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270 Cards in this Set

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Liquids are mutually soluble


Not mutually soluble


Mixtures of two or more immiscible substances United with an emulsifier. Stay together for a while but separates over time.

PH of skin





-fats (lipids)

Carbs (macronutrients)

-Glycosaminoglycans (skin hydration)

-energy (glucose)

-mono (simple sugars)

-di (starch- complex carbs)

-poly (fiber- soluble/insoluble)


-vitamins- fat soluble (liver) A, D, E, K. water soluble- B, C, P


-trace minerals

Fifth cranial nerve (trifacial)

chief SENSORY nerve of the face and serves as the motor nerve of the muscles that control chewing

- ophthalmic nerve

- mandibular nerve

- maxillary nerve

Seventh cranial nerve (facial nerve)

Chief MOTOR nerve of the face. Near the lowest part of the ear and extends to the muscles of the neck

Eleventh cranial nerve (accessory nerve)

Type of motor nerve that controls the motion of the neck and shoulder muscles.

The integumentary system

Made up of skin and its various accessory organs (oil and sweat glands, sensory receptors, hair, and nails)

Aseptic procedures

The process of properly handling sterilized and disinfected equipment and supplies to reduce contamination.


5.25% sodium hypochlorite

Chelating soaps

Work to break down stubborn films and remove the residue of products such as scrubs, salts, masks

Two types of disinfectants used in a salon or spa


-hospital strength


The removal of blood or other potentially infectious materials


The ability to provide an effect


The number of viable organisms in or on an object or surface or the organic material on the surface of an object.

Quats (quaternary ammonium compounds)

Disinfectants that are very effective when used properly. Advanced type called multiple quats.

Phenolic disinfectants

Powerful tuberculocidal disinfectants. Form of formaldehyde, high PH, can damage skin and eyes.


Using a chemical that kills most microorganisms on hard, non porous surfaces.


The ability of the body to destroy and resist infection

Natural immunity

Partly inherited and partly developed through healthy living

Acquired immunity

Immunity that the body develops after overcoming a disease, through inoculation (vaccines), or through exposure to natural allergens such as pollen, cat dander, and ragweed.

Local infection (pimple/abscess)

Confined to a particular part of the body and appears as a lesion containing pus.

General infection

Infection carried to different parts of the body

Contagious disease (communicable disease)

When a disease spreads from one person to another. (common cold, ringworm, conjunctivitis, viral infections, natural nail, toe, or foot infections.


A parasitic submicroscopic particle that infects and resides in the cells of a biological organism. They can only live and reproduce by taking over other cells and becoming part of them.


Microscopic plant parasites that include molds, mildew, and yeasts (ringworm)


(motility) denotes certain bacterias ability to independently move about.


A fungus that affects plants or grows on an inanimate object but does not cause human infections


The fungi that cause skin, nail, and hair infections

Tinea pedis

(ringworm) fungus of the foot or athletes foot, and onychomycosis (a nail infection), tinea corporis (ringworm)


Skin that is red, wind burned, or affected by rosacea


Skin that has a yellowish hue

Vesicles (blisters) contain

Clear, watery fluid

Pus is most likely to be found in


The duct of oil glands empty into the

Hair follicle

The function of sebum is to

Lubricate the skin or keep it moist

The sebaceous oil glands secrete

Oil (sebum)

Melanin protects skin from the harmful action of

Ultraviolet rays

Continued pressure and friction on the skin will cause area to become


Following the removal of blackheads, apply the following to the skin

An antiseptic

Dry skin is caused by

Lack of sebum

Acne is a disorder of the sebaceous glands, it requires

Medical attention

For dry skin, avoid using lotions that have a large percentage of


Overactive sebaceous glands produce too much


Hardened darkened sebum in blocked follicles form

Blackheads (comedones)

Milia is a common skin disorder that often occurs in skin texture that is


Draping for a facial or makeup (to cover hair) should include

Clean towel or headband or turban

Cheek color should coordinate with

Lip color

The wax strip is removed in what direction?

Opposite of hair growth

To remove blackheads use

A comedone extractor

Inflammation of the skin of a chronic nature, cause unknown


To lubricate the skin while giving a facial use

Emollient cream

Do not expose the face and neck to infrared rays for more than

5 mins

For normal skin, the recommendation for facials is

Once per week

When coloring eyebrows or eyelashes, apply petroleum jelly below the hair to

Protect skin from staining

Before tinting eyelashes, what do you place underneath the lashes?

