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36 Cards in this Set

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Define Hermeneutics

the science of interpretation

Is hermeneutics the task of the communicative agent or the communicative recipient?

The task of The communicative recipient

What is the meaning of the word 'meaning' in hermeneutics?

Meaning is that which the communicative agent is intending to convey to the communicative recipient

Why is it important to distinguish Scripture and your interpretation of Scripture?

Scripture is inerrant/inspired and I’m not

What is the Locutionary act?

what someone is saying

What is the Illocutionary act?

what someone is doing in saying something

What is the perlocutionary act?

The intended response of someone saying something

When was The Exodus?

1447 B.C

When did King David reign?

From 1011-971 B.C

When was the Assyrian Exile?

722 B.C

When was the 3rd deportation to Babylon?

586 B.C

When was the decree of Cryus allowing the exiles to return?

538 B.C

When was the completion of the 2nd temple?

516 B.C

When did the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension take place?
A.D 33
When did Paul’s 3 missionary journeys take place?
A.D 47-54
When was Paul's journey to Rome?
A.D 57-58
When was the outbreak of war with Jews and Rome?
A.D 66
When was the destruction of jerusalem?
A.D 70

What use might the Apocrypha be to interpeters?

To help learn about the historical and cultural context

3 fold division of the Law

1. Moral

2. Civil

3. Ceremonial

What is Apodictic Law?

Direct commands (Thou shalt not...)

What is Casuistic Law?

Law that deals with if-then situations (Case Law)

What are 3 types of parallelism in poetry?

1. Synonymous

2. Contrastive

3. Developmental

What is Synonymous Parallelism?

Two poetic lines conveying closeness of thought and expression

What is Contrastive Parallelism?

Two poetic lines expressing sharp contrast

What is Developmental Parallelism?

A succeeding line (or lines) in poetry that supplements and/or completes the first

What is a Simile?

A comparison usually linked by "like" or "as"

(The kingdom of heaven is like..)

What is a Metaphor?

A figure of speech in which one term is imaginatively identified with another

(You are the salt of the earth..)

Are the proverbs universally or generally true?


The prophets are clustered around what event in history?

The Exile

What is the most common form of speech found in the prophetic books?

Oracles (Judgment or Blessing)

Parables always and only made one point

(True or False)


What genre is the Book of Revelation:

A. Prophetic

B. Letter

C. Apocalyptic

D. All of the above

D. All of the above

What is the etymological/root fallacy?

To assume that the real meaning of the word is found in it’s root. (ex. Butterfly does not mean a buttery fly)

What is the overload fallacy?

To incorporate all the possible meanings of a word into a specific use of a word

What is the word-concept fallacy?

To assume that by studying the word you have sufficiently grasped the concept the word is conveying