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61 Cards in this Set

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What is CAM?
Therapies that are currently outside "conventional" medicine.
What is the goal of CAM?
To provide treatment that is natural, holistic, and promotes wellness. There is more emphasis on patients taking care of themselves
What does it mean to be hollistic?
Treat the entire person through natural means to promote well being
What is complementary medicine?
Something that is used in addition to hospital based (conventional) medicine. Ex: Using aroma therapy post surgery
What is alternative medicine?
Something used instead of conventional medicine. It's viable medicine, but depends on cases.
-Ex: A special diet to help treat cancer instead of medicine or surgery
What is integrative medicine?
It's the combination of conventional medicine and CAM that is high-quality, effective, and safe
-Ex: Chinese hospitals incorporate both, there is no distinction made between what is conventional and what is CAM
What's the significance of traditional medicine?
It relies heavily on the role of the mind and natural products
-Effectiveness is subjective to role of mind and natural prducts
-How well it works depends on what benefit the patient seeks
-Also based upon each individual patient because what works for one person may not for another
What is the significance of conventional medicine?
-It relies more on chemical and surgical interventions.
-It is placebo-induced and its benefits are considered a confounder that just makes it harder to detect the "real" effects
-It's not individual based beause the same pill can be used to treat two or more people with the same illness. It's effectiveness is objective
What are types of traditional medicine?
-Oriental : Accupuncture for vital life force is disrupted whn you are sick
-Indian : Ayurveda is the oldest known system
-Native american: Herbal medications
-African : Voodoo
What is manipulative medicine?
Chripractic, massage, osteopathy. The mind plays an important role in health; you must believe in the therapy for it to work
What is dietary medicine?
What we eat has the most important role in health
What are energy fields of medicine?
Magnets, bio-field
Why is CAM being more popular?
-CAM practitioners are better listeners
-Rapid treatment
-Conventional has image of being costly, arrogant, and profit driven
What are advantages of CAM?
-Conventional medicine doesn't satisfy most needs
-Most elderly have unresolved chronic diseases and many do not like the side effects of conventional medicine and thus they try CAM for a cure
-People are more desperate --> thus more willing to try something new
-Cost effective for people without insurance
-More than half of the money from "out-of-pocket" health care payers goes to CAM
What are some challenges of CAM?
-Thoughts of traditional medicine having always worked but anyone can create a "cure-all" pill
-Skepticism justified because of so many fakes and failures
-Different motives as conventional focuses on symptoms, whereas CAM uses vague concepts such as achieving a "better you", finding spiritual fulfillment, or overall balance
-CAM doesn't have to make someone live longer
What's a problem with not telling doctor of using CAM?
A herb that the patient is taking (behind the doctor's back) can block the effect of a drug treatment
CAM vs. Conventional?
Conventional medicine tends to focus much more on effects on symptoms while CAM strongly emphasizes vague concepts of “overall balance” and “spiritual fulfillment”
What is rapamycin?
A compound that could be a mysterious thing that may give future generations a longer + healthier life
What is allopathic medicine?
-conventional (traditional), medical based medicine practices.
What is Ropamycin?
Found on Easter Island, a compound given to transplant patients to suppres the immune system and lower the rejection rate to the transplant.studies are being done to determine the side effects to taking it. Studies have also shown that it can lead to longer, healthier lives
What are some reasons to be against CAM?
-Little scientific basis; it's impossible to know how to measure effectiveness because of conflicting views and the anecdotal evidence is off a small sample size
-Hawthorne Effect; power of individual attention (ex. patient feels good about treatment from doctor even though doctor was an actor)
-Remedies not backed by FDA regulations [herbal]
-Danger: Patients may fail to visit regular, legitimate doctor
Does CAM work?
-Scientific basis is weak.
-low quality; very commen in internet advertising
-Medium quality; lab and pilot studies published in journals
-High quality; passes the meta-analysis approval and is successful over number of trials
-Most CAM is good safety by no strong benefits
What is accupuncture?
-CAM focuses on internal harmony, and can treat pain and addictions. Licensed in many states and involves little pain, tends to work for those who believe in it, and has no side effects.
-Naloxone experiments prove its effectiveness
-can be a complement to surgery
-MRI studies indicate decreased hypothalamic, hippocampal, SNS activity with this, suggesting activity of descending pain pathways.
What is Mind/Body CAM?
-spiritual involvement like prayer
-yoga, tai chi
-are helpful for reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, may upregulate immune system and increase life expectancy.
What is Chriopractic and osteopathy medicine?
