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40 Cards in this Set

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Cervical Syringomyelia
Dmg Anterior commissure -> Lose pain/temp for upper dermatome
"Syringes hurt -> no pain(temp)"
Loss of pain & temp in upper dermatome bilateral
Syringomyelia (dmg anterior commissure)
Posterior spinal artery infarction
Dmg: fasciculus gracilis & cuneatus -> lose IPSILATERAL conscious prop & tactile sens in UE & LE
Dmg: Lissauer's -> lose IPSILATERAL Pain/Temp
Dmg: Dorsal horn -> lose touch IPSILATERAL
lose CST (motor) -> IPSILATERAL hemiplegia
Hemiplegia w/ Hemianesthesia in: Pain & Temp on same side
Loss of conscious proprioception in upper & lower limbs on same side
loss of touch on same side
Posterior spinal artery infarction - cervical region
Anterior spinal artery infarction (below T6)
Dmg: fasciculus gracilis -> lose touch & proprioception in lower limb (cuneatus above T6) BILATERAL
Dmg: Anterior commissure -> lose Pain/temp at level affected BILATERA
+/- ALS -> lose Pain/Temp below level BILATERAL
+/- CST -> Spastic paralysis (UMN) in lower limbs BILATERAL
Ventral horn -> flaccid paralysis of lower limb (and axial) ONLY at level affected BILATERAL
Bilateral loss of:
Pain & Temp (at or below level)
Spastic paralysis below level
Flaccid paralysis at level
Loss of touch & conscious proprioception in lower limb bilateral
anterior spinal artery below T6
Brown-Sequard Syndrome
(cord hemisection - C4)
Dmg: Gracilis & Cuneautus -> Lose conscious proprio & touch in UE & LE IPSILATERAL
ALS -> Lose Pain/Temp below lesion CONTRALATERAL
Dmg: Spinocerebellar tracts -> lose unconscious proprio (some ataxia) IPSILATERAL
dmg: CST -> Spastic hemiplegia: UE & LE IPSILATERAL
Dmg: Anterior horn -> Flaccid paralysis at level affected IPSILATERAL
Hemiplegia of UE & LE w/ contralateral loss of Pain & temp
Brown-Sequard Syndrome (cord hemisection - at C4)
Medial Medullary Syndrome (paramedian
Anterior Spinal Artery
Dmg: Medial Lemniscus -> Contralateral loss of Pain & temp (above decussation)
Dmg: Hypoglossal nucleus (XII) -> flaccid hemi tongue palsy (tongue deviates TOWARD lesion)
Dmg: CST -> Hemiplegia (Spastic) iin UE & LE CONTRALATERAL
Spastic hemiplegia of UE & LE w/ same side loss of Touch/Proprio
Contralateral Tongue flaccid hemiplegia
Medial (Paramedia) medullary syndrome (in Medulla Oblongata)
Anterior spinal artery
Tongue deviates TOWARD lesion
Wallenberg Syndrome
(aka Lateral Medullary Syndrome) - c/o Proximal PICA (or vertebral)
Dmg: Spinal Trigem Nuc -> IPSILATERAL loss Pain/Temp from face
Dmg Vestibular Nuc (near ICP) -> falling (towards lesion), nystagmus, vertigo IPSILATERAL
Dmg: ALS -> Loss pain & temp CONTRALATERAL
Dmg: Solitary nuc -> IPSILATERAL loss of taste
+/- Cochlear nuc -> IPSILATERAL Hearing loss
Dmg: Hypothalamo Sympathetics -> Horner's Syndrome IPSILATERAL (Ptosis, miosis, anhydrosis)
Dmg: ICP -> Cerebellar ataxia IPSILATERAL
Dmg: Nucleus Ambiguus (IX & X) IX: Palate pareses (dysphagia) X: Reduced gag reflex IPSILATERAL
+/- Dorsal motor -> IPSILATERAL
Loss of Pain & Temp on L Face
falling towards L side, nystagmus, vertigo
Loss of pain & temp in R side of BODY
Loss of taste on L side of tongue
