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867 Cards in this Set

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n sage
person celebrated for wisdom; wise person; ADJ: wise
n salacious
lascivious; lustful; Ex. salacious monk
n salient
prominent; projecting beyond a line; conspicuous; Ex. salient features --the salient points of the report
n sallow
(of the skin) yellowish and unhealthy-looking; sickly in color; Ex. sallow complexion due to jaundice
n salubrious
healthful; conducive to health or well-being; socially desirable; Ex. salubrious area; CF. health
n salutary
tending to improve; beneficial; wholesome; Ex. The punishment had a salutary effect on the boy; CF. health CF. insularity(narrow-minded)
rescue (goods or property) from loss; N: saving; property saved
n sanctimonious
displaying ostentatious or hypocritical devoutness; N. sanctimony: hypocritical piety 假仁假义
approve; ratify; N: permission; penalty intended to enforce compliance -- The book was translated without the sanction of the author. -- Is prison the best sanction against a crime like this?
place of refuge; shelter; shrine; holy place; Ex. The outlaw was granted sanctuary in the church.
bloody; with much bloodshed
optimistic; cheerful; hopeful; of the color of blood; red
n sap
diminish; weaken; undermine the foundations of (a fortification); Ex. The element kryptonite sapped his strength.
cutting ironic remark; scornful remarks; stinging rebuke; ADJ. sarcastic
n sardonic
scornfully mocking; disdainful; sarcastic; cynical; Ex. sardonic smile
n sartorial
of or relating to tailoring, clothes, or style of dress; Ex. a man of great sartorial elegance; CF. sartor: tailor
n sate
satisfy to the full; satisfy to excess; cloy
s doze
sleep lightly; nap
small body revolving around a larger one
satisfy fully (physical needs such as hunger); sate; N. satiety: condition of being satiated
form of literature in which irony, sarcasm, and ridicule are employed to attack human vice and folly
using satire; mocking
soak thoroughly; imbue; impregnate; charge; fill to capacity
n saturnine
morose; gloomy; Ex. Do not be misled by his saturnine countenance.
n satyr
half-human, half-bestial being in the court of Dionysus (resembling a goat), portrayed as wanton(unrestrained) and cunning; lecher; CF. faun; CF. goat: lecherous man
n saunter
stroll(go for a leisurely walk) slowly; N.
n savant
scholar; learned person; CF. savoir: know
n savor
enjoy; have a distinctive flavor, smell, or quality; N: taste or smell; distinctive quality
n savory
pleasant in taste; tasty; pleasing, attractive, or agreeable; Ex. savory reputation
n scabbard
case for a sword blade; sheath
n scad
a great quantity; Ex. scads of clothes
n scaffold
temporary platform for workers (to work at heights above the ground); bracing framework; platform for execution 脚手架; 建筑架 ;绞架; 断头台
climb up; ascend; remove or come off in scales; N: flake of epidermis; ascending or descending series of musical tones
meager; insufficient
n scapegoat
someone who bears the blame for others; whipping boy; CF. escape+goat
n scavenge
hunt through discarded materials for usable items or food; search, especially for food; N. scavenger: one who scavenges; animal that feeds on refuse and carrion
s refuse
anything discarded or rejected as worthless; trash
plot outline; screenplay(script for a movie); opera libretto; outline of possible future events
of a schema or scheme; relating to an outline or diagram; using a system of symbols; N. schema: diagrammatic representation; outline
s scheme
systematic plan; plot; clever dishonest plan; orderly arrangement of elements; Ex. health insurance scheme; Ex. a scheme to escape taxes; Ex. a color scheme; Ex. a story with no scheme; V: contrive a scheme
n schism
division into factions (esp. within a religious body); split
n scintilla
trace; minute amount; shred; least bit; Ex. There is not a scintilla of truth; CF. spark
n scintillate
sparkle; flash; be animated; be full of life; Ex. scintillating conversation
n scoff
laugh (at); mock; ridicule; Ex. scoff at their threats
n scotch
stamp out(put an end to); thwart; hinder; Ex. scotch the rumor; CF. cut; -- His arrival in the capital scotched reports that he was dead.
s score
number of points; written form of a musical composition; reason; group of 20; notch or incision; Ex. full/vocal score; Ex. Don't worry on that score; V: mark with lines or notches; Ex. score the paper to make it easy to fold
s stamp
step on heavily (so as to crush or extinguish); put an end to; imprint or impress with a mark, design, or seal; shape with a die; characterize; Ex. machine stamping out car bodies; Ex. newspaper stamping him as a liar; N. stamping; implement used to stamp; impression stamped; mark; Ex. Her remarks bear the stamp of truth.-- The rebellion was soon stamped on by the army.
n scourge
lash; whip (formerly used for punishment); source of severe punishment; V: whip; afflict -- The new boss was the scourge of the inefficient.
n scruple
hesitate for ethical reasons; fret about; Ex. She did not scruple to read his diary; N: uneasy feeling arising from conscience; conscience
conscientious; extremely thorough; Ex. scrupulous worker
examine closely and critically; N. scrutiny
n scuffle
struggle confusedly; move off in a confused hurry; N. CF. scuffling twins ? --there were minor scuffles with police.--the rabbit struggled free, scuffling his front paws.
s shuffle
mix together; jumble; move (something) from one place to another; slide (the feet) along the ground while walking; Ex. shuffle papers from one pile to another; N.
n scurrilous
abusive; obscene; indecent; Ex. scurrilous remark
n scurry
move hastily; hurry; move briskly
n scurvy
contemptible; despicable; N: disease caused by deficiency of Vitamin C 坏血病 -- That was a scurvy trick to play on an old lady. CF scurry(move hurriedly with short quick steps)
n scuttle
sink (a ship) by cutting holes in the hull; scrap; discard; N: small hatch in a ship's deck or hull
s hull
husk; dry outer covering of a seed; frame or body of a ship
n seamy
sordid; base; filthy; unwholesome; Ex. seamy side of city life
s base
contemptible; morally bad; inferior in value or quality; Ex. base motives/conduct; Ex. base metal such as iron
n sear
burn the surface of; char or burn; brand; parch; cause (a plant) to wither
s char
make or become black by burning; reduce or be reduced to carbon or charcoal(black substance made by burning wood) by incomplete combustion
s scorch
sear; N.-- I scorched my shirt when I was ironing it.--The lawn looked scorched after days of sunshine.
s brand
trademark; mark burned on the hide of an animal; mark burned into the flesh of criminals; mark of disgrace; V: mark with a brand; give a lasting bad name; stigmatize; Ex. The press branded him a liar.
s hide
skin of an animal
s season
enhance the flavor of by adding a spice, etc.; inure; harden; N. seasoning: something used in seasoning
s seasonal
of a particular season; Ex. seasonal rise in employment
s seasonable
occurring at the proper time or season; opportune; Ex. seasonable intervention in the dispute
withdrawal; V. secede: withdraw formally from membership
isolation; solitude; V. seclude: set apart from others; isolate
n secrete
conceal; hide away or cache; produce and release a substance into an organism; CF. secretive ---- insulin is secreted in response to rising levels of glucose in the blood. --The kidneys secrete urine
separate religious body; faction; group of people with common beliefs within a larger group
s sectarian
of a sect; narrow-minded; parochial; N: member of a sect; narrow-minded person
s denomination
religious group; unit in a system; name or designation; CF. denominator: common trait or characteristic
worldly; not pertaining to church matters or religion; temporal
n sedate
composed (with no excitement); grave; V: administer a sedative to; CF. sedative
requiring sitting; done while sitting; not moving from one place to another; settled; Ex. sedentary job/population
conduct or language inciting rebellion; rebellion; resistance to authority; insubordination; ADJ. seditious
n sedulous
diligent; assiduous; paying attention; N. sedulity
n seedy
run-down; decrepit; disreputable; having many seeds; Ex. seedy downtown hotel
s run-down
(of a place) dilapidated; in a bad condition; (of a person) weak or exhausted
n seemly
(of behavior) proper; appropriate
n seep
pass slowly through small openings; ooze; trickle; N. seepage
n seethe
be violently disturbed; boil; (of a liquid) move about wildly as if boiling; Ex. The nation was seething with discontent.
n seine
seine net; net for catching fish
pertaining to earthquakes
n semblance
outward appearance; guise; Ex. We called in the troops to bring a/some semblance of order to the city.
