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241 Cards in this Set

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I. Who is the head of the church? How does he exercise his authority?
Christ alone is the head of the church.
How does he exercise his authority ? guide his church?
He exercises His authority and governs by His Word and Spirit and has appointed officers to guide His church by following His Word and Spirit.
What makes up the preface of the bco?
1the king and head
2preliminary principles
3constitution defined
principles of Presbyterian church governmen
1. God alone is Lord of the conscience.
2. Every church, or body, has the right to determine its qualifications for its members.
3. Christ himself has appointed officers in his church.
4. faith and practice linked.
5. forbear bc you might disagree.
6. Each particular body has a right to elect its own officers. (power in society)
7. Church power is only ministerial and declarative and therefore not legislative .
8. Church discipline must be purely moral and spiritual in nature and therefore not civil.
we uphold the laws of scripture..why can't the church judicatory bind men's consciences?
-our power is ministerial, declaritive, spiritual, moral
-church courts may err through human fraily
define constitution
wcf, wsc, wlc, form of gov, rules of disc and directory for the worship of God
What kind of government do we have
presbyterian or representative
How is our form of gov comprehended (5 heads)
church, members, officers, courts, orders
what is the church in connection to the kingdom
the visible church is his kingdom of grace, one and the same in all ages
who are the members of the visible church
those profess faith in christ jesus
together with all children
through all ages
from every nation
and who submitted the laws of christ kingdom
by whom are all the church's powers administered
how does the church polity realize unity in terms of eccl jurisdiction
in that the presbyters maintin mutual relations by exercising eccl jurisdication JOINTLY (JOIN T POWER)
by what head is aperson ordained to be an officer ?
by a court
in what case would an officer NOT be ordained by a court
in a region where there are no courts, soley an evangelist is appointed there
can you be a part of the visible church and not have our polity
yes. not of the essence but still we think of the proper ordering of the church
how is a church recognized as a true branch of the church
maintains the integ of the sacs
how is the chruch universal effected by the existence of denominations
the visible unity obscured but not destroeyd
why do we divide the church into individual local church
a.t. scriptural example
in what is church power vested
rulers and those ruled- those the power extends the choice of officers- spiritual commonwealth
in what sense is eccl power twofold
power of order- exercised severally (preach, admin sacs, reprove error...)

power of jurisdiction- exercised jointly (judgment)
what is the sole functions of the church AS DISTINCT from civil government
proclaim, admin and enforce the law of Christ revealed in the scripture
contrast role of church vs. state
spiritual they can exer force
constitutation derived by divine rev vs. consitution derived by course of human reason and prov events
the church with its officers, ordinances and courts is the agency whic hchrist has ordained for what...
gov of his people
evang of world
edification of god's people
propogation of faith
what has to take place if an action of a church court is to have divine sanction
1 based on christ laws in scripture
2 carried out by God's ordained officersand courts
in what does a part. church consist?
a number of professing christians gathered for public worship, committed to godly living and set out by the scriptures and sumbitted to God's ordained church government
in what entity is the jurisdiction of a particular church lodged
in terms of members, what constitutes a session
pastor, pastors, assoc pastors, re's
what things has Christ ordained the church to do (ordinances)
singing praises
reading, expounding, preaching
admin sacs
public solemn fasting
public solemn thxgiving
offerings for poor and other ppious uses
ordination to sacred office
if you do not have a TE what should you do as a church
session should convene the body on lord's day and:
have someone read a scripture
have someone expound
have someone read a sermon
take up offerings
what is a mission church
same as particular but no perm gov body (ie. is it not yet particularized)
goal of a mission church
what body can oversee a mission church
-the general assembly's comission on mission to north america
what are three versions of the system of government a mission church can have?
overseen by a
1 presbytery evangelist (where there are no courts)
2 another church session (eg. southside)
3 presbtery commission
how does a mission church received members ? what rights do they have...
thru the appointed body that oversees it - they can be communing or non communing and they have right to judicial process and they relate to civil gov the same way a part church does
sketch out how a particular church is organized
eg. Georgio
presbtery receives a petition, sets time for a service
presiding minister has prospective members to covenant
presiding minister pronouncing them a church
action taken to admin word and sac
by whose authority can a new church be organized
what procedure do you take to nominate and train re's PRIOR to organization and the electon of a session and deacons
let all men know reqs
ruling body examines the men and present a list
from that list, announce the qualified men 30 days before election
cong determines # of re's
--->organizing meeting- ordain and install
how do you select a pastor for a newly organized church?
