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95 Cards in this Set

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An antibody capable of neutralizing a virus and preventing infection is capable of doing so by?
Binding to cell receptor recognition sites on the virus and preventing attachment to a susceptible cell
What is an example of artificial passive acquired specific immunity?
Injection of pooled human gamma globulin
What type of immunoglobulin would you expect to find in mucosal secretions?
When would you expect to see a Fall in the C3 component of the complement serum without a corresponding Fall in the C4 component in the serum?
Activation of the alternate pathway
Immunity to fungal infectious disease agents is primarily provided through?
The cell mediated immune response
What region of the immunoglobulin monomer binds antigen?
Which term is synonymous with incomplete antigen?
What body tissues provide the primary mechanism for exclusion of entrance of foreign materials into the human body?
Skin and Mucous Membranes
In the normal individual what type of acquired immunity would you expect to provide protection for the longest period?
Recovery from a childhood disease infection
What is responsible for attracting circulating PMN leukocytes to the inflammatory site?
Chemotactic substances like IL-8
If you separated the peptide chains of an immunoglobulin monomer by reducing all the disulfide bonds, what would happen?
The normally Y-shaped molecule would take on a T shape
What would you expect to find in the blood of a person exhibiting a fever that is not in the blood of a nonfebrile person?
Endogenous Pyrogens
What type of Ig would you expect to attach to mast cells?
What would cause a fall in both C3 and C4 components of the complement system?
Activation of the classical pathway
Immunity to a viral infectious disease agent that enters the body through the mucous membrane is primarily provided through?
What is produced during the inflammatory response reaction and is significantly responsible for the pain sensation at the site of a local inflammation?
What region of the immunoglobulin monomer binds complement for activating the complement cascade?
An attenuated strain of virus would be used to produce what type of vaccine and would be unsafe to use in what group?
Live vaccine, immunocomprimised patients
What is an antigen that accentuates the immunologic response to a weak antigen introduced at the same time?
If you separated the peptide chains of an immunoglobulin monomer by splitting the monomer in the hinge region, what would happen?
Two Fab fragments and one Fc fragment would form
In which of the following situations would antipyretic therapy be warranted?

a) 4 yr old with strep throat fever of 103
b) 9 day old child with severe gram negative septicemia but no fever
c) 62 yr old woman with congestive heart failure and a fever of 101.5 and a urinary tract infection
d) a, b, and c
e) none of the above
Eight hours following open heart surgery a patient has a WBC count of 11,800 which of the following conclusions is valid?

a) the patient has developed an infection and requires aggressive IV antibiotic therapy
b) the patient is leucopenic
c) the patient is in need of a transfusion to recover blood loss
d) this would not be an unusual finding and just reflects a systemic inflammatory leucocytosis due to surgical trauma
e) this reflects an impending infection and requires prophylactic antibiotic therapy
What is the order of the local inflammatory response?
1. Hageman factor activated
2. Vascular dilation and increased vascular permeability
3. Neutrophil exudation
4. Phagocytic cell accumulation
5. Fibroblasts migrate into site
Vascular changes associated with the initiation of the inflammatory response reaction at the site of tissue injury are triggered by what substances?
Release of histamines from mast cells and basophils
Kinins such as bradykinin activated by active Hageman Factor
What are opsonins and what process are they involved in?
IImmunoglobulins in the serum that improve immune adherence by white blood cells
What materials would you expect to be the most immunogenic?
Long-chain complex proteins
Antibody activity is primarily associated with what serum protein fraction?
Gamma globulin
What category would a WBC count of 2000/mm3 fall into?
Which is greater, a maximum titer of IgG after primary or secondary contact with antigen?
Secondary contact with antigen
Which is greater, the period of expected protective immunity by passive or active immunization?
Active immunization
Which is greater, the size of IgA in mucous secretions or IgG in serum?
IgA (monomeric in serum, dimeric in mucosal surfaces, breast milk, and tears)
Which is greater, the likelihood of activation of C3 complement component by classical or alternate pathway?
They are equal?
Which is greater, the chance that and immunogen will produce an active immunity when injected into an animal or that the immunoglobulin will produce an active immunity when injected into an animal?
Immunogen will produce an active immunity when injected into an animal
Which is greater, the size of a hapten of an immunogen?
Which is greater, the degree of immunogenicity of protein or lipid?
Protein? (LPS??)
Which is greater, the possibility that Fab fragment of IgG will bind to antigen or Fc fragment of IgG will bind to antigen?
Which is greater, Degree of protection against bacterial toxins provided by cell mediated immune response or humorally mediated immune response
Humorally mediated immune response
Which is greater, the chance of IgA or IgM class being involved in activation of complement?
Which is greater, the likelihood of a virus with a complex envelope will be inactivated by ether or a naked virus inactivated by ether?
Which is greater, the number of antigen binding sites on IgM or IgE?
Which is greater, the protection against tissue transplants provided by humorally mediated system (circulating antibodies) or cell mediated system (activated T cells)?
Cell mediated system
Which is greater, IgM or IgG ability to cross the placenta?
Which Ig class is found in the highest amount in gamma globulin fraction of serum?
What is a type of WBC primarily involved in the initial stages of local inflammatory response reaction?
What group is most likely NOT to demonstrate a febrile response during systemic bacterial infection?

