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94 Cards in this Set

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How many positions of the feet are there in Ballet?


How is First position of the feet placed?

Heels together, feet turned out to the sides

How is Second position of the feet placed?

The feet are apart, toes pointed to the side

How far apart are the feet in Second position?

One and a half the length of your own foot

How is Third position of the feet placed?

The heel of the front foot placed halfway across in front of the back foot, with both feet turned out

Describe 4th position of the feet.

The front foot is placed turned out, with the toe of the front foot opposite the heel of the back foot, with the length of the dancers foot between the feet

Describe 5th position of the feet.

The front foot is placed turned out, level with the big toe joint of the back foot, both feet turned out and touching all over

How should the weight of the body be distributed on the feet?

On the big toe, little toe and heel

What part of the foot leads the way on all forward movements?

The heel

What part of the foot leads the way on all backward movements?

The toe

Describe which leg is termed the supporting leg.

The one you are standing on

Describe which leg is termed the working leg.

The one doing the work

What does pirouette mean in ballet terms

To turn

How many ways can you turn?

Two - endehors and endedans

What does endehors mean?

Outwards - away from the supporting leg

What does endedans mean?

Inwards - towards the supporting leg

Where should the raised foot be placed in pirouettes?

Little toe underneath the supporting knee - working knee pressed well back

What is the action of the supporting foot in pirouettes?

To snatch underneath the centre of the body to support the weight

What is a Pas de Chat

The step of the cat

Does a Pas de Chat finish on straight legs or bent?


What does Battement Frappe mean?

Beating and striking

What is the correct height of Battement Frappe?

On the neck of the foot

What part of the foot strikes the floor in Battement Frappe?

Underneath the toes

What joints are used in Battement Frappe?

The knee and ankle joints

What is a Developpe?

An unfolding of the leg into the air and holding it there

What is Grand Battement?

A throwing of the leg into the air

Where is the Demi Pointe of the foot?

Underneath the foot where the toes join onto the foot

What is the action of the supporting foot in Releves?

To snatch underneath the centre of the body to support the weight

On what part of the foot is a Tendu executed?

The big toe

What is known as a "Sickle"?

An inversion of the ankle

What joint is used in armwork?

The shoulder joint only

Which arm do you follow with your head and eyes, when you are moving the arms from a raised position?

The lowering arm

What should be the action of the arms in a pirouette?

The incoming arm following the lead given by the outgoing arm

What is the action of the head when turning?

It should be the last to leave the front and the first to return to the front

At what level should you focus your eyes?

Eye level, no lower

How many Arabesque positions of arms are used in our syllabus work?


What are they? (Arabesque arm positions)

1st, 2nd and 3rd Arabesque

Describe 1st Arabesque position of arms.

The forward arm, which is on the same side as the front foot, is extended, with the fingertips just above head level and the palm facing downwards. The back arm is extended to the side sloping down from the shoulder line, slightly behind the line of the shoulder, with the palm facing downwards

Describe 2nd Arabesque position of arms.

The forward arm is the opposite to the front foot - it is extended forward at shoulder level - no higher, with the palms facing downward. The side arm is extended to the side, sloping down from the shoulder line, palm facing downwards

Describe 3rd Arabesque position of arms.

The higher arm is forward in 1st Arabesque and the lower arm is forward in 2nd Arabesque

What is an Arabesque?

A position in dancing with the weight of the body on one straight leg, the other behind

Is an Arabesque a terre or enl'air?


Is the leg at the back straight or bent? (Arabesque)


How many movements are there in a Waltz?


What is the ballet term for Waltz?


How many movements are there in a Pas de Bourree?


What are the movements of a Pas de Bourree under?

Behind, side, front

In Grade Three, what Amalgamation includes a Pas de Bourree under?

The Waltz Amalgamation

What does En avant mean?

Travelling forward

What does En arriere mean?

Travelling backwards

What does Echappe Saute mean?

To escape with a spring

In a Full Plie, what should be clearly shown on the way down and on the way up?

A Demi Plie

What does Pique mean?

Sting - pick up sharply

What does Petit Battement mean?

Small beating

What joint is used in Petit Battement?

The knee joint only

What is the correct height of Petit Battement?

On the neck of the foot

What is the ballet term for neck of the foot?

Cou de pied

"Coo de pi-aye"

What is the Petit Battement Exercise a preparation for?


What is the meaning of En cloche?

Bell like

What is the correct placement of the foot in a Releve Devant?

The ankle bone is placed underneath the knee, with the foot fully arched and the raised knee turned out

What is the correct placement of the foot in a Releve Derriere?

Heel touching the back of the knee, the toe pointed away with the raised knee turned out

What do the words Tendu en Fondu mean?

To point the working foot and bend the knee of the supporting leg

What is an Attitude?

A position in dancing with the weight of the body on one straight leg, the other behind

Is the leg at the back straight or bent? (Attitude)


Which is higher in an Attitude - the knee or the foot?

The knee

What does en face mean?


What is a Glissade?

A step and glide

How many Glissades are used in our syllabus work?


What are the four Glissades used in our syllabus work?

Devant, Derriere, Over and Under

What foot do you start with for a Glissade Over?

The back foot, which finishes in the front

What foot do you start with for a Glissade Under?

The front foot, which finishes at the back

What does Glisse mean?


What is Pose?

A step from one foot to the other, onto a straight leg

What does Coupe mean?

To cut the weight of the body from one foot to the other

What is a Sissonne?

A soft step of elevation which springs off two feet and lands on one foot

In which direction does a Sissonne en avant travel?


In which direction does a Sissonne en arriere travel?


What does De cote mean?

To the side

In which direction does a Sissonne de cote travel?


What is an Entrechat?

A step of elevation involving two changes of the feet

What does Ferme mean?

To close

Explain the movements of a Royale Ferme.

An Entrechat commencing in second position and ending in fifth position

What does Contretemp mean?

Against the beat

Explain the movements of a Full Contretemp.

Coupe under, chasse en avant, temps leve, chasse passe

What is meant by Petit Retires?

Small Retire movements

What does Serre mean?


What is a Fouette Battement?

A circular Grand Battement from 5th to 5th

What is the highest point of a Fouette Battement?

Second position

What is the meaning of Coupe, Fouette, Raccourci?

To cut, whip and return

What is a Sissonne ordinaire?

A soft step of elevation from two feet alighting on one

What constitutes a Sissonne Double

A Sissonne ordinaire, Coupe and Assemble

What are the movements of a Sissonne Double over?

Sissonne ordinaire derriere with an extension to second, Coupe over and Assemble over

What is the meaning of Ballone?

A buoyant step

What does Tombe mean?

To fall or drop on to