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300 Cards in this Set

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-functional unit of the nervous system
-specialized for the reception, conduction and transmission of electro-chemical signals
collect incoming info
cell body
integrating info
transmitting info
between sending and receiving neurons
receive incoming info from target neuron
cytosol and organelles
contained in nuclear envelope
gene expression
23000 human genes
mRNA assembly
assembly of proteins from 20 amino acids
cell body/soma
provides metabolic (energy) and synthetic (protein) support
acts to "gate" info flow to and from other neurons
integrates signals from many sources of input (integration zone)
neuronal cytoskeleton
structural support for maintenance of neuronal shape
responsible for moving material around cell
provide structural support to axon
may assist in reorganization of neuronal branches
cell membrane
-defines boundary of cell
-double layer of lipid (fat) molecules
-contains protein molecules
protein molecules
sodium-potassium pump
-large protein embedded in cell membrane
-pumps 3 Na+ ions out for every 2 K+ ions it pumps in
-energy dependent- requires ATP
-uses 20-40% of brain’s total energy consumption
two basic cellular processes
1. Protein synthesis
2. Energy production
dendritic tree
-collection of dendrites from single neuron
-receives input from other neurons (input zone)
-inputs may number in the thousands
dendritic spines
-contact pt between axon and dendrite
-sensitive to type and amount of synaptic activity
-Dynamic: synaptogenesis can occur on rapid time scale
-external and internal factors influence spine morphology and density
collect electrical signals
cell body
integrates incoming signals and generates outgoing signals to axon
-passes electrical signals to dendrites of another cell or to an effector cell
-starts at the axon hillock where axon merges with cell body
-conducts action potentials (conduction zone)
-branches to form axon collaterals
-one axon vs. many dendrites
axon diameter
-varies substantially across species
-diameter related to speed of signaling
provides insulation, allowing for faster signaling
nodes of ranvier
-bare space of axon membrane
-ions move through channels only at nodes
local circuit neurons
short axons
projection neurons
very long ions
branches that arise from axons
swelling at end of axon collateral
terminal contains....
synaptic vescicles contain...
-junction between the axon terminal and the somatic or dendritic membrane (spine) of another neuron
3 principle components of synapse
presynaptic membrane, postsynaptic membrane, synaptic cleft
shape of neurons
pyramidal cell
in cerebral cortex
purkinje cell
in cerebellum
motor neuron
-in spinal cord, with axons extending to muscles and glands
-carries commands to muscles and glands
bipolar neuron
location: retina, cochlea, olfactory bulb, tongue, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) insula
functions of bipolar neuron
-transmits info in several sensory systems
-provides fast, intuitive assessments of complex situations
monopolar/unipolar neuron
: branch to the central nervous system, branch to the periphery
Location: near spinal cord, with processes extending to skin, muscle, organs, and glands
transmits touch, temperature, pain
automatic system
directs glands and organs
sensory neurons
carry info from body to brain and spinal cord
connects one neuron to another in brain or spinal cord
carries info from brain and spinal cord to muscles and organs
-9x more numerous than neurons
-provide physical and functional support to neurons
-may have many important clinical implications
Location: central nervous system
Functions: structural and nutritional support for neurons
Isolation of the synapse
Clean up debris
Blood-brain barrier
Possible roles in signaling
Location: CNS
Functions: myelination of axons
schwann cell
Location: peripheral nervous system
Functions: myelination of axons
Location: CNS
Functions: clean up debris
-in CNS
-one cell contributes to several axons
schwann cells
-in PNS
-one cell, one axon
effects of multiple sclerosis: central
Cognitive impairment
Unstable mood
effects of multiple sclerosis: visual
Optic neuritis
effects of multiple sclerosis: throat
effects of multiple sclerosis: musculoskeletal
effects of multiple sclerosis: sensation
effects of multiple sclerosis: bowel
Diarrhea or constipation
effects of multiple sclerosis: urinary
Frequency or retention
Sense molecules assoc with cellular damage and digest the debris
Microglia release substances that can lead to neuroinflammation, possibly contributing to multiple neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis
ingredients of intracellular and extracellular fluid
o Water-H2O
o Ions
 Charged particles
• Potassium K+
• Sodium Na+
• Calcium Ca2+
• Chloride Cl-
• Protein anions A-
ion concentrations
• Now we can see why the sodium-potassium pump is so important- it maintins the difference in ionic concentration between the inside and outside of neuron.
