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49 Cards in this Set

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Defined as inflammation of the protective membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
Multiple categories of meningitis:
Aseptic (chemical, carcinomatous)
Can present with a variety of symptoms, most commonly:
HA and fever
HA, fever, N/V
HA, fever, N/v, photophobia
HA, fever, N/V, photophobia, stiff neck
Meningitis signs
Meningeal irritation:
Nuchal rigidity, kernig’s sign, brudinski’s sign
Other signs:
AMS-lethargy or coma
Signs of increase ICP: papilledema, abducens (CN VI) Palsy, bulging fontanelle in infants, cushings reflex (HTN, bradycardia, irregular respirations)
Kernig’s sign
is positive when the leg is fully bent in the hip and knee, and subsequent extension in the knee is painful
Brudinski’s sign
is the appearance of involuntary lifting of the legs in meningeal irritation when lifting a patient's head
Meningitis clinical exam
General Exam- pay close attention to signs of URI
Neurologic Exam- Check mental status, cranial nerves, assess for ICP with fundoscopic exam and by palpating the fontanelle, and check for signs of meningeal irritation.
- Meningeal signs (Nuchal rigidity, Kenig’s and Brudinski’s
Meningitis Laboratory assessment
CBC, Complete Chemistry, PT/PTT, bHCG (if applicable), blood and urine cultures
Determine necessity for LP (lumbar punctures is the most important procedure in diagnosing CNS infections)
Meningitis Radiological Assessment
Determine need for CT-noncontrasted if no localizing signs, contrasted if mass suspected or focal deficits.
CT is rarely indicated, but often performed in the acute setting.
CSF studies
obtained from the LP is sent for a variety of studies that help us further determine the etiology for a patient’s signs and symptoms.
Tube #1 – glucose and protein
Tube #2 – cell count and differential
Tube #3 – gram stain and routine culture, cyrptococcal antigen, AFB stain and culture, possibly bacterial antigens.
Tube #4 – VDRL, or viral studies (PCR and culture)
Total CSF is approximately 140mL in a normal adult. It is replenished at a rate of 0.2-0.5 mL per minute
CSF glucose is normally 2/3 of serum glucose
CSF protein will change based on number of cells.
Important in traumatic tap. Protein increases by 1 for every 1000 rbc’s.
High protein may make the CSF appear yellow, this does not always indicate blood.
CSF usually contains between 0-5 mononuclear WBC’s.
Viral meningitis
CSF studies often are nonrevealing. Frequently seen in children, clusters of cases have been reported.
Frequently caused by enterovirus, arbovirus or adenovirus
Look for exanthem, conjunctival hemorrhage, herpangina, pleurodynia, and pericardial rub on exam.
Typically occurs during the summer months
Treatment is supportive care.
Signs and symptoms often abate within a week.
Bacterial meningitis
Variety of Etiologies based on age at time of infection
CSF Studies Reveal
Low glucose (<40% serum)
Elevated Protein
>200 PMN’s
Occasional small amount of blood.
Complications of meningitis in children
Variety of Etiologies based on age at time of infection
CSF Studies Reveal
- Low glucose (<40% serum)
- Elevated Protein
- >200 PMN’s
Occasional small amount of blood.
Defined as diffuse inflammation of the brain parenchyma, often associated with meningitis
Fairly rare diagnosis (<20K cases annually) with an approximate 10% mortality rate.
Clinical features of encephalitis
Headache, malaise, myalgia as a prodrome
Progression in hour to one to two days to include
- H/A, fever, nuchal rigidity, photophobia
- May also have AMS (delerium, disorientation, confusion)
Focal Neurologic Deficits- hemiparesis, aphasia, cranial nerve deficits, and possibly seizure.
Encephalitis etiologies
Usually viral in origin (most commonly)
- HSV1
- Arboviruses (Eastern Equine, West Nile)
- Enterovirus (Polio)
- Less Common (CJD, measles, mumps, rubella, EBV, CMV, VZV, rabies)
- Nonviral Infectious Causes (immunicompromised)
- Toxoplasmosis
- Asperigillosis
Special Note: When bacterial infections involve the brain it is called “cerebritis” or “abscess” depending on the presence or absence of a capsule.
Encephalitis risk factors
Infectious Encephalitis is rare
Risk Factors include:
- AIDS (CD4 <200)
- Other forms of immunosuppression (chemotherapy)
- Travel to third world countries
Bats and mosquito exposure in endemic areas
Encephalitis diagnosis
Encephalitis diagnosis In diagnosing encephalitis you use the same approach as diagnosing meningitis with some notable exceptions.
