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111 Cards in this Set

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In an AIDS patient, what do you use ganciclovir for?
CMV reitinitis tx
In an AIDS patient, what do you use, what do you use Amp B for? plus what other drug?
Cryptomeningitis, plus flucytosine
In an AIDS patient, what is DOC for MAC? CD4 count?
Clarithromycin and Ethambutol
Describe Folate in bacteria, and how we target?
Folate is produced by bacterial dihydropteroate synthetase - blocked by SMX, sulfadiazine, dapsone
Eukaryotes and bacteria -
use folate via enzyme dihydrofolate reductase - to form tetrahydrofolate. Block this with TMP or pyrimethamine
what is alternative to Bactrim in pneumocystis jiroveci prophylaxis
dapsone + pyrimethamine + leucoverin
what are the two most common germinal testicular tumors
seminoma - peak at 35, painless enlargement of testicle, always malig and radiosensitive
Embryonal - peak <35, painful with early met ELEVATED hcg, poor prog
what are the germ cell testicular tumors that occur at younger ages
sx? signs?
choriocarcinoma - peak around 20 - malignant, significant elevated hCG
yolk sac (aka infantile type embryonal) - peaks in infancy, elevated AFP
what are the stromal sex cord testicular tumors
Cell types?
leydig cell tumor - precocious puberty, or gynecomastia depending on age, (+) REinke crystals
Sertoli cell - usually benign and asymptomatic
what are the major categories of ovarian tumors and how are they related to age
surface epithelium >20
Germ cell <20
Sex cord stromal cell tumors - variable
what are the two kinds of cystadenoma/cystadenocarcinoma
serous - mass is always cystic(fluid filled epithelial sac), tumor line with fallopian tube epithelium (ciliated and watery secretion)
Mucinous - also always cystic mass, Line with columnar cells that produce mucus
May lead to pseudomyxoma peritonei
what female ovarian tumor looks like bladder tissue?
brenner - aka celioblastoma
what is the most common germ line ovarian tumor in women? sx?
what are the variants and describe
Teratoma - 2 orgerm layers
mature - more frequent benign ovarian tumor
Immature - aggressively malignant
strum ovarii - contains THYROID tissue - can have hyperthyroidism!
what are all the types of ovarian germ line tumors
dysgerminoma -malignant
choriocarcinoma - increased hCG and AGGRESSIVE
endodermal sinus(yolk sac) - AFP elevated
what is an ovarian tumor + asciteis and pleural effusions
Meigs syndrome
what do you see in krukenbergs syndrome?
commone source?
Ovarian metastitic cancer - bilateral replacement of ovaries with MUCIN producing signet ring cells!!!!
Source is usually stomach
what are they stromal sex cord tumorstestosterone
Granulosa the cal cell - secrete LOTs of estrogen - "call-exner bodies"(follicle with eosinophilic secretion) - can cause 2ndary endometrial hyperplasia or CA. Also may cause precocious puberty in kids
Sertoli-leydig cell tumor - Androblastoma - virilization in female. lots of testosterone
Endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma
sx? causes? risk factors
Hyperplasia - due to excess estrogen stim, sx - postmenopausal bleeding. Risk - PCOS, Annovulation, hormone replacement
Carcinoma - MOST COMMON gyne malignancy - sx- present with vaginal bleeing. RISK - prolonged estrogen use without progestins, obesity, DM, HTN, late menopause
common causes of cervicitis
gardnerella vaginalis
trichomonas vaginalis
candida albicans
Chlamydia trachoma tis
Describe how PCOS works
1. Excess LH production - increased androgen production by theca cells- androgen leads to acne and hirsutism
2. androgen converted via aromatase to in adipose (worse in fat asses)
3. 2ndary estrogen increase - inhibits pituitary release of FSH - so they become annovulatory and have amenorrhea
4. - high estrogen leads to endometrial hyperplasia also
LABS - 2:1 LH:FSH, high test, high androstenedione, high estrone
what is the most common uterine tumor
leiomyoma (fibroids) -
whorled pattern of smooth muscle
present with abnormal menstrual bleeding, urinary frequency
what are the placental tumors?
sx, labs?
Hydatidiform mole - abnormal ovum fertilization
complete mole - two sperm onto a egg w/o a nucleus - diploid - VERY high HCG, high malig risk
partial mole - triploid! 2 sperm and egg. see fetal parts! and low malig risk