a) Neonates
b) Pregnant women
c) HIV infected individuals
d) 2-6 year old child
e) Adolescent
What component of the complement cascade is activated by C1?
What portion of the Ig monomer that binds and activates complement?

a) Fc of IgM monomer
b) Fc of IgE monomer
Fc of IgM monomer
What does an increased neutrophil count and shift to the left indicate?
An ongoing inflammatory response reaction in the body
What group is at greatest risk of febrile convulsive response?
Young Children
What is the serum protein fraction that would most likely have IgM immunoglobulins at a higher level than IgG immunoglobulins?
Beta fraction

(IgA & IgG = gamma; IgM = beta)
What is a material that when added to weakly immunogenic material and injected into the body will increase immunogenicity of immunogen?
When would you expect to see a fall in both C3 and C4 components of the complement system?
Activation of the Classical Pathway
What type of acquired immunity would you expect to provide protection for the longest period?
Recovery from a childhood disease
What is an example of Artificial Passive Acquired Specific Immunity?
Injection of pooled human gamma globulin
What is an example of Natural Passive Acquired Specific Immunity?
Transplacental transfer of maternal Ig to fetus
What would cause a fall in the C3 component of the complement system without a corresponding fall in the C4 component in the serum?
Activation of the alternate pathway
What complement component is directly activated by C42?
What group is at greatest risk of febrile convulsive response?
Young children
What type of immunity is produced by injection of serum from immune individuals into a nonimmune individual?
Artificial passive immunity
What are the initiators of the inflammatory response reaction?
Chemical cell injury
Immunologic cell injury
Physical cell injury
Infectious disease agent cell injury
What is the lowest body temperature at which you expect loss of control of body temperature?

a) 95
b) 102
c) 106
d) 112
e) 117
Physiologic response that is associated with dissipiation of heat from the body?
The release of neutrophil chemotactic factor by activated WBCs at the site of a serious tissue injury would be responsible for what inflammatory response reaction?
What is responsible for the chills that are experienced at the initiation of the fever response?
Constriction of the surface blood vessels and redirection of blood from skin to deeper blood vessels
If a patient has surgery and 24-72 hrs later develops a WBC count of 11,800, what should be done?
The patient has developed an infection and requires aggressive IV antibiotic therapy
Which of the following represents the only component of specific immune response mechanisms that functions as an external specific defense mechanism

a) alveolar macrophage phagocytosis
b) Interferon
c) Microbial antagonism
d) Cell mediated immune response T cell lymphocytes
e) IgA immunoglobulins

a) alveolar macrophage phagocytosis
b) Interferon (non-specific)
c) Microbial antagonism (non-specific)
d) Cell mediated immune response T cell lymphocytes (internal)
e) IgA immunoglobulins
In the condition known as autoimmune hemolytic anemia, the human body forms immunoglobulins that bind to antigens on the surface of the RBC membrane. When the immunoglobulins isolated from a patient's serum suspected of having this condition are mixed with freshly harvested and washed RBCs from the patient, no hemolysis occurs. The technician running the test reports that the test is negative since the cells did not lysel and therefore, the patient does not suffer from auotimmune hemolytic anemia. What is your assessment of his conclusion?
He is wrong because he can't tell if the antibodies were present or not in the serum until complement is added to see if the RBCs lyse
Which of the following is not correctly matched with its approximate time fram?

a) first use of cowpox to immunize against small pox 1800-1810
b) Identification of most of the bacterial causative agents of infectious disease 1800-1910
c) Elucidation of the structure of the immunoglobulins and their role in providing immunity 1900-1910
d) Discovery of antibiotics and their introduction into use in clinical medicine 1940-1950
e) Development of recombinant DNA and genetic engineering principles 1980-1995
C Ig structure was 1960s
What body tissues provide the primary mechanism for exclusion of entrance of foreign materials into the human body?
Skin and mucous membranes
The lowest body temperature at which you expect loss of control of body temperature is?
112 deg F
The LPS molecule known as bacterial endotoxin is associated with what?
Outer layer of gram negative cell wall
Delayed type hypersensitivity reactions are mediated by?