related to seed or semen; germinal; creative; providing a basis for further development; influencing future developments; Ex. seminal research in a new field
n seminary
school for training future ministers; secondary school, especially for young women 神学院 中等学校
old age; feeblemindedness of old age; ADJ. senile: resulting from old age; showing the weakness of body or mind from old age; Ex. senile dementia
s feebleminded
deficient in intelligence; very stupid
n sensitization
process of being made sensitive or acutely responsive to an external agent or substance; V. sensitize: make or become sensitive
devoted to the pleasures of the sense; carnal; voluptuous; Ex. sensual woman/curves/lips
s voluptuous
sensual; of or giving sensual pleasure; indulging in sensual pleasures; Ex. voluptuous lines; Ex. voluptuous life of the Romans; N. voluptuary: voluptuous person
giving pleasure to the senses; pertaining to the physical senses; operating through the senses; sensuous feeling of soft velvet on the skin
n sententious
pithy; terse; concise; aphoristic;given to moralizing in a pompous or affected manner
n sentient
capable of sensation and conscious; aware; sensitive; Ex. sentient creature; N. sentience
sentry; lookout
s lookout
act of keeping watch; high place commanding a wide view; person who keeps watch -- everyone's life is his own lookout.
n septic
of or causing sepsis; putrid; producing putrefaction; N. sepsis: poisoning of part of the body (producing pus)
n sepulcher
tomb; V: place in a sepulcher; ADJ. sepulchral
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n sequester
isolate; segregate; seclude; retire from public life --the artist sequestered himself in his studio for two years.
n sere
sear; parched; dry
n serendipity
gift for finding valuable things by accident; accidental good fortune or luck; CF. The Three Princes of Serendip -- 全然无意中有所新奇发现(的本事)
calmness; placidity; ADJ. serene
n serpentine
winding; twisting; of or like a serpent; Ex. serpentine course of the river; N. serpent: snake
n serrated
having a sawtoothed edge; Ex. serrated leaf 边缘呈锯齿状的
slavish; cringing; N. servility
slavery; compulsory labor imposed as a punishment
n sever
separate; cut off (a part) from a whole; break up (a relationship); N. severance; CF. severance pay: extra pay given an employee upon leaving a position
harshness; intensity; sternness; austerity; ADJ. severe: harsh; strict; extremely violent or intense
n sextant
navigation tool used to determine a ship's latitude and longitude (by measuring the altitudes of stars)六分仪
n shackle
chain; fetter; confine with shackles; N.
n sham
pretend; feign; ADJ: not genuine; fake; Ex. sham jewelry; N: something that is not what it appears; impostor; pretense; Ex. The agreement was a sham.
n shambles
(place or scene of) complete disorder or ruin; wreck; mess; Ex. After the hurricane, the coast was a shambles.
n shard
fragment generally of broken pottery (glass, clay bowl, or cup)
n shaving
very thin piece, usually of wood (cut from a surface with a sharp blade)
s plane
carpenter's tool for smoothing and leveling wood; V. CF. flat刨子
n sheaf
bundle of stalks of grain; any bundle of things tied together束, 捆
n sheathe
place into a case; insert into or provide with a sheath; Ex. He sheathed his dagger; N. sheath: case for a blade
n sherbet
flavored dessert ice
n shimmer
shine with a flickering light; glimmer intermittently; Ex. The moonlight shimmered on the water; N.
n shirk
avoid (responsibility, work, etc.); malinger
n shoddy
made of inferior material; sham; not genuine; inferior; dishonest; Ex. shoddy goods/trick
n shrew
scolding woman; very small mouselike animal
clever; astute
n shun
keep away from; avoid deliberately; Ex. She has been shunned by her neighbors.
n shunt
move (a railway train) from one track to another; turn aside; divert; sidetrack; Ex. shunt traffic around an accident; N.使(火车头、货车等)转轨、调轨
s sidetrack
switch (a railroad car) to a siding; divert from a main issue; N. CF. siding: short section of railroad track connected by switches with a main track
n shyster
lawyer using questionable methods; unscrupulous practioner
brother or sister
n sibylline
prophetic; oracular; N. sibyl: woman prophet (in the ancient world)
n sidereal
relating to stars; Ex. sidereal day
n silt
sediment deposited by running water (at the entrance to a harbor or by a bend in a river)
n simian
monkeylike; N: ape or monkey
comparison of one thing with another, using the word like or as
n simper
smirk; smile in a silly way; smile affectedly
feign; imitate -- it was impossible to force a smile, to simulate pleasure.
n sinecure
well-paid position with little responsibility; CF. sine cure: without care; CF. San Serif
n sinewy
(of meat) tough; strong and firm; muscular; N. sinew: tendon; strong cord connecting a muscle to a bone
being only one; individual; unique; extraordinary; odd; Ex. singular beauty/behavior
evil; ominous
n sinuous
twisting; winding; bending in and out; not morally honest
sceptic; doubter; person who suspends judgment until he has examined the evidence supporting a point of view; ADJ. skeptical; N. skepticism; scepticism
n skiff
small light sailboat or rowboat
n skimp
provide or use scantily; live very economically; Ex. skimp on necessities; ADJ. skimpy: inadequate in amount; scanty; stingy; niggardly
n skinflint
miser; stingy person
minor fight; minor battle in war; V.
n skittish
inconstant; capricious; frivolous; not serious; Ex. charming but skittish young woman; CF. skit
s frisk
move about playfully; froric; ADJ. frisky: playful
n skulduggery(skullduggery)
dishonest behavior or action; Ex. skulduggery in the election
n skulk
move furtively and secretly; Ex. He skulked through the less fashionable sections of the city.
n slacken
slow up; loosen; make or become slack
s slack
moving slowly; sluggish; inactive; (of a rope) loose; negligent; lax; Ex. slack season; Ex. slack in one's work; N. V.
n slag
glassy residue from smelting metal; dross; waste matter 矿渣; 熔渣
satisfy (thirst); quench; sate -- Has this murderer slaked his lust for blood yet?
defamation; utterance of false and malicious statements; V. ADJ. slanderous
n slapdash
hasty and careless; haphazard; sloppy(carelessly done)
n sleazy
shabby and dirty; flimsy; insubstantial; Ex. sleazy back-street hotel/fabric
n sleeper
one that achieves unexpected success; something originally of little value or importance that in time becomes very valuable
dexterity; CF. sleight of hand: legerdemain; quickness of the hands in doing tricks
n slew
large quantity or number; Ex. slew of errands left
n slight
insult to one's dignity; snub; V: treat as if of small importance; insult; snub; ADJ. small in size; of small importance
n slipshod
slovenly; careless; sloppy; untidy; shabby; Ex. slipshod work
n slither
slip or slide 摇晃不稳地滑动或滑行: -- slithering around in the mud --we slithered down a snowy mountain track.
slow moving tree-dwelling mammal; laziness; ADJ. slothful: lazy; indolent
n slough
(of a snake) shed or cast off (dead outer skin); N: outer layer that is shed
n slovenly
untidy; careless in work habits; slipshod; N. sloven: one who is habitually untidy or careless
s sledge
large sled drawn by work animals
s sleigh
large vehicle drawn by a horse over snow or ice
n sluggard
lazy person
lazy; slow; inactive; lethargic; CF. slug: nail with no shell
n sluice
artificial channel for directing or controlling the flow of water (with a gate to regulate the flow)人工水道
n slur
slander; insult to one's character or reputation; V.
n slur
pronounce indistinctly; speak indistinctly; mumble
n smattering
slight knowledge; small scattered number or amount; Ex. smattering of German
n smelt
melt (ore) for separating and removing the metal; melt or blend ores changing their chemical composition
n smirk
conceited smile; offensively self-satisfied smile (often at someone else's misfortune); V.
n smolder
smoulder; burn slowly without flame; be liable to break out at any moment; exist in a suppressed state; Ex. smoldering anger
n snicker
half-stifled(suppressed) laugh; V.
n snivel
complain or whine tearfully; run at the nose; snuffle; Ex. Don't come back sniveling to me.
s snuffle
sniffle; sniff repeatedly (in order to keep liquid from running out of the nose)
moderation (especially regarding indulgence in alcohol); seriousness
s sober
serious; solemn; not drunken; abstemious or temperate; V: make or become sober
n sodden
thoroughly soaked; dull or stupid as if from drink -- a whiskey-sodden criminal.--his clothes were sodden.
