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87 Cards in this Set

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Sensory receptor
Specialized neurons designed to deal with input from a particular stimulus
Sensory transduction
process by which stimuli are transduced into slow, graded receptor potentials
Receptor potential
slow, graded electrical potential produced b receptor cell
Dominant wavelength of color
intensity of a color
purity of a color
vergence movement
keeps both eyes focused on the same target
Saccadic movement
small, jerky motions of the eye to perceive different parts of the visual scene
Pursuit movement
steady motion following object in visual field
process of focusing, done by cilliary muscles altering shape of lens
process of focusing, done by cilliary muscles altering shape of lens
interior lining of back of the eye
responsible for low light vision (120m)
responsible for acute, color vision (6m)
rods and cones
center of retina, purely cones, highest acuity
Optic disk
site of connection of all visual axons connecting to optic nerve, actually produces a blind spot in vision
Bipolar cell
middle layer of retina, connect photoreceptors to ganglion cells
Ganglion cell
axons form optic nerve, connect to bipolar
Horizontal cell
connect photoreceptors and outer processes of bipolar cells
Amacrine cell
amacrine: ganglion::horizontal:bipolar
layer of photopigments, hundreds in each photoreceptor
protein dye bonded to retinal, split apart when exposed to light (“bleached”)
protein dye of photopigment
lipid derived from vit. A, part of photopigment
photopigment of rods
Dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)
region of thalamus optic nerves connect to, 6 layers of neurons
Magnocellular layer
Inner two layers of LGN, larger cells
Parvocellular layer
Outer four layers of LGN, smaller cells
Koniocellular sublayer
Ventral to magnocellular layers
Calcarine fissure
“spur shaped” fissure, posterior occipital lobe, site of primary visual cortex
Striate cortex
PV Cortex, stains dark
Optic chiasm
X shaped crossing of optic nerves at base of brain
Receptive field
part of visual field individual neuron sees
red/green color blindness, see world in yellow/blue
red/green color blindness, green cones are red
No blue cones, see green and reds
Negative afterimage
opposite of pair seen if image stared at
Complementary colors
make white when paired together: red/green, yellow/blue etc.
Simple cell
striate cell which responds to orientation in opponent fashion
Complex cell
responds to orientation , does not inhibit surrounding area (as simple cell)
Hypercomplex cell
detect ends of lines
Sine-wave grating
fuzzy set of alternating lines (sine wave)
Spatial frequency
brightness measures in cycles per degree of visual angle
Retinal disparity
difference in image from each retina used to construct 3D information
Cytochrome oxidase (CO) blob
staining indicates high concentration of mitochondria, layers 2,3, somewhat 5,6 of striate. Indicates sensitivity to color
Ocular dominance
% of input from each eye
Extrastriate cortex
surrounds striate cortex, receives inputs from SC and superior colliculim, sends outputs to inferior temporal cortex
Dorsal stream
perceive spatial location, striate cortex -> posterior parietal cortex
Ventral stream
perceive form, striate cortex -> inferior temporal cortex
Inferior temporal cortex
end of ventral stream; objects, bodies, faces
Posterior parietal cortex
end of dorsal stream; movement, location
Color constancy
colors appear the same in different light, brain compensates for different levels
Cerebral achromatopsia
black and white vision
Visual agnosia
Can’t recognize objects
Lateral occipital complex
region of extrastriate cortex, recognizes objects other than people
Failure to recognize people by faces
Fusiform face area(FFA)
part of visual association cortex for faces
Extrastriate body area (EBA)
perception of bodies
Parahippocampal place area (PPA)
scene recognition
Optic flow
constant motion of objects in visual field, used to determine distance and motion
inability to perceive movement
Intraparietal sulcus (IPS)
end of dorsal stream, deals with hand-eye
a bone of the middle ear
The hammer
The anvil
The stirrup
Oval Window
Hole in bone around cochlea, impacted by stapes to transmit to cochlea
Organ of Corti
basilar membrane + hair cells + tectorial membrane
Hair cell
Auditory receptor cells
Deiters’s cell
anchor and support hair cells
Basilar membrane
membrane w/in cochlea containing o.of.c.
Tectorial membrane
Above basilar membrane, serves as shelf against which cilia of auditory cells move
Round window
allows fluid in cochlea to move (cannot be compressed)
Cochlear nerve
branch of auditory nerve: cochlea -> brain
Olivocochlear bundle
bundle of efferent axons that travel from olivary complex of medulla to auditory hair cells
Tonotropic Representation
Mapping of sound represented in different areas of the brain
Core Region
Primary auditory cortex, located on a gyrus on the dorsal surface of the temporal lobe
Belt region
First level of auditory association, surrounds primary auditory cortex
Parabelt region
Secondary level of auditory association surrounds belt region
Place code
location of neurons on cochlea stimulated produces sensation of pitch
Rate coding
Process by which information is detected by rate of firing of neurons (low frequencies)
Phase Differences
Relative position of eardrums determines azimuth (direction of sound)
Ruffini corpuscle
Vibration sensitive organ located in hairy skin – indentation of skin
Pacinian corpuscle
encapsulated nerve ending detecting vibrations
Meissner’s corpuscle
touch sensitive end organs of corpuscles – brief taps
Merkel’s disk
Adjacent to sweat ducts – indentation of skin