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72 Cards in this Set

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2 fascias that make up the visceral layer of deep cervical fascia
pretracheal fascia (anterior)
buccopharyngeal fascia (posteriorly)
fascia that surrounds the vertebral column and associated muscles
prevertebral layer
dervied from all three layers of deep fascia to surround neurovascualr bundle of the neck
carotid sheath
fascia that envelops the sternocleidomastoid m. and circles the whole neck
outer investing layer of the deep cervical fascia
suprahyoid muscles
infrahyoid muscles
muscles innervated by the ansa cervicalis
two bellies of omohyoid
boundaries of the carotid triangle

superior: posterior belly of digastric m.

medial: superior belly of omohyoid muscle

lateral: sternocleidomastoid m.
8 branches off the external carotid artery
- ascending pharyngeal a.
- superior thyroid a.
- lingual a.
- facial a.
- occipital a.
- posterior auricular a.
- maxillary a.
- superficial temporal a.
contents of carotid triangle
common carotid
internal jugular vein
vagus nerve
external carotid artery (5 branches can be seen)
hypoglossal nerve (XII)
deep cervical lymph nodes
ansa cervicalis
boundaries of submandibular triangle

floor (anterior)
sup: inferior border of mandible
ant: anterior belly of digastric muscle
floor: mylohyoid muscle
posterior: posterior belly of digastric muscle
contents of submandibular triangle
submandibular gland
facial artery and vein
lymph nodes
hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
nerve to mylohyoid muscle
surface anatomy of neck
trapezius muscle
laryngeal prominence
thyroid notch
hyoid bone
jugular notch
sternocleidomastoid muscle
supraclavicular fossa
boundaries of submental triangle
lateral: both anterior bellies of digastric muscle
inferior: hyoid bone
floor: mylohyoid muscle
contents of submental triangle
submental lymph nodes
boundaries of muscular triangle

superior: superior belly of omohyoid m.

medial: midline of neck

lateral: sternocleidomastoid m.
contents of muscular triangle
infrahyoid muscles (sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid, omohyoid muscle)

viscera of neck
- thryoid gland
- parathyroid
- trachea
- recurrent laryngeal nerve
boundaries of the posterior triangle of neck

anterior: sternocleidomastoid
posterior: trapezius muscle
Base: clavicle
roof: outer investing layer of deep cervical fascia
floor: muscles and fascia that covers them (paravertebral fascia, splenius capitis, levator scauplae, anterior, middle, posterior scalene mm.)
two triangles of the posterior triangle of the neck
occipital triangle
supraclavicular triangle
triangles of the anterior triangle of the neck
- carotid triangle
- submandibular
- submental
- muscular
boundaries of the occipital triangle
anterior: sternocleidomastoid muscle
posterior: trapezius m.
inferior: inferior belly of omohyoid m.
boundaries of the supraclavicular triangle
anterior: sternocleidomastoid muscle

inferior: clavicle

superior: inferior belly of omohyoid m.
where the internal jugular vein begins

what lie along its course?
jugular foramen

deep cervical lymph nodes
1st branch of the vagus nerve and what 2 branches it gives off
superior laryngeal nerve

internal laryngeal nerve
external laryngeal n.
sensory to part of laryngeal mucous membrane
internal laryngeal nerve (perforates thyrohyoid membrane to enter larynx)
accompanies the internal laryngeal nerve into the thyrohyoid membrane
superior laryngeal artery from superior thyroid artery
what the external laryngeal nerve innervates
small motor innervation to cricothyroid m. of larynx
largest endocrine gland in the body

helps regulate metabolism and growth
thyroid gland
location of thyroid

deep to what muscles?
lower anterior neck opposite C5-C7, deep to sternothyroid and sternohyoid muscles
made up of two lateral lobes connected by an __________

happens 50% of the time
isthmus connection

pyrimidal lobe extends superiorly from the isthmus
blood supply and innervation of thyroid
- superior thyroid artery from external carotid
- inferior thyroid artery from thyrocervical trunk of subclavian
- (sometimes) thyroid ima artery (direct branch from aorta)