n sojourn
temporary stay; V: stay for a time -- a sojourn of two or three weeks in the mountains
n solace
comfort in sorrow or trouble; consolation; V: comfort or console in time of sorrow or trouble
n solder
repair or make whole by using a metal alloy; N: metal alloy (usually tin and lead) used in the molten state to join metallic parts
n solecism
nonstandard grammatical construction; construction that is flagrantly incorrect grammatically; violation of social etiquette
seriousness; gravity
entreat; request earnestly; seek to obtain; Ex. solicit votes; CF. solicitor: one who solicits; chief law officer
n solicitous
anxious; worried; concerned; eager; Ex. solicitous to do something; N. solicitude
talking to oneself (esp. in a play); CF. monologue: soliloquy; long speech by one person (often monopolizing a conversation)
state of being alone; seclusion; ADJ. solitary: existing or living alone (esp. by choice); remote or secluded; single; sole; Ex. solitary life/inn; Ex. no solitary piece of proof
point or time at which the sun is farthest from the equator 至日; 冬至或夏至 CF. equinox
able to be dissolved in a liquid; able to be worked out or solved
able to pay all depths; N. solvency
substance that dissolves another; ADJ: capable of dissolving another substance
pertaining to the body; bodily; physical
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n somber
dark; gloomy; melancholy; depressing; CF. shadow
sleepwalker; V. somnambulate; N. somnambulism
n somnolent
half asleep; drowsy; N. somnolence
n sonorous
resonant; producing a full deep sound; producing sound
s sonic
of sound or its speed in air; CF. subsonic, supersonic
s sonnet
14-line poetic verse form with a fixed rhyme pattern
teacher of philosophy; quibbler; employer of fallacious reasoning; N. sophism: plausible but fallacious argument
worldly wise and urbane; refined; complex; N. sophistication; V. sophisticate
seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning; sophism
n sophomoric
immature; half-baked; like a sophomore
n soporific
sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness; drowsy
n sordid
filthy; foul; base; vile; Ex. sordid bed/story
n spangle
small shiny metallic piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation
not thick; thinly scattered; scanty
n spartan
without attention to comfort; lacking luxury and comfort; sternly disciplined; Ex. spartan living condition/life
n spasmodic
fitful; periodic; of or like a spasm; N. spasm: sudden involuntary muscular contraction; sudden burst of energy or emotion
n spat
squabble; minor dispute; minor quarrel
n spate
sudden flood or rush; Ex. spate of accidents
relating to space
n spatula
broad-bladed instrument used for spreading or mixing
lay eggs (in large numbers); produce offspring (in large numbers); N: eggs of aquatic animals
seemingly reasonable but incorrect; misleading (often intentionally)
ghostly; N. specter: spectre; ghost; phantom
colored band produced when a beam of light passes through a prism; broad and continuous range; Ex. whole spectrum of modern thoughts
n spendthrift
someone who wastes money; CF. thrift: accumulated wealth
n sphinx-like
enigmatic; mysterious
n splice
join together end to end to make one continuous length; fasten together; unite; Ex. splice two strips of tape; N.
lack of premeditation; naturalness; freedom from constraint; ADJ. spontaneous: self-generated; unpremeditated; happening without being planned
n spoonerism
accidental transposition of sounds in successive words; Ex. ``Let me sew you to your sheet'' for ``Let me show you to your seat''; CF. William Spooner
s transpose
reverse the order or position of
occurring irregularly; intermittent
n sportive
playful; frolicsome; merry; CF. sport: play or frolic; CF. sportsmanlike
n spruce
neat and trim in appearance; smart; Ex. Be spruce for your job interview; V.
n spry
(esp. of older people) vigorously active; nimble
s nimble
quick in movement; agile; quick in understanding; Ex. nimble climber/mind
n spurious
false; counterfeit; forged; illogical; Ex. spurious arguments
n spurn
reject disdainfully; scorn; Ex. She spurned all offers of help.
n squabble
minor quarrel; bickering; V: engage in a minor quarrel; Ex. squabbling children
n squalor
condition of being squalid; filth; degradation; dirty neglected state; ADJ. squalid: dirty; sordid; morally repulsive; Ex. squalid story
waste; spend foolishly
n squat
short and thick; stocky; Ex. ugly squat tower; V. N.
n staccato
played in an abrupt manner; marked by abrupt sharp sound; Ex. staccato applause
s legato
(of music) played smoothly
(of water) not flowing (often bad-smelling); motionless; stale; not developing; inactive; dull; Ex. stagnant industrial output
n staid
serious and sedate; sober; Ex. staid during the funeral ceremony
deadlock; situation in which further action is blocked
n stalwart
physically strong; brawny; steadfast; strong in mind or determination; Ex. stalwart supporter; N: stalwart follower
power of endurance; strength; staying power
n stanch
stop or check flow of blood; Ex. stanch the gushing wound
n stanza
division of a poem (composed of two or more lines)
having no motion; unchanging; lacking development; N. stasis: stable state
law enacted by the legislature
created by statute or legislative action; regulated by statute; Ex. statutory age limit
n steadfast
steadily loyal; unswerving; steady
action of moving secretly or unseen; slyness; sneakiness; secretiveness; ADJ. stealthy
n steep
soak; saturate; Ex. steep the fabric in the dye bath; ADJ: precipitous
pertaining to the stars; of a star performer; outstanding; Ex. stellar attraction of the entire performance
n stem
stop or check (the flow of); Ex. stem the bleeding from the slashed artery; N: main axis of a plant; stalk
arise from; originate from
n stentorian
(of the voice) extremely loud; CF. Stentor: a loud herald in the Iliad
one regarded as embodying a set image or type; fixed and unvarying representation; standardized mental picture often reflecting prejudice; Ex. stereotype of the happy slave; V: make a stereotype of; represent by a stereotype; Ex. It is wrong to stereotype people; Ex. stereotyped answer
n stickler
perfectionist; person who insists things be exactly right
n stifle
suppress; extinguish; inhibit; smother or suffocate
s smother
kill from lack of air; suppress; cover thickly; Ex. smothered in little stickers
s suffocate
die or kill from lack of air; suppress
n stigma
token of disgrace; brand; V. stigmatize: mark with a stigma; characterize as disgraceful
n stilted
bombastic; stiffly pompous; Ex. stilted rhetoric; CF. stiff: formal(指言谈、文笔、举止等)生硬的, 不自然的, 矫揉造作的
n stint
set limits in amount or number; be thrifty; ADJ. stinting, unstinting; CF. stint:savings-- She stinted herself of food in order to let the children have enough. CF. skimp
n stint
supply; allotted amount of work; assigned portion of work; limitation; Ex. two-year stint in the army; Ex. without stint --- She stinted herself of food in order to let the children have enough. -- Everybody must do a daily stint in the kitchen.
n stipend
pay for services
n stipple
paint or draw with dots or short strokes用点画、点描或点刻法描绘或雕刻(某物)(不用线条等)CF. tipple(drink frequently)
state as a necessary condition (of an agreement); make express conditions; specify; Ex. He stipulated payment in advance 讲明, 规定(某要求)
n stock
standard; kept regularly in stock or supply; typical; routine; common; Ex. stock sizes of paper; Ex. stock excuse/character; N: goods for sale in a shop; OP. unique
n stockade
wooden enclosure or pen; fixed line of posts used as defensive barrier 防御用的)栅栏(尤指木头的)
s pen
fenced enclosure for animals; confining space; Ex. sheep pen; V: confine in a pen; enclose
n stodgy
dull; stuffy; boringly conservative; Ex. stodgy book
stoical; impassive; unmoved by joy or grief; N. CF. stoicism
n stoke
stir up a fire or furnace; feed plentifully
n stolid
dull; impassive; showing little emotion when strong feelings are expected
deceptive scheme; clever trick
divided into classes; arranged into strata; V. stratify
layer of earth's surface; layer of society; PL. strata
n strew
spread randomly; sprinkle; scatter; Ex. flower girl strewing rose petals
n striated
marked with parallel bands; striped; grooved; Ex. striated rocks; V. striate; N. stria: thin groove or line
n stricture
severe and adverse criticism; critical comments; limit or restriction -- religious strictures on everyday life. -- his strictures on their lack of civic virtue.
n strident
loud and harsh; insistent; N. stridency--a strident voice interrupted the consultation
(of rules) binding; rigid; marked by scarcity of money; Ex. stringent economic conditions
n strut
pompous walk; V: walk in a self-important manner
n strut
supporting bar; CF. airplane wing_��_Œ____ building _____��__ support
n studied
carefully contrived; calculated; unspontaneous; deliberate; thoughtful; Ex. studied remark
n stultify
make stupid in mind; cause to appear or become stupid or inconsistent; suppress; frustrate or hinder; so boring that you feel as though you are losing your ability to think-- a stultifying office environmentEx. stultifying effect of uninteresting work; Ex. stultify free expression
n stupefy
stun; make numb (as with a drug); amaze
n stupor
state of being stupefied; state of apathy; daze; lack of awareness
s stun
make unconscious or numb as by a blow; amaze; astound
s daze
stun as with a blow or shock; bemuse; benumb; N.
