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160 Cards in this Set

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Abet (verb)
to aid, act as an accomplice
Abrade (verb)
to wear off or down by scraping or rubbing
Accost (verb)
to approach and speak to someone
Acrimony (noun)
bitterness, animosity
Adduce (verb)
to cite as an example as a means of proof
Aloof (adj.)
detached, indifferent
Altruistic (adj.)
unselfishly generous
Ambivalence (noun)
the state of having conflicting emotional attitudes
Arcane (adj)
secret, obscure, known only to a few
Baleful (adj)
Baroque (adj)
highly ornate
Beseech (verb)
to bed, plead
Betoken (verb)
to indicate, signify
Bludgeon (verb)
to hit
Boon (noun)
Breach (noun)
Brigand (noun)
Brusque (adj)
abrupt in manner
Buttress (verb)
to reinforce, support
Cadence (noun)
balanced, rhythmic flow; the measure or beat of movement
Cadge (verb)
to beg or get by begging
Cajole (verb)
to flatter, coax, persuade
Canny (adj)
Caveat (noun)
a warning; a qualification or explanation
Chagrin (noun)
shame, embarrassment
Commune (noun)
to be very sensitive and receptive to something
Connote (verb)
to suggest or imply in addition to literal meaning
Debauchery (noun)
Debunk (verb)
to discredit
Decimate (verb)
to kill a large part of a group; destroy
Deft (adj)
Demystify (verb)
to remove mystery, clarify
Desist (verb)
to stop doing something
Dilapidated (adj)
ruined because of neglect
Discursive (adj)
wandering from topic to topic
Dispel (verb)
to drive out (to wear out)
Dross (noun)
waster; worthless matter; trivial matter
Effervescent (adj)
bubbly, lively
Elucidate (verb)
to clarify
Emend (verb)
to correct
Entreat (verb)
to beg, plead
Epiphany (noun)
comprehension of reality through a sudden intuitive realization
Exhort (verb)
to urge by strong appeals
Extant (adj)
in existence; not lost
Facade (noun)
the front of a building; face; superficial appearance
Farcical (adj)
absurd, ridiculous
Feign (verb)
to pretend
Fiat (noun)
arbitrary order, authorization
Fitful (adj)
starting and stopping
Froward (adj)
stubbornly contrary; obstinately disobedient
Gaffe (noun)
social blunder
Galvanize (verb)
to rouse or stir
Gauche (adj)
coarse and uncouth; clumsy
Goad (verb)
urge on
Gossamer (adj)
sheer; light and delicate; like cobwebs
Gravity (noun)
Hamper (verb)
to obstruct
Harbinger (noun)
precursor, sign of something to come
Hector (verb)
to bully; torment
Heresy (noun)
opinion contrary to popular belief
Hidebound (adj)
excessively rigid; dry and stiff
Hone (verb)
to sharpen
Idyllic (adj)
simple and carefree; tranquil
Ilk (noun)
type or kind
Immaculate (adj)
spotless; free from error
Implicate (verb)
to involve in a crime, incriminate
Impregnable (adj)
totally safe from attack, able to resist defeat
Infuriate (verb)
to enrage, provoke, outrage
Internecine (adj)
deadly to both sides
Jocose (adj)
given to joking; merry
Juggernaut (noun)
huge force destroying everything in its path
Jurisprudence (noun)
philosophy of law
Juxtaposition (noun)
side-by-side placement
Kismet (noun)
fate; destiny
Labile (adj)
likely to change
Languor (noun)
Lax (adj)
Liaise (verb)
to communicate and maintain contact
Lucre (noun)
money or profits
Lurid (adj)
harshly shocking, sensational
Maladroit (adj)
clumsy, tactless
Malady (noun)
Meager (adj)
scanty; inadequate
Meritorious (adj)
deserving praise
Miserly (adj)
stingy; mean
Moot (adj)
debatable, previously decided
Motif (noun)
a main theme for development; a repeated figure
Negate (verb)
to cancel out; nullify
Nescience (noun)
absence of knowledge; ignorance
Nomadic (adj)
moving from place to place
Nonpareil (adj)
having no match or equal
Nugatory (adj)
of no value or importance
Obloquy (noun)
abusively detractive language; ill repute
Ogle (verb)
to stare at
Onus (noun)
a difficult responsibility or burden
Oracle (noun)
person who foresees the future and gives advice; prediction of the future
Ostracism (noun)
exclusion, temporary banishment
Ouster (noun)
expulsion, ejection
Pall (verb/noun)
to lose strength or interest; covering that darkens or obscures (coffin)
Palaver (noun)
idle talk
Penance (noun)
coluntary suffering to repent for a wrong
Pejure (verb)
to tell a lie under oath
Pervert (verb)
to cause to change in immoral way; misuse
Plumb (verb)
to determine the depth; to examine deeply
Ply (verb)
to use diligently; engage; join together
Portentous (adj)
foreboding; exciting wonder and awe
Precocious (adj)
unusually advanced at an early age
Primordial (adj)
original, existing from the beginning
Promulgate (verb)
to make known publicly
Prowess (noun)
bravery, skill
Pundit (noun)
critic; learned person
Quack (noun)
faker, one who falsely claims to have medical skill
Quagmire (noun)
marsh; difficult situation
Quell (verb)
to crush or subdue
Quibble (verb)
to argue about insignificant and irrelevant details
Quip (noun)
a brief and often impromptu witty remark
Quack (noun)
faker; one who falsely claims to have medical skill
Quagmire (noun)
marsh; difficult situation
Quell (verb)
to crush or subdue
Quibble (verb)
to argue about insignificant and irrelevant details
Quip (noun)
a brief and often impromptu witty remark
Raiment (noun)
Raze (verb)
to tear down, demolish
regimented (adj.)
systemized; made uniform
Repine (verb)
to fret; complain
Retrench (verb)
to regroup, reorganize
Rife (adj)
widespread, prevalent, abundant
Rue (verb)
to regret
Sallow (adj)
sickly yellow in color
Schism (noun)
division; split
Sequester (verb)
to remove or set apart; put into seclusion
Servile (adj)
submissive, obedient
Sobriety (noun)
Strident (adj)
loud, harsh, unpleasantly noisy
Succor (noun)
help and support in times of hardship and distress
Supercilious (adj)
arrogant, haughty, overbearing, condescending
Tableau (noun)
vivid description, striking incident or scene
Temporize (verb)
to act evasively to gain time, avoid an argument, or postpone a decision
Tepid (adj)
lukewarm; showing little enthusiasm
Travail (noun)
work, especially arduous work; tribulation; anguish
Trite (adj)
Tutelary (adj)
serving as a guardian or protector
Unfetter (verb)
to set free
Unorthodox (adj)
breaking with traditions
Unscathed (adj)
Usurp (verb)
to seize by force
Valor (noun)
courage and boldness; bravery
Venal (adj)
bribable; mercenary; corruptible
Verity (noun)
truthfulness; belief viewed as true and enduring
Vitiate (verb)
to impair the quality of; corrupt morally; make inoperative
Volition (noun)
free choice, free will; act of choosing
Wane (verb)
decrease gradually
Wax (verb)
to increase gradually
Whet (verb)
to sharpen
Wile (noun)
Winnow (verb)
separate good parts from bad; sift
Wry (adj)
amusing, ironic
Yahoo (noun)
a coarse or brutish person
Yen (noun)
strong desire; yearning or craving
Zany (adj)
absurd; ludicrous