1 at least 37 days before org meeting, announce a meeting where pulp nom comm will be selected
2 30 days before org meeting, select pulp comm
3 pulp comm reports whenever
4 at org meeting, presbytery can install him (if he's already in presbtyer if he is not, a comission from the new chruch must prosecute him at presbtery)
What two kinds of members does the church have? What are their respective rights and privileges?
• Communing- all rights and privileges of the church (voting, office holding, and admission to the Lord’s table)- BCO 6-2, 6-4
• Non-communing members- entitled to baptism, pastoral oversight, instruction, and government of the church (BCO 6-1)
• Associate members- all the rights and privileges of the church except voting in congregational meetings and holding office in that church (6-4)
Can a child be a member of the church?
Yes. initially, non communing. thru the cov and by right of birth
to what privileges is a non communing member entitled
baptism, oversight, instruction, watchful care, government
what is a comm member
been baptized
been admitted to table
who admits people to table
to what privileges is a baptized person entitled
watchful care, instruction and government
what privileges does a communing member have that non communing members does not
who can be disciplined
why don't bco believe officers have "extraordinary" gifting today
bc the bco says those gifts were used for the completion of revelation. we know have no new revelation
explain class and order
two classes of officers
two orders of elders
what makes a te diff than an red
te especially gifted trained and called to preach. also handles sacs.
diff between elder and deacon
rule vs. sympathy, service to physical and spiritual needs of people
can we have bishops, apostles?
no. not authorized by scripture
(give some arguments!!!)
scripture refers to elders with diffferent terms which denote different aspects of the same office , explin
bishiop- oversee
elder- sets godly example, pastors, governs well
teacher- expounds scripture
What are the qualifications for an elder?
Character and Knowledge:
*Competency of human learning
*Blameless life
*Sound in faith
*Apt to teach
*Sobriety and holiness of life becoming of the gospel
*Rules his own house well
*Have a good report of those outside the church (BCO 8-2)
What are an elder's duties?
*Watch over the flock committed to their charge in doctrine and morality
*Exercise government and discipline
*Oversight of both the local church and the "general" church
*Visitation (especially of sick), instruction, comforting, nourishing, and guarding the children of the church.
*Set worthy examples for the rest of the church
*Love, pray with and for people (BCO 8-3)
how does a te make full proff of his ministry
by dissseminating the Gospel of the edification of the church (and giving a report on that once a year to presbytery)
are there different grades of office
different "titles" of the te
ambassador- sent to proclaim gospel, beseech to be reconciled
evangelist- bears glad tidings of salvation
preacher- stands to proclaim the gospel
steward- dispenses ordinances
what window of time which evangelist can operate in foreign country without "reup"
12 months
- What is meant by the "parity" of ruling and teaching elders?
The class of elder is one class only. Ruling elders and teaching elders possess the same authority and eligibility to office in the courts of the church. Both, (but especially the Teaching Elders) are called to teach the Bible (BCO 8-9).
. What are the duties of deacons
*Not an office of rule, but rather of service both to the physical and spiritual needs of the people
*Ministers to those in need, the sick, the friendless, and any in distress
*Devise methods to collect the gifts of the congregation
*Keep church in proper (physical) repair (BCO 9-2).
- What are the qualifications for deacons?
*Men of spiritual character
*Honest repute
*Exemplary lives
*Brotherly Spirit
*Warm sympathies
*Sound judgement (BCO 9-3)
what doctrine does the office of deacon particular addressq
communion of the saints
what is the relatinoship of the (senior) pastor to diaconate
advisory member
what roles must the diaconate designate on their own
how often does diaconate meet
at least once a quarter
how often does diaconate meet with session
recommneded once a quarter
what happens if a church has no deacons
the duties devolve to session
what special roles can a deacon play outside the diaconate
treasurer for a higher court
trustee for a court
general provide financial counsel
how can deacons learn from other diaconates
via conferences
how can a session help a diaconate when it needs reinforcements
appoint assistants to the diaconate (not ordained)
in what sense are all courts presbyteries
in the sense that they are constituted by presbyters
what is a maximum time a man can serve as moderator for a presbtery
a year
who is moderator for GA is the elected moderator cannot show up
last years moderator or the oldest minister longest a member of the GA
how does the moderator announce a location change
circular letter
duties of the clerk
provide extracts
what do you do when a court starts and finishes its meetingsr

What officers must each court have?
How are clerks and moderators chosen?
Except for the moderator of the session (which is the pastor by prudence of his office) they are elected by the body, which they will serve.
What is the proper or original jurisdiction of each?
Each court exercises original jurisdiction over its own business (i.e., people).
what juridiction does a court have? what does it not have?