n stygian
unpleasantly dark; gloomy; hellish; deathly; CF. Styx: the chief river in the subterranean land of the dead
n stymie
thwart; present an obstacle; stump
s stump
base of a tree trunk left after the rest has been cut down; V: walk in a heavy manner; baffle; puzzle
n suavity
urbanity; polish; ADJ. suave: smooth and courteous
n subaltern
subordinate -- the private tutor was a recognized subaltern part of the bourgeois family.
less intense; quieter; Ex. subdued lighting; Ex. subdue: conquer; make less intense; quiet; Ex. subdue one's anger
influenced by personal feelings; occurring or taking place within the mind; unreal; Ex. subjective sensation of the ghostly presence
conquer; bring under control -- the invaders had soon subjugated most of the native population.
refine; purify; replace (natural urges) with socially acceptable activities; change between a solid state and a gaseous state
causing deep feelings of wonder, joy, respect, etc.; exalted; noble and uplifting; utter --The view was sublime.
h 45
below the threshold of conscious perception; Ex. subliminal advertisement潜意识的
willing to obey orders; yielding; timid
occupying a lower rank; inferior; submissive; N. V: put in a lower rank or class
n suborn
persuade to act unlawfully (especially to commit perjury); N. subornation
n subpoena
writ(written command issued by a court) summoning a witness to appear in court; V: summon with a subpoena(传唤出庭的)传票
following in time or order; later
behaving like a slave; servile; obsequious; subordinate; N. subservience
sink to a lower level; settle down; sink to the bottom (as a sediment); descend; grow quiet; become less; moderate; abate --Simon waited until the laughter subsided.--After the heavy rains, part of the road subsided.
serving to assist; subordinate; secondary; of a subsidy; N.
direct financial aid by government, etc.; V. subsidize: assist with a subsidy
existence; means of subsisting; means of support; livelihood; V. subsist: exist; maintain life (at a meager level) --We had to subsist on bread and water.
of substance; material; solid; essential or fundamental; ample; considerable; well-to-do; wealthy
support (a claim) with evidence; establish with evidence; verify
n substantive
substantial; essential; pertaining to the substance; substantial; considerable; Ex. substantive issues
n subsume
include (as a member of a group); encompass
n subterfuge
stratagem(deceptive scheme); pretense; evasion; Ex. resort to a harmless subterfuge
perceptiveness; ingenuity; delicacy; ADJ. subtle: delicate; so slight as to be difficult to detect; able to make fine distinctions; clever; Ex. subtle mind/differences in meaning -- the subtlety of their tactics
n subversive
tending to overthrow or ruin; V. subvert: overthrow completely (an established system); destroy completely; CF. undermine ?
assist (someone in difficulty); aid; comfort; N. -- prisoners of war were liberated and succored.
n succulent
juicy; full of juice or sap; full of richness; N: succulent plant such as a cactus
yield (to something overwhelming); give in; die; Ex. succumb to the illness
n suffragist
advocate of the extension of voting rights (for women); CF. suffrage(the right to vote)
n suffuse
spread through or over (with a color or liquid); charge; Ex. A blush suffused her cheeks.
n sully
defile; soil; tarnish; Ex. sully one's hands in menial labor
s tarnish
make or become dull or discolored; N. OP.burnish
(of weather) hot; sweltering; sensual; voluptuous
act of finding the total; summing-up; summary (esp. one given by the judge at the end of a trial)
n sumptuous
grand suggesting great expense; lavish; rich; Ex. sumptuous feast
n sunder
separate; part; CF. asunder
n sundry
miscellaneous; various; several; N. sundries: small miscellaneous items -- lemon rind and sundry herbs. -- a drugstore selling magazines, newspapers, and sundries.
n superannuated
retired or disqualified because of age; outmoded; obsolete
haughty; arrogant; condescending; patronizing; CF. eyebrow, cilium
n supererogatory
superfluous; more than needed or demanded
of the surface; not deep; shallow; not thorough; trivial; Ex. superficial analysis/knowledge
excessive; overabundant; unnecessary; N. superfluity
place over something else -- a map of Great Britain superimposed on a map of Texas, eg to show comparative size
n supernumerary
person or thing excess of what is necessary; extra; ADJ: additional to the usual or necessary number
replace; cause to be set aside; make obsolete; N. supersession -- the older models have now been superseded.
n supine
lying on back; passive; inactive; Ex. The defeated pugilist lay supine; Ex. supine acceptance of the decision
take the place of unfairly; usurp; replace
flexible; limber; pliant
entreating; beseeching; N. -- in a suppliant attitude
petition humbly; pray to grant a favor -- supplicate sb to help
s supplicant
one who supplicates; ADJ.
assumption; hypothesis; surmise; V. suppose -- they were working on the supposition that his death was murder
n supposititious
assumed; counterfeit; hypothetical
put an end to forcibly; subdue; stifle; overwhelm; inhibit the expression of; check; prevent from being published or made public; Ex. suppress a smile; Ex. suppress the magazine/truth
n surfeit
satiate; feed or supply to excess; stuff; indulge to excess in anything; N: surfeiting; excessive amount; Ex. surfeit of food
n surly
bad-tempered; rude; cross
s cross
bad-tempered; showing ill-humor; angry
guess; N.
done secretly; secret; furtive; sneaky; hidden
n surrogate
substitute; person or thing used in place of another; Ex. surrogate mother; ADJ.
close observation of a person (esp. one under suspicion); watching; guarding
n susceptible
impressionable; easily influenced; sensitive; having little resistance as to a disease; likely to suffer; receptive to; capable of accepting; Ex. susceptible to persuasion/colds; Ex. The agreement is not susceptible of alteration; N. susceptibility
suffer (harm or loss); experience; support; prop; maintain; keep in existence; nourish (to maintain life); Ex. sustain the family/the trapped miners
sustaining; means of livelihood, support, food, nourishment; something that maintains life; food
n suture
stitches sewn to hold the cut edges of a wound or incision; material used in sewing; V: sew together a wound
n swarthy
(of a skin or complexion) dark; dusky; Ex. swarthy Italian ?
n swathe
swath; wrap around; bandage; Ex. one's head swathed in bandages
n swelter
(of a person) suffer from oppressive heat; be oppressed by heat
n swerve
deviate; turn aside sharply from a straight course; Ex. swerve from the principle; Ex. The car swerved to the right.
n swill
drink greedily
n sybarite
lover of luxury; person devoted to pleasure and luxury; CF. Sybaris: an ancient Greek city in Italy
servile flatterer; bootlicker; yes man; ADJ. sycophantic
logical formula consisting of a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion; deceptive or specious argument
n sylvan
pertaining to the woods or the country
n symbiosis
interdependent relationship (between groups, species) often mutually beneficial; ADJ. symbiotic; CF. together + life
arrangement of parts so that balance is obtained; congruity; ADJ. symmetrical
s lopsided
heavier or larger on one side than the other; Ex. lopsided way of walking
similarly timed; simultaneous with; occurring at the same time; V. synchronize
providing a general overview; summary; N. synopsis
combining parts or separate things into a whole; the whole so formed; PL. syntheses; V. synthesize
not natural; artificial; resulting from synthesis; Ex. synthetic fiber; N.
understood (without actually being expressed); not put into words; Ex. tacit agreement
n taciturn
habitually silent; talking little
pertaining to the organs or sense of touch
s tact
skill or sensitivity in dealing with people without causing offence
n taint
contaminate; cause to lose purity; modify with a trace of something bad; Ex. tainted reputation; N: stain; touch of decay or bad influence; CF. touch
n talisman
charm; object believed to give supernatural powers to or protect its bearer
n talon
claw of bird
n tangential
only slightly connected; not central; peripheral; digressing; showing divergence; CF. tangent
able to be touched; real; concrete; palpable; possible to realize or understand; Ex. tangible proof
n tanner
person who turns animal hides into leather
s tan
convert (hide) into leather; make brown by exposure to the sun
n tantalize
tease; excite by exposing something desirable while keeping it out of reach; torture with disappointment; CF. Tantalus: Greek mythological figure
n tantamount
equivalent in effect or value; Ex. This invasion is tantamount to a declaration of war; CF. amount
h 46
n tantrum
fit of bad temper; fit of petulance; caprice; Ex. The child went into tantrums.
n taper
very thin candle; gradual decrease in the width of a long object; V. make or become gradually narrower toward one end
n tarantula
venomous spider
n tarry
linger; delay in starting or going; dawdle
n taut
tight; strained; tense; ready; OP. slack --His skin was stretched taut across his cheekbones.
