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94 Cards in this Set

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Describe the primary purpose of first aid.
The primary purpose of first aid is to safe lives, prevent further injury, and limit infection.
List the primary tasks when administering first aid.
The primary tasks to take when you administer first aid are to—
a. maintain breathing,
b. stop bleeding and maintain circulation, and
c. prevent or treat shock.
Describe the general first-aid rule for treating shock.
The general first-aid rule for shock is to place the victim on his/her back with the head slightly lower than the feet.
Describe the general first-aid rule for treating broken bones.
The general first-aid rule for broken bones is to keep the person still until you immobilize the injured part.
Describe the general first-aid rule for transporting injured personnel.
The general first-aid rule for the transport of injured persons is on the litter with the litter carried feet first.
What is the first-aid treatment for respiratory failure?
The first-aid treatment for respiratory failure is artificial ventilation.
When should artificial ventilation be administered?
Artificial ventilation should be administered only when natural breathing has stopped. NEVER give artificial ventilation to a person who is still breathing.
List the three types of artificial ventilation.
The three types of artificial ventilation are—
a. Mouth-to-mouth
b. Mouth-to-nose
c. Back pressure/arm lift
What is cardiac arrest?
Cardiac arrest is the complete stoppage of heart function.
To be effective, CPR must be started within how many minutes of the onset of cardiac arrest?
To be effective, CPR must be started within 4 minutes of the onset of cardiac arrest.
When you use the one-rescuer technique of CPR, what is the ratio of compressions to ventilations?
When you use the one-rescuer technique of CPR, the ratio of compressions to ventilations is 15 compressions to 2 ventilations.
When using the two-rescuer technique of CPR, what is the ratio of compressions to ventilations?
When using the two-rescuer technique of CPR, the ratio of compressions to ventilations is 5 compressions to 1 ventilation.
List the three symptoms of airway blockage.
The symptoms of airway blockage are—
a. Inability of the victim to speak
b. Exaggerated breathing efforts
c. Skin turning blue
List the four methods you can use to clear a person’s airway.
The four methods you can use to clear a person’s airway are—
a. Standing abdominal thrust
b. Reclining abdominal thrust
c. Standing chest thrust
d. Reclining chest thrust
List the three types of blood vessels the body uses to circulate blood.
The three types of blood vessels the body uses to circulate blood are—
a. Arteries—large vessels that carry blood away from the heart
b. Veins—large vessels that carry blood back to the heart
c. Capillaries—a connecting network of smaller vessels between the arteries and the veins
Under what condition is hemorrhage(bleeding) severe enough to endanger life?
Hemorrhage is severe enough to endanger life when arteries or veins are cut.
A loss of how many pints of blood will usually cause shock?
A loss of 2 pints of blood is usually enough to cause shock.
What color is blood carried by (a)capillaries,(b)veins, and (c)arteries?
Blood carried by—
a. Capillaries is brick red
b. Veins is dark red
c. Arteries is bright red
What is the only way to stop serious bleeding?
The only way to stop serious bleeding is the application of pressure.
What is a constricting band?
A constricting band is a pad, a band, and a device for tightening the band so that the blood vessels will be compressed. Only use a constricting band when hemorrhage can’t be controlled any other way. Constricting bands are used above the wound. They aren’t used for wounds on the head, neck, or body.
When a battle dressing is applied, what person should release or remove it?
When a constricting band or a battle dressing has been applied, only medical personnel should release/remove it.
What is a battle dressing?
A battle dressing is a combination compress and bandage, in which a sterile gauze pad is fastened to a gauze, muslin, or adhesive bandage.
How should you apply a battle dressing?
When applying a battle dressing, you should make sure that the dressing covers the entire wound.
What is shock?
Shock is a condition where the blood circulation is seriously disturbed.
List the seven symptoms of shock.
The symptoms of shock in a person are—
a. Weak and rapid pulse
b. Shallow, rapid, and irregular breathing
c. Lower temperature—the arms, face, and legs feel cold to the touch
d. Sweating
e. Pale skin color; however, in some cases, it may be bluish or reddish f. Dilated (enlarged) pupils
g. Thirst and an feeling of weakness, faintness, or dizziness
True or false. Keep an injured person warm enough for comfort, but do not let the victim become overheated.
True, you should keep an injured person warm enough to be comfortable, but not warm enough to become overheated.
If you suspect a person to be in shock, what is the best position for that person?
If you suspect that a person is in shock, you should keep the person lying flat on his/her back with the feet slightly elevated (raised) so that the position encourages the blood to flow back to the brain.