• Based on distribution of ions and other particles the inside of the neuron is negatively charged relative to the outside
resting membrane potential
• The diff in charge bw the inside and outside of the membrane of a neuron at rest
• At rest, the inside of the cell is about -70mV lower than outside of cell
• Potential=voltage
• Molecules will move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration
• Diff pressure moves molecules along a concentration gradient
electrical force
• Charged molecules or ions will be attracted to areas of opposite charge and repelled by areas of like charge
extracellular fluid
positively charged relative to tht intracellular fluid
Intracellular fluid
negatively charged relative to the extracellular fluid
Negatively charged protein molecule
too large to pass through ion channel
potassium ion
diffusion pushed K+ out. Electrical force attracts K+ in
chloride ion
diffusion pushes Cl- in. electrical force attracts Cl- out
sodium ion
diffusion pushes Na+ in. Electrical force attracts Na+ in.
Selective permeability
• Different channels and receptors “gate specific ions—i.e. they are selectively permeable.
resting membrane potential
-A- ions and K+ ions have higher concentration inside and relative to outside, whereas Cl- ions and Na+ ions are more concentrated outside the axon
-The resting membrane potential is established when the movement of K+ out of the cell equals K+ movement into the cell
o The neuron is polarized in its resting state
o Resting membrane potential is about -70mV
Connections where neurons connect, come close but do not touch each other
Give up synapses as you get older
receive transmitters
trigger to tell vesicle to eject contents (push out neurotransmitters)
-made by the enzyme ChAT
-necessary to pay attention
-need sugar to make and release acetylcholine
o Diet forms component of transmitters
o Once they are produced, they are stored…if not used, then destroyed
Access DNA when access memory
Change physical structure of synapse
· If synapse diesàlose memory
· Unable to form complex synapses, usually have some sort of mental retardation
· Everything that learns does it this way
· Synapses usually prevail
produce myelin sheath
receive info from other neurons
cell membrane
boundary between cell inside and outside
charges inside
charges outside
electrical potential difference
the electrical charge of neurons is caused by ions of different charges on each side of the membrane
molecules move from areas of high concentration to low concentration
concentration gradient
membranes want to reach equilibrium, balance electrical, concentration forces
make cells neg charges
concentrated inside, drawn in by electrical force but being pulled out by chem
· Go back and forth to reach equilibrium
· Semi-permeable…don’t let everything through so it doesn’t all go to equilibrium and you can’t function
· Ion pumps use energy to work their way up concentration gradients
· Use food to correct imbalance
When equilibrium reached, when sodium/potassium leaked, when neuron is not doing anything
into neurons
Oxygen, carbs, amino acids, fats, hormones, vitamins
out of neurons
§ CO2
§ Ammonia
§ Lactate
§ Hormones
he brain’s primary source of energy and most of it is used to maintain a resting membrane potential—critical for neuronal function
components of a typical neuron
Dendrites, cell body (soma), node of ranvier, axon, nucleus, myelin, presynaptic terminal
axon terminal
shwann's cells
make myelin
the conducting fiber
myelin sheath
insulating fatty layer that speeds transmission
Materials used for growth, repair, and transmission (stored inside vesicles) are transported down the axons by a specialized protein (Kinesin) that “walks” along the microtubules at the expense of ATP
-important component of the blood brain barrier
-conduct nutrients from the blood to the neurons and transport waste products away to the blood and CSF
interact with neuronal and non-neuronal elements, both structurally and functional
two types of acetylcholine receptors
nicotinic and muscarinic type 1 and 2
spatial summation
abrupt depolarization (spike) of the membrane potential
+35 mV
summation occurs at...
