews
NT book written primarily for the Gentiles
NT book written to emphasize the "life" of God
NT book that emphasizes the "kingdom of God and Jesus as king"
NT book whose main theme revolves around Jesus' relationship with his disciples.
NT book whose main theme relates to the universal nature of salvation
NT book whose main theme relates to the fact that Jesus was the Son of God
The four supporting stories that emphasize the main theme of the Gospel of Mark
Jesus' baptism, trial, death, and resurrection.
Jesus invites us to enjoy his kind of "life" The Greek word for "life" is zoe. This life is characterized by love, joy, and peace. (true/false)
John 3:16 is best understood as an explanation as to how people can get into heaven after they die. (true/false)
Describe the nature of the key verse in Acts.
the HOLY SPIRIT WORKING through the people.
What are the three layers of Heaven in Jewish thought?
1) the air that surrounds us.
2) Space, heavens, celestial bodies
3) Place where God dwells
A woman prophet who ministered in the temple
Was struck down by the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts for their dishonesty.
Took Paul and Silas into his house even though it was considered treason
Was High Priest during the time of Jesus
Before Saul becomes king, Israel could best be described as:
A confederation of 12 tribes
Saul's two failures as king were:
Refusing to destroy King Agag and all of the Amalekites; performing a sacrifice inappropriately.
Which of the following opponents did Israel have to often fight against during the reign of Saul?
David learned the arts of war from the Egyptians while he hid in the city of Gath. (true/false)
The courtyard of the temple held a basin with 10,000 gallons of water for washing animals. (true/false)
The 15-foot high alter in the courtyard was made of pure gold.(true/false)
The Holy Place contained the Ark of the Covenant. (true/false)
The High Priest entered the presence of God in the Most Holy Place three times each year to offer the sacrifice of Atonement. (true/false)
What was in the Holy of Holies?
Aaron's staff, the Ark of the Covenant, and a jar of manna.
The Mercy Seat is the place where it was though God's presence dwelled. (true/false)
What was the primary reason why Solomon fell out of God's favor?
He married many other wives and allowed them to build alters to other gods.
Who succeeded Solomon as king?
The nation of Israel eventually split into two sections--Israel in the north and Judah in the south. Israel had 10 tribes and Judah had 2 tribes. (true/false)
King Jehu
King Ahab
King Omri
King Noses
not a king
King Asa
King Jereboam
King Joash
King Joram
King Ahaziah
King Jehosaphat
King Baasha
King Zimri
King Eliaihsuhes
not a king
The theology of Kings has to do with the fact that successful kings rule in a godly way instead of their political and military might. (true/false(
Year Samaria fell
722 B.C.
Year Jerusalem fell
586 B.C.
Nebachadnezzar was king of what empire?
Which Empire was symbolized by the belly of bronze in Nebuchadnezzar's dream?
Told David that the son he had with Bathsheba would be taken by God
Fought against the Midianites
The left-handed judge who lost his sword in the belly of a king
Fed the widow of Zerapheth
Sons were evil and was killed when his chair broke underneath him
Provided hospitality for David after her husband mistreated him. Evetually became a wife of David
This historical figure gave us the first list of NT books which he felt belonged as Scripture. He also threw out the OT in the process and was labeled a heretic.
This historical figure gave us the first list of NT books which we currently find in modern versions of the Bible.
In 906 A.D., after much debate, the church made permanent the list of NT books which are now in our Bible. (true/false)
The four criteria used for determining which letters/books would be used in the early church.
1)was it written by an apostle or close friend of an apostle.
2) Is it Orthodox?
3) Is it Catholic?
4) Can it guide and renew its readers.
Luther wanted to throw out all of the NT except for the ten letters of Paul and 2/3 of the Gospel of Luke. (true/false)
When the Old Testament was translated from the Hebrew to the Greek, the resulting translation was known as the Septugint. (true/false)
The Jews declared the OT should have just 39 books at which Council?
Council of Jamniah
What were the dead sea scrolls?
Replicas of much of our OT scriptures.
The transcribing process of Scripture was undertaken by full-time church monks who took their jobs very seriously. Thus we can trust what has been handed down to us. (true/false)
The Jewish calendar held a Passover ritual once every 7-10 years that would help Jewish people memorize the important stories from their heritage. (true/false)
The Good Samaritan is an example of what literary genre of Scripture?
What are the six literary genres for Scripture?
Narrative, parable, wisdom literature, prophecy, apocalyptic, and epistle.
