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164 Cards in this Set

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ophthalmia neonatorum
MCC of b/l conjunctivity in newborns, vertical; erythromycin drops prevent chlamydia and gonorrheae infection
assoc w/ pneumonia afebrile staccato cough, wheezing eosinophila
MCC of global blindness
b. Transmission
• Hand to eye
c. Chronic suppurative eye disease characterized as a follicular (inclusion) keratoconjunctivitis
d. Contracted in people living in dry and sandy regions in Africa and Asia MCC of global blindness

ABC african blind chronic infection
chlamydia psittaci
Gram negative obligate intracellular parasites, reticulate body replicates-->elementary body is infective (E)nters cell; binary fission

Cause of ornithosis (psittacosis), a type of zoonosis
b. Inhalation of dried bird droppings from parrots, parakeets, pigeons, chickens, ducks
c. Causes bronchitis or pneumonia
chlamydia trachomatis
Gram negative obligate intracellular parasites, reticulate body replicates-->elementary body is infective (E)nters cell; binary fission
--STD, urethritis (acute urethral syndrome in women, cervicitis, PID, bartholin gland abscess; CAN VISUALIZE RETICULATE BODY; Men (nonsp urethritis (sterole pyruia), epididymiti prostatis, proctitis
Reiter's synrome HLA B27 (joints ureal, urethra); DNA probe
azithromycin or doxycyline
chlaymydia pneumoniae
Gram negative obligate intracellular parasites, reticulate body replicates-->elementary body is infective (E)nters cell; binary fission

Second MCC of atypical pneumonia
b. Transmission
• Respiratory aerosol
c. Seroepidemiologic association with coronary artery disease
d. Rx
• Doxycycline
MCC of b/l conjunctivity
ophthalmia neonatorum Chlamydia
MCC of global blindness
trachoma (chamydia) ABC
Tiny papules in the genital region
• No ulcers
b. Inguinal lymphadenitis with granulomatous microabscesses and multiple draining sinuses
c. Fibrous stricture formation produces localized lymphedema of scrotum/vulva, RECTAL STRICTURES IN WOMEN
d. Rx• Doxycycline 100 mg bid x 21 days

a form of chlamydia
2nd MCC of atypical pneumonia
no pus or productive cough
richettsial characteristics
gram negative oligate intraceullar parasites; vector-->endothelial cells; escape phagosomes-->lymphocytic vasclitis
eschar binary fission
endogenous phopholipase A-->inflammation adn thrombosis-->sitm arachodonic acid metabolism
majority of the rashes are petechia
R. rickettsii is the bacteria, the tick is dermacentor variabilis
tick, dogs, rodents, tick to tick resevoir; extremity to trunk
a. MC rickettsial disease in the United States ; b. Highest incidence in North Carolina
• Bite of the wood tick, Dermacentor variabilis (American dog tick)
2. Clinical findings
a. Incubation, • Median 7 days , b. Three classic diagnostic features -(1) Rash (95%)
• Spreads from hands to trunk
(2) Fever, (3) History of tick exposure
(4) All 3 are present in < 20% of cases
c. Gastrointestina- N/V, diarrhea, abdominal pain, hepatitis
d. CNS-• Headache, lethargy, delirium, coma
e. DIC
f. Laboratory findings
(1) Absolute neutrophilic leukocytosis with a left shift or normal to decreased count with increased band neutrophils
(2) Hyponatremia (50%)
• ? Syndrome of inappropriate ADH ; (3) Hypoalbuminemia (30%)
(4) CSF findings-• Increased mononuclear cells and neutrophils, slight protein elevation, slight decrease in glucose
(5) Mainstay for diagnosis is serological testing-• Indirect immunofluorescence technique and ELISA
g. Rx-• Doxycycline; chloramphenicol alternative
h. Case mortality 8%

gram negative oligate intraceullar parasites; vector-->endothelial cells; escape phagosomes-->lymphocytic vasclitis
eschar binary fission
endogenous phopholipase A-->inflammation adn thrombosis-->sitm arachodonic acid metabolism
majority of the rashes are petechia
typus grousp of richettsia
R. powazekii louse, reservoir in humans, trunk to extreity; R typhi fleas-->rodent; trunk to extremitiy
R. tsutugamushi--mite-->rodent; trunk-->extremity, eschar
Human monocyte ehrlichiosis (HME) (Slide B8)
1. Obligate intraleukocytic (MONOCYTES usually, granulocyte in a less common disease) organism
a. Produces a mulberry-like inclusion called a MORULA in the cytoplasm
b. Primarily infects wild and domestic animals
c. Anaplasma infects granulocytes (Ixodes deer tick)
2. Transmission
a. Bite of a tick, Amblyomma (lone star tick)
b. ****Reservoir white-tailed deer
3. Clinical findings
• Fever, headache, myalgia, rash (~30%)
4. Rx: doxycycline
5. Case mortality 3%
Ureaplasma urealyticum, Mycoplasma hominis
• Sexual contact
2. Non-specific urethritis (NSU), endometritis, PID
types of mycoplasma
mycoplasma pneumoniae
MCC of atypical pneumonia
2. Clinical findings a. Transmission, (1) Droplet infection, (2) Common in crowded conditions (military personnel, college students)
b. Interstitial pneumonia
• Low grade fever, insidious onset, non-productive cough, no signs of consolidation
c. Cold agglutinins***
• Anti-I IgM antibodies may cause hemolytic anemia
d. Associations: ***• Erythema multiforme, bullous myringitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome
3. Rx
• Azithromycin, erythromycin, clarithromycin