1 frame symbols of faith, bear witness to error in doctrine or immoralty, conscience
2 establish ruels for government, disicpline, worship, extension of church
3 admit, exclude
(can inflict temporal pains or penalties)
how do the different courts relate to one another
higher courts respond to lower courst by way of referral (yet not impinging on the authority of lower)
what is the highest censure a court can impose
what is the sphere of action for each court
single church
churches in a prescribed district
whole church
what kind of action can a higher court take toward a lower...
review and control
Quorum if
pastor exists
> or = to 3 re
< 3 re
pastor + 2 re
pastor + 1 re
Quorum if
no pastor exists
> or = to 5 re
< 5 re
= 1 re
3 are quorum
2 are quarom
no session exist
who invites someone to be moderator of a session
who can be moderator in general
1 minister appointed by presby (with consent of session)
2 minister invited by session
3 one of that session's own members
4 assoc pastor
5 assist pastor
who is moderator in judicial cases for a church
a minister of the presbytery to which the church belongs
the session has power to (its roles)
1 deal with members
2 officers
3 approve property
4 calls meetingspromote world missions, order collections
5 govern worship
6 carry out lawful injunctions by higher courts
who can call a session meetign
1 usually the pastor
2 but if 2 re's request it, he shall always do so
3 two re's if you have no pastor
4 if presbtery asks them to
how often does vern (clerk of session) submit records to presbytery
what special events does the clerk have to record
comm members
non comm members
how do you open and close session meeting
pray pray
how many re's can you send to presbytery
2 for 350 , 1 for each 500 extra
what is your ticket into presbytery
certificate of regular appointment
from the GA's perspective, what is a quorum for presbytery
3 re and 3 te's
which ministers may be received as a member into presbytery
ones with a call
if ben milner comes from a ny presbtery into piedmont triad, what will he be examined on?
church government
christian experience
what steps are taken for a presbytery to receive a whole church into our presbtery
appoint a commission to go talk to ruling elders of that church to see if they accept our doctrine and polity. then their elders take the same vows a new elder would.
what power does the presbytery have
receive and issue appeals, complaints and references
pastoral relations
set apart evangelists
condemn eroneous opinions
devise measures for enlargmt
propose measures to GA
(more here?)
what must presbytery do if it wants to dissolve a church
give 60 days notice
inform members of their need to take action
-grant a letter of dismissal (so when they find a church they can go there)
- be under oversight of commission (acting as a session)
what must presbtery report to GA
new candidates
new licentiates
new ministers (ordinants)
new churches
divisions of churches
new members
removal of members
dead members
who can request a special meeting of the presbtery? what notice must be given
3 te and 3 re from at least 3 churches? at least ten days to each te and clerk of each church
principles underlying the organization of the Gen Ass
1.church responsible for GC
2.GA encourages church to that end
3.the work of GC is one (equally essential committees)
4.every parts should contribute
5.GA is to evaluate priorities that will forward GC
6.church recognizes right of churches to work thru agencies to advance GC
7.Assembly committees do not direct judicatories/ they execute but do not establish policy
8.committess serve the church through duties assigned it by GA
9.committees should have proportional representation from all presbyteries
10committees should have balance of te and re.
name the permanent committees of GA
covenant sem
covenant college
pca foundation
pca retirement and benefits
insurance annuities and relief?
admin committee
who gets to serve on the nominating committee
alternating between te and re from every presbtery based on their "class" (which is based on the date they became a presbtery)
who gets to be on the nominating committee
rep from each permanent
11 at large members
how are personel salaries established
based on the recommendation from appropriate committee
who gets to be on the theological examining committee
3 te and 3 re of three classes with two many each
who can attend am admin committee meeting
commitee membesr as well as chief administrative offices of the program commitees
at the GA meeting through what means shall business ordinairily come to the floor of the assembly
commitees of commissioners (except reports from sjc, comm for constitutional business, comittee for review of presbytyer records, the nominating comitee and ad interim commitee in which case they come directly)
if the moderator calls a GA earlier than the yearly schedule one...what is required
the request of 10% of commmissioners who came last time, of whom at leat 10 are te and ten are re, reping 1/3 of presbyteries.
what is a quorum for GA
any 100 commissioners
half te and re
reping 1/3 presbyteries
GA has power to
1 receive appeals, references and complaints
2 review and control
3 devise measures for enlargement of the church
4 give advice on constitution
5 suppress schisms
6 receive demomination (rpces)
7 make judgment on matters of doctrine
8 erect new presbyteries
9 superintend agencies
10 superintend affairs of whole church
11 correspond with other churches
12 recommend measures for promotion of charity
what is a commission?
authorized to deliberate upon and conclude business.
what kind of tasks does a commission take on?