Paper eye shields

What instrument used in a facial requires high level disinfectant?

Comedone extractor

A chronic inflammatory disorder of the skin is called


The skin is lubricated by secretions from

The sebaceous glands

Following removal of hair, the skin should be cleaned with

Medicated lotion/antiseptic lotion

A disease that attacks a large number of people in a particular location is known as an


The vibrator is an electrical appliance that

Stimulates the area being treated

About 80% of natural sunshine consists of

Infrared rays

A glass electrode that gives off sparks operates on

High frequency current

A glass electrode should be sanitized with

An EPA low level disinfectant

A substance that resists the passage of an electric current is a

Non conductor or insulator (dry wood, rubber)

A substance that readily transmits electric current is a

Conductor (metal wire, copper)

Matter is anything that

Occupies space

Removing impurities from water by passing it through a porous substance is the process of


Witch hazel is a solution that works as an


A solution that has a PH balance above 7 is a


A solution that has a PH balance below 7 is


The largest organ of the body is


The outer protective layer of the skin is called

The epidermis

The skin is nourished by

Blood and lymph

A safe antiseptic to use on skin is

3% hydrogen peroxide

A papule is a

Primary skin lesion

A Crack in the skin penetrating into the dermis (chapped lips/hands) is called a


Round dry patches of skin with silvery scales may indicate the presence of


No oil glands are found on the


The palms, soles, forehead, and armpits contain numerous

Sudoriferous glands (sweat gland)

The skin is the thinnest on the


The technical term for excessive perspiration is


Bromidrosis means

Foul smelling perspiration

Hypertrichosis means

Excessive growth of hair

Functions of the skin



-heat regulation




The skin protects

-against outside elements and microorganisms

-barrier function (TEWL)

-melanin (pigment)

-against the sun

The skin excretes through the sudoriferous glands to help with

-detoxifying the body

-heat regulation

The skin secretes through the sebaceous glands to help with


-keeping skin soft and youthful


A large blister containing watery fluid


A closed, abnormally developed sac containing fluid, infection, or other matter above or below the skin.


A flat spot or discoloration on the skin, such as a freckle or a red spot left after a pimple has healed. Neither raised nor sunken.


Small bumps caused by scar tissue, fatty deposits, or infections


Small elevation on the skin that contains no fluid, but may develop into a pustule.


An inflamed papule with a while to yellow center containing pus.


A large nodule, an abnormal cell mass resulting from excessive cell multiplication


A small blister or sac containing clear fluid. (poison ivy and poison oak)


Itchy, swollen lesion caused by a blow, insect bite, skin allergy reaction, or stings.


A thick scar resulting from excessive growth of fibrous tissue


Open lesion on the skin or mucous membrane of the body. Accompanied by pus and loss of skin depth

An accumulation of epidermal flakes, dry or greasy is called


The technical term for excessive perspiration is


Excessive hair growth is called


The sweat and oil glands are also called

Duct glands

Dry skin may be caused by under activity of the

Sebaceous glands

Prior to a chemical treatment, it is necessary to give a

Skin test. It must remain on for 7-10 minutes

Massage should not be given to clients with high blood pressure or a heart condition because

It increases circulation

The direction of pressure in massage movements should be

From insertion to origin

Cover the client's eyes with cotton pads soaked with witch hazel or an astringent before exposing the face to

Infrared light

Pack facials are recommended for

Dry and scaly skin

In corrective makeup, a lighter shade is used to

Emphasize a facial area (highlight)

In corrective makeup, a darker shade is used to

Minimize a facial area

When using ultraviolet rays during a facial treatment, who should wear safety goggles?

Both client and esthetician

When applying facial pack, avoid the

Eye, mouth, nostril

Albinism is a form of


Pustules and boils are infections containing


Technical term for wart


Direct high frequency should not be used for more than

5 minutes

Vulgaris is known as


Miliaria rubra is commonly known as

Prickly heat

What type of mask should be used on oily skin?

Clay mask

Exfoliation also means



Over production of pigment


Lack of pigment


An abnormal growth, many are benign. Some can become malignant.