Ptosis, miosis, anhydrosis on L side of face
Lateral Medullary Syndrome (aka Wallenberg's Syndrome)
proximal PICA (or vertebral)

"Wally has picked (PICA) medium lats"
Tonsillar herniation of Medulla oblongata
Dmg: Cardiorespiratory centers -> Cardiac arrest & Respiratory arrest BILATERAL
("Death is a bilateral condition")
Spastic hemiplegia of UE & LE on L side
L sided Hemianesthesia
R sided Flaccid Facial Paralysis
R eye adducted, conjugate horizontal gaze dysfunctional
Medial (Paramedian) Pontine syndrome
Penetrating branches (probably from basilar)
Medial (Paramedian) Pontine syndrome
Dmg CST -> Spastic Hemiplegia of UE & LE CONTRALATERAL
Dmg Abducens -> Ipsilateral Lateral rectus gone (Adducted eye)
Dmg VII -> Ipsilateral Upper & lower facial Paralysis
Dmg PPRF -> Ipsilateral conjugate gaze gone
Dmg ML -> Contralateral Touch & proprio gone
Lateral Pontine Syndrome
AICA (+ Long brs. Of basilar)
Dmg: ALS -> lose CONTRALATERAL pain & temp
Dmg: VTT (ventral Trigem Thalamic) -> CONTRALATERAL analgesia (Pain & Temp) of face
+/- ML -> lose Touch/Conscious Proprio (lower limb first) on CONTRALATERAL
Dmg: Chief Sensory Nuc -> Facial touch & Proprio IPSILATERAL
Dmg: Trigem Motor -> IPSILATERAL Masticatory paralysis
Dmg MCP (+/- SCP) -> Ataxia IPSILATERAL
R sided ataxia
R sided Facial loss of pain & temp
R sided mastication paralysis
L sided loss of tactile sensation L
L side of body loss of Pain & temp
L side of Face loss of Pain & Temp
L side of body loss of touch (+/-)
R side of Face loss of tactile & proprio
R side loss of mastication mm
R sided ataxia
Lateral pontine syndrome on R side
Basilar thrombosis
Locked in syndrome
Lose all CST -> Quadriplegia
Lose all of CBT (except +/- eye mm) quadriplegia
lose V, VI, VII, X -> can't move face, eye, can't swallow BILATERAL
Vestibulocerebellum (flocculus & nodulus)
dizziness, falling (toward lesion), nystagmus, spinning
Distal PICA
Falling toward R side
R sided vestibulocerebellar dysfunction (possible, not definite, could also be other parts of R side vestibulosensory)
Paramedian midbrain syndrome
(aka Claude's Syndrome) c/o terminal basilar parmedian aa (brs of proximal PCA)
Dmg III -> Down & out eye (primarily ipsilateral)
dmg SCP decussation -> Ataxias (skilled ataxias) CONTRALATERAL
Dmg Red Nuc. -> Upper limb proximal flexors CONTRALATERAL
dmg E-W Nucleus (PS - normally constrict via sphincter pupillae) -> Dilated eye (CN III gone -> primarily ipsilateral mydriasis)
L eye down & out & mydriasis
R sided loss of skilled function (skilled ataxia)
R sided proximal upper limb flexors paralysis
Paramedian midbrain syndrome (Claude's Syndrome)
Cerebral peduncle syndrome
(aka Weber Syndrome) c/o terminal basilar paramedian aa (br of proximal PCA)
Dmg CST -> CONTRALATERAL hemiplegia
Dmg CBT -> Some IPSI some BI-lateral hemiplegia
dmg CN III -> Down & out eye (mydriasis too) IPSILATERAL
L eye down & out & mydriasis
R sided hemiplegia of body
Bilateral facial Hemiplegia (mostly R side)
Cerebral Peduncle Syndrome (Weber)
C/o terminal basilar Paramedian aa (br of proximal PCA)
Medial midbrain syndrome
(aka Benedikts syndrome = Claude + Weber) "Think of as an expanded medial midbrain syndrome"
