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71 Cards in this Set

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case control study design
compare group of people w/ disease to group w/o disease
case control study measures?
odds ratio
cohort study design
compare group w/ given exposure or risk factor to group w/o
cohort study measures?
relative risk
cross sectional study design
collect data from grp of people to assess frequency of disease
cross sectional study measures?
disease prevalence
twin concordance study design
compare frequency twins develop disease
twin concordance study measures?
adoption study design
compare siblings raised by biologic vs adoptive parents
adoption study measures?
heritability and influence of environment
Phase I clinical trial
small # pts (healthy); assess safety, toxicity, pharmokinetics
Phase II clinical trial
small # pts w/ disease; assess efficacy, dosing, adverse effects
Phase III clinical trial
large # pts randomly assigned to drug or placebo; compare new treatment to standard of care
Phase IV clinical trial
post marketing surveillance; detect rare or longterm adverse effects
pools data from several studies to come to overall conclusion; greater power
Sensitivity definition
ability to detect disease when present; rule OUT, for screening
Sensitivity formula
Specificity definition
ability to test to indicate no disease when disease is not present; rule IN, for confirmation
specificity formula
TN / TN + FP
PPV definition
probably that person has disease given a (+) test result
PPV formula
NPV definition
probably that person is disease free given a (-) test result
NPV formula
point prevalence
total cases @ given time / total population
new cases over period / total population at risk
prevalence is approx equal to?
incidence x disease duration
incidence for acute disease
odds ratio
odds of disease in exposed group / odds of disease in unexposed group
odds ratio approximates what? Under what conditions?
approximates RR if incidence is not too high
relative risk
relative probablilty of getting a disease in exposed grp compared to unexposed grp
relative risk formula
% disease in exposed grp / % disease in exposed grp
attributable risk
difference in risk b/t exposed + unexposed; OR proportion of disease occurrences attibutable to the exposure
absolute risk reduction (ARR)
reduction in risk assoc w/ treatment as compabe dto placebo
1/ ARR
consistency + reproducibility of a test (reliability); absence of random error
what reduces precision?
random error
trueness of test (validity)
what reduces accuracy?
systematic error
Selection bias
nonrandom assignment to a study group
Recall bias
knowledge of presence of disorder alters recall by subjects
sampling bias
subjects are not representative to general population
late-look bias
information gathered at inappropriate time
procedure bias
subjects in different grps not treated the same
confounding bias
effect of 1 factor distorts or confuses effect of the other
how to control confounding?
use matching (in case-control studies)
lead time bias
early detection confused w/ increased survival
pygmalion effect
when researcher's belief in efficacy of a treatment changes outcome of treatment
Hawthorne effect
when group being studied changes its behavior ownign to knowledge of being studied
Positive skew
mean > median > mode; tail on right
Negative skew
mean < median < mode; tail on left
which is least affected by outliers? Mean, median, or mode
Null hypothesis
no difference
Alternative hypothesis
there is a difference
Type I error
stating there IS an effect/difference when there really isn't; = p
Type II error
stating there IS NOT an effect/difference when there really is; = β
which error is considered "false positive"? Which is "false negative?"
false (+) = type I error; false (-) = type II error
Power, definition
probability of rejecting null hypothesis when it is in fact false, or likelihood of finding a difference if one in fact exists
Power depends on?
1) total # of end points 2) difference in compliance b/t grps 3) size of expect effect
how to increase power?
bigger sample size
power formula
what is n?
sample size
what is σ?
standard deviation; = sqr(variance)
what is SEM?
standard error of the mean; = σ/sqr(n); how much variation in mean from sample to sample
what does it mean if the CI b/t 2 grps overlaps?
groups are not significantly different
confidence interval
range of values in which a specific probability of the means of repeated samples is expect to fall
checks difference b/t means of 2 groups
checks difference b/t means of 3 or more groups
chi squared test
checks difference b/t 2 or more % or proportions of categorical outcomes
correlation coefficient r
b/t -1, 1; closer to 1 = stronger correlation b/t 2 variables
coefficient of determination