n tautological
needlessly repetitious; Ex. ``It was visible to the eye''; N. tautology: needless repetition of the same sense; statement that is always true
n tawdry
cheap and gaudy; Ex. tawdry jewelry
specialist in classifying (animals, etc.); CF. taxonomy: science of classification
boredom; weariness; ADJ. tedious
n teetotalism
practice of abstaining totally from alcoholic drinks; N. teetotaler;; ADJ. teetotal; CF. T + total
boldness; nerve; rashness; Ex. temerity to ask for a pay increase after only three day's work
moderate; make less severe; tone down or restrain; toughen (steel) as by alternate heating and cooling -- their idealism is tempered with realism.
characteristic frame of mind; disposition; emotional excess; ADJ. temperamental: of temperament; having frequent changes of temper; Ex. temperamental dislike of sports; Ex. temperamental actress
moderate; restrained; self-controlled; moderate in respect to temperature; CF. temperance: moderation and self-restraint; abstinence of alcoholic drinks; Ex. temperance society
n tempestuous
stormy; violent; impassioned; N. tempest: violent storm
speed of music
n temporal
of time; not lasting forever; limited by time; temporary; secular; worldly
n temporize
gain time as by postponing an action; avoid committing oneself -- the opportunity was missed because the mayor still temporized.
holding fast (as to a belief); persistent
firmness; persistence
n tendentious
promoting a particular point of view; biased; having an aim; designed to further a cause; Ex. tendentious rather than truth-seeking; CF. tend: move in a certain direction
offer formally; extend; Ex. tender one's resignation/the exact fare; N: formal offer; money; Ex. legal tender; ADJ: young and vulnerable; sensitive to the touch; sore; soft; delicate; Ex. child of tender years; Ex. tender wound
doctrine; dogma
n tensile
capable of being stretched; of tension; Ex. tensile rubber
s tension
stretching; condition of being stretched; mental strain; strained relationship between groups or people
n tentative
not fully worked out or developed; provisional; experimental; uncertain; hesitant; not definite or positive; Ex. tentative agreement/reply
n tenuous
thin; slim; rare -- the tenuous link between interest rates and investment.
holding of an office or real estate; time during which such an office is held
n tepid
lukewarm; slightly warm; ___Œ______™_‡_‘; half-hearted; not eager; Ex. tepid reaction to the new film; Ex. tepid supporter
end; V. terminate
terms used in a science or art; study of nomenclature
n terminus
last stop of railroad; end
s terminal
part that forms the end; railroad or bus station; ADJ. forming an end; ending in death; fatal; Ex. terminal cancer
on or relating to the earth
concise; abrupt; pithy
n tertiary
third in order or rank
n tessellated
mosaic; inlaid; Ex. tessellated pattern
n testator
maker of a will; CF. testatrix
n testy
irritable; impatient and bad-tempered; short-tempered; N. testiness
n tether
tie (an animal) with a rope or tether; N: rope or chain to which an animal is tied; limit of one's endurance; Ex. the end of one's tether
of a theme; relating to a unifying motif or idea
government run by religious leaders
based on theory; not practical or applied; hypothetical
curative; N. therapy
n thermal
pertaining to heat; producing heat; warm; Ex. thermal bath; N: rising current of warm air
n thespian
pertaining to drama; N: actor or actress
s drama
prose or verse composition to be performed by actors; play; exciting and unusual situation
n thrall
slave; bondage; slavery; Ex. Her beauty held him in thrall; CF. enthrall
n threadbare
worn through till the threads show; shabby and poor; hackneyed; Ex. threadbare excuses
careful about money; economical; N. thrift
prosper; flourish
violent anguish
n throng
crowd (of people or things); V.
n throttle
strangle; regulate the speed of with a throttle; N: valve that regulates the flow; CF. throat ?
s strangle
kill by choking or suffocating; suppress
block or hinder; baffle; frustrate
n tightwad
miser; excessively frugal person
n tiller
handle used to move boat's rudder (to steer) 舵柄 CF. titter(nervous laugh)
n timbre
quality of a musical tone produced by a musical instrument (which distinguishes it from others of the same pitch) 音色; 音质; 音品.
lack of self-confidence or courage
fearful; timid; demonstrating fear
n tipple
drink (alcoholic beverages) frequently; N: alcoholic drink
n tirade
long angry denunciatory speech; diatribe; harangue; extended scolding; denunciation
s tardy
slow; sluggish; not on time; late; Ex. tardy arrival
gigantic; N. titan
n tithe
tax of one-tenth (contributed to a church); V: pay a tithe
n titillate
tickle; excite pleasantly; Ex. not to titillate the audience but to enlighten it
s tickle
touch (the body) lightly so as to cause laughter; please
name (of a book, film, etc.); mark of rank; formal appellation as of rank or office (such as Lord or General); right or claim to possession; championship; Ex. title as head of the family; Ex. title to the estate
n titter
nervous giggle; nervous laugh; V.
n titular
of a title; in name only; nominal; having the title of an office without the obligations; Ex. titular head of the company
n toady
servile flatterer; yes man; sycophant; V: be a toady to; fawn
n toga
Roman outer robe
large volume; book
s handsome
large in quantity; generous; Ex. handsome reward
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n tonsure
shaving of the head especially by person entering religious orders; V. (做僧侣时的)削发
n topography
physical features of a region (such as the shape and height); CF. topo-: place
s torpedo
underwater explosive apparatus; V. 鱼雷
lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy; ADJ. torpid: lethargic; lazy; inactive; (of an animal) dormant; hibernating
n torque
twisting force; force producing rotation
n torrent
rushing stream; flood; Ex. The rain fell in torrents.
n torrid
(of weather) hot or scorching; passionate; Ex. torrid love affairs
n torso
trunk of statue with head and limbs missing; human trunk
s trunk
main wooden stem of a tree; human body excluding the head and limbs; torso; prehensile nose of an elephant
n tortuous
winding; full of curves; Ex. tortuous mountain road
n totter
shake or move unsteadily; sway as if about to fall
stone used to test the fineness of gold alloys; criterion; standard
n touchy
oversensitive; easily offended; irasible; delicate; needing delicate handling; Ex. touchy situation
n tout
promote or publicize (one's goods or service); praise excessively (as a form of advertisement); CF. advertise
poisonous; N. toxicity
n tract
propaganda pamphlet (esp. by a religious or political group); expanse of land; region of indefinite size; system of related organs; Ex. digestive tract--large tracts of natural forest.
docile; easily managed; (of something) easily changed or molded; N. tractability
expose to slander -- you dare to traduce my family?
path taken by a projectile; Ex. trajectory of a bullet
s elevation
elevated position; altitude; height;高尚; 高贵; 尊贵 flat upright side of a building; angle made by pointing a gun;(尤指炮或行星的)仰角 Ex. The elevation of her style is much admired; Ex. front elevation of the house建筑物的正视图
calmness; peace
exceeding ordinary limits; superior; surpassing; V. transcend: go beyond; exceed; surpass; N. transcendancy
s transcendental
going beyond common thought or ideas; impossible to understand by practical experiences or practices; known only by studying thoughts or intuition; OP. empirical; CF. transcendentalism超出人类知识、经验或理性的(尤指有神秘或宗教色彩的); 玄奥的; 先验的
copy; write a copy of; N. transcription
violation of a law; sin; V. transgress: go beyond (a limit); violate; do wrong
staying for a short time; momentary; temporary; N: one that is transient
going from one state of action to another
transient; impermanent; fleeting; N. transitoriness
partly transparent
transform; change; convert to something different -- In former times it was thought that ordinary metal could be transmuted into gold.
permitting light to pass through freely; easily detected; obvious; clear; Ex. transparent lie
n transpire
(of a fact) become known; be revealed; happen; give off (watery waste matter) through pores -- You're meeting him tomorrow? Let me know what transpires--This, it later transpired, was untrue.
n transport
strong emotion; rapture; Ex. in a transport/transports of; V: move to strong emotion; enrapture
n trappings
outward decorations; ornaments (as an outward sign of rank)
n traumatic
(of an experience) deeply shocking; pertaining to an injury caused by violence; N. trauma: serious wound; emotional shock that causes lasting psychological damage
n travail
strenuous work; toil; painful labor; labor of childbirth
go through or across
n travesty
copy or example of something that completely misrepresents the true nature of the real thing; comical parody or imitation; treatment aimed at making something appear ridiculous; Ex. travesty of justice; OP. paragon
article treating a subject systematically and thoroughly (专题)论文.
n trek
travel; journey; V: make a long difficult journey
trembling; slight quiver (as of the earth or from nervous agitation) -- tremors of fear, delight, anxiety, etc
trembling; wavering; timid -- Barbara's voice was tremulous. -- he gave a tremulous smile.