- First stabilize the patient- treat the seizures if they are occurring
- Labs: CBC, CMP, PT/PTT U/A, blood and urine cultures.
- LP: CSF for cell count, protein, glucose, culture (viral, bacterial, fungal, bacterial antigens, VDRL, Viral PCR (HSV I and II), fluid for cytology (evaluates for cancer cells).
- Radiology –MRI is very sensitive for diagnosing viral encephalitis on T2 sequencing. Also rules out abscess or other mass lesion.
Treatment of viral encephalitis
Supportive Care
Seizure treatment if necessary
- Use prophylaxis in severe cases of encephalitis
Use of antiviral agents when appropriate
- IV Acyclovir- used with HSV, VZV, EBV
- Ganciclovir and foscarnet have been shown to be effective in treating CMV encephalitis
- Ribavarin-used in LaCrosse (California Encephalitis)
Encephalitis outcomes
Highly variable outcomes which are dependent on both the specific etiology and severity of the infection
Eastern Equine Encephalitis- 80% have significant neurological sequelae
EBV and LaCrosse Encephalitis- only 5-15% have neurologic sequelae
HSV-a small NIAID-CASG trial showed of 32 people treated with acyclovir:
26 (81%) survived
12 (46%) had no or only minor sequelae
11(42%) required continuous care
Brain abscess
brain abscess is a focal, suppurative infection within the brain parenchyma which is typically surrounded by a vascular capsule
Uncommon; incidence is ~1/100K persons per year
Brain abscess risk factors
Otitis Media and Mastoiditis
Paranasal Sinusitis
Pyogenic infections in the chest or other body sites
Penetrating Head Trauma
Neurosurgical Procedures
Dental Infections
Brain abscess etiologies
Otitis and Mastoiditis
- Cause up to 33% of abscesses
- Predilection for temporal lobe and cerebellum.
- Common Organisms are Streptococci, Bacteroides, and Pseudomonas.
Paranasal Sinusitis
- Causes frontal lobe abscesses
- Same organisms as otitis but also Staph auereus and Haemophillus
Hematogenous Spread
Account for 25% of all brain abscesses
Clinical presentation of a brain abscess
Clinical symptoms are highly variable depending on location and size of the lesion.
Less than 50% of cases have the classic triad headache, fever, and focal neurologic deficits.
Most common symptom is headache (75%)
Focal deficits (ie. aphasia, hemiparesis, or visual field cuts) are noted in ~60%
Seizure occurs in 15-35% of patients
Most patients don’t present to the hospital until 11-12 days after initial symptom onset.
Treatment of brain abscess
Treatment is two pronged approach coupling high dose empiric antibiotics and neurosurgical drainage.
Antibiotics for “community acquired” abscess in immunocompetent host begins with a third generation cephalosporin and metronidazole
- For post neurosurgical procedure abscess, use ceftazidime and vancomycin (covers Staph and Pseudomonas)
Drainage is achieved via a sterotaxic guidance. Therapy is modified based on gram stain and culture results.
Glucorticoids should NOT be given unless there is significant periabscess edema
Subdural empyema
Subdural abscesses are quite rare.
They are related to extension of a sinus infection or rarely meningitis.
These cases are a neurosurgical emergency and requires burr hole or craniotomy for drainage.
Treat with cefotaxime and metronidazole until the culture returns.
Epidural emypema
Suppurative infection which occurs in the potential space between the inner skull and the dura.
Also very rare (<2% of all intracranial infections)
Usually develop as complication of craniotomy or compound skull fracture.
Can be related to spread of infection from mastoiditis, sinusitis, or otitis media.
Clinical presentation is often fever, H/A, nuchal rigidity. Wound will likely look infected.
Treat with emergent drainage and IV vancomycin and metronidazole.
Opportunistic CNS infections
variety of opportunistic infections that have been described in AID’s patients. Below are the most common:
 Cryptococcus
 Toxoplasmosis
Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML)
Cryptococcus neoformans is the leading cause of infectious meningitis in patients with AIDS
- Occurs in 20% of AIDS cases in Africa
C. neoformans is a fungus found in soil contaminated with pigeon feces.
Infection is acquired through inhalation and is hematogenously spread to the meninges and brain.
H/A and fever are the hallmark. Meningeal signs are mild
Other signs are AMS, CN dysfunction, papilledema.
Diagnosis is made by CSF analysis with india ink and testing for the capsular antigen.
Treat with Amphotericin B followed by fluconazole.
