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174 Cards in this Set

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Three Major Domains
Archae (Archeobacteria), Bacteria (Monera), Eukarya (Eukaryotes)
Endosymbiotic theory and evidence of it
Bacteria w/ different capabilities united together to form a eukaryotic cell. Evidence= mitochondrion and chloroplasts resemble entire bacterium
Composition of Viruses
Nucleic acid wrapped in protein
Obligate parasites
Must live at expense of another living cell. Ex. Virus
Bacteria V. Eukaryotes
Cell Wall make-up
Flagella make-up
Cell Division
Translation Ribosomes
Cell Wall: peptidoglycans v. lacking or cellulose or chitin
Flagella: flagellin protein v. microtubules of alpha and beta tubulin
Respiration: on plasma membrane v. mitochondria
Spores: presevation Ca+ dipicolinate v. for reproduction
Cell Division: binary fission v. mitosis/meiosis
DNA: single/circular v. multiple/linear
Translation Ribosomes: 70S=50S+30S v. 80S=60S+40S
Bacteria Shapes
Cocci: spherical
Bacilli: rod-shaped
Spirilla or Spirochetes: Sprial or like commas
What are the different ways bacteria can appear in groups?
diplo: pairs, cooci or bacilli
Strepto: chains
Staphylo: grapelike clusters
Size of bacteria and viruses
Bacteria: 100nm to 10 micrometers
Viruses: 100nm to 10nm
What is the function of plasma membrane in bacteria?
Site of important enzyme systems.
Cytochromes are present here to carry out respiration and photosynthesis.
What is the bacterial membrane composed of?
40% lipid
Cell Wall composition
petidoglycan: NAMand NAG, other polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, lipids complexed to proteins and polysaccharides
proteins complexed to carbohydrates
Gram+ cell wall v. Gram- cell wall
Gram+: teichoic acid )polymer of glycerol
Gram-: large portion of lipid molecules, more complex than Gram+ cell wall b/c lipopolysaccharides and lipoproteins
More susceptible to antibiotics gram+ or gram-
Gram+: prevents linkages between NAM and NAG from forming
natural enzymatic component of tears, saliva, and nasal secretions
breaks glycan portion of peptidoglycan and linkages between NAM and NAG
fibrous polysaccharide or spherical glycoproteins outside cell wall
Purpose of Glycocalyx
sticky so it lets bacteria adhere to surfaces
outer polysaccharide or polysaccharide-protein later
thick, slimy, and mucilaginous
Purpose of capsule
increase virulence, make it hard for leukocytes to phagocytize bacteria
Ex. S. pneumoniae
Ability to infect a host
Purpose of biofilms or pods
together bacteria are pathogenic when alone they aren't
more difficult to remove
Different forms of flagella
monotichous: one end of bacterial cell
lophotrichous: both ends
peritrichous: all over
nonflagellar appendages that can completely cover cell
mainly in Gram-
allow it to bind to human surfaces
cylindrical rod mainly in Gram- allow bacteria to attach to structures
used in conjugation and anchored in cell wall
codes and then carries genetic code directly off the DNA to the ribosome
binds to amino acids from cytosol and transports them into ribosome and rRNA
sedimentation constants
unit which reflects both size and shape of macromolecules
determined by speed object moves through gradient in a spinning test tube
Bacteria: 70S=50S+30S
chromosom of DNA surrounded by layers of protein (cortex and keratin)
Purpose of cortex in spores
heat resistant molecule called dipicolinate
Purpose of keratin in spore
jumping genes of DNA
when DNA is transmitted from one bacterium to another in soluble DNA fragments
in transformation when recipient cell has receptor sites for incoming DNA
occurs during certain times in growth of bacteria
virus called bacterio[hage or phage inserts itsef into bacterial genome and causes bacterium to express its genes differently
when phage infects one bacterium and leaves that bacterium to infect the next it sometimes drages some genetic infomation from first bacterium's DNA w/ it
F+ bacteria transmits its genes to another bacteria which lacks the factor
small rings of DNA not attched to main chromosome
Two types of plasmids
F- (Hfr-): lack genes to make a pilus
F+ (Hfr+): can form pilus
Interruped Mating
how they worked out first map gene order of E. Coli
took aliquots from mixture of Hfr and F- strains at different periods to see what genes were present in most at the time
Binary fission
replication of DNA
DNA splits apart, each side of original DNA codes for complementary side producing two new rings
20-30 mins.