tiniest free living organisms; fried egg appearance in culture; membrane has cholesterol
name 2 obligate intraceullar parasites
chlamydia and richettsia
what bug can lieave a phagosome?
MCC of atypical pneumonia
mycoplasma #2 chlamydia
how to create a gram stain
Crystal violet iodine complex
• Stains both gram positive and negative cell walls; 2. Iodine
• Mordant that fixes crystal violet
3. Alcohol
a. Removes lipid from gram (-) organisms, thereby losing the dye in the decolorization process
b. Gram (+) organisms retain crystal violet; 4. Safranin
• Counterstain that stains gram (-) organisms red

endotoxic--LPS lipid in cell wall of gram neg
gram + coci in clummps or clusters
a. Gram (+) cocci in clumps or clusters
gram + lancet shaped in diplos or chains
b. Gram (+) organisms that are lancet shaped, in diplos or chains

strep pneumoniae and enterococcus gram stain
tiny gram + cocci
c. Tiny gram (+) cocci
• Peptococcus, Peptostreptococcus (both are anaerobes)
gram - diplococci
d. Gram (-) diplococci
• Neisseria ("coffee bean" shaped), Moraxella
gram - fat rods
e. Gram (-) fat rods
• E. coli, Klebsiella
gram - thin rods
f. Gram (-) thin rods
• Pseudomonas, Bacteroides (anaerobe), Hemophilus, Fusobacterium (anaerobe)
large gram + rods
g. Large gram (+) rods
• Bacillus species, Clostridia, Corynebacteria ("Chinese letters")
small gram + rods
h. Small gram (+) rods
• Listeria, Propionibacterium (anaerobe), Lactobacillus (anaerobe in the vagina)
filamentous and branching gram + organisms
i. Filamentous and branching gram (+) organisms
(1) Nocardia (aerobic and partially acid fast)
(2) Actinomyces (anaerobe with sulfur granules)
normal flora in mouth
a. Anaerobic bacteria
• Peptostreptococcus, Fusobacterium (trench mouth), Prevotella, Actinomyces
b. Streptococcus viridans
c. Candida albicans
normal flora in skin
a. Staphylococcus epidermidis (coagulase negative): MC
b. Staphylococcus aureus
c. Propionibacterium: important in acne
d. Candida
normal flora in nose
normal flora in colon
a. Bacteroides fragilis: MC
b. Candida albicans
c. E. coli
d. Enterococcus faecalis
e. Clostridium species: difficile, perfringens
mostly yeasts
normal flora in vagina
a. Lactobacillus: MC
b. Candida albicans: yeast form
c. E. coli
d. Staphylococcus epidermidis
what is B lactamase?
a. b-lactamase is an extracellular enzyme elaborated by certain organisms
• Example N. gonorrhoeae/meningitidis, H. in¬fluenza, S. aureus
b. Function
• Hydrolyzes and renders ineffective the b-lactam ring of penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics
c. Constitutive pathogens
• Continually synthesize -lactamase
d. Inducible pathogens
• Generate the enzyme only in the presence of the antibiotic
microdilution techniques
Microdilution techniques
a. Determine the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values for test organisms against multiple antibiotic agents
b. MIC is defined as the lowest concentration of an antibiotic which inhibits the in vitro growth of an infectious organism
modified kirby bauer disk agar diffusion test
**more area around means it has good killing power; bug has low resistance
Filter paper disks are impregnated with various antimicrobial agents of specific concentrations onto an agar plate, which has been previously inoculated with a suspension of the isolated bacteria
b. Measurement of the zones of growth inhibition correlate with the susceptibility or resistance of the organism
c. S (susceptible), I (intermediate), and R (resistant)
(1) S means that the standard oral dose of the antibiotic is 2 to 4 times the minimal inhibitory concentration of the drug that is necessary to kill the organism
• S also implies that the minimum dose of a parenteral agent will suffice to kill the organism
(2) I means that oral medications is not effective in killing the organism, but the maximum dose of a parenteral agent is effective
(3) R means that the antibiotic will not kill the organism
gram + coci in clumps, catalase positive; coagulase positive (aureus); S. epidermidis and sparophyticus are coag negative
staph aureus
hand transmission, mostly in ant nares; golden pigment, coagulase (act fibrin which walls off abscess), hemolysins (B hemolytic), protien A (MOST IMPT VIRULENCE FACTOR), binds heavy chain of IgG and prevents activaiton of complement; teichoic acid-adherance to cells, leukocidins--toxic to luekocytes; B lactamase strains, epidermolytic, enterotoxins (GI, food poisoning), peptidoglycans (endotoxic like for septic arthrits)
TSS-if in vagina
MCC of furuncles (boils), styes, IMPETIGO (2nd is strep pyogenes), scalded skin syndrome, TSST (IL1, 2, TNF in tampons), acute osteomyelitis in children, postop wound, penumatocyst (tension pneumothorax in CF), IV catheter, acute bacterial endocartitis IVDA adn non IV DA***
CC in food poisoning due to enterotoxin vomit>diarrhea, culture food, acute conjunctivitis, 3rd degree burns, pneumonia in CF, nosocomial pneumonia, otitis media, pseudomembranous colitis
staph epidermidis
coagulase negative; gram + cocci in clumps
Coagulase negative, catalase positive, b-lactamase producer
b. Normal flora on the skin and mucous membranes
c. Glycocalyx producing strains adhere to prosthetic implants and catheters
d. MCC of infections involving-
(1) Prosthetic devices
• Heart valves, hip, vascular grafts
(2) CSF and peritoneal shunts
e. Rx
• Vancomycin +/- rifampin
staph saprophyticus
gram + cocci in clumbs; catalase -

