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103 Cards in this Set

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L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 inncervations
L1- upper anterior thigh, iliopsoas
L2- iiliospoas, quadries, adductiors, middle thigh
L3- iliospoas, quads, adductiros, lower anterior thigh
L4- anteriortibialis, quads, patellar relex, emdial malleolus
L5- extensor hallucis longus, dorsum of the foot
S1- peroneus long and brevis, gastrocnemius, Achilles, lateral malleolsus
McMurray test
test extension with valgus strain and external rotation for MCL, varus strain and internal rotation for LCL
femoral head angulation and Q angle
femoral head angulation over 135 coxa valgum under 120 coxa varum

Q angle line between ASIS and patella and tibial tubercle through patella, > 12 is valgum, < 10 is varum
pronation of the foot means
dosiflexion, eversion and abduction of the foot

fibular head moves anterior
supination of the foot
cause fibular head to move posterior, plantarflexion, inversion and adduction
Compartment syndrome of leg
lateral- hyperpronation, pain in lateral malellous

superficial posterior- shin splints
Deep posterior- pain medial and anterior to mid tibia, strain of posterior tibial tendon, flexor digitorum longus

Anterior most common- hard tender anterior tibilais, lateral shin splints
Triad of knee injury
ACL, MCL, medial meniscus, struck on lateral knee with valgus stress
Patelarfemoral syndrome
storng vasutus lateralis and weak vasuts medialus, wide Q angle, lateral deciation of patella causes wear on posterior surface, pain climbing stairs
Facts to know for ankle motion
more stable in dorsiflexion, chronic irriration of plantaqr aponeursis leads to caclium deposit called heel spur, sparins are common to the anlkle Type III is all 3, type II is just ATF and calcaneofibular
Spring ligament
maintians medial longitudanal arch

plantar apeornerosis- strong connective tissue connection from calcaneus to phalanges
angry about someone else, take it out on a different person
Sleep stages 3,4 problems
nigh terrors, sleep walking, sleep talking
Sleep stage wave patterns
stage 1- theta waves, stage 2 sleep spindles, stage 3,4, delta waves, REM beta and alpha waves like awake state
Risk factors for suicide
married < single < divorced

more common in elderly

specific plan, no social support, recovery phase of depression, physicians, dentists
Alteration in NTs in:

Schizophenia, depression, Alzheimer;s, anxiety
schizophrenia- elevated dopamine

depression- decreased serotonin, dopamine and NE

Alzheimer's- decreased ACh

anxiety- decreasd GABA, benzos act on GABA receptors
Dementia vs. delirium
delirium- impaired consciousness, develps quickly, reversible

dementia- uimpaired consciousness, irreversible, slow progression
traumatic event, may occur any time after event, persists for > 1 month
Somatization vs. conversion disorder vs. hypochondriasis
somatization- sickly for most of life, diagnosis requires 12 symptoms in multiple organ systems
conversion- pseudo-neurological, symptoms begin and end suddenly
major depression
dperessed mood, feeling of worhtlessness, weigh loss, early morning insomnia, not d/t recent loss of < 2 months
Epilepsy EEG findings
grand mal- tonic clonic- high voltage spikes

petit mal- 3/sec spikes and domes

psychomotor- spikes in temporal lobes

Jacksonian- pspreading muscle group from antral sulcus on EEG
Withdrawal symptoms for opiods
NV, sweating, fever, muscle ache, awful but never fatal
Relative risk vs. atibutale risk
RR- incidenc ewith factor/incidence without risk factor

AR- incidene w/ - incidence without risk factor

AB on top /CD on bottom

used for screening
used to confirm diagnosis
probability that a patient with a positive test is sick

A/(A+B) true positives divided by total positives

goes up with higher prevalence of condition

true negatives divided by total negatives, higher in pops with lower prevalence
the probability of a type I error, proving there is a correlation when there is not, type II is not proving correlaiton when there is, lower p is better
prospective cohort
resaearcher observes natural events over time without intervention
case control and cross sectional stufies
case control- identify risk factors, retrospective

cross sectional- determine correlations between variables, presence of varibales recorded, data obtained from point of interest in time
Confidentiaility may be breached if...
risk to others exists, HIV positve prostitute patient threatens to kill, child abuse
Withdrawal symptoms for opiods
NV, sweating, fever, muscle ache, awful but never fatal
Relative risk vs. atibutale risk
RR- incidenc ewith factor/incidence without risk factor

AR- incidene w/ - incidence without risk factor

AB on top /CD on bottom

used for screening
used to confirm diagnosis
probability that a patient with a positive test is sick