Choriocarcinoma - trophoblast tumor - frequent and early mets!!!, very high beta hCG
Sx= irregular spotting, BROWN BLODDY FOUL SMELLING
Px presents with rock hard mass with sharp margins in her tit. What kind? what other sign may we see?
Invasive ductal carcinoma
Peau d'orange - nipple retraction due to lymphatic invasion and blockage.
Inflammatory cells
px. presents with mass in her tit that has a orderly row of cells?
what cell type is common, and what would u expect to see? what would u expect NOT to see?
Invasive lobular, signet cells!!!!

High MET rate! and rubbery
Bilateral, look at other tit
what is comedocarcinoma
subtype of DCIS - central areas of NECROSIS and become calcified.
what can cause restrictive lung dz

see what CXR with one subtype?
Parenchymal dz's -
collagen vascular dz- RA, SLE, scleroderma
hereditary - familial idiopathic pulm fibrosis
infections - TB, histo, coccidio, CMV, PJ
inflam - wegners, goodpastures, churg struas
Interstitial fibrosis due to chronic inflammatory process
What does a pulmonary wedge pressure tell us? what is the line?
>12 - pleural edema - cardiogenic
<12 - pleural edema is NOT cardiogenic - IE ARDS
what are the 2 major stages of ARDS
Exudative vs. proliferative
exudative - endothelial injury leads to hyaline membrane, type 2 pneumocyte prolif

Proliferative - interstitial fibrosis, alveolar destruction
what abx's are inhibitors of translation
Chloramphenicol, Erythromycin, Clindamycin
Tetracyclines, Aminoglycosides
what are the inhibitors of DNA replication?
Anti folates - TMP, sulfonamides, pyrimethamine, dapsone.
Purine analog - 6MP via HGPRT
pyrimidine analog - 5FU, cytarabine
ABX cytotoxins - actinomycin, doxorubicin, bleomycin
MOA cisplatin
cross links DNA
MOA actinomycin D
sits in small groove of DNA and intercalates DNA
Wilms tumor, eqing, rhabdomyosarcoma
Child tumors!

Ae- BM
MOA cyclophosphamide
most widely used Alkylating agent, covalent X link DNA at guanine n7
needs bioactivation by P450
Used for NH lymphoma, breast, ovary. also to immune suppress
AE = hemorrhagic cystitis and bladder fibrosis!!
what is special about vincristine?
Uses? moa?
inhibits microtubule polymerization in M phase
used for hodgkin, leukemias, and Wilms

what are psammoma bodies and where do we see them?
Laminated concentric calcific spherules
Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid
Serous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary
what is most common lung cancer in Non smokers

presents? how do we follow?
adenocarcinoma - in periphery
presents in pre existing scars

+ CEA - carcinoembryonic antigen - used to follow
what paraneoplastic syndrome related to squamous cell carcinoma
PTH - Hypercalcemia!
Px arrives with Hypercalcemia, hypoglycemia
what other lab finding might you find?
Pituitary adenoma - GH, or others
This is MEN1
hyper calcemia from PTH, hypoglycemia fromhypoglycemia tumor - CAN BE OTHERS TOO - ZES, or VIPoma, rarely glucagon
SSx in lyphogranuloma venereum
LYMPHogranuloma hits the lymph nodes with granulomas
Tx for lymphogranuloma venereum?
doxycyline....bc this is Chlamydia and all chlamydia treated w doxy
granuloma inguinale....SSx
GRanuloma INGUINALE hits the GROIN then blocks the inguinal area (granulomas hit the genitals then the organism blocks lymphatics)
granuloma inguinale....cause and tx?
klebsiella granulomatis

