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16 Cards in this Set

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3 subunits of 70S ribsome

7S, 16S, 23S and protein

How many membranes does a Gram positive bacteria have

1 - stains purple - thick peptidoglycan

What are prokaryotes?

- Small 1-10 um

- Ubiquitous

- Persistent

- Diverse

- No nucleur membrane

- No membrane bound organelles

- No microtubules

- Binary fission

- 70S ribosome

- Single circular chromosome

- No sexual reproduction

Process of binary fission

1. Chromosomal dublication

2. Cell growth - septum

4. Cells separate

3 methods of DNA transfer

1. Conjugation

2. Tranformation

3. Transduction

How do humans exploit bacteria

1. Waste water treatment

2. Biowarfare

3. Biremediation

Gram negative structure

2 membranes, periplasmic space, thin peptidoglycan

Criteria of DNA for classifcation

1. No lateral transfer

2. Varied

3. Not too varied

PCR sequence temperatures




What do we use for classification (gold standard)


What is a chronometer

A phylogenetic marker; a highly conserved protein (e.g. ubiquitin) or nucleic acid (e.g an rRNA) whose rate of mutation is constant, and which can therefore be used to construct phylogenetic trees.

What makes up the capsule?


Sub-unit of flagella called


Flagella assembly process

1. Base forms in cytoplasmic membrane

2. Other proteins self-assemble in a well defined order

3. Axial component proteins synthesized in cytoplasm and passed down central channel to distal end

3 flagella distributions

Petrichous, lophotrochous, polar

Size order of pili, fimbria and flagella

Fimbria, Pili, Flagella