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188 Cards in this Set

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Which three mediators of inflammation vasodilate?
Nitric oxide
What produces IL -4, -5 and where does it act?
Produced by CD4 T Cells
Stimulates B Cells
What are the class I HLA antigens?
Antigen presenting cells (APC) have which HLA?
Class 2 (HLA-DP, HLA-DQ, HLA-DR)
What do INF-a and INF-b do?
Induces MHC-1 and has anti-viral effects
The acute phase response is activated and induced by?
What activates the alternative pathway?
Cobra venom
Endotoxin (Gram Negative Bacteria)
Complex polysaccharides (fungal capsules)
The classical and alternative pathway go to ___ so as to make ___.
Membrane attack complex C5b-9
What is the antidote for heparin?
What are the symptoms of organophosphate poisoning?
GI upset

(due to overabundance of ACh)
What is one of the first line drugs for treating cryptococcal menigitis?
What is a serious side effect of primaquine?
May cause G6PD deficiency exacerbation
What are 2 serious side effects of PDE-5 inhibitors?
Non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
Which drug can cause tendon ruptures?
What is Rifampin and what should you avoid when taking it?
Used for TB (prophylaxis and tx)

avoid alcohol use b/c liver damage
What are the drugs that are easily displaced from albumin?
What is L-dopa used to treat and what are its effects on P450?
Used for Parkinson's
Induces P450
What is ethanol's effect on P450?
induces P450
Why do babies and premies often retain certain drugs?
They have incompletely developed tubular secretory mechanisms
What are some clinical findings with regards to tissue texture changes in chronic somatic dysfunction?
Tissues will be pale, fibrotic, ropy, stringy, dry, scaly, pimply, contracted, hypotonic muscles
Fryette's principles only apply to which parts of the spine?
Throacic and lumbar
When naming a type 2 Fryette's ___ proceeds ___ in motion mechanics and nomenclature
Rotation proceeds sidebending
T1 is rotated right. Rotation increases with flexion and returns to a more neutral position in extension. What is the SD?
Extension somatic dysfunction
In which axis and plane of motion does rotation occur?
Rotation occurs in a transverse plane around a vertical axis
What is isometric contraction?
muscle contract that increases tension w/o approximating the two ends
What is the sequence of treatment for OMT?
Central --> peripheral
What is a tender point that in non-responsive to counterstrain called?
Maverick point
In post-isometric relaxation the activation of ___ allows relaxation of ___ muscle?
Golgi tendon organ
Agonist muscle
You feel restriction of left OA translation, what is your DX?
Sidebent Left, Rotated Right

Remember that translation tests sidebending on opposite side. So if you are restricted in translation left you are restricted in sidebending right. Also, sidebending and rotation are opposite in the OA and AA.
How is the AA tested?
OPP question
AA is tested by flexing head 45 degrees and rotating head.
Which muscles aid in elevation of the first rib?
Anterior and Middle Scalenes
Which ligament holds the dens in place?
Transverse ligament
What is the autoantibody for scleroderma?
Anti-Scl 70
What is the triad for pemphigus?
Nikolsky's sign, oral and skin erosions, older
What is the triad for Wegner's granulomatosis?
lung lesions
What is the autoantibody for Myasthenia gravis?
Anti-ACh receptor
What is the protein deposited in the brain causing Alzheimer's disease?
amyloid-beta protein
Hyperacute transplant rejection is caused by what type of hypersensitivity?
Type II
Describe Type II hypersensitivity
immune complex deposition
Which tumor marker is used to track renal cell carcinoma?
Alkaline phosphatase
What is a common source of breast cancer metases?
To the brain
Describe X-linked dominant disorders
Never skips a generation
No male-male transmission
What is the most common lethal autosomal recessive genetic disease of Caucasians?
Cystic fibrosis
What are the three types of mucopolysaccharidoses?
1. Hurler
2. Scheie
3. Hunter
What is the cause of Bernard-Soulier disease?
Lack of GpIb (needed for platelet adhesion to VWF)
What kind of inheritance pattern is familial hypercholesterolemia?
Autosomal dominant
Bilateral schwannomas, hearing deficits are a result from
NF 2
What is the trinucleotide repeat of Huntington's Disease?
What are three clinical findings for Fragile X?
Large ears and jaw
Mental retardation
What is the deficiency of Lesch-Nyhan syndrome?
What is the partial deltion of retinoblastoma?
What is the HLA associated with SLE?