Coagulase negative, catalase positive
b. Accounts for 10 to 20% of acute urinary tract infections in young, sexually active females
• Second to E. coli in causing UTIs
c. Rx
• Oral cephalosporin or amoxicillin clavulanate
MCC food poisoning
staph aureus, enterotoxin vomiting>diarrhea, culture food
MC bacterial endocarditis
MCC impetigo
MCC of nosocomia pneumonia and septicemia in hospital
MCC of otitis media
MCC of pseudomembranous colitis
E coli #2 staph saprophyticus
2nd MCC of UTI
staph saprophyticus; #1 is e coli
gram + cocci in chains, coag/cat negative; M proteins MI virulence factor

MC anaerobic streptococci producing infection
b. Common organism isolated in brain, lung, pelvic, and abdominal abscesses
a. Streptococcus (Enterococcus) faecalis
gram + cocci in chains, coag/cat negative; M proteins MI virulence factor
group D strep
Normal flora in colon
(2) Infective endocarditis and genitourinary infections
b. Streptococcus bovis
gram + cocci in chains, coag/cat negative; M proteins MI virulence factor

Normal flora in colon
group D strep
(2) MCC of endocarditis in patient's with colorectal cancer, Crohn's disease, or ulcerative colitis
strepococcus mutans
group B strep; gram + cocci in chains, coag/cat negative; M proteins MI virulence factor

MCC of dental caries (Slide B27)
b. Acts on sucrose to produce dextran, which enhances plaque formation
c. Produces acid from fermentation of sucrose which erodes enamel
strep viridians
group B strep Produces a-hemolysis
b. Normal flora in the oropharynx
c. MCC of infective endocarditis
(1) Enters blood stream with dental procedures
(2) Valves must be damaged
d. Prevent endocarditis by giving amoxicillin before dental and urinary tract procedures
e. Rx
• Penicillin G
strep agalactiae
group B strep
(1) Produces CAMP factor
• b-hemolysis on blood agar in the presence of Staphylococcus aureus
(2) Colonizes vaginal flora of 15-25% of pregnant women
(3) Transmission
• During birth
b. Most common cause of the following infections-
(1) Neonatal meningitis, pneumonia, sepsis, chorioamnionitis
(2) Premature rupture of membranes > 18 hrs before delivery or premature delivery are major risk factors
• Mother should receive ampicillin to prevent infection in neonate
c. Common cause of the following infections-
(1) Urinary tract infections
(2) Postpartum endometritis
d. Rx
• Penicillin G, ampicillin
strep pneumoniae
gram + lancet shaped chain diplococus, optochin sensitive; positive quellung reaction, capsul MI virulence factor; capsular polysaccharid inhibits phagocytose!!!!!!
risk: splenetomy, alcohol, sickle cell disease
MCC community aquiared pneumonia (consolidation, virtration fremitis), MCC meningitis in addults >18, sinusitis in children, otitis media, spontaneous peritonitis in children w/ ascitis, septicemia in splenectomized pts-->death in children w/ sickle cell

