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39 Cards in this Set

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"The remembered childhood"
Middle Childhood
ages 6-12

start remembering at around 5/6
physical development
1. weight gain in latency= 7lbs/year
2. height gain= 2.5in/year
3. inc subcutaneous fat
4. permanent teeth erupt at 6
Growth Spurts
girls- 9-10

boys 11-12
Brain Development
1. 90% of adult weight by 6-12
2. Lateral dominance
3. myelination of the cortex

age 8

age 10
10 hours

8 hours
Gross Motor Development
Affects social acceptance
balance and coordination are established

Matery of sports valued by peer group
Motor Milestones

age 5-6
age 6-7
age 9-10
age 10-12
skip/hop/walk on heels
stand on one foot
catch ball with one hand
balance on toes with eyes closed
Fine Motor Age 6
can tie shoes

can draw arrows
Fine Motor Age 10
can draw interlocking hexagons
Fine motor developmental goals for girls
artistic skill, neat handwriting

valued by peer group
Piaget Stage for ages 6-12
Concrete Operations Stage

can conserve mass/vol/quantity

understands time
able to delay gratification
Age for Sex Education

Avg Age of Menarche

How do children test fears in ages 6-12?
ghost stories



cognitive theory (how they learn)

moves piaget's into social context




infant- orient with mouth

toddler- potty training, child has control

oedipal- sexuality in safe context

sex drives latent- allows mastery of other things

Adult sexuality
When is the first stage that a child can differ in view from the parent?
Anal Stage
Children have an increased control of their drives with...
an increase in knowledge and language
Id development leads to..
a taming of impulses

Ego development
devlepment of a consciece with resolution of oedipal issues

age 6
Superego development
age 6- has a sense of shame and guilt

shame-knowledge of doing something bad
guilt- knows something is wrong
Development of Conscience
in Ego via resolution of oedipal complex
in Superego with dvlpt of guilt

Ego-tells child what to do
Superego-tells child what NOT to do
Ego Ideal
incorporation of role model/parent

tells child what to do
Formation of Gender Identity
identification w/ same-sex parent out of fear of retaliation
Absolute Rules
due to rigidity of superego
either ALL good or ALL bad
sensorimotor- infancy

preop- preschool, believes in magic. 3-6yrs

concrete op- grade school(6-12). cant manage 2 dimensions at once

Formal ops- abstract thought
Erikson's Theory
focuses on entire life span
Trust v mistrust
Autonomy v shame/doubt
Initiative v guilt
Industry v Inferiority
Identity v role confusion
Intimacy v isolation
Generativity v stagnation
=freud's oral stage
=freud's anal stage
=freud's phallic stage
=freud's latency *grade school(6-12)
=freud's adolescent stage
Industry v Inferiority

Should be able to
Grade school age

1. play cooperatively
2. follow rules
3. share
4. take turns
5. interact
most important person birth-pre school
most important person in school age
same sex peers
most important people in adolescence
opposite sex peers
pre-school education
typically replicates parent's individual ideas
post pre-school
first time for exposure to ideas different from parents

hard to isolate the child anymore
Fuction of clubs
serve to include and exclude

practice belonging
When does competition start?
around grade school age

serves to motivate achievement
what stage does everyone get praise in sports?

when should competition be rewarded?
in pre school period

in grade school period
Novel emotions for grade school
1. Negotiation
2. Empathy at a higher level
-preschoolers cry when others cry but this is dfft
Physical illness
if chronic, can delay autonomy
regression to earlier development

*consequences much worse in adolescence than in latency period

concrete operational

formal operations
before 6 or 7- think about world in descrete parts. unable to relate to the whole

begin to see the whole and the fxn of parts to whole

abstract concepts