Genesis is an example of what literary genre of Scripture?
Having extreme images communicating future events would be part of what literary genre?
The story of Ehud in the book of Judges is an example of what literary genre of Scripture?
What denominational organization would tend to emphasize "human experience" as the primary means of knowing God?
What denominational organization would tend to emphasize the Bible as the primary means of knowing God?
Conservative evangelical
What denominational organization would tend to emphasize tradition as the primary means of knowing God?
What does it mean that God created "ex nihilo"?
God created without pre-existing substance.
What does it mean that woman is "ezer kenedgo" to man?
She is a strong and powerful help to the man, rescuing him from his aloneness.
Define "Imago Dei"
God created humankind in his own image.
What was the core of the serpent's temptation?
To be like God.
What are the consequences of the fall for woman?
Pain in childbirth and desire to rule over her husband.
What are the consequences of the Fall of man?
Alienation from his wife, difficulty working the land, return to dust at death.
Why might god have wiped the world with the flood?
He was sparing future generations from growing up in such sinful households.
What is the pattern of relationship between God and the Israelites in the book of Judges?
Apostasy, oppression, distress, and deliverance.
Baal was the god of:
Why did the Israelites worship Baal despite all that God had done for them?
They still didn't know God very well, so they didn't know if they could trust him when they settled the land.
What does Baal mean?
Lord, husband, master.
Who was Baal's mate?
Lived for 969 years--oldest man
He was a priest/king who accepted a tithe from Abraham after a battle.
His name means "child of laughter"
Misperception #1 of the book of Revelation
Revelation provides a roadmap for how this world will end
Reality #1 of the book of Revelation
While Revelation has components related to the passing of this world, it is mostly located in the 1st-4th century events.
Misperception #2 of the book of Revelation
Revelation talks of seven-year period of great pain and suffering before the world ends. This seven-year period is called the Great Tribulation
Reality #2
There is no terminology in Revelation to indicate this Great Tribulation will happen.
Misperception #3
All believers will be taken to heaven before the Great Tribulation in an event called the "rapture"
Reality #3
The word "rapture" is never used in Revelation
Misperception #4
Revelation should be interpreted literally. So there will be some "beast" for example.
Reality #4
Revelation should be interpreted symbolically.
What kind of writing was prevalent in John's day?
There were hundreds of apocalyptic writing
While Paul was in prison, he most likely had a lot of time on his hands to reflect on his ministry for 4 reasons
There are a significant amount of hymns; there are a number of creedal confessions and liturgical formulas; the letter isn't prompted by a specific issue; and it doesn't contain personal references.
Paul is most likely compiling the information and teachings from his 20+ year ministry so that:
he may pass on what is most important since the mission of the Church in the world was going to take longer than planned.
The "love" chapter in 1 Corinthians, most often used in weddings, was originally written for
encouraging people along the "more excellent way" to exercise one's spiritual gifts.
Some Corinthian divisions
1) Affiliation with a certain teacher
2) Use of tongues in church
3) Use of prophecy in church
4) Arrogant use of spiritual gifts divided them
5) Women in ministry
6) Eating marketplace food and other Jewish/Gentile clashes
Corinth was a large city and an economic community. It was also a religious melting pot:
Greek philosophy and religion, Roman worship, Mystery cults of Egypt and Asia, Jews.
For the Jews, the tongues miracle would:
authenticate the message and gospel.
Requirements for speaking in tongues:
Time should only be given to 1-2 people, an interpreter should be present, and they should not speak all the time.
Paul leaves Ephesus because
he feels compelled by the spirit
Fellow Christians urge him further along because
they were concerned, not because of the spirit.
Paul's trials
He appeals to his Roman citizenship
Since Paul is considered a high profile prisoner, he is placed
under house arrest rather than prison
While in Roman imprisonment,
Paul writes four letters called the Prison Epistles from AD 60-62
Celebrated in Jewish life by bringing the first fruits of the harvest.
Paul is under house arrest for two years where he needs to either stand trial or be released:
Paul was released in AD 63.
False Prophets
A teacher that speaks with supernatural powers
lead people astray
teacher who denies the divine-human person of Jesus Christ
The teachers denied that sin:
exists in our nature, erupts in our behavior, and impedes our relationship with God.
Future component
Where Jesus establishes a final kingdom with a new heaven and a new earth
Describes the fall of the Roman empire
We know we can stand strong in the world as we await the future, final establishment of God's kingdom.