Retention hyperkeratosis

The failure of the skin to shed dead skin cells causing the follicle to be plugged and allowing bacteria to grow inside causing acne.

P acne bacteria

The bacteria that causes acne

Sebaceous filaments

Mainly small, solidified impactions of oil without the cell matter. Often found on the nose


Skin lacks oil, feels rough


Products that are thick and lay on top of skin to reduce TEWL

Minimal erythemal dose (MED)

Describes how long it takes to become red from sun exposure

Functional ingredients

Helps products spread, gives them body, texture, and form

Performance ingredients

Cause actual changes. (active ingredients)


"fatty" materials derived from oils or fats used to lubricate and moisturize the skin


Reduce surface tension between the skin and the product. Increases spreadability.


Reduce tension of the dirt and oil on the skin's surface and form an emulsion to lift them from the skin.


Prevent bacteria and other microorganisms from living in a product

Chelating agent

A chemical that is added to cosmetics to improve the efficiency of the preservative.


Vegetable, pigment, mineral dyes that give product color

Certified colors

Synthetic, inorganic, and are now as metal salts. Batch certified and FDA approved.

Non certified colors

Organic (carbon based) compounds from animal or plant extracts and can also be natural mineral pigments.

Physical exfoliation




-ultrasonic machine

Chemical exfoliation


-chemical peel (AHA, BHA)


Closed lipid bilayer spheres that encapsulate ingredients, target their delivery to specific areas of skin, and control their release.

Polyglucans (and beta-glucans)

Used to enhance skin's defense mechanism and stimulate cell metabolism. Derived from yeast.

Alpha hydroxy acids

-glycolic (sugar cane) mw 90

-lactic (milk) mw 76

-malic (apples) mw 134

-tartaric (grapes) mw 150

-mandelic (almonds) mw 152

-citric (citrus fruit) mw 192

Beta hydroxy acids


- anti inflammatory

- antiseptic

- oil loving

Oregon cannot use unbuffered AHAs where concentration is greater than


Tesla high frequency

-kills bacteria











Measures the pressure


Measures the strength

Milli amp

Measures 1/1000 of an amp (strength)


Measures the resistance


Measures how much energy is used in one second


Light amplification stimulation emission of radiation

Ultrasound and ultrasonic send waves through the skin to assist in

Product penetration (sonophorsis)


Minimizes varicose veins by injecting chemical agents into the affected areas


Removing hair with electricity


Removes hair at or near the surface of skin (shaving)


Removes hair from bottom of follicle (tweezing, waxing)

Folliculitis barbae

Ingrown hair


A caustic alkali product that removes hair

How many major systems in the human body?



-The unit of all living things

Composed of protoplasm


Colorless, jelly like substance in which food elements and water are present


Constructive metabolism


The phase of cell metabolism that involves complex compounds being broken down into smaller ones

Connective tissue

Bone, cartilage, ligament, tendon, fascia, and fat (adipose) tissue

Nerve tissue

-Composed of neurons

-carries messages to and from the brain.

-helps control bodily functions, coordinates bodily functions

Skeletal tissue

Produces white and red blood cells. 206 bones in the human body (22 in skull)


Muscle draws back the corner of the mouth out and back (grinning)

Zygomaticus major and minor

Elevate the lip (laughing)

Mentalis muscle

Elevates lower lip and raises and wrinkles the skin of the chin


Fine fibers that supply every square inch of the human body

Buccal nerve

Affects the muscles of the mouth

Infratrochlear nerve

Affects the membrane of the nose


-80% water

-helps equalize body temp

-protects from harmful microorganisms (white blood cells)

Endocrine system

-Contains glands that affect the growth, development, sexual activities, and health of the entire body

-made up of two main glands - exocrine and endocrine

Epicranius muscle

Made up of occipitalis and frontalis

Integumentary system

Made up of skin and its accessory organs (oil glands, sweat glands, sensory receptors)


Nerve fibers that receive impulses from other neurons

Supraorbital artery

Supplies blood to the upper eyelid and forehead

Infraorbital artery

Supplies blood to the eye muscles


Study of structures of the body that can be seen with the naked eye


Study of the functions and activities performed by the body structures


Microscopic anatomy


Nourishes cells

Connective tissue

Supports, protects, and binds together other tissues of the body

Thorax (chest)