Microbial Growth Phases
lag, log, stationary, log death
Saphrophyte bacteria
live on dead material and contribute to decay
Parasite bacteria
live on other living cells at expense of host cell
Facultative parasite bacteria
nourishment from nonliving material unless living cells are present
break big compounds into smaller ones to use as food
all pathogens and many nonpathogens
build large compounds from smaller molecules
Content of water in bacteria in %
Best temp. for bacteria
98.6⁰F or 37⁰C
Best pH for bacteria
Aerobic bacteria
require oxygen
obligate aerobe
only grows in presence of oxygen
must get oxygen bound to compounds like nitrates and/or is killed by large amounts of free oxygen
can adapt to be aerobe or anaerobe if conditions are changing
what is dissolved a solution
ex. salt, sugar
main part of solution
ex. water
bacterium has interior saltier than fluids outside
human fluids outside are more watery
when water flows from hypotonic situation to hypertonic
water leaves cytoplasm of bacteria quickly due to osmotic pressure causing bacteria to shrink and die
substances which in minute amounts are poisonous to cells
polypeptides or proteins secreted by living cells
lipopolysaccharide complexes of cell wall of some pathogens, usually released when cell is dying
how to make toxoids
inactivating a toxin so its not poisonous, toxin keeps molecular shape and structure so its sill antigenic and human immune system still makes antibodies
cause red blood cells to lyse of break open
destroy WBC called polymorphonuclear neutophils (first WBC in host's defence against disease to migrate to site of invasion
digests hyaluronic acid (glue) to make tissues more permeable to bacteria
accelerates blood clotting
ex. staph forming pimples, boils, etx.
Bacterial Kinases
activate proteins that liquefy fibrin (clotting agent)
bacteria can spread faster through host
cause disintegration of collagen, allowing microbes to spread from original site of infection
7 Strategies to elude host's immune system
1.)Disable host's immune system
ex. HIV
2.)Resist immune weapons of host
ex. Strep. pneumoniae gros capsule
3.)Camoflage: pathogen covers itself w/ molecule similar to host
ex. E. Coli and sialic acid
4.)Hiding: viruses hide in crevasses of cell membranes
5.) Distraction:constantly changes its antigenic surgace
6.) Prevents its own synthesis
7.) Mimicry: mimics natural ligand so host cell will take it up
multiplying organisms cause pathology
Nutritional Deficiency
lack vitamin or mineral
present at birth but usually refers to malformations in fetal development not inherited
Genetic, Inherited, Metabolic
genes w/ mutation in cells
ex. diabetes
loss of function due to aging
new growth
hypersensitivities, autoimmunity, immune deficiencies, hyposensitivity
caused by medical procedure
acquired in hospital
mental state affects illness
ex. asthma
Hypochondrial Spontaneous
undetermined cause
Mass sociogenic
severity of illness imagined ex. post-911 mystery rash
Predisposing Factors
make body more susceptible to disease
ex. rapid exposure to cold temp.