Toxoplasmosis is often a late complication of HIV with CD4 counts <200/uL
Thought to be a “reactivation syndrome”
Presents as fever, headache, and focal neurologic deficit or seizure.
Diagnosis is made based on MRI.
Treat with sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine with leucovorin for 4-6 weeks.
If you have a positive IgG for toxoplama at the time of diagnosis of HIV you should be given prophylaxis when CD4 counts are less than 100/uL.
- Prophylaxis is TMP/SMX daily until CD4 is greater than 200/uL
Has a predilection for affecting the basal ganglia
Cytomegalovirus cause retinitis, encephalitis, myelitis, and polyradiculopathy in patients with AIDS.
Tends to only affect individuals when CD4 counts are <50/uL
Causes gait disturbance, parastehsias, areflexia, ascending sensory loss, and urinary retintion when it affects the lumbar and sacral spinal cord.
Clinical course is rapidly progressive.
Treatment is with gancivlovir which can lead to quick recovery.
Most common parasitic CNS disease
Aquired through ingestion of T. solium eggs in undercooked pork.
Often presents as seizure or focal deficit.
Diagnosed using MRI or CT.
- Seizure treatment. No prophylaxis until after first spell
Abendazole (anti-helminthic treatment) is controversial
Assist control Ventilatory support
Rate: set
Tidal Volume: set
PIP: variable
PEEP: set
FiO2: set
Simplified: the machine gives the patient a breath every (x) seconds,the rate at which you set, regardless of the pressure it takes to force the breath in.
Concern: patient fights vent and barotrauma from high pressures.
Pressure support ventilation
Rate: variable
Tidal Volume: variable
PIP: set
PEEP: set
FiO2: set
Simplified: the machine gives the patient a breath every time he/she initiates one and will push that breath in with the amount of pressure you have set regardless of what volume of air that results in.
Concerns: lack of spontaneous breathing and lack of appropriate volume given to patient with resistant airways.
Increased intracranial Pressure
The brain is a “closed box.”
Anything that causes a mass lesion can cause - stroke, bleed, tumor, trauma, hydrocephalus
Symptoms: Headache, AMS, Nausea/vomititing (often projectile)
Papilledema -disruption of axonal transport and venous return ( may not be present until several days after increased ICP develops
Diplopia: downward traction on CN VI
Cushing’s triad
Cushing’s Triad
Hypertension: possibly to overcome ICP to provide CPP
Irregular Respiration: Cheyne-Stokes but can be any form
Bradycardia: possibly in reaction to HTN
Herniation syndromes
Subfalcine herniation
B: Uncal transtenstorial herniation
C: Central herniation
D: External herniation
E: Tonsillar herniation
Transtentorial herniation
Herniation of medial temporal lobe
Often called “uncal herniation” when uncus involved
Uncus slips inferiorly through tentorial notch
Recognized clinical triad of:
– Blown pupil
– Hemiplegia
Uncal Herniation triad
“Blown pupil”: CN III is leaves the midbrain directly under the tentorium. The parasympathetic fibers travel superficial in this nerve and are susceptible to compression.
- (85% of time it is the ipsilateral pupil that is involved)
Hemiplegia: compression of cerebral peduncles
- Most times is contralateral to herniation ( why is this?)
- Hint: where does the cotical spinal tract decusate?
Coma: Damage to reticular activating system
Central herniation
Often with hydrocephalus or diffuse edema
Causes traction on abducens nerve against clivus causing lateral rectus palsy
Tonsillar Herniation
The cerebellar tonsils slip through the foramen magnum
Compression of medulla results
Causes respiratory arrest, BP instability, and death
Stroke patient in the ICU
Blood pressure management
– Hypertension vs. Hypotension
Respiratory support
DVT prophylaxis
Anti-platelet therapy
Ischemic stroke blood pressure management
the brain plays a role in setting the BP normally. If the BP goes up after a stroke then it must need that blood pressure to maintain perfusion past the stenosis. Dropping it acutely might causes the stroke to enlarge.
many stroke patient’s are hypertensive at a baseline and their curve may be shifted to the right!

Hypotension can take place as well but is less common.
Remember the cerebral perfusion curve is still in play and now the brain is trying to drive perfusion past a stenosis.
You must consider an MI if this occurs as ischemic heart disease is extremely common with stroke.
Fluid resuscitation needs to occur; however, do not use more dilute fluid than normal saline as you want to avoid cerebral edema.
- Remember that the peak swelling after a stroke is between 48-72 hours.