axon hillock
firing of action potential
Sodium opens fast
· Potassium opens slow
· Block potassium, interfere with action potential
· Toxins block neurons from being active
· Cell resting, then becomes slightly depolarized, Na+ channels open, depolarizes, threshold reached, action pot spikes
action potential
1.resting membrane potential
2.ap generation
3.signal propagation
4.neurotransmitter release5
5.signal received
dna "code" for proteins
endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, and ribosomes
construct proteins
gives neurons shape
provides eneryg
cell membrane
made of phospholipid bilayer
provides boundary bw cell inside and outside
selectively permeable
proteins in the membrane have these important functions
selective membrane permeability
the membrane lets through small molecules without electrical charge
the membrane blocks big molecules or molecules with electrical charge
this separation causes electrical and chemical diffs bw sides of the membrane
inside of membrane
neg, -70
sodium Na+ and potassium K+
chloride Cl-
intracellular charged proteins
two forces involved in the spread of ions on either side of the membrane
electrical force
chemical force
electrical potential difference
the electrical charge of neurons is caused by ions of different charges on either side of the membrane
reaches when the chemical force is equal to the electrical force
because anions (proteins) are too big to get thru cell membrane, they make the membrane negatively charged
what pushes what?
diffusion pushes K+ out. elec force attracts K+ in.
diffusion pushes Cl- in, elec force attracts Cl- out
diffusion pushes Na+ in, elec force attracts Na+ in
ion channel
protein structure that forms a pore in the cell membrane so ions can pass thru along their electrical and chem gradients
ion pump
protein structure in cell membrane that uses energy to move ions against their electrical or chemical gradient
voltage-gated Na+ channels
type of ion channel
states of channels: resting
activation gate is closed, inactivation gate is open
closed when neuron is at rest
states of channels: activation
both gates are open
triggered by increases in voltage
states of channels: inactivated (closed)
inactivation gate closed, activation gate open
triggered when channel is open for a long time
ion pumps
use cellular energy to operate
(ATP, generated by mitochondria)
require energy bc they force ions to go against their chemical or electrical gradients
neurons at rest
when neurons are not transmitting info signals they are at their resting membrane potential (RMP)
the resting potential is around -70mV bc the neuron is more negatively charged on the inside
polarized bc outside and inside are different
generating the resting membrane potential
1. start with a membrane and an imbalance of an ion across the membrane
2. add a K+ selective ion channel. K+ flows down its concentration gradient
3. equilibrium for K+ is reached
ion permeability
K+ is free to enter and leave cell
Na+ channels are ordinarily closed to prevent entry of Na+
Na+/K+ pumps out three Na+ for every two K+
resting potential
caused by diffs in concentration of ions on either side of cell membrane
membrane is selectively permiable to diff ions
chemical and electrical forces acting on each ion
action potential
1. resting membrane potential
2. AP generation
3. signal propagation
4. neurotransmitter release
5. signal received (EPSP/IPSP)
6. repeat
resting membrane potential
disturb it and change it in order to generate an AP
once the RMP is generated it is susceptible to disturbance or imbalance
the equilibrium is then altered temporarily
the inside of a cell can become more or less neg due to the movement of ions across the membrane
ions move to make the cell LESS negative inside compared to outside (may still be ne, ex -30)
ions move to make cell MORE neg inside compared to outside (diff is more extreme)
graded potentials
local diffs in electrical charge
depends on movement of specific ions that flow into cell
excitatory...green light
inhibitory...red light
inhibitory post synaptic potential (IPSP)
chloride ion flow inward is usually responsible for the generation of an IPSP
influx of Cl- or efflux of K+, making the extracellular side of the membrane more positive
excitatory post synaptic potential (EPSP)
Na+ permeability
sodium ion flow inward causes an excitatory post-synaptic potential (EPSP)
due to an influx of Na+ through Na+ channels
graded potential summation
you can add and subtract graded potentials
summation occurs at the axon hillock
two types of potential summation
(spatial and temporal)
spatial summation
