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49 Cards in this Set

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What is the pathogenesis of Parkinson's?
Degeneration of the substantia nigra results in the loss of dopaminergic input to the neostriatum. Favors an increase in the activity of the indirect pathway and decreased activityin the direct pathway - lack of disinhibition and an increased inhibition. Overall effect is to decrease the output of thalamic motor neurons to the cortex.
What is 'Parkinsonism'?
Caused by known factors
Parkinson's: pathology?
Neurons of the SN develop inclusion bodies called Lewy bodies. Other pigmented neurons in the CNS may contain these inclusion bodies as well.
Parkinsons: non major symptoms with cause?
Those with dementia may also show a loss of other dopaminergic neurons in the brain involved in the limbic system.
What is a genetic mutation that can result in Parkinson's?
Point mutation in alpha-synuclein, which is a major component of Lewy bodies.
Increases the formation of intracellular aggregates that arae toxic to neurons and lead to Lewy body formation.
List causes of Parkinson's.
Encephalitic inflammation of the globbus pallidus and SN
CO poisoning
Toxic substances - herbicides and pesticides
Certain drugs
Describe the blood supply of the corpus striatum.
Anterior and middle cerebral arteries - caudate and putamen
Posterior cerebral arteries - SN
What types of drugs can result in Parkinson's?
Neuroleptics = major tranquilizers or anti-psychotic drugs
What are the 2 major classes of typical neuroleptics? What is their general MOA?

Decrease dopamine activity by blocking dopamine receptors
Why do neuroleptics work by decreasing dopamine activity?
Dopamine is a major NT in the limbic system, and overactivity is implicated in psychosis.
Chlorpromazine: MOA? side effects?
Blocked D2 dopamine receptors

Induced Parkinsonism because it blocked dopaminergic receptors in both limbic and extrapyramidal motor systems
Tardive dyskinesia (from chronic D2 receptor antagonism - D2 receptors become supersensitive to dopamine)
How can tardive dyskinesia be managed and what can this result in?
Usually irreversible, even after cessation of the drug. Can be controlled somewhat by increasing the dose of neuroleptic, but can develop severe Parkinsonian rigidity.
Meth destruction of SN: MOA?
Promotes increased rate of free radical production/oxidative stress.
List the clinical symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
Alterations in muscle tone
Impaired postural reflexes
Autonomic disturbances
Akinesia: define.
Disinclination to use an affected part of the body in a normal manner. Paucity of spontaneous movement and impairment in the initiaiton of normal movement.
Akinesia: characteristics.
Minimal facial expression, stare
Sit motionless for long periods
Don't swing arms
Normal reflex movements
Bradykinesia: describe.
Extreme slowness of movement or difficulty in initiating movement. Difficulty in stopping movement. Short shuffling steps.
Dyskinesia: describe.
Combination of rigidity and bradykinesia. Rhythmic tremor at rest.
What makes dyskinesia of Parkinson's worse or btter?
Better - diminished during intentional movement, disappears during sleep
Worse - emotional stress
Describe muscle tone in Parkinson's.
Muscles are firm and tense. Resist passive movement. In severe cases, individuals may be stiff and rigid - 'frozen.'
How is muscle tone tested in Parkinson's?
Tested by passively moving the patient's arm up and down at the elbow. The muscle resistance is overcome as a series of jerks - 'cogwheel' rigidity.
Describe the impaired postural reflexes of Parkison's.
Trunk is bent forwards. Stands with a stopp and arms flexed. If the patient's center of gravity is disturbed, the reflex to take a step back in order to balance is delayed.
List the 3 autonomic disturbances of Parkinson's.
Increased sebaceous gland secretion
Coolness in the extremities
Why are there autonomic disturbances with Parkinson's?
In part, due to involvement of the globus pallidus which has connections to the hypothalamus.
What medication can help with Parkinson's?
Sinemet is a drug in this class (with a dopa-decarboxylase inhibitor)
Sinemet: side effects?
Choreiform movements
Orthostatic hypotension
When should Sinemet not be used and what do you use instead?
Patients with a history of mental illness

Muscarinic cholinergic antagonists may help alleviated tremor and rigidity.
Amantadine: MOA?
Enhances dopamine release from neurons which have not yet degenerated
Selegiline: MOA?
Inhibits the metabolic breakdown of dopamine and may also have an independent protective effect slowing the degeneration of neurons.
What type of transplantation has been tried for Parkinson's?
Piece of adrenal medulla (fetal tissue - develops from neural crest cells) is transplated to the lateral ventricle. Limited transient success - Lewy bodies are present in the transplanted fetal tissue.
What are 2 types of surgical intervention for Parkinson's?
Pallidotomy - ablating GPi
Microelectrode implantation - stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus.
Huntington's: inheritance? mutation?
Autosomal dominant

Abnormal expansion of a CAG triplet repeat sequence on huntingtin gene on chromosome 4
Huntington's: pathogenesis?
Medium spiny neurons in the caudate and putamen that project to GPe degenerate. GPe neurons become abnormally active, reducing the excitatory output of the subthalamic nucleus to GPi and substantia nigra. Overall effect is to decrease inhibitory output to the thalamus.
Huntington's: what other cells degenerate?
Cortical pyramidal neurons - neocortex and allocortical areas
Huntington's: hypothesis?
Degenerative changes are the result of glutamate toxicity in the neostriatum.
What are the 2 major types of symptoms in Huntington's?
Mental changes
Chorea: describe.
Motor disturbances characterized by non-rhythmic continuous involuntary movements, particularly of the distal extremities, face and tongue.
Advanced stages - never at rest.
Mental changes of Huntington's: describe.
Tries to hide movements over on. As the disease progresses, there is severe mental deterioration and usually marked paranoia. Highest rate of suicide for any neurological disorder.
Sydenham's chorea: who gets it? prognosis?
Occurs with a subacute onset in children with rheumatic fever

Usually transient with full recovery.
What is Sydenham's chorea?
Immunologic disorder in which the body produces antibodies to the streptococcal bacteria, which is similar to membrane of striatal neurons, so antibodies attack cells in the neostriatum and produce chorea.
Ballismus: pathogenesis?
Lesions of the subthalamic nucleus, decreasing the inhibitory outflow of extrapyramidal motor system nuclei leading to an abnormal discharge of UMNs.
Balismus: symptoms?
Flinging and ballistic movements, particularly involving the extremities. Movements disappear during sleep.
Violence of movements can keep the individual from being able to sleep, which leads to a rapid physical and mental deterioration.
Ballismus: prognosis?
Patients rarely survive more than 6-12 months
What is dystonia?
Disorders of the extrapyramidal motor system in which there may be an abnormal posturing of the trunk or extremity, caused by a maintained contraction of the muscles.
What does dystonia result in?
Hypertrophy of involved muscles. Very painful.
Define torticollis.
Focal dystonia involving cervical muscles.
Define blepharospasm.
Focal dystonia involving orbicularis oculi muscles.
Define spasmodic dysphonia.
Dystonia of the vocal apparatus
Dystonia: etiology.
Thought to involve the lentiform nucleus