-Manipulation of joints and spinal column
-Can treat arthritis, lower back pain, migraine headaches, and hypertension
-Typically provides treatment to areas that do not have simple treatment (like migraine headaches)
-developed in US
What does a straight chiropractor do?
Cracks spine
What does a mixer chiropractor do?
-Mixes manipulation with dietary supplements
-Massage, dietary supplements, etc.
What is naturopathic medicine?
Uses supplements, herbs, and diets. Known for helping with cardiovascular system and metabolic diseases. Not well regulated, and hard to evaluate effectiveness
Dangers of naturopathic medicine?
Pills (often sold on internet) only have a tiny amount of active ingredient that serves a purpose, the rest is unknown filler than can be harmful
Future of CAM?
-Conventional medicine is taking serious notice of mind/body, dietary contributions to health. However, training in these areas and documentation of benefits is scarce.
-Combined training in conventional and some alternative practices appears likely.
What is coping?
The cognitive, behavioral, and emotional ways that people deal with stressful situations.
What is Emotion-focused coping strategy?
Attempt to decrease our emotional reactions to stress. Seeking out emotional support, distraction, suppression, reappraisal, etc.
-Should be used when little can be doen to alter a stressful situation due to lack of coping resources
-(ex: thinking of final exam as a chance to prove your intelligence)
What is problem-focused coping strategy?
deals directly with stressful situation
-reduces the demands of stressful situation and increases our capacity
-should be used when our resources and situations are changeable
(ex: in a final exam, you will study more to change the situation)
What type of coping strategy is more effective for chronic stressors?
Problem focused coping
What type of coping strategy is more effective for bereavement [where stressor is controllable]?
Emotion-focused coping
What has a meta analysis of 34 research studies shown about coping strategies?
Problem-focused coping is linked with better health outcome than distancing, wishful thinking, and other emotion-focused coping strategies
What is the stress reactivity like among women?
Lower blood pressure, less EPI/NE, more clucocorticoid than men.
-They are better at coping with interpersonal stress
What is the stress reactivity like among men?
They make more use of problem-focused coping
What does glucocorticoid do?
Suppresses the immune system response
How does low socioeconomic status (SES) affect coping?
Rely less on problem-focused copoing.
-Lack of resources leads to less problem-focused coping
How does low SES in women effect coping?
They are more avoidant coping (alcohol drinking, drug use)
What links African American population with more stress?
Being middle class links to mroe stress. We may see a higher level of social discrimination in middle class.
What is the hardiness dispositional coping style?
3 stress-buffering traits
-commitment to one's family and community
-perceiving stressors as challenges
-Having control over stressful situations. less illness episodes under stress
What is optimism dispositional coping style?
Positive expectations about future, opposite of pessimism.
-optimistic coping styles are linked to better immune systems under stress
What is self efficacy?
Having confidence in doing certain tasks, specific competence
-ex: if you know how to ride a bike, you will have self-efficacy when riding
What is self regulation?
Control over own behaviors
What is learned helplessness?
Belif that you have no control over stressor, linked with depressive symptoms
What is personal control?
The belief in the ability to make decisions about what we do and what others do to us
What is vagal tone?
It is related to better regulation of negative emotion and more constructive coping. It also is related with greater regulatory control over sympathetic nervous system
What is social support?
Companionship from others that conveys emotional concerns, material assistance, or honest feedback about a situation.
What are effects of social support on health?
-Fast recovery
-Fewer medical complications
-Lower mortality rates
When is social support not helpful?
-When it is not perceived by the receiver
-When it is not the needed kind of support
-When there are too many relationships
What are factors of coping?
-Being optimistic, hardy
-Taking control
-Building a support network
What is SAM system?
the body's initial, rapid-acting response to stress, involving the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine from the adrenal medulla under the direction of the sympathetic nervous system
What is HPA system?
The body's delayed response to stress, involving the secretion of corticosteroid hormones from the adrenal cortex
What are corticosteroids?
Hormones produced by the adrenal cortex that fight inflammation, promote healing, and trigger the release of stored energy
What is the idea behind the transactional model of stress?
We cannot fully understand stress by examining environmental events and people's behaviors (responses) as separate entities; rather, we need to consider them together as a transaction, in which each person must continually adjust to daily changes
What is hardiness?
A cluster of stress buffering traits consisting of commitment, challenges, and control.
What is resilience?
The quality of some children to bounce back from environmental stressors that might otherwise disrupt their development
What is explanatory style?
Our general propensity to attribute outcomes always to positive causes or always to negative causes, such as personality, luck, or another person's actions
What is cognitive therapy?
The category of treatments that teach people healthier ways of thinking