EPSPs produced at the same time, but on separate parts of the membrane, do not influence each other
EPSPs produced at the same time, and close together, add to form a larger EPSP
neutral events that happen in close spatial proximity to each other will build on each other (or cancel each other out, if one is excitatory and the other inhibitory)
temporal summation
neutral events that happen in close timing to each other will build on each other or cancel each other out
threshold potential
EPSPs add together until they reach a threshold potential, which is the membrane potential needed for the neuron to fire an action potential
if the EPSPs don't hit the threshold, the membrane goes back down to its resting potential
this makes an action potential all or nothing
generating an action potential
summed EPSPs and IPSPs on dendritic tree and cell body depolarize membrane at axon hillock to threshold level, generating an action potential
action potential
abrupt depolarization (spike) of the membrane potential
EPSP summatin
EPSPs caused by ligand-gated Na+ channels opening depolarize the cell toward threshold
EPSPs summate to reach threshold and voltage-gated Na+ channels open
once voltage gated Na+ channels open Na+ rushes into the cell causing rapid depolarization
as the cell depolarizes Na+ channels close and K+ voltage-gated channels open
what happens when the membrane becomes more K+ permeable?
at rest, the neuron is negative on the inside
now the neuron is positive compared to the outside (from Na+)
repolarization and refractory period
Na+ channels are closed and potassium is leaving the cell
cell is going back toward its resting potential
during this time, the cell cannot fire another action potential bc the Na+ channels are "inactivated"
the cell overshoots its normal resting potential
membrane is more neg than -70 mV
during this time its harder for the neuron to fire again but possible if the signal is "important" enough (very strong EPSPs)
restoration of resting potential
K+ voltage gated channels close again
membrane permeability back to resting state
Na+/K+ pumps work to restore ion concentration gradients
conductances (g)
the opening of Na+ channels initiate the action potential
the closing of the Na+ channels and opening K+ repolarize the membrane
terotoxin (TTX) in puffer fish
block voltage
contain many toxins that block K+, including maurotoxin (MTX)
block K+ channels by sitting in this channel
the formation of synapses between neurons in the nervous system
collect electrical signals
cell body
integrates incoming signals and generates outgoing signals to axon
passes electrical signals to dendrites of another cell or to an effector cell
axon hillock
place where the axon meets the cell body
calculator that performs the temporal and spatial summation
axon hillock decides whether the cell has hit threshold
axon hillock=gatekeeper to the neuron transmitting an axon potential
action potential occurs here
absolute refractory period
can't fire again
caused by inactivation of voltage-gated na+ channels
relative refractory period
can fire again with stronger stimulus
caused by hyperpolarization overshoot with action potential
rate law
stimulus intensity coded by firing rate
more intense stimulus causes neuron to spike more frequently
action potential propagation
every part of the membrane must go thru the changes in potential and channel openings and closings
the action potential voltage does not change as it moves down the axon
conduction of the AP by the axon is non-decremental
wherever you measure the AP along the axon it is the same size
myelinating axons
un-insulated wires dont transmit electrical signals very well so most wires are coated with plastic
similarly, un-insulated (unmyelinated) axons dont transmit signals as quickly as myelinated axons
how axons get myelinated in the CNS
how axons get myelinated in the PNS
shwann cells
nodes of ranvier
gaps between schwann cells
contain most of the ion channels of the axon
saltutory conduction
the action of jumping from one node to the next
outcome of myelination
multiple sclerosis
demyelinating disease
caused by the immune system attacking the body's myelin and damaging or destroying it
single cell recordings
measures action potential in individual cells
uses a small insulated wire microelectrode
multi-neuron recordings
uses an electroencephalogram
measures the combined potentials of thousands of neurons, particularly those near surface of cell
uses of EEG
monitoring sleep stages
estimating depth of anesthesia
evaluating the severity of head trauma
looking for seizure activity
lie detection - polygraph
what happens after the action potential?