-getting witnesses testimonies for judicial case
-operate as a temporary session for a mission church
-ordain ministers
-install ministers
-visits portions affected by disorder
what is the minimum quorum for a commission set up by a presbytery?
2 te and 2 re
as far as commissions go, how are judicial cases unique
A presbytery as a whole can try the case
or assign committee to study it first
or assign a commission to try the case
who tries all cases in the case of the GA
in which case can a decision of the sjc be overturned?
if minutes are problematic
if a minority report is accepted
what does teh sjc report
summary of facts
statemetn of issues
its judgment and reasoning
dissenting opinions
can the GA disapprove of both majority and minority report?
what is required to set up a presbytery in a foreign country
not less than three elders making up a comission sent out by GA
How would you define a vocational call to office in the church
1 calling be God in the spirit
2 inward testimony of a good conscience
3 manifest approbation of god's people
4 concurring judgment of lawful court of the church
as regards the people, what is required before you can be an officer
is the people's election enough for you to become an officer?
no, a court has to test them regarding holiness and soundness of faith before you can be eligible
a.t. BCO what is ordination
authorized admission
accopmanied with prayer
laying on of hands
extend right hand
what is required for oridination in terms of specificity
a call
what is a candidate
full communion
believing himself called
submits to presby for care guidance training
What is required to become a candidate?
1. Session endorsement
2. Member at least six months
3. File with clerk at least one month before presbytery meeting-BCO 18-2
4. Appear before Presbytery in person.
5. Be examined on experiential religion and motive for seeking ministry .-BCO 18-3
could a person come under care AND be ordained at the same meeting
no. bc they would have failed to have an approved internship (even if some of their ministry experiences was stipulated)
as far as candidates go, what can be done at the same presby meeting
you could come undercare, have an internship approved and be licensed at the same meeting
who then governs a candidate after he becomes a candidate?
as far as discipline, his session
as far as training, his presbytery
what should a candidate do to train
conduct worship
expound worship
other christian work
how often does a candidate report
once a year (terry)
can you transfer candidacyto another presbtery ?
yes. and you can stay a member of your home church even so.
What is a licentiate?
A licentiate is a person examined and permitted to preach within the pulpits of the PCA with the authority of the presbytery of the jurisdiction where he will preach.
In what areas is a prospective licentiate examined?
1. Christian experience and inward call.
2. Written or oral: Theology (Westminster Standards), English Bible, and Book of Church Order .
3. Orally before Presbytery: on same as above.
4. Provide written sermon and deliver it before Presbytery.-BCO 19-2
what happens (regarding testing) if a licentiate wants to work in another presbytery
they can test him on everything all over again!
scan you be licensed to preach out of bounds?
what scripture would you go to to justify the idea of an internship
I DO NOT KNOW. pastorals?
how long is an internship
a year at least.
can you transfer in an internship?
yes , if presbytery allows it
can you conduct training for your internshipout of bounds
yes, if there is a cooperative agreeement on the part of both presbyteries, but in that case the home presbytery retains final authority
how often does the presbytery report on the progress of interns
at every meeting (by the leadership team)
can an intern be called to fill a pulpit. if so, how?
yes. but he must be called by that congregation.
can an intern like phil g. just continue on as a pastor if he did pulpit supply
no. the congregation must call him as pastor who would then need to be prosecuted by presbytery as in another situation where a church calls a pastor.
what are the restrictions placed on an intern
he can moderate but the real moderator can overrule
he can do funerals
he can serve in an advisory role
what is required for equivalency work to be approved for the intern
-at least one year of comparable ministry
-full scope of ministerial duties
-manifest approbation of God's people in a local church as having the required gifts for pastorl aministry
when should a church think about calling a pastor
without delay
What steps must a church take in calling a pastor?
1. Session calls a meeting to elect a search committee34-BCO 20-2
2. A congregational meeting must be called for the election of the pastor-BCO 20-3
3 Elected by the congregation and reports to the congregation.
in what case would you be called by a presbytery
howie burkhalter church planting
greg thompson for ruf
what paper work does presbytery need before it can prosecute and ordination candidate
written declaration from the calling church together with salary package agreement
statement that they'll let this guy carry out oru constitution
who can preside over a congregational meeting during whcih a pastor will be elected
preferabbly a minister in the pca but it can really be any male member of that church
who can vote for the new pastor
any communing member in good standing
who can sign a call
it does not have to be every member of the congregation . it can be a committee, deacons/elders
who presents and prosecutes the calling of pastor at presbytery
one or more commissioners
if a church sends commissioners to to presbytery desiring to call a pastor from his charge, what can presbtery do
1 order a letter be given to the pastor
2 dissuade the church
3 decline to put the call in his hands for the peace and edification of the church at large
can a pastor leave of his own consent
no. there has to be a citation, read two weeks before the presbytmeeting read at a regular worship service,
does a missionary called by presbytyer or a missionary agency have to be examined by presbytery
can you move to a field before you are examined and received by presbtery
normally not
can a presbytery ordain an intern for another presbytery
In what areas must a candidate for ordination be examined?