An elastic, bony cage made up of the




-connective cartilage

Muscular system

Covers, shapes, supports skeletal system


Sends messages such as thought, hearing, and sight

Efferent nerves

Carry impulses from the brain to the muscles to produce movement

Thyroid gland

Controls how quickly the body burns energy and makes protein. And affects how sensitive the body should be to other hormones


Secretes enzyme producing cells that are responsible for digesting carbs, proteins and fats

Respiratory system

-Composed of lungs and disphragm

-protected by rib cage

Lightest element on earth


Most abundant element on earth



65% of body

75% of land

Physical mixtures






Two or more atoms that are chemically joined

The potential hydrogen (PH) of a substance is

The relative degree of acidity of alkalinity

Acid mantle

Protective barrier of skin


Prevent oxidation by neutralizing free radicals

Liquid matter

Definite size, no definite shape

Titanium dioxide

Mineral/sunscreen ingredient commonly used in mineral makeup

Tertiary colors

Formed by mixing equal amounts of a secondary color and it's neighboring primary color

Complementary colors

Appear brighter in comparison

Warm colors

Yellow undertones

Cool colors

Blue, green, violet, blue-red undertones

First civilization to practice beauty


Civilization that used beauty for bodily health


Most famous civilization for their bathhouses


20th century introductions to cosmetics

Botox, retin A, alpha hydroxy acids

Cover letter should begin with

Position of interest

Salon owners should carry this(these) insurance policy(s)

-liability and malpractice

-disability and burglary

-theft and business interruption

What connects the dermis to the epidermis?

The epidermal-dermal junction


Fat tissue that is found below the dermis (and rectal layer)


Specialized cells containing pigment, they produce pigment granules in basil layer


Aid in production of collagen and elastin

Secretory nerve fibers

Regulate secretions from sweat glands and control sebum output to the surface of the skin

Arrector pili muscles

Stimulated by the motor nerve fibers

Free radicals

Atoms or molecules with unpaired electrons, can be characterized by inflammation


Located at bottom of follicle




A skin sore produced by scratching or scraping the skin

Seborrheic dermatitis

Inflammation, dry or oily scaling or crusting and/or itchiness


A sebaceous cyst or subcutaneous tumor filled with sebum

Sebaceous hyperplasia

Benign lesion formed in oilier areas of the face

Miliara rubra

Acute inflammatory disorder of the sweat glands caused by excessive heat exposure

Atopic dermatits






Vascular nerves

Port wine stain

80% of UV damage occurs before age



Cannot live in the presence of oxygen


Male hormones

Skin type most sensitive to peels

Asian skin

What should estheticians be concerned about first when performing a service?

Skin condition

Actinic keratosis

Rough areas caused by sun exposure sometimes accompanied by layered scales or scabs


Redness caused by inflammation


Plant chemicals and a family of antioxidants found in: green tea, red grapes, strawberries, pomegranates


Products that affect the structures and/or functions of the human bodu

Fatty acids

-Oleic acid

-stearic acid

-caprylic acid

Fatty ester


Fatty alcohol

Used as emollients or spreading agents

PH adjustors

Acids or alkalis that are used to adjust the PH of products


Plant based ingredients

Natural exfoliators

Jojoba beads, grounds nuts, various seeds


Thought to help strengthen the immune system and stimulate the metabolism


Enhance cellular metabolism


Help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating the formation of collagen

Tissue respiratory factor (TRF)

Functions as an anti inflammatory and moisturizing ingredient


Long chains made up of amino acids


Large molecules formed by combining many smaller molecules in a regular pattern


Made up of two or more amino acid molecules


Reduces oil glands activity and dissolves dry, dead cells on the surface of skin


Using plant extracts for therapeutic benefits


Sense of smell


A sealed vial containing a single application of highly concentrated extracts in a water or oil base

Thermal/paraffin mask

Plumps up skin and force feeds nutrients.

Should be a little warmer than body temp

Sinusoidal current

Only used during scalp and facials manipulations

Light waves/electricity travels

186000 miles per second


Indicates the negative or positive pole of an electrical current


-Softens and emulsifier grease deposits and blackheads in the hair follicles. Emulsifies sebum.

-(lifting masks, galvanic current, enzyme peels

High frequency electrotherapy

Sanitized the skin, does not allow product penetration