cutting; incisive; keen
s furrow
long shallow trench made by a plow; deep wrinkle in the skin; V.
fear; nervous apprehension
n tribulation
suffering; ordeal; distress; trial -- the tribulations of being a megastar.
n tribunal
court of justice (被授权解决某种纠纷的)审理团; 特别法庭
s tribune
official of ancient Rome elected by the plebians to protect their rights; protector of the people
tax levied by a ruler; payment made by one nation to another in acknowledgment of submission; mark of respect (such as praise or gift); Ex. pay tribute to
n trident
three-pronged spear
s prong
pointed projecting part --One of the prongs of the garden fork went through his foot
trivial; unimportant
s trifle
something of little importance or value; small amount; Ex. a trifle; V: treat without seriousness; flirt
set off; start
n trilogy
group of three related works (connected by a shared subject but each complete in itself)
n trinket
knickknack; bauble; cheap jewelry
hackneyed; commonplace
trifles; unimportant matters
n troth
pledge of good faith especially in betrothal; betrothal; Ex. by my troth
n trough
long narrow container for feeding farm animals; lowest point (of a wave, business cycle, etc.); long narrow depression as between waves
n truculence
aggressiveness; ferocity; ADJ. truculent: aggressive; pugnacious; fierce
n truism
a statement that is obviously true and says nothing new or interesting --- the truism that you get what you pay for.
cut the top off; shorten
n tryst
meeting arranged by lovers; arrangement between lovers to meet
n tumid
(of a part of the body) swollen; distended; bombastic; pompous SYN. turgid
n overblown
inflated; exaggerated
n tumult
commotion of a great crowd; riot; noise; uproar; ADJ. tumultuous: noisy and disorderly
rolling treeless plain in Siberia and arctic North America 冻原, 苔原(欧、亚、北美辽阔平坦的北极地带, 不生树木, 土壤下层常年冰冻
s rolling
(of land) rising and falling in long gentle slopes; happening continuously by stages;steady and continuous Ex. rolling devolution of power to local governments --- a rolling program of reforms | a rolling news service.
n turbid
(of a liquid) having the sediment disturbed; muddy; thick
state of violent agitation; ADJ. turbulent: violently agitated or disturbed
n tureen
deep dish for serving soup
n turgid
swollen; distended (as from liquid);tumid
n turmoil
extreme confusion; great commotion and confusion; Ex. throw the country into turmoil 骚动; 混乱; 动乱
n turncoat
n turpitude
depravity; baseness; Ex. moral turpitude
n tutelage
guardianship; training; function of a tutor; instruction -- under the tutelage of a master craftsman
n tutelary
protective; pertaining to a guardianship; Ex. tutelary deities
n tycoon
wealthy and powerful businessperson; wealthy leader; magnate; Ex. business tycoon
tropical hurricane or cyclone
oppression; cruel government; ADJ. tyrannical: of a tyrant or tyranny; despotic; V. tyrannize: treat tyrannically; oppress
beginner; novice
being everywhere; omnipresent; N. ubiquity
s wade
walk through a substance, such as water, that impedes movement
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n ulterior
intentionally hidden; beyond what is evident; situated beyond; unstated and often questionable; Ex. ulterior motive
final; not susceptible to further analysis; fundamental; Ex. The sun is the ultimate source of energy.
s eventual
happening at last as a result; Ex. eventual victory
n ultimatum
/ˌʌltɪˈmeɪtəm/ last demand; last warning; last statement of conditions that must be met; Ex. They have ignored our ultimatum.最後通牒;
n umbrage
resentment; anger; sense of injury or insult; Ex. take umbrage at his rudeness
unexplicable; impossible to account for; unreasonable or mysterious 无法解释的; 难以说明的
(对自己的行为等)不必负责任的, 无责任的 -- a private company unaccountable to voters
complete agreement; ADJ. unanimous
not open to attack; impregnable; not subject to question
unsatisfied; not soothed
n unassuming
modest; Ex. the champion's unassuming manner
n unbridled
violent; uncontrolled; Ex. unbridled rage/greed
s bridle
harness fitted about a horse's head (used to restrain); curb; check; V: put a bridle on; control or restrain; show anger -- He bridled (with anger) at her offensive remarks.
n uncanny
strange; mysterious; Ex. uncanny knack -- The silence was uncanny.
s knack
special talent; art
n unconscionable
unscrupulous; not guided by conscience; excessive; beyond reason; Ex. unconscionable demand
n uncouth
boorish; clumsy in speech or behavior; outlandish
n unction
the act of anointing with oil; Ex. extreme unction
n unctuous
oily; bland; insincerely suave虚情假意的, 谄媚的(尤指油腔滑调的)
lying below; fundamental
weaken gradually; sap; dig a mine beneath
underline; emphasize
moving with a wavelike motion; V. undulate; CF. und: wave
n unearth
dig up; discover (facts) by careful searching; Ex. He unearthed some secrets about her; OP. conceal
n unearthly
not earthly; supernatural; weird; ghostly
s weird
eerie; strange; unnatural
plain; clear; obvious
infallibly; ADJ. unerring: making no mistakes
n unexceptionable
entirely acceptable; not offering any basis for criticism
steadfast; firm; not changing
genuine; real
liberate; free from chains; V. unfetter
s hostage
person who is kept as a prisoner by an enemy so that the other side will do what the enemy demands
n unfledged
immature; not having the feathers necessary to fly; CF. fledgling
defrock; strip a priest or minister of church authority
s disbar
make (a lawyer) leave the bar or the legal profession
s debar
bar; forbid; exclude; Ex. debarred from jury services
s bar
railing in a courtroom; legal profession; vertical line dividing a staff into equal measures; Ex. prisoner at the bar; V: shut in or out with bars; forbid; exclude; CF. barrister
s bastard
illegitimate child
n ungainly
(of someone) awkward in movement; clumsy; (of something) unwieldy; Ex. ungainly dancer/instrument
n unguent
ointment 药膏,软膏
sameness; monotony; ADJ. uniform: the same all over
n unilateral
one-sided; involving or affecting only one side; Ex. unilateral declaration
n unimpeachable
that cannot be impeached; beyond doubt or question; blameless and exemplary
unrepressed; free in behavior and feelings
without an equal; single in kind
n unison
unity of pitch (in musical performance); complete accord; Ex. The choir sang in unison.
s choir
group of people who sing together (esp. during religious services); place for choir
characterizing or affecting all; general; present everywhere; of the universe; cosmic; Ex. universal agreement; Ex. a subject of universal interest
n unkempt
disheveled; uncared for in appearance; not combed; CF. comb
n unmitigated
(of something bad) not moderated; unrelieved or immoderate; without qualification; absolute; Ex. unmitigated disaster
n unobtrusive
inconspicuous; not blatant
having no previous example; novel; unparalleled
n unprepossessing
s prepossessing
attractive; CF. preoccupying ?
disentangle; solve
not requited; not reciprocated; Ex. unrequited love
disobedient; lawless; difficult to control
distasteful; disagreeable; morally offensive; Ex. unsavory activity/reputation
n unscathed
unharmed; Ex. escape the accident unscathed
n unseemly
unbecoming; not proper in behavior; indecent; Ex. leave with unseemly haste
n unsightly
ugly; unpleasant to look at
n unsullied
untarnished; CF. sully
n untenable
(of a position, esp. in an argument) indefensible; not able to be maintained -- the untenable position of the Flat Earth Society
n untoward
unexpected and adverse; unfortunate or unlucky; Ex. untoward encounter
unjustified; having no justification; groundless; baseless; undeserved
awkward (to carry or move); cumbersome; unmanageable -- the first mechanical clocks were large and unwieldy. SYN. ungainly
n unwitting
not knowing; unaware; unintentional; Ex. She was their unwitting accomplice; Ex. unwitting insult; CF. wit: know
n unwonted
unaccustomed; unusual; Ex. He arrived with unwonted punctuality.
