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139 Cards in this Set

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G + cocci grape like clusters, thin capuslar layer
Staph. Aureus
Catalase positive and beta hemolytic
Staph. Aureus
Surface protein A binds Fc domain of Ig
Staph. Aureus
Found in the nose and throat
Staph. Aureus
Impetigo, folliculitis, furncles, carbunbles, all listed as pyogneic skin diseases
Staph. Aureus
Blisters found in children during the summer time
Impetigo which is caused by Staph. Aureus.
Condition found in babies, periorbital edema, desquamation, and healing occurs without any scars
Scalded skin syndrome (SSS)
Menstruating women with indwelling tampons that have not been removed for a extended period of time.
Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) occurs from Staph. Aureus.
Sweating and faint after eating. Potato salad, meat, custard and egg. Food handlers.
Staph. Aureus
Infection of the bone marrow, and infection in the joint space
Osteromeylitis and septic arthritis found from Staph Aureus.
Viral infection of the lung can also cause this bacterial infection
Staph. Aureus
Right side endocarditits in injection drug users can cause these infections
Staph. Aureus
Can destroy blood cells and phagocytes
Gamma toxin leukocidin, found in Staph. Aureus
Coagulase effects in Staph Aureus
Found on bacterial surface, turns fibrinogen into fibrin, bacteria are clumped, shields bacteria from phagocytes, defense role. MAIN VIRULENCE FACTOR.
Serine proteases that cleave desmoglein 1, a cell adhesion protein, no attraction of leukocytes so little inflammatory response.
Exfoliation (scalded skin) that is caused by Staph Aureus
Entertoxin B and C, act as super antigen, bind to MHC-TCR complex with massive releases of IL-1 and TNFa and IFN g
Staph. Aureus Toxic shock syndrome toxins (TSST).
Most common Staph Enterotoxin
Type A
Formation of acid with a formation of yellow place
Mannitol 6.5% salt agar
Catalase and Coagulase postive test
Staph. Aureus
Binds to the 5th D alanine on the peptidoglycan structure.
Vancomycine resistance of Staph. Aureus.
Coagulase negative but catalase positive
Staph. Epidermidis
Found on catheters that enter our body and are distributed into the blood
Staph. Epidermidis
Cause lead to infective endocarditis post due to noscomial causes
Staph. Epidermidis
G+ large gram positive spore forming bacilli with tendency for chain formation, poly glutamic acid capsule
Bacillus Anthracis
Wool sorters disease
Bacillus Anthracis
Disease of herbivores, sheep cattle and bison the acquire the pathogens from grazing or wounds.
Bacillus Anthracis
Occupational hazard disease
Bacillus Anthracis
Long changes of the organisms with central spores
Bacillus Anthracis
Toxin is A-B, which one is for binding and the most important
Bacillus Anthracis toxin with the B antigen being the most important one being called the Protective Antigen (PA).
Which factors does PA accept in B.Anthracis
Edema factor or lethal factor, as they enter cells.
Factor that is an adenylate cyclase
Edema factor in B.Anthracis
Factor that is a protease
Lethal factor in bacillus Anthracis
Drug users in England were killed from this bacteria
Bacillus Anthracis
Failure of filter of air replacement in Russia caused death due to this organisms
Bacillus Anthracis
Black necrotic center with raised edematous edges
Cutaneous Anthrax from would inoculation
Preventation is caused by vaccination of animals and problems near national park
Bacillus Anthracis
Gram stains, specimen of specimen swab and even blood, no spore
Bacillus Anthracis
Gram + bacilli produce spore under correct conditions, are anaerobes
Genus Clostridium
Found in soil, water, animal and human gastrointestinal flora
Genus Clostridium
There are several toxins A-E
Clostridium Perfringes
The type of toxin that is found in food in C. Perfringes
Toxin A in food poisoning, soft tissue infections and septicemia
Causes Cellulitis and fascitis
Deep wound, pain, gas production, massive muscle necrosis, hemolysis
Gas gangrene found in C.Perfringens
Type C strains incrminated, blood diarrhea, excess pork ingestion with sweet potatoes, (trypsin inhibitor) allows toxin function in gut, called PIG-BEL.