Pressors may be used if necessary.
Intervention of BP control in ischemic stroke
mixed data on this but current recommendations are:
- Intervene if two consecutive BP’s 5 minutes apart are SBP >220 or MAP >130
- If tPA was given then maintain BP <185/110
- Agents ( some conflicting reports)
1st choice: Labetalol IV (NINDS trial) & American Stroke Association
2nd choice: Nitroprusside IV (NINDS trial)
2nd choice: Nicardipine IV (American Stroke Association)
3rd choice: Nitroglycerin: only if tPA not used
The truth is, Nicardipine and Nitroclycerin can cause increased ICP 2/2 vasodilatation. Beta blockers avoid this and are therefore a good choice. Plus they can be titrated easily. Cardene (Nicardipine) can as well but the IV site has to be changed often.
Hyperthermia in stroke pt
Hyperthermia can be detrimental to acute ischemic stroke patients.
Mechanism: increase in neurotransmitters, damaging ischemic depolarization, and impaired energy metabolism
Patients with fevers need immediate anti-pyretics and cooling blankets.
Hypothermia may be an acute treatment in the future just as it has proved itself in MI patients.
Nutrition in post stroke patients
Dysphagia is common in post-stroke patients. It is common to place an “NPO” order when they are admitted
However!!! - in the first week after a stroke the patient enters a hyper-metabolic state with increased catabolism of protein and fat.
Many studies have showed that we malnourish stroke patients by doing this.
Feed or Ordinary Food trial (large multi-centered study): showed initiation of tube feeds within the first 7 days after stroke showed a 5.8% absolute reduction in case fatality compared with those where it was started after 7 days.
Blood pressure control in Hemorrhagic strokes
BP naturally elevates after ICH and will decline over 7 days with most drastic decline in 1st 24 hours
Keep SBP <180 and MAP 1130.
Some say 160/90 might be a reasonable goal
Labetalol, Nicardipine, Esmolol, Enalapril, Hydralazine, Sodium nitroprusside ( consider infusion vs. intermittant administration)
Hemorrhagic strokes and coagulation
- Often these are being taken by the patient
- Immediate reversal of INR is necessary
- Vitamin K: takes 6 hours to work and has to be infused slowly
- Fresh Frozen plasma: has to be crossed and thawed but corrects INR quickly.
- Drawback: patient receives a lot of volume
- Prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC)
- Low volume, no thawing, no compatibility issues and contains factors II, VII, IX, and X
Not proven in studies to have improvement in clinical outcome
Hemorrhagic stroke in an antiepileptic
30 day seizure incidence: 8.1%
Rate varies by location: cortical more likely than deep ICH
Over 1/2 of seizures in studies were sub-clinical
Often Keppra, Dilantin, or BDZ used (ggt)
Hemorrhagic stroke DVT prophylaxis
Increased risk due to immobilization
Risk is somewhere between 1.9 -16% in 10 days
Intermittant compression devices are the standard
Heparin 5000U TID started on day 2 after ICH has been shown to be safe
For patients that do develop a DVT or PE with an ICH -consider an IVC filter (although not great literature to support that these are efficacious)
Acute medical management of increased ICP
Step 1: Determine the cause
- Ex: SAH: you should suspect hydrocephalus from impaired CSF absorption and a ventricular drain is the treatment
- Ex: Stroke: cytotoxic edema is to blame and a drain is useless
- Ex: Tumor: steroids may decrease the inflammation and therefore the mass effect
Step 2: Raise head of bed >30 degrees
- Non-invasive and little to no side effects
Step 3: Consider ventriculostomy: goal is to maintain ICP <20 and CPP >70
Step 4: Osmotherapy
- Mannitol Q4 hours to maintain sOSM <320
- Hypertonic saline
- Problems: temporary 24-48 hours and then fluid shifts begin reversing
Step 5: Steroids?
- Indicated in vasogenic edema from tumors or abscess
- No indication in head trauma, ischemic, nor hemorrhagic stroke
Step 6: Sedation and possibly paralytic
- Morphine, Propafol, Versed
Step 7: Hyperventilation: goal of PCO2 of 25-30
- Mech: decreased PaCO2 causes cerebral vasoconstriction decreasing amount of blood volume lowering ICP
Problem: not dramatic results, temporizing as cerebral interstitium buffers after several hours, often get a rebound increased ICP when stop hyperventilation
Other: other modalities are out there but have less evidence
Pentobarbital coma
Hypothermia: not great evidence but theoretically may limit damage by decreasing toxic metabolites