Remember: DR3...SLE, give the insulin to me (DM1)
for no diarrhea (celiac disease)
Most common cause of osteomyelitis in IV drug users?
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
What is the most common cause of cold in the summer/spring?
What are the 4 types of nephropathy a SLE patient can get?
1. Mesangial disease
2. Focal proliferative nephritis
3. Diffuse proliferative nephritis
4. Membranous glomerulonephropathy
Name 3 phagocyte disorders
1. Job's Syndrome
2. Chediak-Higashi Syndrome
3. Chronic granulomatous disease
What is the pathology of Bruton's agammglobulinemia?
No mature B cells
What are the signs and symptoms of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome?
Recurrent bacterial infections (otitis media)
Low IgM
What would you use to test the intrinsic pathway?
Hemophillia A is a lack of what?
Factor XIII (intrinsic pathway so measure with PTT)
What will be increase in labs for Von Willebrand Disease?
PTT and Bleeding time
Which drug prevents vitamin K activation of factors 2, 7, 9, 10?
Spherocytosis is cause by
deficiency in spectrin
What is the sole means of producing NADPH in RBCS?
Pentose PO4 pathway which needs G6PD
What is the disorder with sickle cell anemia?
Amino acid substution (valine for glutamate) in beta globin chain at 6th amino acid position
What kind of agglutin antiboides does Mycoplasma pneumonia have?
What is Plummer-Vinson disease?
Low grade, long-term iron deficiency that causes esophageal webs and dysphagia for solids
What is seen in RBC which are poisoned with lead?
Basophilic stippling
Heinz bodies are see with
Marker for Hairy Cell Leukemia?
Reed-Sternberg cells are associated with
Hodgkin's Lymphoma
What is Monckebergs?
Calcium deposits in blood vessels media producing lumps
What is usually seen in people who have Polyarteritis nodosa?
Hep B
What is positive in someone with Microscopic polyangitits?
What is the cause of Buerger's disease?
*causes necrosis of fingers and toes
Giant cell artertis treatment?
Steroids immediately if you suspect because of blindness risk of temporal arteritis
What is posistive in Wegner's Granulomatosis?
What do you give in Kawasaki disease?
Aspirin and IgG
*asian kids with rash on hand and soles
A harsh cardiac sound is usually caused by
Blood hitting a surface (stenosis)
A blowing cardiac sound is usually caused by
Blood going the wrong way (regurgitation)
Characteristics of Tetralogy of Fallot
Overriding Aorta
RV hypertrophy
Pulmonic stenosis
Eisenmenger's syndrome is caused by
Reversal of a Left to Right Shunt to
Right to left shunt (due to pulmonary hypertension)
Where is the coarctation of aorta in someone who is an adult?
Past the PDA (will find high pressure in extremity and low pressure in lower extremity)
Pain relief with Nitroglycerin will be seen in these two types of ischemic heart disease?
Stable angina
Tropoinin will be elevated in these ischemic heart diseases
Non-Q wave MI (ST depression)
Q-wave MI (ST elevation)
What are the signs and symptoms of right-sided heart failure?
Ankle edema, JVD
Subacute infective endocarditis only occurs in
Those with prior valve pathology
Libman-Sacks endocarditis occurs in
SLE patients
Aschoff body is usually seen in
Acute rheumatic fever
What is the FEV1/FVC ratio in obstructive lung disease?
Panacinar pulmonary emphysema is caused by
alpha-1 antitrpsin deficiency
What is Kartagner syndrome?
Recurrent bronchial infections causing bronchiectasis.
They have situs inversus, male sterility, hearing deficits b/c non-functional cilia.
Who do you find Charcot-Leyden crystals and Curshmann spirals?
Asthmatics, it's caused by eosinophilia
Diffues injury to endothelium of the lung cuases
What will you see in pneumonconiosis caused by asbestosis?
Ferruginous bodies
Neonatal ARDS is cause by
Lecithin:sphingomyelin ration <2 (surfactant)
Premature birth prior to 33-34 weeks
Goodpasture's syndrome is autoimmune disease mediated by
anti-glomerular basement membrane antboides
Primary causes of brochopneumonia
What does atypical pneumonia look like and what are its causes?
Patchy bilateral infiltrates