pneumococcal vaccines against polysaccarize
strep pyogenes
group A strep, resp droplets, rhematic fever (infective endocarditis T2HS/T4HS), not a septicemia; post strep GN is T3 HS; erysipelas
exudative tonsillitis due to a bacteria; culture or ELISA
ludwig's angia--MC neck space infection
scarlet fever-desquamating, sandpaperlike rash, strawberry tonue, T3HS, celluitis w/ lyphangitis red streak; peritonsillar abscess (uvula dev to opp side problem w/ swallowing), necrotizing fasciitis, strep gangrene exotoxin B
CC: impetigo, pneumonia, menigitis, septicemia, postpartum endometritis, TSS, ednocarditis
strep gen characteristics
gram + cocci chains, coag and cat neg
a hemoylsis--incompelte and green due to biliverdin pigment; b hemolysis--clear zone; gama hemolysis no hemolysis
B hemolytic--M portein MI
group A has hyaluronidase, streptokinase (breaks down fibirn cltos and DNAase B
erythrogenic toxic desquamates; streptolysin O O2 labile; S O2 stable; pyrogenic exotoxin A TSST; B--necrotizing fasciitis
meningtis top 3
strep pneumo, n menigitis, moraxilla catarralis
MI virulence factor in strep
M protein
MI virulence factor in strep pneumo
capsular polysaccharide inhibits phagocytosis
MCC community acquired pneumonia
strep pneumo
MCC sinusitis in children
strep pneumo
MCC of otitis media
strep pneumo
MCC of neonatal menigitis
strep agalactiae group b strep
mcc of pneumonia in neonates
group b strep agalactieae
MCC of infective endocarditis
strep viridians
MCC of dental caries
strep mutans
MCC of endocarditis in pts w/ colorectal cancer, chron's disease, UC
strep bovis
neisseria gonorrhoeae
• Sexual contact, during birth
b. Main host defenses against gonococci
(1) Secretory IgA, IgG, complement, neutrophils
(2) Estrogen in vaginal mucosa prevents adherence
c. Virulence factors
(1) Pili that mediates adherence to mucosal surfaces and also prevents phagocytosis
• Piliated bacteria are virulent and those lacking pili are non-virulent
(2) IgA proteases for adherence
(3) Lipooligosaccharide a modified form of endotoxin that is not as likely to produce septic shock as lipopolysaccharide in N. meningitidis
d. Primarily infect mucosal surfaces in urethra and vagina
e. Certain strains disseminate
(1) Resist killing by antibodies and complement
(2) Porin in cell wall inactivates C3b
f. Patient's deficient in C6-C9 more likely to disseminate infection during menses and pregnancy
g. Symptoms occur 2-7 days after sexual exposure (first week)
h. Women
(1) Urethritis
(2) Vaginitis (children; lack estrogen)
(3) Cervicitis
(4) Endometritis
(5) PID (MCC)
• In 45% of cases, both N. gonorrhoeae and C. trachomatis coexist
(6) Fitz-Hughes-Curtis syndrome
• Perihepatic scars with RUQ pain, complication of PID
(7) Bartholin gland abscess
i. Men
• Urethritis, epididymitis/prostatitis
j. Neonate
(1) Ophthalmia neonatorum (usually first week, bilateral)
(2) Erythromycin eye drops are routinely given to newborns to prevent Chlamydia and Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections
k. Disseminated gonococcemia
(1) Mainly women
(2) Septic arthritis (knee)
(3) Tenosynovitis (hands, feet)
(4) Dermatitis (pustules hands, feet)
(5) C6-C9 deficiency predisposes to dissemination
l. Diagnosis
(1) Gram stain of exudate showing phagocytosed organisms in neutrophils (only definitive for men; women may have false positive from other non-pathogenic organisms)
(2) DNA probes are most often used for confirmation.
m. Rx
(1) Urethritis, cervicitis, PID
• Ceftriaxone (for GC) + doxycycline (for Chlamydia)
(2) Disseminated
• Ceftriaxone
(3) Ophthalmia neonatorum
• Ceftriaxone
neisseria specias characteristics
gram - diplococci coffee bean appearance best on CO2 chocolate agar thayer martin; oxidase and ctalase positive
meningitdes-maltose and glucose; gorrhoease only glucose; fimbriae impt VF for adherence
LSP endotoxin; IgA protein; b lactamase
neisseria menigitis
• Airborne droplets that colonize the nasopharynx
b. Site of proliferation
(1) Posterior nasopharynx
(2) About 5% of people are carriers
(3) Carrier rate increases to 35% in people living in close quarters (e.g., military recruits)
c. Virulence factors
(1) Polysaccharide capsule to resist phagocytosis by neutrophils
(2) Endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide) that can produce septic shock and DIC
(3) IgA protease that helps bacteria attach to respiratory epithelium by cleaving secretory IgA
d. Meningococcemia
(1) Predisposes to Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
• Petechia expanding into ecchymoses, septic shock, DIC, bilateral adrenal hemorrhage (hemorrhagic infarction)
(2) Hematogenous spread to meninges producing meningitis
• MCC of meningitis from 1 mth to 18 yrs old
(3) Rx
• Penicillin G
(4) Rx close contacts (carriers) with rifampin (or ciprofloxacin)
(5) Polysaccharide capsule vaccine
MCC meningitis 1mo -18 y/o
N. meningitidis
moraxella catarrhalis
Coccobacillary gram negative rod that resembles cocci of Neisseria species
2. Children
• Otitis media and sinusitis
3. Adults
• Chronic bronchitis (second most common cause, H. influenzae most common) and pneumonia in patients with COPD
4. Rx
• Amoxicillin/clavulanate, oral cephalosporin, or TMP/SMX
q fever
coxiella burnetii
Gram negative coccobacillary bacteria
2. Transmission
a. Aerosol (MC) of urine, feces, amniotic fluid, placental tissue
b. Birthing process
c. Contact with manure of sheep, cattle, goats; abattoir (slaughter house) employees
d. Tick bite
3. Atypical interstitial pneumonia
4. Granulomatous hepatitis with ring forms; endocarditis
5. Rx
• Doxycycline
bacillis anthracis
aerobic large gram + rods, heat resistant spores not in tissue
Capsule composed of amino acids rather than polysaccharides
• Inhibits phagocytosis
b. Habitat
• Soil
c. Exotoxin has three proteins (virulence factors)
(1) Edema factor
• Activates adenylate cyclase
(2) Lethal factor
• Inhibits a signal transduction protein involved in cell division
(3) Protective antigen
• Assist entry of above proteins into cells
d. Capsule composed of D-glutamate (not polysaccharide), which is antiphagocytic
• Capsule and above toxins are required to be pathogenic (virulent)
e. Transmission
(1) Direct contact with animal skins or products (most commonly sheep and cattle) and entry of the organisms through abrasions or cuts
(2) Inhalation
• Use in germ warfare
f. Cutaneous anthrax (90 to 95% of cases)
(1) Occurs through direct contact with infected or contaminated animal products
(2) Resemble insect bites
(a) Eventually swell to form a black scab, or eschar, with a central area of necrosis
(b) Called a "malignant pustule"
(3) If untreated, death occurs in 20% of patients
g. Pulmonary anthrax
(1) Inhalation of spores present in contaminated hides or germ warfare
• Example wool (called Woolsorter's disease)
(2) Necrotizing pneumonia, meningitis, pronounced splenomegaly, and dissemination throughout the rest of the body
• "First sign of the disease is death"
(3) Soil contamination
• Prevented by sterilizing dead animals and animal products
h. Vaccine available for high risk patients
• Examples veterinarians, soldiers entering developing countries
i. Rx
• Ciprofloxacin
bacillis cereus
Enterotoxins are virulence factors
(1) Preformed enterotoxin similar to cholera in that it adds adenosine diphosphate-ribose (ADP-ribosylation) to a G protein which stimulate adenylate cyclase; increases cAMP in enterocytes causing secretory type of diarrhea
(2) Enterotoxin resembling staphylococcal enterotoxin by acting as a superantigen
b. Transmission
• Reheated fried rice or tacos with rice
c. Two syndromes
(1) Nausea and vomiting within 4 hrs of eating
(2) Watery diarrhea after 18 hours
d. Gram positive rods in stool
e. No Rx