A/(A+B) true positives divided by total positives

goes up with higher prevalence of condition

true negatives divided by total negatives, higher in pops with lower prevalence
the probability of a type I error, proving there is a correlation when there is not, type II is not proving correlaiton when there is, lower p is better
prospective cohort
resaearcher observes natural events over time without intervention
case control and cross sectional stufies
case control- identify risk factors, retrospective

cross sectional- determine correlations between variables, presence of varibales recorded, data obtained from point of interest in time
Confidentiaility may be breached if...
risk to others exists, HIV positve prostitute patient threatens to kill, child abuse
alpha2 agonist decreases sympathetci outflow from CNS
beta blockers can be used for...
CHF, HTN, angina, laucoma (block ciliary bodh secretion), migraines
Cholinesterase inhibitors
physstigmine and neostigmine used for myasthenia gravis and increase GI and blader mobility

neotigmine can cause spastic paralysis

edrophnium short duration can be used for diagnosis of myasthenia gravis
Direct cholinergic agonists
cause parasympathetic activation t the reecetpro, casue diaphoresis, flushing, increased urinary urgency, ND

bethanecol- used for atonic bladder, especialy when the patient is postpartum

pilocarpin eand carachol used for glaucoma, causes miosis to allow better aqueos humor drainagle through canals of schelm
Antimuscarinic drugs
atropine and scopolamine, prevent ACH from binding receptors, but do not block nicotinic receptors

scopolamine has longer duration and more CNS effects
Pancuronium vs. succinylcholine
antinicotnic agents, succincocholine (fasciculations occur early) is a depolarizing blocker and pancuronium is a nnondepolarizing

succs can cause malignant hyperthermia treateed by dantroline
Muscarnic receptor types
M1,3 and 5 stimulate PLC to produce IP3 and DAG, increase calcium, found in ANS, glands and bronchial smooth muscle

M2 and M4 inhibit adenylate cyclase decrease cAMP causing K efflux and sodium influx, occurs in heart and CNS
Adrenergic receptors
Beta- stimulate adenylate cyclase, yielding high cAMP

Alpha 1- stimulate PLC, high DAG, IP3, results in actiavte protein kinase C

Alpha 2- inhibits adenylate cyclase, yielding low cAMP
sex hormones in birth control
estrogens- side effects include nausea and vomiting, increases s risk of endometrial hperplasia

progesterones, they work together to supress follicular development and ovulation, progestin makes cervical mucus inhospitable to sperm
Erythema infectiosum
parvovirus B19, slapped cheeck bilaterally in child, can cause aplastic anema with sick cell and leukemia
caused by JC virus, demleination b infecting and killing oligodendrocytes, frequently infects humans but only causes probs in immunocompromised
Pathogenesis of HPV
expresses E6 and E7 which inactiavte proteins encded by tumor suppressors like p53 and RB, subtypes 16 and 18 do this more than others
small pox rash
all lesions at same stage of evolution at same time
+HBsAg 6 months after infection?
chronic Hep B

presents initially as asympyomatic or RUQ pain, fever, jaundice and malaise

interferon alpha is DOC
reactiation of latent VAV follows dermatomal pattern, severe infections treated with acyclovir, gabpentin can treat neuropathic pain
produces heterophile antibodies and atypical lymphocytes, latent in B ells, causes mono, acyclovir if severe, IgM or IgG VCA antibody detects infection

associated with Burkitt;s lymphoma
transmitted nbvia body fluids, no heterohphile Absm ganciclovir is the DOC, can cause mono, retintis, interstitial pneumonitis, hepatiits and inclusion disease enchephalitis
HHV 6, 6th disease, abrupt high fever for a few days then rash after fever ends
RNA viruses
flu viruses, MMR, rabies, Hep C, HIV, HTLV, arboviruses, rhinovirus, norwalk virus
Polio infection
most of the type asymptomatic may progress to mild fever, ehardache etc, or too fever ehadche and stiff neck

may also cause flaccid paralysis d/t replication of anterior horn cells in spinal cord
Coxsackie B causes..
dilated cardiomyopathy, can also cause fever and pleuritic chest pain
N antigen in flu
neuraminidase, cleaves the cells neuraminic acid and allows release of new virus from the cell, percieived natigen by immune system
measeles, rash from face works inferiorly, see koplik spots on mouth and high fever, treatmnet is vitamin A and ribbririn in adults,
mumps cause
parotistis, orchitis and aseptic meningitis, benign and self limited
2-3 week intubation followed by maculopapular rash that spreads downworad, mild and shorter than meases, associated with TORCH problems, causing congenital defects
equine encephalitis viruses
encephalitis, high feer, potentialy fatal, both east and west mosquito viruses
St. louis encephalitis
mosuiot from bird rservori, encephalitis, can be fatal
Dengue and yellow ffever
Dengue- igh fever, rash, bone/joint pain, symptm free for several days, high fever with new rash, fever headahce then symtpom free for several days, then fever + jaundice