In the Navy, who is the most frequent suicide victim?
In the Navy, the most frequent suicide victim is an enlisted male between 17 and 24 years old and in paygrades E-1 through E-6.
List the four most common causes of suicide.
The most common causes of suicide are—
a. Breakup of a close relationship
b. Death of a loved one
c. Loss of social or financial status
d. Effects of drugs and/or alcohol
What condition is often associated with suicide?
Depression is often associated with suicide.
List seven actions you should take if someone you know might be suicidal.
Some actions you can take if you believe someone is suicidal are—
a. Take all threats seriously
b. Confront the problem
c. Answer cries for help
d. Let the person know you care
e. Listen
f. Get professional help
g. Don’t leave the person alone
Define a first-degree burn.
A first-degree burn is the mildest type of burn. Slight redness, tenderness, and increased temperature of the burned area.
Define a second-degree burn.
A second-degree burn is more serious than first-degree burn. Inner skin may be damaged, blistering, severe pain, some dehydration, and possible shock.
Define a third-degree burn.
A third-degree burn is the most serious burn. Skin is destroyed and possibly tissue and muscle beneath it. Skin may be charred or white and lifeless (from scalds). Some form of shock will result.
If a burn covers less than 20% of a victim’s body, you should immerse the burned area in cold water or apply cold compresses. Why should you take these actions?
By immersing the burned area in cold water or by applying cold compresses, you minimize pain and reduce the burning effect in deeper layers of the skin.
If a burn covers more than 20% of a victim’s body, what actions should you take?
If a burn covers more than 20% of a victim’s body, you should apply sterile, dry bandages.
When treating burns, you should NEVER take which actions?
When treating burns you should NEVER apply petrolatum gauze, break blisters or apply butter, lard, or Vaseline.
List the three most important signs of heat stroke.
The three most important signs of heat stroke are—
a. Dry, hot skin
b. Constricted pupils
c. Very high body temperature (usually above 105oF)
List the three most important signs of heat exhaustion.
The three most important signs of heat exhaustion are—
a. Moist, clammy skin
b. Dilated pupils
c. Normal or subnormal temperature
What is the most important action when treating someone who is showing signs of heatstroke or heat exhaustion?
The aim of first-aid treatment for heatstroke or heat exhaustion is to reduce body temperature.
True or false. In case of heatstroke/heat exhaustion, you should transport the victim to a medical facility as soon as possible.
True, incase of heat stroke/heat exhaustion,you should transport the victim to a medical facility as soon as possible.
List the symptoms (seven) of a fractured leg or arm.
The symptoms of a fractured leg or arm include—
a. Pain and tenderness
b. Discoloration of the skin
c. Creaking or cracking
d. Inability to use the part
e. Motion at points other than joints
f. Swelling
g. Deformity
Describe seven steps to give first aid to someone with a fractured leg/arm.
To give first aid to someone with a fractured leg or arm, you should—
a. Get medical aid as soon as possible
b. Don’t move the victim until splints have been applied, unless the victim’s life is in danger
c. Treat for shock
d. Don’t try to find a fracture by grating the ends of the bone together
e. Don’t try to set a broken bone
f. If a long bone in the leg is fractured, carefully straighten the leg so it can be immobilized
g. Apply splints
List three types of fractures that should be treated by medical personnel.
The types of fractures that should be treated by medical personnel are—
a. Jaw
b. Ribs
c. Spine
What is the reason that you should never move a person who might have a fractured spine or neck?
You should never move a person who might have a fractured spine or neck because moving that person might cause permanent paralysis.
List the symptoms (five) a victim might have with a sprained or strained leg.
The symptoms a victim might have with a sprained or strained leg include—
a. Pain, lameness, stiffness, or pressure
b. Pain on movement
c. Swelling and tenderness
d. Discoloration
e. With a strain, a distinct gap at the site of the injury
Describe the first aid that should be given to a victim suspected of having a sprained or strained leg.
The first aid that should be given to a victim suspected of having a sprained or strained leg includes treating all sprains as fractures until ruled out by X-rays.
What is one of the easiest ways to carry an unconscious person?
One of the easiest ways to carry an unconscious person is to use the fireman’s lift/carry.
Describe the precautions you should take when rescuing a person who has received an electric shock.
When rescuing a person who has received an electric shock, you should not touch the victim’s body, wire, or any other object that may conduct electricity.
How should you carry a stretcher?
You should carry a stretcher with the victim’s feet first so the rear stretcher bearer can see the victim for signs of breathing difficulty.