disease-causing bacteria multiply in host
enters body through portal of entry
disease caused by microorganism already in body
presence of infectious material not necessarily causing infection
infection easily spread from one person to another
Communicable (same as contagious in this class)
when otherwise healthy person gets contagious disease
usually enters body when host's resistance is low
Resident population/Normal flora
normal inhabitants of gut, skin, mucous membranes
Local Effect of microbe
effect is seen at site often as inflammation where microbes multiply
General Effect of microbe
Increased pulse rate
anemia (after severe infections)
change in # leukocytes
increase in host immunity
increase in leukocytes as general effect of microbes
most infections
can cause apendicities
decrease in leukocytes
ex. some tropical fevers
How serious and how long an infection will last depends on 6 factors
virulence of microbe
number of invading microbes
host R'
portal of entry
portal of exit
mechanism of spread
Portals of Entry
skin: most can't enter through unbroken skin
Repiratory Apparatus
Digestive Tract
Genitourinary Tract
Portals of Exit
Semen/Vaginal Discharge
Localized Infection
microbes stay in particular spot
ex. pimples
Generalized Infection
microbes are spread by bloodstream or lymphatic vessels
Focal Infection
Infection stays in one place for a week or so and then spreads
Acute Infection
symptoms occur in short time and immune system of host responds
Chronic Infection
Disease persists in host for long period of time
Mixed Infection
more than one microbe causes the pathology
ex. HIV and another`
no symptoms but microbe is present/not multiplying
due to accidental or surgical penetration of skin and mucous membranes
Bacteria enter blood but don't multiply
Bacteria multiply in blood
Pyogenic (pus forming) bacteria in blood are spread to different parts of body
toxins from bacteria enter blood and cause disease
Saprophytic bacteria grow on dead tissue
Terminal Infection
patient w/ chronic wasting disease like cancer dies from immediate effect of bacterium
Horizontal Spread of Infection
2 types
Direct Contact:human to human/animal to human
Indirect contact: ex. food, drink, dust particles, fomites, accidental inoculation, insects
Vertical Spread
from placenta to offspring
Convalescent carries
retain microbes for some days after illness
Active carries
carry microbes long after disease symptoms are gone
Passive Carries
never had disease but carry microbes and infect others
period of time between microbes entering your body and when symptoms manifest themselves
Length of incubation varies w/
1.) virulence of microbe
2.) R' of host
3.) # of microbes entering
4.) distance from entry portal to focus of action
Prodromal Symptoms
short time +/- just and hour or two, often accompanied w/ "somethings kinda wrong"
Disease manifests itself, multiplying rapidly, fever, chills, length varies
acme of disease: can't get any worse
disease declines or conversely health improves
Koch's Postulate for identifying agents of new diseases
Disease manifests itself, multiplying rapidly, fever, chills, length varies
acme of disease: can't get any worse
disease declines or conversely health improves
Koch's Postulate for identifying agents of new diseases
1.) µ should be present in all animals suffering from disease and absent from healthy animals
2.) µ must be grown in pure culture outside diseased animal host
3.) when culture is inoculated into healthy susceptible host, animal must develop symptoms of disease
4.) added on after Koch: µ must be reisolated from experimentally infected animal and shown to be identical w/ original isolate
What WHO can't do
can't power to tell government what to do
can't hire vaccinators
can't distribute vaccine
only can distribute $ MOPUP
What is included in descriptive Laboratory Diagnosis
# and frequency of cases
Kind of persons affected
Mode of transmission
Index cases
First case of the epidemic
2 types of analytical studies
retrospective: look at those w/ and w/out disease and compare them
Prospective; collect data over time before the disease begins and compare two groups
compare a treated population w/ vaccine and a placebo
Goals for future
limit spread of infection
protect water/food supply
give antibiotics
address global issues: increase in urbanization, international travel, globalization commerce
high mortality in many geographical locations simultaneously with huge demand on healthcare system and delay, shortage, or no vaccines
Three essential conditions for pandemic
1.) virus must arise from animal reservoirs, one that has never infected humans, and therefore one to which no person has antibodies
2.) virus has to make humans sick
3.) virus must be able to spread easily through coughing, sneezing, or handshake
Vectors/portals of entry for Waste in Tanzania
5 F's=flies, food, fingers, feces, fields
How do epidemics arise
disruption in equilibrium between host and virus
1.) genetic change in virus
2.) changes in ecological niche
antigenic drift
minor mutations in DNA/RNA sequence of a virus
Why are RNA viruses such as Influenza virus more likely to undergo antigenic drift
RNA polymerase doesn't have proofreading skills and can't correct mutations like DNA polymerase
Two major surface proteins of Influenza Virus and their functions
HA Hemagglutinen: enables virus to bind to human cell surface
Neuraminidase: accelerates release of viral particles from cell surface
Antigenic Shift
RNA recombination from different sources
2 viruses invade same cell causing new virus to emerge aka RECOMBINATION
Avain Flu Virus (H5N1)
How is it different than normal flu
1.) patients had abnormally huge # cytokines causing inflammatory Rx
2.) more virus in blood in Avian flu patients so virus was being transported out of lungs into other organs
proteins we make to fight bacteria/viruses
How are they trying to control Avian Flu?