Dengue can cause hemorrhagic fever with rexposure get high fever, shock d/t hemorrhgae
Fever, confusion and ascending muscle weakness,
west Nile virus, mosquito used to be afria now includes US
flu like symptoms then acute resp failure, exposed to mice in western US
Rabies virus
seizure, paralysis and coma nearly all die, 2-16 weeks after bite, depends confusion, lethargym increased salivation can give vaccine and rabies Ig, + negri bodies on autopsy
Ebola virus
causes hemorrhagic fever, fever, headache, diarhea, vomitng folowed by thrombocytopenia, hemorrhage and shock, DIC nearly 100% mrotality rate
Progressive multifocal leukencephalopathy
caused by JC virus, loss of vision, intellectural impairment, snensory changes,d eath within 1-9 monthjs
Prion diseases
CJD, memonie deficits, rigidiity, terminal state marked by akinesia dn muteness, 3-12 months of sx onset, usually death occurs by way of complicating pneumonia, can be acquired from transplant or hereditary

also can get the mad cow form
human T cell lymphotropic virus causes adult T cell leukemia - lymphadenopathy, hepatospneomealy, lytic bone lesions,

also myelobathy causing gait disturbance, lower extremity weakness, low back pain,bladder/bowel incontinence
Major HIV gene products
gp160- when cleaved becomes gp41 and 120

41 binds to CCR5 or CXCR4, gp120 binds CD4 receptors
Diangosis of HIV
screened with ELISA, confirmed with western blot, ELISA neg in first few months
2 nuckes + 1 protease inhbiotr, 1 NNRTI, or 1 integrase inhibitor
Acute HIV
2-4 weeks after infection, resolves in 2 weeks, fever, lymphadenopathy, sore throat lethary, antibodies within 3-4 weeks
treatment for toxoplasmosis in HIV
pryimethamine, leucovorin and sulfadiazine, prohpylax with TMP/SMX
Prophylaxis for MAC, crytoococcal menningitis and CMV reitinints in HIV
MAC- azithromycin, add ehtambutol for tx, crytococcus amp B and flucytosine for tx, flucanozole erarly, CMV retitnis tx is ganciclovir
Molds vs. yeasts
yeasts are round or oval, mold are fungal cells that unite end-toend to form one long string of ccells called hyphae
sporotrichosis, tinea versicolr and dematophytosis
sporotrichosis- locla pustules at ubcutre site, cigar shaped udding yeast,

tinnea versicolar, hyppigmeted areas with prurits and scaling, hyphae form,
dermatphytosis glows under wood's lamp, red ring with central clearing
live in soil as artrerospores, live in tissue as endospores, found in southwest US,San Joquain valley fever
monomorphic with V shaped septate hyphae, lung cavitations created by TB or Wegener's. form fungus balls, also causes allerfic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, asthma like symptoms
Patients at risk for mucor or rhizops
DKA, burns, leukemia

monoorphic mold, non-septate hyphae with right angle branches,multiply in vessels leading to infarction and necrosis
Life cycle of plasmodium
sporozoites gain entry to mosquito in saliva, sporozoites enter bloodstream and then become merozoites in the liver, then can enter RBCs merozoites in all RBCs lyse at same time causing severe hemolysis every 48 hours
Plasmodium falciparum
infects RBCs of all ages and stages, hypnozoites only affect immature RBCs, more RBCs afected leads to RBC aggregates and hemorrhage and necrosis including brain
multiple ring enhancing lesions in the brain, immunocompromied patient, exposure to cats

tx is prymethrimine + sulfadiazine and leucovorin
sandfly from dog, fox and rodent reservoir, treatment is stibogluconate, causes Kala-Azar, pancytopenia, splenomegaly, weight loss, yperpigmentation
African sleeping sickness
typanozoma briucei from tse-tse fly, fever spiking every 2 weeks then lympadenopathy then encepalopathy and sleap problems, tz is suramin or pentamine
causes severe diarrhe in immunosuprressed, causes sever watery diarrhea, debilitating and lifethreatening
free swimming immature forms in water enter skin, enter blood, enter arterial circulatin, mature into adult flukes then migrate into portal flow to live in mesenteric vessel
blood fluke leads to cholangitis, chronic infection cleads to cholangiocarcinoma
Taenia solium
tapeworm, found in infected pork, enters intestine and mature into adult tapewrm, eggs excreted in stool, can aloso spread fecal oral, eggs hatch penetrate intestine wall and migrate to brain and eyes, leads to death
Diphyllobothrium latum
fish tapewom, raw or undercooked fish, settle in small intestine, consume B12 leading to deficit
dog tapeworm, human ingests dog fees, eggs devlop into cyts in lungs, liver or brain leading to hemotysis, liver disfunciton, focal neuro deficits respectively

cysts rupture leading to fatal anaphylaxis
Enterobius vermicularis
pinworm, occurs only in humans, perianal pruritis, wose at night, scothc tape test, hatch in small intestine and mature to adults wihch migrate to colon, egg laying at night causes pruritis
Necator americanus
hookworm, pruritis at entry site, diarrhea, voming, abndominal pain, iron feficit, mature in lung, caused by bare ffet on moist soil, grass, feed on blood in GI capilarries
asymptomatic, may cause watery diarrhea and pneumonitis, warm moist soil, larvae penetrate skin, enters blood and migrate to lung then ascends to mature in small intestine, larvae either pass into small intestin
Massive lymph node obstruction leading to edema, in the tropics
River blindness, africa central ameriaca
black fly, onchocerca
acquired by ingesting raw seafood, primairly in US, sushiu, gastroeneteritis, eosinophilia, occult stool blood, sx of appendicitis, ay progress to mimic GI malignancy