a. Aerobic Bacillus species are large gram (+) rods with square ends
b. Produce heat resistant spores
• Spores do not form in tissue
c. Source of polymyxin and bacitracin
clostridia perfringens
VF a toxin lecithinase; anaerobic gram + bacilli
gas gangrene wet and foot poisoning in reheated meat; enterotoxin superantigen sim to stah is VF
clostridia tetani
TEnnis racket appearance, motile on blood augar
anaerobic gram + bacilli; poor staining
--closed wounds, IVDA skin popping, ubilical card;
VF tetanospasim
inhibits release of inhibitors NT--GABA and glycine sustained contraction
--lock jaw, risus sardonicus, opithotonus
active and passive immunization, debride wound, O2
administer Td if non-immunized in 10years, clean wound passive immune + Td
C botulinum
heat resistnat spores; heat labile exotoxin
anaerobic Gram + bacilli, diff to stain
heat labile toxin is VF, irrev blocks acetylcholine release
1st diplopia--.descending paralysis and mydriais
adults-can's; infants==honey; ingest spore
wound botulism-MCC in ww
clostridium dificile
pseudomembranous colitis, secrtory diarrhea, Ab cuse
toxins A and B VF
in colon
cytotoin assay of stool
corneybacteria diptheriae
club shaped gram + rods, chinese letter apppeanse
ADP-ribose to EF2; impaired B ox of FA w/ tappy cat heart MMCD mycarditis
schick est
pseudmomembrane in throat dysphonia
bullneck appearnce
pierpheral N and CN demyelination to paralysis
horse antitoxin neurtralizes toxxin
propionbacterium acnes
aneorobe like cornebact ; inc T in females; andrgens on sebaceous glands -->FA in hair follicle produces lipases
listeria monocytogenes
motile, tumbling motility
soft cheeses and unpast milk, hot dogs
actin rockets
gram positive rod
listeriolysin O degrades cell membrane
actin rockets propel organism cel to cell
in pregancy--abortion
neonatal meningitis-abscesses and immunocompromised hosts
#3 MC in infants meningitis
tx: ampicillin
erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
erysipeloid, or fish-handler's disease)
1. Contracted by veterinarians, butchers, or those who work with fish, pigs
2. Painful, sharply demarcated purplish skin rash at the site of inoculation (usually hands)
• Border extends outward
actinomyces isralii
anaerobe, normal flora in mouth, dental extractions and MCC endometriitis w/ IUDs
sulfur granules in pus
MC in jaw
filamentous bacteria
nocardia asteroides
aerobic, weakly acid fast; gram + filamentous bact, resp droplets
pulm disease in immunocompromised pts-->dissem abscesses to CNS and kidney
IUD endometrititis from?
actinomyces isralii
enterobacteriacae in general
gram - non spre forming rods w/ endotoxin in cell walls VF
lactose fermentation in ecoli (+) not in shigella or salmonella
reduce nitrates to nitrites-->UTIs
K antigens-capsule interferes w/ phagocytosis, falgellar H, somatic O
common pathogens of enterobacteriacae
• Sepsis, pneumonia
(2) Escherichia
• Meningitis, sepsis, pneumonia, diarrhea, urinary tract infections, peritonitis
(3) Shigella
• Diarrhea
(4) Klebsiella
• Pneumonia, urinary tract infections
(5) Proteus
• Urinary tract infections
(6) Salmonella
• Sepsis, osteomyelitis, diarrhea, food poisoning
(7) Yersinia
• Diarrhea, mesenteric adenitis
(8) Serratia
• Infections in immunocompromised hosts, phagocytic disorders
Esherichia coli
enterotoxins heat stable toxin cGMP (ST), heat labile toxin (LT) cAMP, vertoxin shiga like 0157:H7 strain
fcal pollution indicator organism
MCC of UTI in LUT (acute pyelonephritis VUR ascending infection
MCC of nosocomial septicemia leading to septic shock MCC w/ indwelling urinary catheter
MCC spontaneous peritonitis in cirrhotics w/ ascites
MCC traveler's diarrhea secretory diarrhea
MCC of HUS-entrohemorrhagic strain hamburger meat, TP, RF, schistocytes Shiga toxin, colitis dysentery no fever
acute cholesytitis, acute appendicitis, acute diverticulitis DUE TO LUMINAL OSTRUCTION fecolith or stone
#2 neonatal meningitis, pneumonia, otitis media
e coli acute pyelonephritis VUR asceding infection
MCC of traveler's diarrhea
E coli secretory diarrhea, heat stabile and labile
enterhemorrhagic strain, hamburger meat, TP, RF microangiopathic hemolytic anemai w/ schistocytes due to shiga toxin and hemorrhagic colitis w/ cramps watery diarrhea-->dysentery no fever
MCC acute cholecystitis
e coli stone in cystic ductposs CBD
MCC acute appendicitis
fecolith in adults RLQ
e coli
MCC acute diverticulitis
fecolith L side appendicits mimics except on left leukocytes
E coli
DIARRHEA no animal reservoirs
S sonnei MC
4Fs fingers flies food feces
children in day care centers (sim to HAV)
invades mucosa
blood diarrhea, psedumembranes, + fecal smear for luekocytes
no carrier
assoc w/ HLA B27
salmonella enteritidis
animal reservoirs poultry, turtles iguanas domesttic livestokc
death in chidren if animaltramitted not if human tramsmitted