4 steps
1.) US/EU suspended imports of chickens from SE Asisa
2.) get fowl enclosed inside vs. free range chickens
3.) vaccinate birds
4.) Culling the flocks
Medication for Avian Flu
Neuraminidase inhibitors (Tamifluoseltamivir and Relenza-zanamivir)
prevents viral release from infected cells
Why are individual stockpiles of a flu drug discouraged?
1.) Don't know adequate dose
2.) Flu drugs protect only as long as you are on them
3.) Reports bird flu virus= R' to Tamiflu
4.) Internet has inflated prices for Tamiflu
Drug GS4104
What is it for and how does it work?
for influenza viruses
halts them spreading between cells in mucous membranes by blocking viral neuraminidase activity
it imitates sialic acid on our cells
Endemic diseases
permanently established in region
economically more destructive than epidemic diseases
Thermal Death Point
temperature at which suspension of microbes is killed after 10 minutes
Thermal Death Time
length of time necessary at a given temperature to kill a suspension of microbes
Types of Moist Heat
Boiling, Autoclave, Pastureurization
Types of Dry Heat
Incineration or Direct Flaming
Hot-Air Sterilization
Heating in Oil or Silicone Fluid 160 C/1 hour
Granular Heating Method
Types of Radiation
Ultraviolet Radiation
Microwave Irradiation
X-Rays and other ionizing radiation
How do fluorescent Dyes kill bacteria and viruses
uses oxygen to oxidize and kill them
How does ultrasonic kill bacteria and viruses
pass ultrasonce waves through cleaning solution
ex. dishwashers
Recommended Sequence of Events at Field of Operation
If abdomen surgical scrub navel
scrub incision line circular and away from incision for several minutes
dry w/ sterile towel
paint w/ antiseptic and drape w/ sterile linen
Concurrent Disinfection
ongoing while patient present
remove all life
remove disease-producing organisms and their products associated w/ fomites
reduce # of bacteria to artificial standard
prevent multiplication of bacteria on living body (doesn't necessarily kill bacteria)
kill bacteria (not necessarily spores)
absence of pathogens from an area
kill microbes known to have heavy growth
gases to kill insects
bacteria are prevented from multiplying ex. refigerator
Broad Spectrum
kill as much as possible
Action of antiseptics and disinfectants
oxidize microbial cells
combine w/ microbial proteins to form salts
coagulate proteins to inactivate vital enzymes of microbes
disrupt cell
modify permeability of microbe's plasma membrane
Surface Active Agents
Detergents: ionize in water
Soaps: alkali that suspends in dirt
Chloride Compounds
Diaprene Chloride: disinfect diapers
Ceepryn Chloride: mouthwash vs. pathogens in mouth
Heavy Metal Compounds
Silver Nitrate: cauterize wounds
Organic Mercury: reacts w/ sufhydryl groups on microbial cell
Zinc Salts: use vs. anaerobes
Copper Sulfate: ex. algae in swimming pools
Alcohols and Aldehydes
higher molecular weight=more effective the alcohol is
Phenols and Derivatives
phenol: effective mainly in G+
Hexachlorophene: in surgical scrubs and on pre/post op skins of patients