the action potential makes its way down the axon until it reaches the axon terminals
at the axon terminals, it transfers the signal to the next neuron's dendrites
generate IPSPs and EPSPs
the place where the sending axon and receiving cell meet
simple method for recording electrical activity of the human brain
controls ability to learn
plays a role in attention and memory
projects upward to cortex
allows you to pay attention to auditory things, etc
lose ability to remember, pay attention
occipital lobe
acetylcholine projects to that part of your brain
learning and memory
adenosine compromises it
activity=action potential
projects everywhere
wakes you up in the morning
made from tyrosine and amino acids
tyrosine requires iron
brain's "on switch"
help you fall asleep, turn off arousal system
sleep, dreaming, and moods
project everywhere
a remarkable, rare condition where an individual has multimodal perceptual experiences from a unimodal sensory event
parkinson's disease
loss of serotonergic neurons
reduced serotonergic function
-inhibit yourself from doing "stupid things"
GABA distribution
transmitter is everywhere
opening of chloride ions
inside more eng
anytime you potentiate GABA...
produce a lot of IPSPs
lets you be plastic: neuroplasticity
anytime your brain develops, its glutamate
allows your brain to learn
how drugs work in nervous system
1. action potential
2. synthesis (precursor)
3. packaging
4. release + - (heteroreceptors)
5. actions at receptor
6. breakdown
7. reuptake
amino acids
glutamate, aspartate, glycine, GABA
catecholammines - dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine
indolamines - serotonin
soluble gases
nitric oxide, carbon monoxide
cholinergic system
innervates areas associated with memory and learning
symptoms of alzeimers disease due to...
loss of acetylcholine neurons
mild AD
forgetfulness, word finding difficulty, apathy, poor attention, difficulty with complex tasks, depression, work trouble
moderate AD
disorientation, memory loss, confusion, insomnia, wandering, speech difficulty, restlessness
severe AD
adnosia, apraxia, aggression, agitation, incontinence, gait disturbance
increase in level of arousal
acetylcholine, glutamate, sensory stimulus, external signals
decrease in level of arousal
serotonin, endorphins, GABA, sleep, internal signals
also regulates the communication bw brain and body to control metabolism
sleep, dreaming, and moods
ability of hallucinogens to induce synesthesia
may be related to their ability to influence serotonergic control over the frontal lobes
parkinson's disease
may be due to reduced serotonergic function
potentiation of GABA produces the sedative, anxiolytic, muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant and cognition-impairing effects of benzodiazepines
central nervous system
brain and spinal cord
peripheral nervous system
connection bw CNS and muscles, organs, skin
somatic nervous system
somatosensory (skin feeling)
skeletal motor (muscle control)
cranial and spinal nervous
autonomic nervous system
controls and senses glands and organs
sympathetic nervous system
fight or flight
parasympathetic nervous system
rest and digest
sensory - info moves toward CNS from sensory receptors
motor- info moves away from CNS to muscles and organs
basic brain structure
cerebral cortex, limbic system, subcortical structure, cerebellum, brain stem
triune brain theory: lizards
brain stem and cerebellum, fight or flight
triune brain theory: mammal brain
limbic system: emotions, memories, habits
triune brain theory: humans
neocortex - language, abstract thought, imagination, consciousness. reasons, rationalizes
three layers in CNS
dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater
2 layers in PNS
dura mater and pia mater
contain blood cells
near core
same side
opposite side
frontral section of brain
dorsal section of brain
medial section of brain
prefrontal cortex
exectutive decisions
introspection correlated with size
social control
superior frontal gyrus
contains part of prefrontal cortex
activated during introspection
important for planning movement
middle frontal gyrus
part of prefrontal cortex
complex behaviors such as attention and lying
inferior frontal gyrus
part of prefrontal cortex
important for controlling impulsivity
high inferior frontal activity - low risk taking behavior
broca's area
part of the inferior frontal gyrus