1. Experiential religion
2. Knowledge of Greek and Hebrew
3. English Bible
4. Theology
5. Sacraments
6. Church history
7. History of the Presbyterian Church in America
8. Government and Discipline
9. Paper on a Theological subject
10. Paper on Exegesis (using Greek and Hebrew)
11. Preach a sermon.
What vows must a ordinant take?
1. Commitment to the inerrant, infallible Bible.
2. Submission to the Confession and Catechisms.
3. Submission to the form of Church government.
4. Submission to your brethren.
5. Perceive yourself called of God.
6. Promise to maintain the truth of the Gospel and the purity and peace of the church.
7. Promise to fully exercise your duties.
8. Willing to take charge of the church. J5
What are teh various pastoral relations
pastor, assoc, asst
what do you do if you have no pastor to preach. what are you option
stated supply (preferably)
student supply
re supply
how long can a person serve as stated supply studen tsupply or re supply
1 year renewable upon request of tehs session and review of presbytery
Who has the final say in establishing or dissolving a pastoral relationship?
How may a pastoral relation be dissolved?
A pastoral relation is dissolved when a presbytery accepts the resignation of a minister after a congregational meeting has been called and conducted, and its commissioners then appear before the presbytery to show cause why the presbytery should or should not accept the resignation of the pastor.
can an assoc or assistant succeed the pastor
not without an intervening term of service in a different labor (but the congregation protest this)
whathappens if a church does not show up to context the pastors desired resignation
too bad. he's gone. if his reasons are good.
What steps must be followed in electing ruling elders or deacons?
Public notice must be given at least one month prior to the time of the election, during which the congregation is asked to submit names to the Session.-BCO 24-1

1. Public notice given of congregational meeting for election.
2. If 25% of eligible voters ask for additional officers, the session shall call the meeting.
3. Notice given as least one month before election
4. Congregation asked to submit names to session.
5. Session shall examine those nominated.
6. Session shall present list of nominees to congregation.
7. Session recommends congregation determines the number of officers to be elected.
8. Majority vote of those present needed for election.
9. Moderator asks congregation if it is ready to proceed to voting is done by private ballot.-BCO 24-1,4,5
what % of vote do elders and deacons have to get to be accepted
- In what areas is a deacon or ruling elder nominee to be examined?
1. Christian experience (especially personal character).
2. Knowledge of doctrine, Church government, discipline contained in the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in America (BCO preface ill)
3. Duties of office to which he is nominated.
4. Willingness to give assent to the question required for ordination.-BCO 24-1
How may a congregational meeting be called?
The session shall decide when a meeting is necessary and call it, or shall respond to a written notice of a set fraction of the church- BCO 25-2

BCO 25-2 “Whenever it may seem for the best interest of the church that a congregational meeting should be held, the Session shall call such meeting and give public notice of at least one week. No business shall be transacted at such meeting except what is stated in the notice. The session shall always call a congregational meeting when requested in writing to do so: by…”
what is the difference between ordination and installation
I don't know
can an officer be degraded without his consent
yes but only when disciplinary measures are in view
how can a church get rid of a officer
by congregational meeting
what kind of accountability is built in regarding a session following through with dissolving an deacon or elder relationship
they have 60 days. or else members can file complaint to presbytery
in which cases is an officer relationship dissolved
1 unacceptable in his official capaicty
2 dead beat for a year
3 disiplinary meausre
when is the session REQUIRED to call a congregational meeting
1/4 if 100
1/5 if 100-300
1/6 if 300-500
1/7 if 500-700
10o if > 700
can vern serve for an indefinite time as clerk of our session
Who owns the property of the local church
The corporation local church thru its elected trustees or corporation officers (all communing members are members of a corporated...hence incorporation)
can a particular church leave any court any time its wants
say a church dissolves its relation to the pca by its own request and then its trustees don't follow throgh
then after 6 months, trustees hand over to presbytery the deeds
How may the Book of Church Order be amended?
1. Approval of majority at General Assembly
2. Consent of 2/3 Presbyteries
3. Approval of majority at subsequent General Assembly