n upbraid
reprimand; severely scold
s braid
plait; interweave strands or lengths of; make by weaving strands together; N: braided segment (as of hair)
n uproarious
marked by commotion or uproar; very noisy (esp. with laughter); hilarious; causing loud laughter; extremely funny
s uproar
noisy confusion
n upshot
outcome; final result
n urbane
suave; refined in manner; elegant有礼貌的; 温文尔雅的; 老于世故的
n urchin
mischievous child (usually a boy); CF. urchin: hedgehog; CF. porcupine: pig with spikes ?; CF. sea urchin
bearlike; pertaining to a bear CF.urchin(mischievous child)
n usurp
seize another's power or rank (without legal authority); supplant; appropriate; N. usurpation; CF. take for one's own use
n usury
lending money at illegal high rates of interest CF. usurp (篡位)
ideal place, state, or society; ADJ. utopian
s Shangri-la
imaginary remote paradise on earth; CF. Lost Horizon
n uxorious
/ʌkˈsɔːrɪəs/ excessively submissive or devoted to one's wife; CF. uxor: wife
n vacillate
waver (in opinion); fluctuate; sway to and fro; N. vacillation
n vacuous
empty; lacking in ideas; inane; stupid; Ex. vacuous expression; N. vacuity
wanderer (without a permanent home); tramp
s tramp
walk with a heavy step; travel on foot; N: vagrant; one who travels aimlessly about; long walk; sound of heavy walking
s trample
step heavily with the feet; crush under the feet
s tread
walk; trample; N: grooved face of a tire; horizontal part of a step
n vagary
capricious happening; caprice; whim; CF. wander
wandering from place to place; roving; stray; moving in a random fashion; Ex. vagrant thoughts; N. vagrancy
homeless wanderer
n vainglorious
boastful; excessively conceited; N. vainglory: great vanity
pertaining to farewell; N: farewell address (esp. at graduation exercises)
s valediction
saying farewell; expression of leave-taking
s leave-taking
farewell or departure
logically convincing; sound; legally acceptable; effective; Ex. valid reasoning/passport
s sound
in good condition; showing good judgment or good sense; thorough; complete; Ex. sound mind/investment/training
make valid; confirm; ratify --validate a theory, an argument, a thesis, etc
bravery; ADJ. valiant: possessing valor; brave
ghostly being that sucks the blood of the living
n vanguard
forerunners; foremost position of an army; advance forces; foremost position in a trend or movement; CF. rearguard
s avantgarde
group of artists whose work is based on the newest ideas and methods; CF. vanguard
position giving an advantage (such as a strategic point); CF. vantagepoint
n vapid
lacking liveliness; dull and unimaginative; insipid and flavorless; Ex. vapid lecture
turn into vapor (steam, gas, fog, etc.)
n variegated
(esp. of a flower or leaf) many-colored杂色的; 斑驳的
s variegate
change the appearance of (by marking with different colors)
n vassal
in feudalism, one who held land of a superior lord; subordinate or dependent (中世纪的)封臣, 家臣(为国君或领主效忠可受封土地者)
n vaunted
boasted; bragged; highly publicized; V. vaunt: boast; brag
n veer
change in direction; swerve
n vegetate
live in a monotonous way (without interests or activity); CF. vegetation: plants of an area; CF. vegetarian; CF. vegan --if she left him there alone, he'd sit in front of the television set and vegetate.
/ˈviːəmənt/ forceful; intensely emotional; with marked vigor; strong; N. vehemence --He slammed the door with a vehement (ie furious) gesture.
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n venal
capable of being bribed; corrupt; CF. vernal
n vendetta
blood feud (esp. between two families); CF. Nina Williams家族世仇; 族间仇杀
n veneer
thin surface layer (of good quality wood, glued to a base of inferior material); cover; surface show; fa\c{c}ade; V.
n venerable
deserving high respect; commanding respect; CF. command: deserve and get
n venerate
revere; treat with great respect
n venial
(of a fault or sin) forgivable; trivial -- the venial indiscretions of my youth
n venison
meat of a deer; CF. cow: beef; CF. pig: pork, ham, bacon; CF. calf: veal; CF. sheep: mutton; CF. lamb: lamb
n venom
poison (of an animal); hatred; Ex. remarks full of venom; ADJ. venomous
n vent
small opening; outlet (as of fumes or a gas); Ex. He gave vent to his anger by kicking the chair.
n vent
release or discharge through a vent; express (esp. unfairly); utter; Ex. He vented his wrath on his family.
s ventilate
admit fresh air into to replace stale air
n ventral
abdominal 腹的
someone who can make his or her voice seem to come from another person or thing (without moving lips or jaws); N. ventriloquism, ventriloquy
risk; expose to risk; dare; undertake a risk; N.
s brave
face courageously; Ex. brave the storm
(of a person) bold; adventurous; daring; (of an action) risky
n venue
location; place (of a crime, trial, gathering, etc.); CF. come
n veracious
(of a person) truthful
n veracity
truthfulness; adherence to the truth
put into words; ADJ. verbal: of words; spoken rather than written; oral; of a verb
word for word; in the same words; repeating the actual words exactly一字不差(的); 逐字(的)-- a verbatim report
pompous array of words; too many unnecessary words; wordiness
wordy; N. verbosity
n verdant
green; covered with green plants or grass; lush in vegetation; Ex. verdant meadows
s lush
(of a plant or grass) growing very well
n verdigris
green coating or patina on copper which has been exposed to the weather铜绿
border; edge, rim, or margin; Ex. on the verge of: very near to; V: border on
n verisimilar
having the appearance of truth or reality; probable or likely to be true; plausible
n verisimilitude
appearance of truth; quality of appearing to be true or real; likelihood; Ex. verisimilitude of her performance as Lady Macbeth
n veritable
being truly so; real or genuine; actual; not false or imaginary
quality of being true; lasting truth or principle; Ex. the verity of his testimony; Ex. one of the eternal verities
n vernacular
living language (as compared to the official language); language spoken in a country or region; natural style; Ex. lapse into the vernacular -- 本地话; 土语; 本国语
n vernal
pertaining to spring
having many talents; capable of working in many fields; having many uses or functions; N. versatility
summit; highest point; PL. vertices
severe dizziness; giddiness眩晕
n verve
enthusiasm (as in artistic performance or composition); liveliness; vigor
trace; remains; Ex. vestiges of some ancient religion
s veto
vested power to reject a bill; exercise of this right; V: prevent or forbid by exercising the power of veto否决权
annoy; distress
capable of maintaining life; feasible; practical or workable; Ex. viable scheme
n viand
food; CF. live
n vicarious
experienced as if one were taking part in the experience of another; done by a deputy for other people; acting as a substitute; Ex. vicarious thrill at the movies; Ex. the vicarious sufferings of Christ 设身处地的; 间接感受到的; 有同感的 -- He got a vicarious thrill out of watching his son score the winning goal.
s vicar
parish priest; representative
n vicissitude
change (esp. from good to bad); change of fortune; CF. the last emperor of China --her husband's sharp vicissitudes of fortune.
n victuals
food; provisions; V. victual: provide with food
contend; compete -- rival mobs vying for control of the liquor business.
watchful; on the alert; watchfully awake; alert to spot danger; N. vigilance
s vigil
keeping watch (during normal sleeping hours); Ex. all-night vigil
s vigilante
one who without authority assumes law enforcement powers(自发组织的)治安团体的成员.尤作贬义
active strength; energy; enthusiasm; ADJ. vigorous
n vignette
/vɪˈnjet;/ small drawing placed at the beginning or end of a chapter; picture; short literary sketch;(无框线的)小插图(尤指书籍扉页上的) short written description of a character or scene(描述某事物、某人品性的)短文, 简介-- charming vignettes of Edwardian life
n vilify
slander; speak evil of; N. vilification
n vindicate
clear from blame; free from blame or accusation (with supporting proof); exonerate; substantiate; justify or support; avenge; Ex. vindicate one's client; Ex. vindicate one's claim; CF. vindicator
n vindictive
disposed to revenge; vengeful; out for revenge; spiteful; intended to cause harm; malicious; Ex. vindictive streak
n vintner
wine merchant; winemaker; seller of wine
poisonous snake
manly; having masculine spirit or strength; full of strength
in essence; existing in essence though not in actual form; for practical purposes; Ex. virtual ruler/space
goodness; moral excellence; good quality; advantage; Ex. by virtue of;(because or as a result of.) Ex. make a virtue of necessity(derive benefit or advantage from submitting to (an unwelcome obligation or unavoidable circumstance).) -- Being short of money, I made a virtue of necessity and gave up smoking.
n virtuoso
highly skilled artist (esp. in music); Ex. piano virtuoso
n virulent
(of a disease or poison) extremely harmful or poisonous; (of a feeling) hostile; bitter; N. virulence; CF. virus; CF. venom
disease communicator
n visage
face; appearance
n visceral
felt in one's inner organs; N. viscera: internal body organs; CF. eviscerate
n viscid
adhesive; gluey
(of a liquid) thick and sticky; gluey; viscid; CF. consistency
n vise
vice; tool for holding work in place; clamping device
n visionary
produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical; showing foresight; N: one having foresight; one given to speculative impractical ideas
s vision
eyesight; foresight; mental image produced by the imagination; experience of seeing the supernatural
full of life; animated; vibrant and lively; critical; of great importance; necessary to stay alive; of life; living; breathing; N. vitality; V. vitalize
s vibrant
full of vigor or energy; vibrating
n vitiate
spoil the effect of; make inoperative; corrupt morally
n vitreous
of glass; pertaining to or resembling glass; V. vitrify: change into glass; CF. petrify
n vitriolic
causing sharp pain to the mind; caustic; corrosive; sarcastic; of vitriol; N. vitriol: sulphuric acid (which burns flesh deeply); bitterly abusive expression; caustic expression; CF. glass
n vituperative
abusive; scolding; V. vituperate: berate; scold; rail against abusively
n vivacious
lively or animated; sprightly
s sprightly
act of dissecting living animals
n vixen
female fox; ill-tempered woman; CF. shrew
clamorous; noisy; V. vociferate: cry out loudly (when complaining)
n vogue
popular fashion; Ex. Jeans became the vogue.
