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43 Cards in this Set

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What is an otoscope and what does it vizualize?
-instrument used to examine the ear
-visualizes the eardrum
What should the eardrum look like?
should always be intact,shiny,transparent & opaque or pearly gray
-should be slightly concave, free of lesions
What is conductive hearing loss?
occurs due to something physically blocking the sound wave transmission
ex: pea, earwax
What is sensorineural hearing loss?
occurs due to a defect in the cochlea, the eighth cranial nerve or the brain (hearing loss from loud noises)
What is Mixed conductive-sensorineural hearing loss
profound hearing loss
Explain the voice test for hearing.
stand approximately 1 to 2 feet away and whisper a sentence. Have the person repeat it back to you. Test one ear at a time (subjective)
Explain the watch test for hearing.
hold a ticking watch about 5 inches from the ear and ask if they can hear it. Test one ear at a time (subjective)
What is an audioscopy?
type of otoscope that allows hearing frequencies to be measured
What is a tuning fork hearing test?
use either a Weber or a Rhinne tuning fork to test hearing via vibration
What is external otitis?
A painful condition caused by irritating or infective agents coming in contact with the external ear
aka swimmers ear
S/S of external otitis?
hearing loss,redness, swelling, tenderness of ear, feeling of stopped up ear, hearing, may have ear drainage
Txment for external otitis?
topical antibiotics, heat, steroids, analgesics
S/S of foreign bodies in external canal?
maybe able to see the foreign body, feeling of fullness, pain, itching, bleeding, hearing loss
Txment for foreign bodies in the ear canal?
–Irrigation-used for wax removal, not used for vegetable removal
–Insects should be dead first
What is acute otitis media?
ear infection that happens suddenly and is of short duration
What is chronic otitis media?
ear infection that occurs as a result of acute otitis media and lasts longer. Causes more hearing loss
What is carbamazepine(Tegretol) used for r/t seizures?
used for the txment of partial & generalized tonic-clonic seizures
In what type of pts should carbamazepine (Tegretol) be given w/ caution?
in pts w/ impaired liver or renal function.
-Monitor throughout therapy
What should carbamazepine (Tegretol) NOT be taken with?
grapefruit juice
Other general things to know about carbamazepine (Tegretol)?
-interacts w/ many other meds, check first
-taper off gradually-may cz status epilepticus otherwise
-may cz bone marrow suppression: monitor labs
-monitor therapeutic bld levels
-may experience drowsiness initially:will get better w/ time
-Don't take at same time as other liquid meds
What is the therapeutic blood level of carbamazepine (Tegretol)?
4-12 mcg/mL
What is diazepam (Valium) used for?
used for status epilepticus
What does diazepam (Valium) elevate?
elevates the seizure threshold by depressing the CNS
In what type of pts should diazepam (Valium) be used cautiously?
use with caution in pts who already have a depressed CNS or who are taking other meds that decrease the CNS
If giving diazepam (Valium) IV, you should not...?
should not exceed 5 mg/min, should give in a large vein
What very important thing should be monitored when seizure pt is on diazepam (Valium)?
monitor for respiratory depression/hypotension
Other general things about diazepam (Valium)?
-Monitor therapeutic bld levels
-may cz drowsiness
-gradually taper off
-may be habit forming
What are the therapeutic bld levels for diazepam (Valium)?
0.5-2 mcg/mL
What is lorazepam (Ativan) used for?
used for status epilepticus
If giving lorazepam (Ativan) IV should not exceed...?
don't exceed 2 mg/min
What important thing should be monitored for when pt taking lorazepam (Ativan)?
-monitor for respiratory depression/hypotension
Other general things about lorazepam (Ativan)?
-monitor therapeutic bld levels
-may cz drowsiness
-gradually taper off
Who should not take lorazepam (Ativan)?
pregnant women & should notify MD if becomes pregnant while on it
What is phenytoin (Dilantin) used for?
used for tonic-clonic, complex partial, cortical frontal seizures & status epilepticus.
If giving phenytoin (Dilantin) IV should not exceed...?
don't exceed 50 mg every 2-3 min. Should flush IV line w/ NS b4 & after administration.
What should you monitor for when administering pehnytoin (Dilantin)?
Monitor for CNS depression & circulatory collapse.
-Monitor for blood dyscrasias (CBC, platelet count, LFTs)
What is therapeutic bld level of phenytoin (Dilantin)?
10-20 mcg/mL
What is important w/ phenytoin (Dilantin)?
good oral hygiene! czs gingival hyperplasia. Encourage regular dental visits, daily oral hygiene
What is valproic acid (Depakene) used for?
used w/ absence, myoclonic, tonic-clonic seizures & as an adjunct therapy for other seizures.
If giving valproic acid (Depakene) IV, should infuse at rate no greater than?
3 mg/kg/min. Cannot be given w/ any other meds.
What may valproic acid (Depakene) cz?
May cz hepatotoxicity, bld dyscrasias-monitor LFT, CBC, platelet cnts
What should you monitor for when pt on valproic acid (Depakene)?
monitor for bruising r/t liver toxicity
Therapeutic bld level for valproic acid (Depakene)?
50-100 mcg/mL