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47 Cards in this Set

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What is the ratio of sexually receptive males to receptive females called?
operational sex ratio
What is expenditures of time and energy and risks taken by a parent to help one offspring are considered?
parental investment
When is the best time to be sexual?
when the environment is changing and unpredictable
When is the best time to be asexual?
when the environment is constant
What sexual selection?
the advantage which certain indivudals have over others of the same sex and species, in exclusive relation to reproduction
What is dominance hierarchy?
one sexually selected manifestation of conflict in males, in which individuals that live together in groups interact aggressively for a while before sorting themselves out from top dog to bottom mutt.
What does alpha, beta and gamma refer to?
What is sperm competition?
competition among males with respect to their fertilization success of their sperm
What is mate guarding?
males physically preventing their partner from mating again after insemination of their sperm
What is the theory called that explains aspects of male color, ornamentation and courtship behavior as sexually selected indicators of a male's capacity to provide parental caer?
good parent theory
What is female preferences that are focused on male courtship displays and ornaments that serve as indicators of potential sexual partner's health or parasite load called?
healthy mate theory
What theory proposes that male courtship displays and ornaments provide information to females that enables them to choose males with viability-enhancing genes?
good genes theory
What theory proposes that discriminating females acquire sperm with genes whose primarily effect is to influence their daughters to prefer the male traits their mother found attractive and to endow their sons with attributes that will be preferred by most females?
runaway selection theory
What theory proposes that exploitation and conflict between the sexes, rather than cooperation and mutual benefit, could drive the process
chase-away selection theory
What is sensory exploitation?
when signal givers tap into preexisting perceptual mechanims in a signal receiver
What are the benefits of polyandry?
fertility insurance, increase compatability, good genes, more resources, increased protection, infantcide reduction
What are the types of material benefits for polyandry?
increased protection, resources, infanticide reduction
What are the types of genetic benefits that result from polyandry?
good genes, fertility insurance, and increased genetic compatibility
What is a lek?
polygnous males attract several mates to a display territory
Does the number of offspring go up when an animal defends several females in a group?
no it goes down
How do males compete in polygnous situations?
resource defense, female defense, scramble competition, lek
What is the hotspot hypothesis?
males cluster because females tend to travel along particular routes that intersect
What is the hotshot hypothesis?
males cluster around highly attractive males in order to encounter more females
What is the female preference hypothesis?
males cluster anywhere because females tend to be attracted to the largest aggregation of males
What is the parental care model mating system determined by?
the distribution of parental care between the sexes
What is the polygyny threshhold model mating system determined by?q
the differences between the value of alternative male territories
When should polygny take place?
territory quality
When females and resources are clumped what type of polygny defense becomes more likely?
resource and female defense
What would males do if females or resources are widely dispersed in terms of polygny?
nonterritorial scamble competition or display at a lek
Why is monogamy good for males and females?
mate assistance, mate guarding, female enforced,
When there is ecological correlation what can increase parental care given?
stable habitat, predictable environment, specialized food, high predation, altricial young, less offspring
What are the predictors of parental care?
ecological correlation, demographic correlation
When does care increase when there is demographic correlation?
where there is a longer life span, larger body size, iteroparity, philopatry and monogamy
What is iteroparity?
going to reproduce multiple times during a lifetime
What is philopatry?
tendency of offspring to remain where they were born
When does care decrease when correlated with demography?
short lifetime, smaller body size, semi-parity, free spawning and polgamy
What are the parental care conflicts?
male-female conflict, parent-offspring conflict,
What is nepotism?
avoid provisioning non-kin
What is proximate cause?
an immediate, underlying caused based on the operational internal mechanisms possessed by an individual.
What is ultimate cause?
the evolutionary, historical reason why something is the way it is.
What are the proximate causations for the monogamy of prarie voles?
the internal and physiological causes that occur during the voles lifetime
What aer the ultimate causes for monogamy of prarie voles?
why they were able to reproduce better in the past, and why the genes have survived over time and happened in previous generations, evolutionary
When is evolutionary change inevitable; name the three circumstances.
1. variation
2. heredity
3. differences in reproductive success
what aer the segments that faithfully encode the ifnromation needed for synthesis of proteins,.
What is genetic variation within a species occurs when a given gene exists in two forms called?
what is the formula for evolutionary change at a genetic level?
genetic variation and differential reproduction
What is it called when reproductive success is based on differences among groups in their ability to survive?
group selection