entercolitis MCC of entercolitis and food posioning, not a septicemic phase

invasive-sm/lg intesting postive fecal smear for leukocytes
salmonella typhi

animal reservoirs poultry, turtles iguanas domesttic livestokc
death in chidren if animaltramitted not if human tramsmitted
typhoid fever--f/o, contact w/ asymp carrier (typhoid mary)
1st enter macs in peyer's pathces-->1st week high fever, 2nd week rash +vasculitis, diarrhea + stool; HSM, sinus brady, absolute neutropenia endotxins act Neutrophil adhesion meolecutres
blood culture + before sotll
3rd week potential for bowel perforation
4th- chronic and resolution
chronic carrier state-cholestystecomy
salmonella paratyphi
animal reservoirs poultry, turtles iguanas domesttic livestokc
death in chidren if animaltramitted not if human tramsmitted

commonly assoc w/ sepicemia osteomyelitis in sickle cell

septicemia and chornic carrier state gallbladder MC site, human reservoir; enteric fever sim typhoid fever

MCC of entercolitis and food poisoning
salmonella enteritidis
klebsiella pneumonia
fat non mitle gram - rod + capsule MCC of pneumonia in nursing homes thick blood sputum
lobar pneumonia in alcholics cavitary, mocid capsule #2 lobar pneumona (MCC strep); UTI
MCC of pneumonia in nursing homes
serratia marcescens
water loving, RED, immunocompromised host
3 water loving bacteria
legionella, serratia, pseudomonas
swarm, staghorm, smell of ammonia
kidney magnesioum, ammonium phosphate
name 2 urease producers
proteus and H pylori
yersinia entercolitica
gram - coccobacilli, biolar
graumuloatous non caseating mesenteric lymphadentis simulate acute appendicitis
assoc w/ HLA-B27
MCC contaminant of stored blood
iron lover
MCC contaminant of stored blood
yersinia entercolitica
iron lover
vibrio colerae
cholera, f/o, eating marine shellfish (shrim and oysters esp in louisiana)

gram - comma chaped bact

ADP-ribosylations, cAMP secretory diarrhea no inflammation
die of volume depletion recewater stools
oral solutions w/ glucose
motile comma shaped gram -, raw seafood, sim to cholerae, severe watery diarrhea
vibio vulnificus
handling or eating sheefish, skin infections fatal septicemia
gram - comma shaped rods
campylobacter jejuni
flaggated surved s shaped
cattle, chicken, puppies
f/o, poutry unpasteurized milk sim to v cholerae
invasive entercolitis, MC food-borne illness and invasive entercolitis in US
crypt abscess resemble UC, bloody dairrhea w/ leukocytes
organism in stool
MC food-borne illness and invaseive enteroclitis in US
campylobacter jejuni
Helicobacter pylori
gram - curved rod, pylorus an dantrum, mucus later not invasive
destruction of mucus-->PUD, gastritis
duodenal ulcer NEVER MALIGNANT NO BIOPSY; gastric ulcer poss malig biopsy assoc w/ pernicious anemia
cancer-gastric adneocarcionma, low GRADE B CELL MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA
breath test is the BEST
stool antigen test is cheapest detects ACTIVE DISEASE AND STAGE AND SUCCESS
gram - rod, green, waterloving
repirators (MC ICU nosocomia pneumonia); COD in CF w/ pneumonia, COD in burn infections, MC hot tub folliculitis need chlorine, MCC malignant external otiitis in diabetes, MCC osteochornitis/myeltiis in puncture wound rubber