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n volatile
changeable; of a quickly changing nature (as of temper); mercurial; tending to violence; evaporating rapidly; Ex. volatile character/situation in the street
act of using one's will; act of making a conscious choice; Ex. She selected this dress of her own volition.
fluent; talkative; glib; N. volubility
s volley
simultaneous discharge of a number of shots; V.
having great volume (as of a garment or container); bulky; large
s bulk
size or volume (esp. when very large); main part; Ex. The bulk of the work has already been done; ADJ. bulky: having great size
s voodoo
religion practiced chiefly in Haiti
ravenous; eating large quantities of food; exceedingly eager; insatiable; Ex. voracious animal/reader
whirlwind; whirlpool; center of turbulence; predicament into which one is inexorably plunged
n vouchsafe
grant condescendingly; guarantee; Ex. vouchsafe your fair return on your investment
s vouch
give a personal guarantee; Ex. I can vouch for his integrity; N. voucher
n voyeur
Peeping Tom; person who derives sexual gratification from observing the sexual acts of others
susceptible to wounds or attack; N. vulnerability
n vulpine
like a fox; crafty
s craft
skill (esp. with one's hands); skill in deceiving people; guile; ADJ. crafty: cleverly deceitful; cunning
s vulture
carrion-eating birds
s vying
contending; CF. vie
n waffle
speak equivocally about an issue; N.
n waft
move gently (in air or in seas) by wind or waves; Ex. leaves wafting past the window
n waggish
humorous; mischievous; tricky
s wag
shake repeatedly from side to side; Ex. The dog wagged its tail; N: humorous person; wit
n waif
homeless child or animal; Ex. waifs and strays
give up temporarily; yield; N. waiver: waiving a right or claim; document that waives a right or claim
n wake
trail of ship or other object through water; path of something that has gone before; Ex. hunger followed in the wake of the war
n wallow
roll in mud; indulge in; (of a ship) roll in a rough sea; become helpless; Ex. wallow in the mud/luxury
n wan
having a pale or sickly color; pallid
n wanderlust
strong longing to travel
n wane
decrease in size or strength (after being full); grow gradually to an end; Ex. The moon waxes and wanes every month; N.
n wangle
achieve by cleverness or trick; wiggle out; fake; Ex. She tried to wangle an invitation to the party.
s wiggle
wriggle; move from side to side with irregular twisting motions
s fake
not genuine; N: one that is not genuine; impostor; sham; V: counterfeit; Ex. fake the results of the experiment/the signature
n wanton
unrestrained; gratuitously cruel; willfully malicious; unchaste; sexually improper; promiscuous; Ex. wanton spending/killing; CF. having no just cause
n warble
(of a bird) sing; babble; N.
s warp
twist out of shape; N.
justified; authorized
s warrant
justification; written order that serves as authorization (esp. a judicial writ); Ex. search/death warrant; V: justify; guarantee
guarantee; assurance by seller
n warren
tunnels in which rabbits live; overcrowded living area; crowded conditions in which people live
very cautious; watchful
n wastrel
waster; profligate
n wax
increase gradually (as the moon); grow
n waylay
ambush; lie in wait for and attack
s ambush
act of lying in wait to attack by surprise; sudden attack made from a concealed position; Ex. lie in ambush; V.
n wean
accustom a baby not to nurse; accustom (the young of a mammal) to take nourishment other than by suckling; give up a cherished activity; cause to gradually leave (an interest or habit); Ex. wean oneself from cigarettes
n weather
pass safely through (a storm or difficult period); endure the effects of weather or other forces -- this year has tested industry's ability to weather recession.
n welt
raised mark from a beating or whipping
n welter
confusion; turmoil; confused mass; bewildering jumble; Ex. welter of data
n welter
wallow (as in mud or high seas); lie soaked (as in blood); Ex. The victims weltered in their blood.
n wheedle
deceive, persuade, or obtain by flattery; cajole; coax; Ex. wheedle a promise out of her
n whelp
young animal (esp. of the dog or cat family); young wolf, dog, tiger, etc.
n whet
sharpen; stimulate; Ex. whet someone's appetite
n whiff
puff or gust (of air, scent, etc.); short-lasting smell; hint; Ex. whiff of perfume/scandal
n whimsical
capricious; fanciful; amusingly strange
s whim
sudden capricious idea; fancy
s whimsy
whim; tendency to behave amusingly strangely; Ex. story full of whimsy
n whinny
neigh like a horse; CF. neigh: make the sound which horses make
n whit
small amount; smallest speck; Ex. not a whit of
n whittle
pare; cut away thin bits (from wood); fashion in this way; reduce gradually; trim
s pare
cut away the outer covering or skin of (with a knife); trim; Ex. pare apples/expenses
n whorl
ring of leaves around stem; ring; circular arrangement; Ex. whorls on the fingers
wilful; intentional; headstrong
s wilt
loose freshness; droop -- the roses had begun to wilt
crafty; cunning; artful; N. wile: deceitful stratagem
n wince
move back suddenly; shrink back; flinch; Ex. She winced as she touched the cold body.
s start
move suddenly or involuntarily; Ex. start at the sight of a snake
n windfall
fallen fruit; unexpected lucky event
n winnow
sift; separate the chaff from grain by blowing; separate good parts from bad; CF. wind
s sift
put through a sieve to separate fine from coarse particles; sort or examine carefully
n winsome
charming (in a childlike way); agreeable; gracious; engaging
n wispy
thin; slight; barely discernible
s wisp
small bunch (of hair); faint streak (of smoke)
n wistful
sadly thoughtful (because of desires or memories); sadly pensive; vaguely longing
n withdrawn
introverted; retiring; remote
s remote
distant in manner; aloof
n wither
(of a plant) dry up from loss of moisture; lose freshness; shrivel; decay
s shrivel
make or become shrunken and wrinkled (often by drying)
n withhold
refuse to give; hold back; Ex. withholding tax
stand up against; resist successfully
lacking intelligence or wit; foolish; idiotic
n witticism
witty saying; wisecrack(clever joking remark)
sorcery; magic
n wizened
shriveled; withered; Ex. wizened apple/old lady
great sorrow; deep inconsolable grief; affliction; suffering; Ex. financial woes
s woeful
sad; (of something bad) deplorable; deplorably bad; Ex. woeful housing conditions
n wont
(the stated person's) habit or custom; habitual procedure; ADJ. wonted: customary
engrossed in matters of this earth; not spiritual; of the material world
n wrangle
quarrel noisily; obtain through arguing; herd cattle; N.
s herd
group of animals; crowd; one who looks after a herd; Ex. shepherd/goatherd; Ex. herd instinct; Ex. herdsman; V: come together in a herd; look after a herd; Ex. herd cattle
anger; fury
n wreak
inflict; Ex. She is determined to wreak vengeance on those who killed her cousin
twist; pull; strain; Ex. He wrenched the gun out of her hands.
n wrest
obtain by pulling violently; pull away; take by violence; Ex. wrest victory from their grasp
n writ
written command issued by a court (telling someone to do or not to do something)
n writhe
twist in coils; contort in pain
n wry
(esp. of an expression of the face) twisted; with a humorous twist (expressing displeasure)
fear or hatred of foreigners; N. xenophobe
n yen
strong desire; longing; urge; Ex. yen for travel
n yeoman
man or farmer owning small estate; middle-class farmer
amount produced; crop; income on investment; profit obtained from an investment; V: produce; give in; surrender
n yoke
join together; unite; N: crossbar used to joining two draft animals
n yokel
rustic; country bumpkin; _ƒ_Œ____
n yore
time long past; Ex. in the days of yore
n zany
comic; crazy; N: clown; comical person (given to outlandish behavior)
eager enthusiasm (to a cause or ideal); ADJ. zealous
one who is zealous; fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal
point directly overhead in the sky; summit; acme; highest point
n zephyr
gentle breeze; west wind