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53 Cards in this Set

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A fragment or part of a whole; small part; bit.
The top number (number above the line) of a fraction.
The bottom number (number below the line) of a fraction
The number resulting from division of one number by another. With fractions, the quotient is obtained by dividing the numerator by the denominator.
An amount less than 1.
What is the decimal of 6/60?

= 6 divided by 60 =


What is the decimal of 4/1000?

4 divided by 1000 =


The number of times something happens out of every one hundred times
A total of 125 mammograms were performed in February, of which 25 were reported to show some type of abnormality. Therefore, what percentage showed an abnormality?
25/125 = 0.20 or 20%

25 divided by 125 = .20

.20 x 100 = 20

add % sign to answer =


- has many meanings. It can mean a value or price (as in 50 cents a pound); itcan be a unit of something (as in the rate of speed is 30 mph, or the birthrate is 20 birthsper every 100 teenagers, or the interest rate is 8.6%).

It is also a ratio, proportion, orrank.

Most commonly it is expressed as a percentage.

A relationship between things or of one thing to another thing; it is also a rate or proportion. It is generally expressed as a fraction (for example, 8/10 or 4/5).

All rules that apply to fractions apply equally to ______.

______ are also written with the numbers side-by-side and separated by a colon (8:10 or 4:5. The following are equivalent: 8/10; 4/5.

A relationship of one portion to another or to the whole, or of one thing to another.

A __________ is a ratio.

A number that typifies a set of numbers of which it is a function.
Formula to Compute an Average:
Add (summate) all scores in a distribution and divide by the number of scores in the distribution.

∑ (Sum) of all scores / divided by number of scores in the distribution)

Why Round?
When working with data, the result does not always compute to a whole number.

•Approximates a total or final number

•Primaryreason is to arrive at a usable number

When to Increase or Round-up.
If the last digit is five or greater, the preceding number should be increased one digit. If the last digit is less than five, the number remains the same.
Fraction to Percentage Formula:
•Toconvert a fraction to a percentage, divide the numerator by the denominator andmultiply by 100 and add a percent sign.


–Tochange the fraction 60/80 to a percentage•Divide60 by 80

•Multiplyquotient by 100

•Add apercent sign

(60divided by 80) = 0.75 x 100= 75%

Convert 60/80 to a percentage -
divide 60 by 80, and then multiply the quotient by 100, which equals 75%

[(60 ÷ 80) × 100 = 75]

Ratio to Percentage:
Formula: 1stConvert ratio to fraction.

1:8 = 1/8.

One out of eight nurses indicated that he or she had worked a double shift the previous month. Divide 1 by 8,and then multiply the quotient by 100, which gives 12.5%, or 13% when rounded up

[(1 ÷ 8) × 100 =12.5].

Decimal to Percentage:
Formula: Move decimal point two places to the right of the decimal point and add the percent sign.

Example: To convert 0.50 to a percentage, the decimal point is moved two places to the right (from 0.50 to 50.) and the number is followed by a percent sign (50%).

Percentage to Decimal:
Formula: Cross out the percent sign and move the decimal point two places to the left of the decimal point.

Example: To convert 65% to a decimal, eliminate the percent sign and move the decimal point from 65. to .65.

Percentage to Fraction:
Formula: Cross out percent sign and place the entire number (percentage) in the numerator and place 100 in the denominator.

Example: To change 55% to a fraction, eliminate the sign and place 55 in the numerator and 100 in the denominator.


Convert to the lowest fraction

(55 divided by 5 = 11

100 divided by 5 = 20

answer is 11/20)

When computing with a percentage, the percentage is converted to a decimal, and used in that form.

Formula: Change percentage to decimal and multiply by (total number in the distribution).

Example: If 60% of all patients admitted to the hospital have a blood glucose test, how many patients were administered a blood glucose test in the past year, out of 6000 admissions? Convert 60% to 0.60 and multiply by 6000 = 3600 patients.

A hospital has 80% of its 120 beds filled. To find how many empty beds are present,change

80% to 0.80 x number of beds

(120 × 0.8 = 96 beds)

subtractfrom 120 (120 – 96 = 24). Alternatively, it can be said that if 80% of the beds are filled,20% are empty.

This 20% number can also be used for the computation

(0.20 × 120 = 24empty beds)

How to Convert a Percent to Decimal:
Calculating the conversion from percents to decimals is done with division.

Converting from a percent to a decimal is done by dividing the percentage value by 100.

For example:

-10% is 10 divided by 100 = 0.10

-67.5% is 67.5 divided by 100 = 0.675

Note that the short way to convert from a percentage to a decimal is by removing the percentage sign and moving the decimal point 2 places to the left.

How to show a decimal as a percentage:
Multiply by 100.

0.156 becomes 0.156 x 100 = 15.6%

A fraction is a part of a whole written as one number over another number.