a) IgE
b) Immune complex reactions
c) IgM and complement activation
d) Cell mediated immunologic attack of antigen labelled tissue
e) any type of slowly developing immunopathologic tissue damage
Immunoglobulin molecules are characterized by

a) antibody activity
b) Presence of light chains and heavy chains
c) Presence of interchain disulfide bonds
d) Absence of carbohydrates
The anatomic locations of B-cells (humoral immunity) in a lymph node is/are the

a) paracortical area
b) periarteriolar sheath
c) subcapsular space
d) follicular germinal center
The Fc region of the IgG is important for the following biological activities

a) complement fixation (C1q binding)
b) Combination with antigen
c) Transport across the placenta
d) immunosuppresion
Activation of the classical complement pathway occurs following antigen antibody reactions involving

a) IgA
b) IgG
c) IgE
d) IgM
Which of the following are associated with T lymphocytes?

a) Lymphokine production
b) Surface Ig
c) Cytotoxicity
d) Phagocytosis
Which of the following would be present in a normal healthy newborn?

a) Maternal IgG
b) High level IgG
c) Low, but detectable level of IgM
d) High titer of antibody to maternal HLA not present in the newborn
Which of the following immune phenomena primarily involve T cells?

a) anaphylactic reactions
b) immediate hypersensitivity reaction
c) activation of the complement system
d) delayed hypersensitivity reaction
Will antihistamines inhibit delayed type hypersensitivity reactions?
Immediate hypersensitivity reactions involve

a) basophils (mast cells)
b) IgE
c) SRS-A (leukotriene)
d) Histamine
all of the above
Which of the following are characteristic features of immediate hypersensitivity reactions

a) Clinical manifestations occur within 24-38 hrs after exposure to the antigen involved
b) Complement system is involved
c) T-helper, T-suppresor ratio is increased
d) These reactions are usually blocked by antihistamines
d only
Which of the following are characteristic properties of IL-2?

a) It is produced by Th cells
b) It is produced by Ts cells
c) It is a glycoprotein with molecular weight of 16-18,000 daltons
d) It is produced by sensitized B cells
Which of the following cells produce IL-1

a) Th cells
b) Ts cells
c) NK cells
d) Monocytes and macrophages
Which of the following is associated with an inflammatory reaction occurring in the body?

a) Leucopenia
b) Lymphocytosis
c) Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate
d) Lack of C-reactive protein in serum
e) elevated number of RBC in circulation
Which of the following stages would occur earliest in the course of an acute infection

a) Crisis
b) Acute phase
c) Convalescent phase
d) Latent Phase
e) Prodromal phase
Prodromal phase
You would always expect to be able to find which of the following in the blood of a person suffering from fever?

a) Bacteria or viruses
b) Endogenous pyrogens
c) Exotoxins
d) Superoxides
e) Histamines
Endogenous pyrogens
Which of the following would be most likely to be associated with septic shock

a) Rapidly spreading viral infection
b) Gram negative sepsis
c) Viremia
d) Localized but severe staphylococcal infection
e) Hemolysins
Finding bacteria in which of the following specimens would be of greatest clinical significance?

a) Swab of the nares
b) Urine
c) Pleural fluid
d) Sputum
e) Tears
Which of the following WBCs is found to increase in peripheral circulation in response to an acute primary bacterial infection accompanied by the accumulation of pus at the site of infection?

a) Lymphocytes
b) eosinophils
c) basophils
d) megakaryocytes
e) neutrophils
A strain of pathogen which has lost its ability to cause an infection in normal hosts is referred to as?
An avirulent strain of pathogen
Which of the following is associated with an inflammatory reaction occurring in the body?

a) Leucopenia
b) Lymphocytosis
c) Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate
d) Lack of C-reactive protein in serum
e) Elevated number of RBCs in circulation
Obligate anaerobes that are killed by even small amounts of oxygen would lack which of the following enzymes?

a) Catalase
b) Catalase, superoxide dismutase, and peroxidase
c) Enzymes of the Embden-Myerhoff pathway
d) Peroxidase
e) TCA cycle enzymes
Where is peptidoglycan found in bacteria?

a) Pili
b) Cell wall
c) Ribosomes
d) Capsule
e) Cytoplasmic inclusions
Cell wall
The swelling at the site of a local inflammatory site produced by infectious injury is the result of which of the following?

a) Fluid and cellular exudation
b) Presence of bradykinin and other activators
c) Vascular dilation and fibrin clot formation
d) Activation of the complement system
e) Activation of the fibroblasts forming scar tissue