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42 Cards in this Set

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Computer Crime Cybercrime
any illegal act involving a computer
Unauthorized access
gaining access to a computer, network, file, or other resource without permission or hacking
unauthorized use
using a computer resource for unapproved activities
using a computer to break into another computer system
where terrorists launch attacks via the internet
war driving
driving around an area with a WiFi enabled computer or mobile device to find a WiFi network to access and use without authorization
WiFi piggybacking
accessing an unsecured WiFi network from your current location without authorization
payment card industry security services PC DSS
rules that require companies to limit the credit card data stored on company servers and to encrypt (secure) the data that is allowed to be stored
Access Control Systems
used to control access to facilities, computer networks, company data bases,and individual web file accounts,and other assets.
identification system
verify that the person trying to access the facility or systems is listed as a authorized user
authentication systems
determine whether or not the person attempting access is actually who he or she claims to be
identity management systems IMS
designed to manage users access to enterprise systems, such as grant them secure and appropriate access to the systems they are allowed to access in as convenient manner as possible to the user
processed knowledge access system
an access control system that uses information only the individual should know to identify that individual
two factor identification
using two different methods to authenticate a user
possessed object access system
an access control system that uses a physical object an individual has in his or her possession to identify that individual
OTP: one time possession
USB security keys
USB flash drives that are inserted into a computer to grant access to a network, to supply web sites username and passwords, or to provide other security feature
the study of identifying individuals using measurable,unique physiological or behavioral characteristics
BIometeric access system
identify users by a particular unique biological characteristic (face, hand, finger print)
a security system that essentially creates a barrier between a computer or network and the internet in order to protect against unauthorized access
a method of scrambling the contents of an email message or a file to make if an unauthorized user intercepts it
Secure web page
a webpage that uses encryption to private information transmitted via that webpage
SSL and EV SSL (http:// and https://)
Public key encryption
a type of encryption that uses two key pairs to encrypt and decryption the file or message (asymmetric)
Private key encryption
uses a single key to encrypt and decrypt the file or message (symmetric)
weak encryption
40 bit or older, 5 characters long
strong encryption
128 bit, 16 keys
military strength
2048 bit or 256 characters
Virtual private network (VPN)
a private, secure path over the internet that provides authorized users a secure means of accessing a private network via the internet
Computer sabatoge
an act of malicious destruction to a computer or computer resource
a computer that is controlled by a hacker or other computer criminal (zombie computer)
a group of bots that are controlled by one individual
any type of malicious software
computer virus
a software program installed without the user's knowledge and designed to alter the way a computer operates or to cause harm to a computer system
computer worm
malicious program designed to spread rapidly to a large number of computers by sending copies of itself to other computers (Mydoom worm)
Trojan horse
malicious program that masquerades as something else (RAT, remote access trojan)
Denial of Service attack (DoS)
an act of sabotage that attempts to flood a network server or a web server with so much activity that it is unable to function
Security software
software,typically a suite of programs, used to protect your computer against a variety of threats
anti virus software
software used to detect and eliminate computer viruses and other types of malware
dot con
a fraud or scam carried out through the internet
the use of spoofed email messages to gain credit card numbers and data to be used in fraudulent purposes
spear phishing
personalized phishing scheme targeted at an individual
the use of spoofed domain names to obtain personal info to be used in fraudulent activites
online auction fraud
when an item purchased through an online auction is never delivered after payment