Viruses, Mycoplasma pneumonia
Which lung cancer affects non-smokers in addition to smokers?
*associated with previous lung scar
What is carcinoid syndrome?
A tumor that produces serotonin and histmaine causing flushing, diarrhea, bronchospasm, hypotension.
Signs of nephritic syndrome
RBC casts
increased BUN and creatinine
What can small cell carcinoma of lung cause?
Eaton-Lambert Syndrome
increase ADH (edema)
increase ACTH (cushings)
Signs of nephrotic syndrome
Severe proteinuria >3.5 g
What is found on biopsy of Minimal Change disease?
Loss of foot processes
What is the most common adult nephrotic disorder?
Membranous glomerulonephritis
Kidney bipsoy shows spike and dome pattern
Membranous glomerulonephritis
Muddy brown casts are seen on urinalysis, what do you think it might be?
Acute tubular necrosis
Causes of pre-renal ATN
Common drugs that cause intrinsic ATN by causing tubular injury
amphotericin B
ethylene glycol
How does hypocalcemia occur in chronic renal failure?
Decrease phosphate excretion from kidneys -->
Phosphate binds and precipitates calcium -->

Also, kidney doesn't respond to PTH (low reabsorbtion of Ca)
What is the most common type of kidney stone?
A staghorn calculus is composed of what?

The NH4 is common caused by Proteus and Staphylococcus saprophyticus (urase-splitting)
Who is at risk for a uric acid urolithiasis?
leukemia tx
excessive purine consumption
Frothy green vag discharge is commonly caused by
Trichomonas vaginalis (darting trichomonads)
What do you treat Chlamydia trachomatis?
Doxycyline for the Chlamydia and then empirical treatment of ceftriaxon for possible Gonorrhea
Someone has a painful chancroid on their genitals, what might it be?
Hemophilus ducreyi

*give them ceftriaxone
Biopsy of codyloma acuminatum would reveal
Which protein of HPV-16 messes with something important in a human?
E6 messes with p53 (tumor suppressor gene)
What is the most common germ cell tumor of males?

presents as painless enlargement of testes around age 35
Precocious puberty or gynocomastia after puberty would be a sign of this testicular tumor
Leydig cell tumor

*too much testosterone is produced
Which ovarian tumor accounts for about half of all ovarian carcinomas?
serous cytadenocarcinoma
What is pseudomyxoma peritonei?
Rupture of mucinous cystadenocarcinoma causing implants of tumor
A woman has a sex-cord tumor and presents with a beard, clitoromegaly, and a deep voice. What does she have?
Sertoli-Leydig cell (should not be in a woman)
Neoplasm of trophoblast in woman
*VERY aggressive and high hCG
You biopsy a tumor in the ovary that has a signet-ring appearance. What does you patient have?
Krukenberg tumor from a metastasis elsewhere
If you see ___ of the endometrium, this is pre-malignant.
Are cervical polyps neoplasms?
No...just an area of inflammation in cervical epithelium
PCOS will present with which hormone elevated
LH which causes thecas cells to produce androstenedion (androgens)
A chocolate cyst in the endometrium is significant for

*presents as dsymenorrhea, dyschezia, dyspareunia
What is the number 1 tumor in woman overall?
Uterine leiomyoma

*whorled pattern of SM
Very high B-hCG, large uterus, grape like cysts is all significant for
Hydatidiform mole
Preggo that does coke is at risk for
Placental abruption (vag bleeding, pain, fetal distress)
Mobile, marble shapped mass in <30 yo boobies, benign
Log shaped tumor in >60 yo boobies, benign
Phylloides tumor
You see peau d'orange, nipple retraction, dimpling in boobie, what might it be?
Invasive ductal carcinoma
Boobie that has fissured nipple, that is ulcerated, oozing, hyperemic and edematous
Paget's disease
What are three important tumor suppressor genes in boobie cancer?
BRCA-1, BRACA-2, p53
Important oncogenes in boobie cancer?
A smooth beefy red tounge is associated with
B12 deficiency
Chronic type A gastritis is caused by what and affects which part of stomach?
Auto-immune (ex. against intrinsic factor)

Fundus (top)
What is the most common type of colonic polpy that has little to no risk for malignant transformation?
Hyperplastic polyp
An adenomatous polpy is (neoplastic/non-neoplastic)

*villous adenoma has highest risk of malignancy
What is special about Peutz-Jeghers syndrome?
They get harmartomatous polyps in colon.