The numeratoris the top number;

the denominator is the bottom number. The quotient is obtained by dividing the top number by the bottom number.
A decimal is an amount less than one and is preceded by a decimal point;

•Adecimal is an amount less than one

–1/10= 0.10

–1/100= 0.01

–1/1000= 0.001

A decimal is also -

the fractional amount obtained by dividing the numerator by the denominator of a fraction.

-1 divided by 10 = 0.10 (1/10)

-1 divided by 100 = 0.01 (1/100)

-1 divided by 1000 = 0.001 (1/1000)

A percentage is a decimal multiplied by 100;
the percentage number is followed by a percent sign.

-0.10 x 100 = 10%

-0.01 x 100 = 1%

-0.001 x 100 = 0.1%

A rate is a quantity measured with respect to another measured quantity; it is often defined as the number of times something happens divided by the number of times it could happen.

How is a rate most commonly expressed?

As a percentage.

A ratio (also known as a proportion) is
the relationship between items or to other items and is generally expressed as a fraction.
An average is a measure of central tendency obtained by
totaling the scores and dividing the total by the number of scores in the distribution.
Computations can be converted from one form to another—
fraction, ratio, or decimal to percentage; percentage to fraction or decimal.
When computing with percentages,
the percent is converted to a fraction or decimal before proceeding with the computation.
–When the numerator is divided by the denominator to convert the fraction into a decimal


2 is the (numerator) (also called dividend)

3 is the (denominator) (also called divisor)

•Fractions should be reduced to their lowest form by dividing both the numerator and denominator by a common number, divisible by both.
5/10 can be reduced by dividing both by 5, which = 1/2.
are also written with the numbers side-by-side and separated by a colon.

Example: Seven out of ten people admitted to the hospital are found to be over 50 years of age.

This _____ could be written as 7/10 or 7:10.

One hundred operations were performed this past month. If 20 of these were orthopedic procedures, 12 were gynecological, 18 were ophthalmological, 22 were urological, and the remainder were general surgeries, what was the ratio for each surgical category?

20/100 Orthopedic

12/100 GYN

18/100 Ophthalmological

22/100 Urological

28/100 General

A relationship of one __________ to another or to the whole, or of one thing to another.

A __________ is a ratio.

The newborn nursery reports that 120 infants were born at the hospital during the month of May.

Five of these infants died shortly after birth and the rest were discharged.

What is the newborn death rate?

5/120 or 4%

5 divided by 120 = 0.04

0.04 x 100 = 4%

Converting a Ratio to Percentage
•To convert a ratio to percentage, writethe ratio as a fraction

–Dividethe fraction

–Multiplythe quotient by 100

–Adda percent sign


–Tochange the ratio 1:8 to a percentage•Divide1 by 8

•Multiplyquotient by 100

•Adda percent sign

(1 divided by 8) = 0.125 x 100 = 12.5%

Converting Decimal to Percentage
•Toconvert a decimal to a percentage, simply multiply by 100 (which moves thedecimal point two places to the right) and add a percent sign. •Example

–Toconvert 0.50 to a percentage

•Multiply0.50 by 100

•Add apercent sign

(0.50 x 100) = 50%

Converting Percentage to Decimal
•Toconvert from a percentage to a decimal, cross out the percent sign and move thedecimal point two places to the left of the decimal point or divide by 100


–Toconvert 65% to a decimal

•Eliminatethe percent sign

•Movethe decimal 2 places to the left or divide by 100

(65 ÷ 100) = 0.65

Converting to Other Units of Measure
•Itmay be necessary to convert data from U.S. standards of measure to metric unitsor vice versa.

•Inanalyzing data, it is important that data be reported in the same units.

•Linear measures:
1 cm= 0.0328 foot; 0.3937 inch

1 inch = 2.54 cm

1 foot = 0.3048 meter

1 meter = 1.0936 yd; 3.2808 feet; 39.37 inches 1 mile = 1.6094 km

1 km = 0.6214 miles

Weight measures:

1 gm = 0.0022 lb;0.0353 oz

1 kg = 2.2046 lb

1 lb =0.4536 kg; 45.36 gm

1 oz =28.3495 gm

Liquid weight measures:
1 quart = 0.94633 liter

1 liter = 0.2642 gallons; 1.0567 quarts

HIM Computational Applications

•Salaryand Staffing Calculations





Rounding is a common practice and specifies the number of places to which the computation should be carried out beyond the decimal point, and
rounding up if the final number is 5 or more.

Rounding Data Rule

•“Carriedto” is the term used to indicate what decimal place or whole number thequotient is to be determined, in order to round the data to the specifiednumber.

Rounding Data Rule
•If itis stated that the answer is to be correct to two decimal places, the quotientshould be carried out to at least three places.
Rounding Data Rule

•Ifthe answer is to be correct to the nearest whole number, the answer must becarried to one decimal place.

Rounding Data Rule
•“Correctedto” is the term used to indicate the degree to which the answer should bespecified. Seldom will data be specified beyond one or two decimal places.