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39 Cards in this Set

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what is onset of bipolar disorder?
childhood early adolescence
4 episodes ofbipolar
manic, hypomanic, depressive and mixed episodes
describe manic disorder
mood: elated, expansive (generous, ready to talk) or irritable with 3 or 4(irritable mood) of the following: decreased need for sleep, racing thoughs or flight of ideas, rapid speech, grandiosity, impulsive, reckless, increased enery and activity and distractibility
duration of manic disorder symptoms
to be classified as MD must last at least a week and cause functional impairment
same as manic but only needs to last at least 4 days and though their is a change in functioning, not severe impairment
duration of depressive episodes
2 weeks
descibe depressive M episode
sad mood, loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities and at least five of the follwing: insomnia, hypersomnia, psychomotor agitation or retardation, increases or decreases in weight or appetite, loss of energy, difficulty concentrating or making decisons, feelings of worthelessness and suicidal ideation and behavior. also must be asoociated with functional impairment
mixed episode
manic and depressive occuring simultaneous. must last at least a week and must fulfill the criteria for both
bi polar subtypes
bipolar 1, bipolar 2 and cyclothymia
what is unipolar or biploar 1 disorder?
single manic or mixed episode. many will eventually devlop depressive episodes
what is bipolar II
major depressive disorder alternating with hypomania, 1/10will develop to fullmanic or mixed episiode
cyclothymia is and last how long
two or more years of alterations between hypomanic and depressive symptoms, none alternatations meet the full dsm criteria
bipolar nos
meets requirement but not duration requirement; many childhood onset get this
what defines rapid cycler
4 or more distinct episodes of mania, hypomania, mixed or depressive disorder within 1 year
what is the manic defense model
manics have high self esteem despite negative thinking. perhaps a defense to ward off negative feelings of self
what is social zeitgeibers model
sleep and schedule disturbances precipitate manic episode
what is interpersonal and social rhythm therpay
stabalize sleep/wake rhythm
what characterizes bipolar
had at least one episode of manic disorder
what characterizes bipolar 2
hypomania and major depressive episode
cyclothymic disorder
just has hypomanic. small hypomanic and small depressive episodes
dx for bipolar I
one or more manic or mixed episodes, usually with md episodes
dx for bipolar II
one or more md Episodes w/ at least 1 hypomanic episode
dx for cyclothymic
at least 2 years of periods of hypomanic symptoms that do not meet criteria for manic of md episode
digits for bipolar and mdd
what is code if single md episode
dx for bipolar I
one or more manic or mixed episodes, usually with md episodes
dx for bipolar II
one or more md Episodes w/ at least 1 hypomanic episode
dx for cyclothymic
at least 2 years of periods of hypomanic symptoms that do not meet criteria for manic of md episode
digits for bipolar and mdd
what is code if single md episode
dx for bipolar I
one or more manic or mixed episodes, usually with md episodes
dx for bipolar II
one or more md Episodes w/ at least 1 hypomanic episode
dx for cyclothymic
at least 2 years of periods of hypomanic symptoms that do not meet criteria for manic of md episode
dx for bipolar I
one or more manic or mixed episodes, usually with md episodes
dx for bipolar II
one or more md Episodes w/ at least 1 hypomanic episode
dx for cyclothymic
at least 2 years of periods of hypomanic symptoms that do not meet criteria for manic of md episode
dx for bipolar I
one or more manic or mixed episodes, usually with md episodes
dx for bipolar II
one or more md Episodes w/ at least 1 hypomanic episode
dx for cyclothymic
at least 2 years of periods of hypomanic symptoms that do not meet criteria for manic of md episode