What type of stretcher is used to transport an injured person from engine-room spaces?
To transport an injured person from engine-room spaces, a Neil Robertson stretcher is usually used.
When are emergency rescue lines used?
Emergency rescue lines are used when an injured person must be transported and no other means is available.
List some of the reasons why personal hygiene is important.
Personal hygiene is important for the following reasons:
a. Close living quarters
b. Well-being of the crew
c. Reduced chance of illness
d. Morale increase
List the three most common dental conditions caused by poor dental hygiene.
Three most common dental conditions caused by poor dental hygiene are—
a. Tooth decay
b. Reddening of the gums
c. Gum and bone disease
What are the two most common sexually transmitted diseases?
The two most common sexually transmitted diseases are—
a. Syphilis
b. Gonorrhea
How is the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) spread?
AIDS is spread through—
a. Sexual contact
b. Needle sharing by drug users
c. Transfusions
First aid has which of the following objectives?
A) To save lives
B) To limit infection
C) To prevent further injury
In administering first aid, you are responsible for performing which of the following tasks?
A) Stop bleeding
B) Maintain breathing
C) Prevent or treat for shock
Under which, if any, of the following circumstances should you touch an open wound with your finger?
To remove a protruding foreign object
True or False. A person who has stopped breathing is considered dead.
What is the purpose of artificial ventilation?
To clear an upper air passage obstruction
When using the mouth-to-mouth technique for administering artificial ventilation, how often should you force air into the victim's lungs?
Once every 5 seconds
The mouth-to-nose technique for administering artificial ventilation is effective on which of the following victims?
A) The victim who is very young
B) The victim who has extensive facial injuries
When using the back pressure/arm lift technique for administering artificial ventilation, you should repeat the cycle how many times per minute?
10 to 12
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should be started within how many minutes of the onset of cardiac arrest?
4 to 6
When administering CPR, you should place youe hands on what area of the victim's chest?
Above the tip of the sternum
When using the one-rescuer CPR technique, you should administer how many compressions per minute?
60 to 80
When using the one-rescuer CPR technique, you should give how many ventilations after each set of compressions?
When using the two-rescuer CPR technique, you should use what ration of compressions to ventilations?
5 to 1
Which of the following is one of the most reliable indications of a blocked airway in a conscious person?
Inability to speak
You are assisting a person who is choking. What is the first action you should take?
Clear the victim’s mouth of any food or foreign objects
What minimum amount of blood loss usually causes a person to go into shock?
2 pints
How is arterial bleeding from a cut near the surface of the skin indicated?
Gushing spurts of bright red blood
To control bleeding, which method should you try first?
Direct pressure
What is meant by the pressure points in the human body?
A point where an artery crosses a joint
If the use of a battle dressing is required, who should loosen/remove it?
Medical personnel
True or False. Shock will never be serious enough to cause death.
At which of the following times should you start treatment for shock?
As soon as possible after an injury occurs
What is the basic position for treating shock?
Putting the feet lower than the head
Which of the following Navy personnel are the most frequent victims of suicide?
Males between the ages of 17 to 24 in paygrades E-1 to E-6
Which of the following are actions to take if you believe someone you know is thinking about suicide?
A) Take all threats seriously
B) Don’t leave the person alone
C) Get professional help
Which burn is considered the most serious?
Third degree
True or False. A closed fracture is one where the skin is intact and an open fracture is one where the skin is broken.
When choosing a material to use as a splint, you should choose material that has which of the following characteristics?
Light weight, Fairly rigid, Strong
Which is/are symptoms of a broken bone?
Swelling, Deformity, and Inability to use the part
Which of the following is/are symptoms of a sprain or a strain?
What is one of the easiest ways to carry an unconscious person?
Fireman's carry
In compartments with access hatches that are too small to permit the use of regular stretchers, you would remove an injured person using what type of stretcher?
Neil Robertson
Aboard ship, keeping yourself and your spaces clean and orderly has which of the following advantages?
Improves morale and Contributes to the well-being of the crew
What common dental condition(s) can be prevented by making sure you develop the habit of good oral hygiene?
A) Tooth decay
B) Gum and bone disease
C) Reddening of the gums
True or False. Sexually transmitted diseases may be spread through the use of inanimate objects, such as toilet seats, bed linens, or drinking glasses.
If left untreated, syphilis may cause which of the following conditions?
A) Heart disease
B) Mental illness
C) Blindness
Sterility is the result of leaving which of the following sexually transmitted diseases untreated?
True or False. Use of condoms offers some protection from Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.