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63 Cards in this Set

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The thorax encloses the...
thoracic cavity
The thorax is an anchoring site for muscles of the...
neck, back, upper limbs and abdominal walls.
The thorax is critical to...
The sternum, twelve pairs of ribs, the costal cartilage, and the thoracic vertebrae make up the...
The spaces between ribs are called...
intercostal spaces.
There are ... pairs of intercostal spaces.
A costochondral joint is where a rib meets...
Ribs meet the sternum at the...
sternocostal joint.
Anteriorly the thorax is composed of...
the sternum.
The intercostal spaces are occupied by...
the intercostal muscles.
Anteriorly each rib terminates in a...
costal cartilage.
Ribs 8-12 are called...
the false ribs.
From 1-7, ribs increase in...
The vertebrosternal ribs are
ribs 1-7, also known as true ribs.
Posteriorly the thorax is composed of the...
12 thoracic vertabrae.
Ribs 1, 10, 11, and 12 joint with a single...
vertebral body.
The thoracic cavity has a ... inlet.
The thoracic cavity has an ... outlet
Anteriorly the superior inlet is bound by the superior border of the ... and the first pair of...
Posteriorly the superior inlet is bound by the...
body of T1
Because of the downward slope of the ribs, the superior border of the sternum is level with the edge of ... in the female and ... in the male.
Anteriorly the inferior outlet is bound by the inferior end of the...
Posteriorly the inferior outlet is bound by T...
The lower edges of the inferior outlet of the thorax are referred to as the...
costal margins
The angle of the costal margins as they turn superiorly to meet the sternum is called the...
infrasternal angle
The top third of the sternum is called the ...
The middle of the sternum is called the..
The posterior tip of the sternum is called the ...
The concave upper border of the manubrium is called the...
suprasternal/jugular notch.
The two concave joints lateral to the jugular notch joint with the...
The name of the joints where the clavicle meets the manubrium are ... joints.
The manubriosternal joint is marked by a raised ridge known as the ...
sternal angle.
The scalloped facets along the edge of the sternum mark the ... joints between the body and the costal cartilages.
The xiphoid process is an attachment site for part of the...
The xiphoid and the sternal body meet at the ...
xiphisternal joint.
Ribs 3-9 are similar in structure. True or false?
The posterior end of a typical rib is expanded to form a...
The posterior head of a typical rib has upper and lower ...
Facets are smooth areas separated by a ridge of...
At the costovertebral joints, each of the typical ribs joints with two...
throracic vertebral bodies.
Beyond the head of the rib is a constricted part called the ...
Past the neck of the rib is the..
The tubercle of the rib consists of two parts, the:
articular and non articular facets.
The articular part of the rib's tubercle joints with the a facet on the vertebral transverse process at the ... joint.
The largest part of the rib is known as the...
The body of the rib has ... and ... borders.
superior and inferior
The body of the rib has ... and ... surfaces.
internal and external
The superior border is ... in shape.
The inferior border is ... in shape
The lower edge of the internal surface bears a shallo ...
costal groove.
The costal groove extends about...
2/3 of the length of the rib
The anterior end of the rib body had a pocket for it's ...
costal cartilage
The change in direction of the rib body from postero-laterally to antero-medialy occurs at...
the angle
The angle of the rib is marked by a ridge caused by the attachments of ...
back muscles.
Ribs 1,2 and 10-12 are referred to as...
atypical ribs.
Rib 1, an atypical rib, is knob-like and does not have upper and lower facets seperated by a ...
Rib 1 does not have not have upper and lower facets because it joints with a facet on the body of ...
The body of rib 1 is...
Rib 1 has ... and .. surfaces, NOT ... and ... surface
Superior/Inferior - internal/external
The first rib is the only rib that will sit... on a table.
The superior surface of the first rib bares a small ridge called the ...
scalene tubercle.
The scalene tubercle is caused by the attachment of the...
scalenus Anterior muscle.
Two grooves caused by blood vessels curve over the first rib and flank the tubercle. The anterior groove is caused by the... and the posterior groove is caused by the...
subclavian vein/subclavian artery.