inn: branches from cervical sympathetic trunk
function of parathryoid

what is its blood supply?
calcium metabolism

inferior thyroid artery
groove in which recurrent laryngeal nerve ascends to the larynx
tracheoesophageal groove
2 groups of the cervical plexus
superficial sensory branches (C2-C4) from middle of the posterior border of sternocleidomastoid m

deep (motor) branches found in anterior triangle
nerves of the superficial branches of the cervical plexus
lesser occipital n.
great auricular n.
transverse cervical n.
supraclavicular nerves
nerves of the deep branches of the cervical plexus
- ansa cervicalis
- C1 branches to thyrohyoid and geniohyoid
broad category of disorders that exhibit flexion, extension, or twisting of muscles of the neck beyond their normal position
outermost layer of fascia in neck
outer investing layer of deep cervical fascia
boundaries of the superior thoracic inlet
manubrium, first ribs, body of first thoracic vertebra
structures that pass through the superior thoracic inlet to the neck
great vessels, left recurrent laryngeal nerve, thoracic duct, sympathetic trunks
structures that pass down from the neck into the thorax through the inlet
phrenic nerves
vagus nerves
internal thoracic arteries
passes from neck into upper limb through apex of axilla
brachial plexus, axillary artery, axillary vein
branches of the 1st part of the subclavian artery (medial to scalenus anterior m)
- vertebral artery
- internal thoracic artery
- thyrocervical trunk (has 4 branches)
branches of the second part of the subclavian artery (posterior to scalenus anterior m.)
- supreme intercostal artery
- deep cervical artery
branches of the 3rd part of the subclavian artery (lateral to scalenus anterior)
dorsal scapular artery
branches of the thyrocervical trunk
- inferior thyroid artery
- transverse cervical artery
- suprascapular artery
- ascending cervical artery (sometimes off the inferior thyroid artery)
3 components of superior cervical ganglion
- create plexi on internal and external carotid arteries
- pharyngeal plexus
- cardiac branches
innervated by the middle cervical ganglion
- cardiac branches
- thyroid and parathyroid glands
2 innervations from the inferior cervical ganglion
cardiac branches
vertebral plexus
the thoracic duct drains lymph form all but what region of the body?
upper right quadrant
branches off high in the neck from vagus X
superior laryngeal nerve
where branches of the external carotid supply in the head

ascending pharyngeal
superficial face
most posterior scalp
drains the upper right quadrant of lymph
right thoracic duct
travels on anterior surface of anterior scalene m.
phrenic nerve
the cervical sympathetic trunk contains what kind of nerve fibers?
postganglionic sympathetic fibers
origin of suprascapular and dorsal scapular nerves
suprascapular: upper trunk

dorsal scapular: C5 root
cranial nerve that originates from the cervical portion of the spinal cord
spinal accessory nerve XI
cranial portion of CNXI travels with CN ____ to form motor innervation of pharyngeal/palate muscles
contents of posterior triangle
- subclavian v. and a.
-transverse cervical artery
- suprascapular artery
- trunks of brachial plexus (suprascapular n)
- cervical plexus
- phrenic nerve**
the superior cervical ganglion is adjacent to these vertebrae
C2 and C3
middle cervical ganglion is lateral to this vertebrae
inferior cervical ganglion is later to this vertebrae
are there sympathetic neurons within the cervical spinal cord?
NO- all from T1-L2 lateral horns

therefore no lateral horns in cervical spinal cord
VPRs for neck sensation
autonomic ganglion for CN III
ciliary ganglion
autonomic ganglia for CN VII
pterogopalatine and submandibular
autonomic ganglia for CN IX
otic ganglion
autonomic ganglia for CN X
none- passes to thorax and abdomen and synapses in ganglion within lung, heart, stomach, GI etc.
internal thoracic artery terminates as these 2 arteries
musculophrenic artery
superior epigastric artery
transports up the neck
- thoracic duct
- internal carotid artery
- external carotid artery (most branches from neck --> head)
- cervical sympathetic trunk
transports down the neck to body
- vagus X
- phrenic n.
- cervical sympathetic trunk
- internal jugular vein
- trachea
- esophagus
transports from neck to upper shoulder
- transverse cervical a.
- suprascapular a.
- suprascapular and dorsal scapular nerve
- spinal accessory nerve