Typical food intoxication in meat contaminated with spore, improper preparation. Symptoms 6-24 hours, cramps, watery diarrhea, recovery in 24 hours.
Anaerobic culture methods in jars, sepcial chambers, good growth in one day
Strongly hemolytic on BAP, lipase assay
Swollen, terminal spore development and drum stick appearance, an anaerobe, sensitive to oxygen, spreads on moist, freshly prepared agars
C. Tetani
Lock jaw
C. Tetani
B unit in C.Tetani
Binds to Sialic acid
A unit in C. Tetani
Attacks synaptobrevin a (VAMP) in the neuromuscular vesicle.
Organism is senstive to air
Tetanus Toxoid with diphtheria toxoid and pertusus cellular and acellular
DPT, DaPT and Tdap, Td, TD
Immunization of C.tatani
Passive immunization with human anti-tetanus Ig
Treatment used for C. Tetani
Metronidazole, anaerobes, no penicillin since it inhibits GABA.
Bacilli that is NOT ACID FAST
Actinomyces Israelii
Gram positive non sporeforming bacilli
Actinomyces is the most important.
Propionibacterium (acne)
Normal oral flora, endogenous infections
anaeroblic gram postive non sporeformers
Cervicofacial following dental procedure or trauma, causes LUMPY JAW
Yellow sulfur granules in drainage seen on gauze containing many bacterial filaments
Rash that is usually found in children
Alpha Herpes Virus
Large, enveloped, linear, dsDNA viruses, smaller herpes virus
Is acquired by inhalation in early youth if not immunized, or direct contact with lesions of chickenpox (varicella).
Pain for several weeks or years before it is cleared by the human
VZV herpes zoster, SHINGLES
Latency in dorsal root ganglia is the basis for later shingles eruptions in about 10% of perviously infected
VZV herpes zoster, SHINGLES
Vesiculo pustular rash that appears and then latency in dorsal root and cranial ganglia follows
Drew drop, in VZV.
Lesions on the trunk but also scalp, moth and then extremeitis
Chicken pox, found in VZV
Rash comes in crops over several days, crust over
Cowdry type A
Intra nuclear inclusions found in Tzank smears of HSV and VZV virus
Vaccine for VZV
Active, attenuated Oka strain of VZV is successful, stimulates T-cell responses.
Human Herpes Virus 6 and 7
Rapid onset with high fever, within 2 days rash forms that then resolves quickly, within another two days
Roseolo in Exanthem Subitum
Agent of erythema infectiosum
Parvovirus B19
Smalles DNA virus, naked linear, ssDNA
Parvovirus B19
Plus or minus strands in sparate virions have looped ends, creates false dsDNA
Parvovirus B19
Replicates only in mitotically active cells
Parvovirus B19
Airborne transmission and oral secretions, the latter most important
Parvovirus B19
Slapped cheek syndrome
Parvovirus B19
Risk for Aplastic Anemia in person with Sickle cell disease
Parvovirus B19
Risk for hydrops fecalis of non immune mothers
parvovirus B19
Enveloped, positive ssRNA viruses
mRNA expression yields a polyprotein typical of plus sense RNA viruses, polyprotein self cleavage to other proteins some of which are enzymes
Positives ssRNA found in Rubella
Incubation about two weeks before symptoms appear, aids spread
Rubella, german measles
Repiraoty to nodes to viremia to skin and macular and macuopapular rash
German measles
Can cause transplacental infection may cause teratogenic effects such as cataracts, deafness, mental retardation in utero death possible.
German Measles
Active cold adapted rubella virus
MMR vaccine given to young children 2 to 3 years old in German Measles.
Primarily used to prevent congenital disease but works in childhood diseases too
MMR vaccine given to young children 2 to 3 years old in German Measles.
Enveloped, negative, ssRNA viruses
Paramyxovirus- Measles
Has its own RNA sep-RNA poly
Paramyxovirus- Measles
Maculopapular rash as T cells combat infection at endothelial lining of blood vessels
Koplik spots on buccal mucosa and then small rash granular appearance
Post infectious encephalitis is an autoimmune expression
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
Vaccine for Measles
MMR vaccine with Moraten strain of Edmonston B attenuated measles virus.
