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22 Cards in this Set

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How is hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC aka LYNCH syndrome) inherited and what causes it?
Auto dominant

d/t defective DNA mismatch repair genes
What type of cancer (besides colon) are pts suffering from Lynch syndrome at an especially high risk for developing?
Endometrium and ovary
From what do most colon cancers arise?
Adenomas (adenomatous polyps)
What are the 2 molecular pathways responsible for the development of colon cancer?
1) loss of tumor suppressor APC genes

2) Mutation of oncogene k-RAS and inactivation of tumor suppressor p53
Patients with right colonic cancers are more likely to have what symptoms?
Iron-deficiency anemia
- stool changes
Patients with left colonic cancers are more likely to have what symptoms?
+ hemoccult stool
Change in bowel habits
Crampy LLQ discomfort/tenesmus (d/t stimulation of bowel by the tumor)
Pencil stools
A 55 yo patient comes in with complaints of chronic fatigue. It is determined that he has iron deficiency anemia. What is your next thought?
He's got colon cancer until it's ruled out with a further workup
What area of the colon is most at risk for developing diverticula?
Sigmoid colon at the areas where blood vessels penetrate the full thickness of the bowel - this is the weakest spot in the bowel
What symptoms would diverticulosis cause?
+ hemoccult
gross bleeding
What is diverticulitis?
An inflammed (d/t infection) diverticula that has been blocked off by a particle of food allowing the bacteria to proliferate
What are the symptoms of diverticulitis?
LLQ pain
increased PMNs
+/- diarrhea
- hemoccult (b/c b.v. is tamponaded by impacted debris)
What is the major concern with diverticulitis?

How is it treated?
Abscess formation, bowel perforation, and/or sepsis that is potentially life-threatening

Ciprofloxacin and Metronidazole
What causes irritable bowel syndrome?
dysregulation of the enteric nervous system where it activates and inhibits itself w/o regard to the autonomic nervous system
What type of lesions are seen in Crohn's dz?
Skip lesions
What are the complications of Crohn's dz?
Fistula, fissures, strictures
If you have a patient do a barium swallow and see a + string sign on x-ray, what type of bowel dz do they have?
Crohn's dz d/t strictures
Where do the lesions for ulcerative colitis begin?
At the rectum and progresses proximally to the ileocecal jxn
What can be seen in UC where an area of regenerating mucous membrane is encircled by ulcer?
Which dz has the lead pipe colon?
UC (d/t fibrosis from long standing dz resulting in loss of haustra)
Risk for which dz is decreased by smoking (Crohn's or UC)?
What are the major concerns for UC?
Toxic megacolon and high risk of colon cancer (vs. mod risk of colon cancer in Crohn's)
Describe Crohn's and UC in terms of pain and bleeding:
Crohn's: less bleeding, more pain (d/t transmural lesions irritating nerves)

UC: more bleeding, less pain (lesions are superficial)