They are at increased risk for colon cancer (not because of the polyp) and other cancers.
What 2 molecular mechanisms are responsible for colon cancer?
1. APC/Beta-catenin pathway
2. k-RAS mutated and p53 is inactivated

*p53 is tumor suppressor
*k-RAS is oncogene
*APC is tumor suppressor
What do you need to work up in everyone who is >50 and iron-deficiency anemia?
Possible colon carcinoma
Patient presents with LLQ pain, fever, elevated neutrophils, diarrhea, (-) hemoccult
Possible diverticulitis
String sing on barium x-ray, skip lesions, rectum is spared...what kind of IBD?
Crohn's disease
Lead pipe colon, continuous lesions, bleeding...what kind of IBD?
Ulcerative colitis

*smoking seems to be protective
People with celiac sprue are at increased risk for
MALT lymphoma (non-hodgkins kind)
What is choledocholithiasis?
Obstruction of common bile duct

*clay-colored stool, tea-colored urine, elevated alkaline phosphatase and conjugated bilirubin
Cholelithiasis due to cholesterol stones are most common in
fat, female, >40, fertile
Autoimmune destruction of intrahepatic bile ducts is called?
Primary biliary cirrhosis

*pruritis, jaundice, steatorrhea, xanthelasmas
What is indirect bilirubin?
Unconjugated, hasn't been to the liver yet

*Remember direct is CONJUGATED. It came from directly the liver.
Name 2 general causes of elevated unconjugated bilirubin
1. Hemolysis (G6PD def, sickle cell)

2. Deficiency of Glucuronosyl Transferase (Gilbert's and Crigler-Najjar)
Name 2 general causes of elevated conjugated bilirubin
1. Defects in transport of bilirubin from hepatocyte to bile (hepatitis, Dubin-Johnson syndrome)

2. Obstruction of biliary system (choledocholithiasis, sclerosing cholangitis)
This hepatitis is transmitted parenterally
In an acute hepatitis A, which antibody does your body produce?
This hepatitis occurs primarily in SE Asia and Middle Easy.
Hep E
Patient has (+) anti-HBs and (-)anti-Hbc. What is the dx?
Immunity b/c of vaccination

*anti-HBs = surface antigen
*anti-HBc = core antigen
Pt has (+) HBsAg and (+) HBeAg. What is the dx?
Very infectious acute Hep B

*HBeAg is secreted by actively infecting virus
Pt has (+) anti-Hbs and (+) ant-HBc. Dx?
Immune to Hep B due to resolved Hep B infection
Name four drugs that are major causes for toxic hepatitis
1. Methotrexate
2. Cholramphenicol
3. Halothane
4. Isoniazid
What is a classic neurological sign of hepatic encephalopathy?
Asterixis (wrist flapping when in extension)

*due to too much ammonia
Which steroid hormone can be elevated in those with alcoholic cirrhosis?

*causes: spider angiomata, gynecomastia, palmar erythema
Pt presents with cirrhosis, new onset of DM, skin pigmentation, and cardiomyopathy. Dx?
What is the tumor marker for the most common primary liver cancer?

*Hepatocellular carcinoma
You see orange rings on a pt's eye. Dx?
Wilson's disease = accumulation of copper due to decreased ceruloplasmin

*Kayser-Fleischer rings
What is the greatest risk factor for Cholangiocarcinoma?
Clonorchis sinensis infection (liver fluke)
Risk factor for necrotizing enterocolitis?
NSAID use in mother. This dz is in neonates.
What are found at the DIP and PIP of osteoarthritis pts?
Heberden's nodes =DIP
Bouchards's nodes = PIP

*remember that stiffness decreases with activity
What are the HLAs of Rheumatoid arthritis?
HLA-DR4, Dw4, Dw14
Which collagen is effected in osteogenesis imperfecta?
Type I
An active kid comes in with leg pain. What might they have?
Osgood-Schlatter dz

A type of aseptic necrosis to tibial tuberosity
What is the difference between osteoblast and osteoclasts?
Osteoblast = bone formation

Osteoclast = remove bone tissue

You have to build something before you crush it.
Blast = build, Clast = crush
What is the optimal dose of calcium for someone with osteoporosis?
1000-1500 mg/day
How does vitamin D become active?
Vit D ---> liver = 25-hydroxyvitamin D --> kidney = 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D
What is the active form of vitamin D?
1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D
What is von Recklinghausen dz of bone?
hyperparathyroidism causing deminerlaization of bone
Paget's disease of bone is cause by
increased uncontrolled bone turnover resulting in chalkstick fractures
Name a malignant tumor of cartilage

*occurs in spine and pelvic bones
Name a malignant bone tumor associated with a Codman's triangle
What is the chromosomal translocation of Ewing's sarcoma?

*has onion skin look on x-ray
What is the most common brain tumor of adults?
Glioblastoma multiforme

What is the most common brain tumor of kids?
Pilocystic astrocytoma
Benign brain tumor with a whirling pattern
Crainopharyngima are dervied from
Ranthke's pouch
Symptoms of a prolactinoma
loss of libido
visual disturbances