Pt presents w a soft painful chancre on his penis....you take a look at it under the scope and see "school of fish" organization of organisms...you tell the Pt he has Dz X and Rx him drug X.
this is chancroid caused by hemophilus ducreyi and treated w CEFTRIAXONE
what cells are the hallmark of an HPV infection
koilocytes...epithelial cells with perinuclear clearing
what two HPV viral genes interfere with the nl fxn of p53 and Rb tumor suppressor genes
E6 and E7
what is the #1 most common germ cell testicular tumor in males
germ cell testicular seminoma in males is analagous to what germ cell tumor in women
ovarian dysgerminoma
pt presents w painless enlargement of the testes...if you suspect a germ cell tumor...what should be top of the list
#2 most common germ cell testicular tumor in males
testicular choriocarcinoma in males is analgous to what germ cell tumor in females
ovarian choriocarcinoma
male yolk sac tumor is analagous to what germ cell tumor in females
endodermal sinus tumor (both have elevated AFP)
Pt presents w a Leydig cell tumor....what would you expect on micro?
+ intracytoplasmic Reinke crystals

you get a leydig cell tumor from doing the reinke panky
list the 5 germ cell tumors in males
yolk sac
what are the two stromal sex cord tumors in males
leydig cell and sertoli cell tumor
another name for sertoli cell tumor is
what are the 5 surface epithelium tumors of the ovary
clear cell
rupture of an ovarian mucinous cystadenocarcinoma leads to multiple intraperitoneal tumor implants....this is caleld what
pseudomyxoma peritonei
Brenner tumor is composed of what
bladder epithelial cells

bladder - brenner
what are the 4 major germ cell turmors in females
endodermal sinus
another name for an ovarian teratoma is
dermoid cyst
what is a struma ovarii
an ovarian teratoma with only 1 tissue element - thyroid. can lead to hyperthyroidism
what are the 3 stromal sex cord tumors in females
granulosa-theca cell tumor
sertoli-leydig cell tumor
Pt presents with a granulosa theca cell tumor of ovary...what labs and micro findings to expect
tumor secretes high estrogen
+ Call-Exner bodies (follicle full of eosinophilic material)

if you get a granulosa theca cell tumor you better call your ex (ner)
sertoli leydig cell tumor....Pt presents with...
sertoli leydig cell tumor aka androblastoma...secretes TEsTOSTERONE
irreversible virilization of female
ovary Bx shows a solid tumor of spindle shaped fibroblasts. you Dx what
ovarian fibroma (benign)
what is meig's syndrome
ovarian fibroma + ascites + pleural effusion
ovary Bx shows signet ring cells...you Dx
Krukenberg tumor
what is a Krukenberg tumor
ovarian tumor metastasized from elsewhere (usually stomach), that bilaterally replaced overaies with mucin-producing signet ring cells
describe a signet ring cell
cell of Krukenberg tumor that makes large amounts of mucin intracytoplasmically so the ells nucleus is displaced to the periphery = looks like a class ring
#1 invasive CA of female genital tract
endometrial carcinoma
Pt presents with stage 1 invasive cervical carcinoma ...this tells you what about the carcinoma
the invasive carcinoma is confined to the cervix
Pt presents with stage 2 invasive cervical carcinoma .this tells you what about the carcinoma
invasive carcinoma extends beyond cervix but not onto pelvic wall and if it involves vagina...not the lower 1/3
Pt presents with stage 3 nvasive cervical carcinoma .this tells you what about the carcinoma
invasive carcinoma has extended to pelvic wall
Pt presents with stage 4 invasive cervical carcinoma ...this tells you what about the carcinoma
invasive carcinoma has extended beyond pelvic wall or has involved bladder or rectal mucosa +/- mets
infertile, amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea, acne, hirsutism, obesity.
what do we think is cause of PCOS.....initial cause
excess LH production
labs in PCOS
> or = to 2:1 LH:FSH ratio.....high androstenedione, testosterone, and estrone
what is the number 1 site of endometriosis
what is a chocolate cyst
collection of old blood that develops on ovary when ectopic endometrial tissue of endometrisosis bleeds
#1 tumor in women
uterine leiomyoma.....also happens to be the #1 uterine tumor
what causes a complete mole
2 sperms get into an enucleate ovum
what causes an incomplete mole
2 or more sperm get into an ovum and cause triploidy or tetraploidy or something else weird
get a radiology report back from your worst radiologist...he wasnt able to classify what he was seeing....the only helpful thing was "uterus larger than expected for gestational age"....this rings your bell for What Dx??
hydatidiform mole
choriocarcinoma is composed of what
malignant neoplasm of trophoblastic cells (placenta....your baby is trying to kill you..not really but think about it like that)
old lady presents w a single, sharply circumscribed mobile and marble shape/sized mass of the breast. you Dx
whats the most common breast CA
invasive ductal Carcinoma
mammogram shows calcifications of the breast....you know you can exclude WHAT Dx since you know it never presents w calcifications
lobular carcinomas
mammography of breast shows a spiculated mass....that makes you think of 2 Dxs.....what are they
tubular carcinoma and DCIS
important oncogene in breast cancer (gain fxn)
c-erb-b2 (her 2 neu)