CC: conjunctivitis in lens wears, UTI
MCC of nosocomia pneumonia in ICu
pseudomonas respirators
MCOD in burn infections
MCC of ho tub follicuitis
pseudomonas pneumonia
MCC of malignant external otitis in diabetes
hemophilis ducrei
chancroid, sexual, painful ulcer, suppurativ engual nodes
shool of fish appearnce
gram - rod
IgA protease
haemophilis influenz
MCC of acute epiglottitis in children, insp stridor thumbprint sign on XR of lat neck (edema)
MCC of acute bronchtis +chronic bronchitis in smokers
2nd MCC of otitis media
-sinutsits, bact menignitis, orbital cellutiis and septicemia, septic arthritis, conjucntivitis in children

gram - rod, lactamse, IgA portease is VF, X factor hematin, V factor NAD

risk: young, spleectomy, alcohoism, COPD
hemophilis aegytius
pink eye conjuctnivits in children
gram - rod
MCC of acute epiglottis in children
H. influenzae
MCC of acute bornchitis + COPD
H. influenzae
bordetella pertussis
gram - rod, pili in URT-->necrosis of ep
ADP-ribse + Gi -->cAMP
lymphoctes an'tender nodes inc WbCs LEUKIMOID RXN
no protection in children <1
2-4 weeks coughing + whoop
convalescence decline 3-4 weeks
--poss hemorrhage, otitis media, meningoencephalitis, rectal prolaspa, pneumonia MCCOD <3 children

whooping cout-catarrha.
MCCOD in children <3 y/o
bordetella pertussis
legionella pneumophilia
facultative intracellular invades mononuclear cells, needs IRON AND CYSTEIN
water coolers, mists
risk: smoker, alcholic, immunosupp (CMI)
penumonia atypical, T4RTA chronic intrerstitial nephritis destroy JG, normal AG MA
Gram negative rods: Brucella species FEVER AND OSTEOMYELITIS
1. Characteristics
a. Pathogenesis is unclear; endotoxins are involved
b. Infect animals
(1) B. melitensis
• Goats and sheep
(2) B. abortus
• Cattle MC source of infection in the United States
(3) B. suis
• Pigs
c. Transmission
• Unpasteurized milk/cheese, direct contact
d. Granulomatous reaction primarily in the reticuloendothelial system
• Bone marrow, spleen (splenomegaly), liver (hepatomegaly), lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy)
2. Brucellosis
a. Brucellosis secondary to B. abortus usually mild and self-limited
b. B. melitensis produces severe disease called undulant fever
(1) Transmission
• Eating unpasteurized goat's milk cheese is the MC source
(2) Disseminated disease
• Osteomyelitis MC complication
(3) Doxycycline + gentamicin or streptomycin
francisella tularesnsis
tularemia gram - rod; hunter and fur trapper; rodents, deer, RABBITSa
dermacentor ticks, skin contact or aerosol
ulceroglandular-MC papular lesion-->LAD that drain, sepsis and dissemination
pasteurella multocida
gram - rods bipolar staining mouth of cats and dogs (bite of CAT)
MC infection due to animal bite
celluitis MC tentintis, arthritis osteomylitis
2 bact w/ bipolar staining
yersinia and pasturella multocida
MC infection due to animal bite
pasturella mulocida
yersinia pestis
prarie dogs, rat flea-->ground squirrels SW area
capsular fraction 1 prevents phagocytosis by neutorphils, endotoxin, V and W
--fleas-->rodent (reservoir)
pneumonic (aerosol), septicemia
bubonic--LN in groin enlarge, mat together,drain to the surface
bartonella henselae
pleomorphic gram - rod; oral flora of cat
cat scratch disease--immunocompetent people <18, painful regional LAD, axilla cervical non-caseating graulomatous; ILVER STAIN
bacillary angiomatosis-IMMUNOCOMPROMISED aids, mimics kaposi's; silver stain
calymmatobacterium granulomatosis
donovan's bacillus granuloma inguinale
gram - rods