G - bacilli, ferment sugards and non motile
Yersinia pestis
Bubonic plague, that has the reservoir as rats, squirrels, wild rodents and vectors are fleas
Yersinia pestis
Vector is Xenopsylla Cheopis
Flea vector for Yersinia Pestis
Can be spread by flea or aerosols from person to person
Yersinia pestis
LPS, Type 3 secretion injection
Yersinia pestis outer proteins, into host cells, initiates apoptosis, cell death via actin instability, blocks cytokine release.
Sylvatic animals likes squirrels, field rats, rabbits with flea vector
Yersinia Pestis
Initial infection of Yersinia
ENLARGED LYMPH NODES (BUBOES) followed by pneumonic diseases and person to person transmission aerosol.
Protease that degrades C5a and C3b
Yersinia prevents chemotaxis and opsonization and digests fibrin clots.
Bang's disease, and undulant fever
Brucella species
Brucella spp from cattle
Abortus, that leads to abortions in the cattle
Direct contact with infected animals, ingestion of raw milk, cheese and less often inhalation
Brucella species
Symptoms develop of weeks, with fever wave, chills, night sweats, cachexia, becomes chronic unless treated.
Brucella species
facultative intracellular parasite, is hard to find in tissue with slow growth
Brucella species
Diagnosis of Brucella
Serum agglutination of bacteria
Vaccine for Brucella
Animal Vaccine RB51 for animals, but cause cause brucelosis in humans
Prevention of Brucella
Avoid exposed animals
Lyme disease and relapsing fever
Spirochetal Zoonoses
They can have antigenic variation to escpre the immune repsonse
Borrelia Recurrentis
The human body louse is the vector for epidemic relapsing fever, moves from disused to healthy person, crushed lice release Borrelia into bite wound
Pediculus humanus louse found in Borrelia Recurrentis
The endemic relapsing fever of Borrelia
Transmitted by ticks from different rodents
Pathogenesis of Recurrentis
Similar to typhus found in B. recurrentis
Development of arthritis in children in the large joints
Lyme Disease
Found in deer mice and Ioxdes
Lyme Disease
Vector for lyme disease and borrelia burgdorferi
Nymph tick that is very small and is not seen
There is a persons of erythema migrans
Lyme disease, flat reddened area of the skin that expands with central clearing from the bite site, disappears with time.
Fever and chills followed by arthritis or neurologic or cardiac aberrations
Lyme disease
Thin, coiled spirochetes with hooked ends
Leptospira interrogans
Reservoir in swine, dogs, other mammals as a chronic kidney infection
Leptospira interrogans
Can be spread by drinking water from ponds, streams and swimming where urination takes place by certain mammals
Leptospira interrogans
Mild flu like symptoms, jaundice
Leptospira interrogans
Severe form of Leptospira Interrogans
Weil's diseases which includes liver and renal failures vasculitis, possible rash with increased mortality (10%)
Gram negative coccobacilli with tendency to pleamorphism
Francisella, brucella and yersinia
Reservoirs that are Domestic or wild mammals
Bacteriodes fragilis
common bacteria in the intestine
Small poor staining and Gram - coccobacilli, non-motile, strict aerobes
Francisella tularensis
Growth needs cysteine and complex media such as buffered charcoal yeast extract (BCYE)
Francisella tularensis
Rabbit fever, deer fly fever, tularemia
Francisella tularensis
Reservor for Type A in rabbits, Hares, most commin in USA
Strain of Francisella Tularensis
Transmitted through infected animals, hards shelled ticks, and deer flies
Francisella tularensis
Disease in outdoorsmen, hunter, trappers or less often cat bites
Francisella tularensis
Oculoglandular from blood spray from animal cleaning and Ulcerogladular lesions at the site of entry, with pain and lymphatic involvement.
Francisella tularensis
Spreads to many tissues, fever, lymph glands
Francisella tularensis
Collection of culture can be a hazard, you would need glove and shield protection.
Francisella tularensis
BCYE cysteine culture and bacterial AGGLUTINATION TEST with a 4 fold increase from acute to convalescent sera.
Francisella tularensis