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26 Cards in this Set

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What is the TRAP signs for parkinsonism?
-Tremor at rest
-Akinesia (or bradykinesia)
-Postural instability
T or F:
Parkinsonism affects proximal muscles early and spreads to face and extremities?
_______________ is a jerky, ratchetlike resistance to passive movement as muscles alternately tense and relax.
____________ is a slowed or difficulty maintaining movement?
What is the inability to initiate movement?
__________________ is one of the most common signs present at initial diagnosis
Resting tremors

Which type of falls are very common with parkinsonism and why?
-Forward Falls

-Rapid, festinating gait in combination with a stooped posture leads to forward falls.
What are a few other common motor signs with parkinsonism?
-Masked face
-Slowing of ADLs
-Stooped, shuffling gait
-Decreased arm swing when walking
-Swallowing and chewing difficulty
Parkinsonism from strokes, toxins, trauma (boxing), infections (encephalitis, HIV), metabolic abnormalities (hypo- or hyper- thyroidism or parathyroidism, liver failure), drug-induced is known as?
Secondary parkinsonism
What is the most common parkinson-plus syndrome?
-Progressive Supranuclear Palsy

Symptoms include: postural instability leading to falls within first year of disease onset; supranuclear ophthalmoplegia: vertical gaze paresis, especially in the downward direction.
What is the key sign you see with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy?
Which part of the brain is the Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta located?
Symptoms of Parkinson begin with Lewy Bodies reach/affect _______?
Midbrain, specifically the substantia nigra pars compacta
-Normally the D1 and D2 are balanced as shown, and we are able to both initiate wanted movements (D1) and inhibit unwanted movements (D2)
-Normally the D1 and D2 are balanced as shown, and we are able to both initiate wanted movements (D1) and inhibit unwanted movements (D2)
1a) Direct path gets less excitation:
1b) Inderect gets less inhibition
2) Causing increase unwanted movements (cant inhibit)
3) Causing increase difficulty with wanted movements (due to less excitation)
1a) Direct path gets less excitation:
1b) Inderect gets less inhibition
2) Causing increase unwanted movements (cant inhibit)
3) Causing increase difficulty with wanted movements (due to less excitation)
The causes direct excitation:

-This allows us to choose and perform motion
This causes direct inhibition:

-This allows us to inhibit unwanted movements
How is a clinical diagnosis of Parkinson disease made?
-Must have 2 of 4 cardinal signs (TRAP)
-postural instability
A definitive diagnosis of Parkinson disease can be made how?
The following are associated with getting Parkinson disease:
-Olfactory deficits
-Slow reaction time
What are three symptoms that will give a worse prognosis for PD?
-Older age at onset (> 57 years)
-Rigidity/hypokinesia as a presenting symptom
What is PIGD?
Postural Instability
Gait Disturbances
T or F:
Deep brain stimulation is another option for treating parkinson disease?

-Indicated when person has symptoms not adequately controlled with medications.
-Person still has to have a good response to levodopa.
What drug will a younger patient commonly begin with?
-May start with Dopamine agonist then advance when needed to a levadopa/sinemet
T or F:
Deep brain stimulation has great effects on Gait and balance in Parkinson disease?

-Non-motor symptoms (gait and balance) of PD not affected by DBS
Describe "BIG therapy"?
-Treatment effective in treating speech and voice disorders of patients with PD

-Very large exaggerated movements and speech to break motor patterns and reteach "norms"