DONAVAN'S BODIES, sexual, genital ulcerations w/ destrucito of soft tissue and bone
NO LAD!!!!
gardnerella vaginalis
bacterial vaginosis gram - rods
MC vaginitis
ph >5.5 due to less lactobacilli
clue cells-squamous cells w/ bacteria adherent to cm
MC vaginitis
gardnerella vaginalis
eikenella corrodens
gram - rods
coomon in human bites in fighting
soft tissue infections immunocomp
head and neck in IVDA...lick needles prior to using
treponema pallidum
syphilis; SPIROCHETE, gram neg rod, can't be cultured!, sexual and vertical
small vessel vasculitis endartitis obliterans (knocks out nerves w/ plasma cell INFILTRATE!)
1/3 PRIMAR/SECONDAYR spont resolves; 1/3 latent syphilis; 1/3 tertiary syphilis

primar-chancer; secondary-rash palms/soeles, condyloma; tertiary-neruo--demyletionatoin post root, post column, absent DTrs argyll robertion
aortic arch aneruysm gummas
congenital--peg teeth ect saddle nose
primary syphilis
solitary painless vascuilit damages nerves + chancre 2-10 weeks
secondary syphilis
1-3 mo, maculopapular rash on palms and soles!!, condyloma lata, alopecia, inc alp; membranous glomeruolpathy, gen LAD
latent syphilis
no lsions 1-2 years after secondyary can reappear; late latent not infective
tertiary syphilis
neurosyphilic MC; meingovascular-->strokes, gen paresis dementia
tabes dorsalis--demyelination post root and post column; atxai, loss of vitration, abbsent DTRs, argyll robertson puil (accomodate but do not react ot light)
CAF inc protien, postive FTA-ABS
positive CV-aortic arch aneurysm
congenital syphilis
3rd mo tirmester
saber shins, addle nose, rhagades (fissure in mouth)
late: peg teeth, mulberry molars, deaf, keratitis of eye-->blind
labs of syphilis
dark field primary and secondary
RPR and VDRL (beef cardiolipid FP in SLE)
FTA-ABS confirm does not diappear after Rx
jarish herxheimer rxn
in syphilis, do to treatment of penicillin; sendoary syphilis
fever rash flu
due to release of endotoxin from trepenemes
borrelia recurrentis
replasing fever, tick, louse
high fever, hemorrhage rash HSM

borrelia burgdorferi
lyme disease
resevior-white footed mouth/deer obligatory host of tick
ioxids dammini tick
stage 1 erythema chronicum migrans, flu
2: myocarditis 1st degree block, menigitis, bell's paslsy peirpheral neuropathy
3. diabling arthritis, CNS

leptospira itnerrogans
SPIROHETE weil's disease
shephard's staff, darkfield
rats, dogs (MC in US) excreted in URINE
swimming in pons on farms
biphasic--septicemic and immune
fever jaudice, hemorrhagic diathesis RF, conjuctivits photophobia mengitis
Ab...end phase
imune in URINE
mycobaterium tuberculosis
obligate aerobe, acid fast mycolic acid; CORD FACTOR vf
resides in MACROPHAGES prevents fusion of lysosomes w/ phagosomes
grauloma CD4 T + mac
mac release IL1, 12 stim memory CD4
CD4 reelase gamma-interferon which act macs to kill and release cytokine to keep macs localised
macs fuse to form multinucleated giant cells; caseous grmaulomas...lipid
primary TB-periphery of lung upper part lower lobe lower part uppe rlobe...ghone focus in periphery, ghon complex in hilar LN, erythema nodosum
reactivation in upper lobes--cavitary leasions, kidney MC extrapulm site
miliary spread in lungs enter artery white spots
system in pulm vein
PPD delated HST4
>15 no risk; >10 high risk; >5 immuocomp AIDS
postive test does not diff active disease
mycobacterium bovis
MCC of intestinal TB in countries w/o pasteruization WW
swallowed form lung infection-->peyer's patches in terminal ileum; chronic inflammation strictures -->obstruction
MCC of interstinal TB in US
myco tuberculosis
MCC of intestinal TB WW
mycobacterium bovis
M scrofulaceum
atypical mycobacteria; afebrile gralumoatous cervical adenitis; in children
M avium intracellulare complex
atypical mycobacteria MC 2 species
mostly in AIDS <100 whipple's like foamy macs
tuberculoid leprosy
can't be cultivated in culture, mice and armadillos; in endothelial cells and schwaan

intact CMI, granuloma; positive lepromin skin test sim to PPD; few organsimsacid fast stain is -; not contagious; hypopig macular skin lesions seonsroy loss!!!
autoamputation of digits
lepromatous leprosy
can't be cultivated in culture, mice and armadillos; in endothelial cells and schwaan

lack CMI oraganisms in foamy macs NOT granulomas
negative lpromin skin test
numrous organisms
leionine facies
somewhat contagious
nerve put pathch sensory loss
grnz zone below has foamy macs
erythema nodosum leprosum after Rx
petococcus and peptostretococcus
gram _ cocci anarobic
lactobacillis, bacteriodes prevotella,
anaerobic gram - rods normal flora, foul odor, abscesses
bacteriodis fragilis
human colon normal flora
vessel thrombosis, MC anaerobic isolate
P melangenicus
oral cavity normal flora
tapered gram - anaerobes mix w/ prevotella in oral and pleuropum abscess
dental hygiene poor TRENCH MOUTH acute ulcerative gingivitis
vincent's disease-gingitive periodonitis