+/- Dmg to Red nucleus -> paralysis of CONTRALATERAL upper limb flexors
Dmg E-W -> ipsilateral mydriasis
dmg CN III -> Down & out eye IPSILATERAL
Dmg CST -> CONTRALATERAL hemiplegia
"Medial Midbrain = Red III Contra CST"
Uncal Herniation (through tentorial notch)
c/o Supratentorial masses
dmg CN III -> Down & out eye & pupillary dilation IPSI or BI-lateral
CST & CBT -> weakness of body muscles & face (IPSI or BI-lateral)
"My Uncle Sam eye's weak Face & Body"
Bilateral body mm weakness &
Down & out eye L eye w/ mydriasis
Uncal herniation (possible L or R but more likely L)
"Pirate Uncle: weak lazy eye"
Dorsal midbrain syndrome
(aka Parinaud's Syndrome)
dmg Sup. Colliculus -> difficulty tracking & voluntary saccades BILATERAL
Dmg Vertical gaze center -> Initally Upward gaze paralysis progresses to COMPLETE vertical gaze paralysis
Dmg Post. Commissure -> impaired Consensual light reflex BILATERAL
Dmg Cerebral Aqueduct -> Hydrocephalus (communicating)
Upward gaze paralysis w/ difficulty tracking & w/ voluntary saccades
Lack consensual light reflex & possible hydrocephalus
Dorsal midbrain syndrome (Parinaud's Syndrome)
Anterior Cerebral artery Syndrome
(Relatively uncommon relative to MCA & PCA)
Dmg: post-central gyrus -> Lower limb anaesthesia CONTRALATERAL
dmg Pre-central gyrus -> lower limb paralysis CONTRALATERAL
dmg Micturition center -> reduced voluntary bladder control
Dmg Olfactory cortex -> Anosmia
Dmg Corpus callosum -> Disconnection syndrome (maybe split brain)
Lower limb anesthesia & paralysis on L side w/ reduced bladder control & anosmia
R sided Anterior Cerebral Artery syndrome
Posterior cerebral artery dmg
Dmg Visual cortex -> homonymous heminopia (possible macular sparing) (dmg Primary & Secondary: 18 & 19)
Thalamus -> thalamic syndrome
Homonymous heminopia (w/ or w/o macular sparing)
Dmg to PCA (posterior cerebral artery)
Middle cerebral artery (superior division)
Dmg post-central gyrus -> anesthesia of UE & Face (maybe some trunk) CONTRALATERAL
Dmg Insula & operculum -> Taste (agustia) & primary gustatory cortex
dmg Pre-central gyrus -> Paralysis of Upper Limbs & face CONTRALATERAL
Dmg Brocas -> aphasia (can't speak but can understand)
dmg Angular gyrus -> Trouble reading aloud from L visual field (association cortex)
Dmg L parietal general -> Acalcula, writing problems
Paralysis & anaesthesia of Right UE & face
Loss of taste
Aphasia (can't speak but can understand)
Trouble reading from L visual field
L MCA Superior division infarct
Middle cerebral artery (Inferior division)
dmg Primary & Secondary Auditory (domninant side: Wernicke's area) -> aphasia (Speech is fluent but non-sensical)
+/- occipital pole -> +/- macular vision
Dmg White matter core of temporal lobe (Meyer's loop) -> Upper quandrantanopia (L infarct = R upper Quadrantanopia)
L upper quadrantanopia
Fluent but non-sensical speech (aphasia)
Possible macular vision loss
Middle Cerebral Artery (inferior division)
Middle Cerebral Artery infarct at origin
Dmg Genu & PLIC & Lentiform nucleus -> Hemiplegia & Hemianesthesia Body & face CONTRALATERAL
Note: motor system (basal nuclei) dysfunction masked by paralysis
L side Hemiplegia & Hemianaesthesia of Face & Body
Infarct of Right MCA at origin