important for speech production
broca's aphasia
loss of ability to understand or express speech
caused when broca's area damaged
speech is labored, disjointed, non-fluent
primary motor cortex
located at posterior end of frontal lobe
precentral gyrus
just anterior to central sulcus
drugs that look like dopamine
MDMA - ecstasy
primary motor cortex map
primary motor cortex has a "map" of body parts it controls
amt of cortex devoted to body part is related to the complexity of its function
often called the homunculus
premotor cortex
anterior to primary motor cortex
Important for planning movement, sensory and spatial guidance of movement, and understanding the actions of other people
· “mirror neurons”
parietal lobes
integrate multiple sensory systems
hemispheric separation of functions
left parietal lobe
language, symbols, and math
right parietal lobe
spatial maps
primary somatosensory cortex
located at anterior end of parietal lobe
post-central gyrus
each hemisphere's primary somatosensory cortex senses the contrlateral side of the body
skin areas innervated by specific spinal nerves
ones that are spread out over large areas smaller on the homunculus
primary visual cortex
receives input from eyes via limbic areas
temporal lobe
important for hearing, memories, object recognition, language, and emotion
primary auditory cortex
damage to this area removes awareness of sound
wernicke's area
language comprehension area
language abilities are usually focused on left side of brain
damage to this area causes wernicke's (or fluent) aphasia
middle temporal gyrus
important area for sensory integration plus integration plus language and semantic memory
associated with auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia
inferior temporal gyrus
important area for complex visual processing
fusiform gyrus
complex object recognition
parahippocampal gyrus
memory formation
inability to recognize faces
("the man who mistook his wife for a hat")
caused by brain damage
or can be inherited
frontal lobe motor areas
control movement of voluntary skeletal muslces
Frontal lobe association areas
responsible for elaboration of conscious thought
Temporal lobe sensory areas
responsible for hearing and smiling
Occipital lobe sensory areas
responsible for vision
Parietal lobe sensory areas
responsible for the sensations of temperature, touch, pressure and pain from skin
limbic system
consists of several subcortical areas
important for emotion, memory, motivation, and sense of smell
cingulate cyrus
processes both social and physical pain
found underneath the thalamus
controls autonomic nervous system
emotional response, food intake, water balance, sleep cycles
part of temporal lobe
important for converting short term memories into long term memories
important for making associations bw different stimuli
influences emotional valence of stimuli
recognition of emotional faces
basal ganglia
set of ganglia located around the thalamus and hypothalamus
involved in suppression of unwanted motor activity
forms complex signaling loops with motor areas of cortex
olfactory bulb
underlies sense of smell
connected to amygdala - emotional reaction to scents
first stop for sensory info coming from body
"sensory switchboard"
All sensory input passes through the thalamus on its way to the cortex from the periphery
default network
activates when your mind wanders
· Default network activated during many mental activites
o Autobiographical memory
o Theory of mind
o Envisioning the future
o Moral decision making
white matter
connects different parts of brain
axon "highways"
grey matter
contains neuron cell bodies
neuron "homes"
aruate fasciculus
connects broca's area and wernicke's area
Both important for certain aspects of language
o Damage on left causes conduction aphasia
conduction aphasia
understand language but make many errors
cant repeat back
damage of left of aruate fasciculus
tone deafness
loss on right side of aruate fasciculus
brainstem and cerebellum
o Midbrain
o Pons
o Medulla
Important for balance, motor learning, and motor error correction
o Important for autonomic (unconscious) functions
o Conduit between spinal cord and higher structures
o Damage to the pons in this area causes “locked in syndrome”
locked in syndrome
o Cortical functions preserved
o Patients completely paralyzed except eyes
o Caused by blocking blood supply to the pons