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23 Cards in this Set

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Patient with a positive prenancy test <20 weeks presentd with vaginal bleeding and signs of preeclampsia.
Incease B-hCG titer out of proportion with gestational age, absent heart sounds and cluster of grapes appearance on gross exam and snowstorm appearance on ultrasound?
Maligant Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasm.
1. Hydatiform mole
2. Invasive mole
3. Choriocarcinoma
What is the most common cause of vaginitis?
Gardenella Vaginalis
Strawberry-appearing cervix or vaginal mucosa, vaginal discharge is green and frothy.
What is the infection?
A woman under the age of 30 years presenting with a mobile breast mass that has well-defined borders most likely has?
A benign tumor, patterns often present with a bloody discharge from the nipple in the absence of a breast mass?
Intraductal papilloma
Patient who presents with an erythematous and warm breast may have?
Inflammatory breast carcinoma
Eczemoid breast changes in the nipple( itching, oozing and bleeding)?
Paget's disease of the breast
What is Nagele's or McDonald's rule?
1. 1st day of LMP
2. Go back 3 months
3. Add 7 days
(based on a 28 day menstrual cycle)
When should the initial visit occur and each susequent visit?
1. Initial visit: 6-8 weeks after LMP
2. Every 4 weeks Initial visit- 28 wks
3. 2 to 3 weeks 28-36
4. 36 to delivery weekly
When do you add a routine vaginal examination?
37 weeks
What happens at 10 weeks gestation?
1. Fetal Heart tones are heard
2. Urinalysis for glycosuria and proteinuria
What is the normal fetal heart rate?
120-160 bpm
Name some factors that increase AFP?
(five of them)
1. Spina Bifida
2. Placental anomalies
3. Abdominal Wall defects
(Omphalocele, gastroschisis)
4.Multiple gestations
What hormone caused mid-cycle spotting or light bleeding?
Decline in Estrogen which occurs right after the LH surge
What is the term for first awarness of fetal movement?
Primigravida: 18-20 weeks
Mulrtigravida: 14-18 weeks
Bluish discoloration of vagina and cervix, Name the sign?
Chadwick's sign
Softening between the fundus and cervix, Name the sign?
Hagar's sign
When is Chroionic villous sampling done?
b/w 10-13 weeks (first trimester)
What is the advantage of chronic villous sampling?
The ability to do it in the first trimester (this allows the option of a first trimester termination, also results are available within 48 hours. CVS is a diagnostic not screening test.
What is the disadvantage of chronic villous sampling?
Unlike amniocentesis, CVS specimens cannot be used in AFP testing for neural tube defects.
Also risk is slightly higher with CVS than amniocentesis
How long is the Luteal phase of the cycle?
Normally 14 days
Name the hormones, and their source, that are involved in mainitaining a normal menstrual cycle?
1. From the ovary?
2. From the Pituitary?
3. From the hypothalamus?
1. From the ovary?
Estrogen and Progesterone
2. From the Pituitary?
3. From the hypothalamus?
Prolactin and TSH
What is the most accurate test of ovulation?
Endometrial Biopsy