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51 Cards in this Set

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sx formation is unconscious; emotional disorders characterized by physical sx that suggest organic pathology
somatoform disorders
sx formation is conscious; feign mental or physical illness or actually induce physical illness for psyc reasons
factitious disorder
sx formation is conscious; feign mental or physical illness or actually induce physical illness for tangible gain
5 classifications of somatoform disorder:
somatization, conversion, hypochondriasis, body dysmorphic and pain
involves the defense mech of somatization to unconsciously express an unacceptable emotion as a physical sx to avoid dealing
primary gain
sx once established serves a useful purpose
secondary gain
dx criteria for somatization disorder
at least 4 pain sx, 2 GI sx, 1 sex sx and 1 pseudoneuro sx over years; beings before 30 yo
dx criteria for conversion disorder
1 or more sx affecting voluntary motor or sensory function; produced or preceded by psych stress
dx criteria for hypochondriasis
at least 6 mo of fear/idea of having a serious illness based on misinterpretation of bodily sx
dx criteria for body dysmorphic disorder
preoccupation with imagined prob with appearance, not accounted for by anorexia
dx criteria for pain disorder
psych factors are involved in onset or other aspect of pain
when do somatoform disorders tend to start?
early adulthood
tx for hypochondriasis
la belle indifference is associated with what somatoform disorder?
conversion disorder
most common conversion disorder sx (6)
paralysis, bizarre seizures, globus hystericus, paresthesias, anesthesias, visual probs
conversion disorder is often co-morbid with what 2 other disorders?
histrionic PD and depression
what quickens the sx resolution of conversion disorder?
hypnosis or drug-assisted interviewing
is plastic surgery likely to relieve sx of body dysmorphic disorder?
most useful strategy in treating somatoform disorders:
strong and supportive doc-pt relationship
most commonly feigned sx are (4)
abd pain, fever, blood in urine and seizures
multiple cross-hatched abd scars or grid abdomen are evidence of what?
previous unnecessary surgeries
what is a common profession for those with factitious disorder?
health professional
adult, usually a parent, feigns or induces illness in child to gain attention
factitious disorder by proxy
is factitious disorder by proxy a form of child abuse?
those with factitious disorder often have a hx of what?
serious childhood illness
is malingering a psychiatric illness?
psych factors likely to affect the course or tx of medical condition (6)
psych illness (depression), other medical illness, stress, maladaptive health behavior, personality trait, coping mech
increased release of ACTH leads to what that is impt to psychosomatic disorder
immune system depression
what personality trait is the key component to increased risk for heart disease?
very high life event stressors
death of spouse, divorce, marital separation, death of close family member
high life event stressors
major personal loss de to illness/injury, marriage, job loss, retirement, major loss of health of close family member, birth/adoption
moderate life event stressors
major debt, promotion/demotion, child leaving home
low life event stressors
changing residence, vacation, major holiday
homeostatic mech that the body uses in response to social stress
general adaptation syndrome
common psych complaints in medically ill pts (3)
depression, anxiety, disorientation
certain pt populations more likely to be psych stressed include (6)
hospitalized, ICU, CCU, AIDS, renal dialysis, chronic pain
pts in ICU/CCU are particularly at risk for what psych sx?
delirium or ICU psychosis
what is first way to decrease the risk of ICU psychosis?
enhance sensory and social input, allow then control over as much as they can
pts with AIDS have additional stressors like: (5)
fatal illness, guilt, costly/painful tx, withdrawal from drugs, reveal sexual orientation
chronic pain must last how long to be dx?
at least 6 mo
relief of pain caused by physical illness is best achieved by:
analgesics or nerve-blocking surgical procedures or implants, antidepressants and antiseziure meds
implants that provide electrical stimulation of large diam afferent nerves
gate control theory of pain control
is a person with chronic pain more likely to become depressed or addicted to pain meds?
when is the best time to admin analgesic?
before the pt asks for it
what is the best way to admin pain meds to kids?
orally or transdermally
subjective responsiveness to inactive pharm agent
placebo response
what is the proposed mech for placebo response?
real changes in neural function such as release of endogenous opiods
can you give a pt a placebo without telling them?
no, unless you are in a research setting
what 2 NTs are implicated in experience of pain?
serotonin, glutamate
2 actions of antidepressants in pain tx
stimulate efferent inhibitory pain paths and improve sx of depression
if a person presents with first case of depression, anxiety or psychosis at age 50, do you think psych or medical?