onco - ERB
important tumor suppressor genes in breast cancer
BRCA1, 2, and p53 (loss fxn)
Pt presents with pulsus paradoxus (greater than or equal to 10mmHg fall in BP during inspiration) and electrical alternanas on ECG (beat to beat alternating height of QRS complex). you Dx...
cardiac tamponade
Pt presents with a pleural friction rub and you see ST elevation in all leads on ECG. you Dx...
Pt presents with a widened mediastinum on xray and describes abrupt onset severe teraring anterior chest pain radiating to back...you Dx...
aortic dissection

what is a paradoxical emboli
venous emboli that bypass the lung via a heart shunt and enter the systemic arterial circulation
Pt presents with transposition of the great arteries. you expect to see what on CXR
enlarged EGG SHAPE heart
Pt presents with coarctation of the aorta...you expect what on CXR
rib notching
the gene associated with alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency is on what chromosome
chromosome 14
two chemo cancer drugs that start w B that are well known to cause restrictive lung dz
busulfan, bleomycin
transufate vs exudate...compare the protein content and LDH content of the fluid
exudate has high LDH and high protein

transudate not as high
A p ANCA positive patient with recurrent asthma attacks comes in and you suspect Churg Strauss. what other finding would help you rule in this allergic angiitis?
massive eosinophi invasion of lung and blood.

do not forget to assocaite churg strauss with ALLERGY ..thus eosinophilia
a young adult smoker presents with spontaneous pneumothorax. you should be considering
histiocytosis X (eosinophilic granuloma)
what is a classic xray finding w silicosis
EGG SHELL calcifications in hilar lymph nodes
hypersensitivity pneumonitis....this is an allergic problem. strikingly, what do we see on labs
NO eosinophilia
both hypersensitivity pneumonitis and sarcoid present with noncaseating granulomas...how can we distinguish from labs?
sarcoid CD4: CD8 ratio = 2:1-10:1

hypersensitivity pneumonitis CD4:CD8 ratio = <1:2
patient presents with eosinophilic pneumonia...apart from the peripheral eosinophilia and high IGE....you should suspect what on Cxr
reverse butterfly peripheral infiltrates
Bx comes back that says "lines of Zahn....alternating red and white stripes" you Dx ....
classic CXR finding in a PE
hamptons hump - wedge shaped opacification of distal edges of lung fields
what are kulchitsky cells
neuroendocrine tumor cells...small, dark blue nests of cells resembling lymphocytes....seen in small cell and bronchial carcinoid tumors
menstruating woman presents with dyspnea, hemoptysis, and PNEUMOthoraxxx....suspect what
what are the 4 anterior mediastinal tumors
terrible lymphoma
thyroid tumor
pickwickian sydrome
fat person w daytime sleepiness, probably bc he has sleep apnea.
cobalt exposure in lungs will show what on micro
giant cell pneumonitis....giant cells virtually pathonogmonic