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60 Cards in this Set

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traveler's diarrhea is one form and causes hemorrhagic colitis (inflammation of the colon with bleeding)

Escherichia coli

(E. Coli)

tetanus, botulism, gas gangrene


nongonococcal urethritis

Chlamydia trachomatis

Is caused by Shigella bacteria

Bacillary Dysentery

Is caused by propionubacterium


Is caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi

Lyme disease

What causes walking pneumonia?

Mycoplasma pneumoniae

What causes syphilis?

the spirochete treponema pallidum.

Describe Listeria monocytogenes:

Gram-positive rod; can proliferate inside the macrophages; mostly food-borne; can live at refrigerator temperatures; dangerous for pregnant women, immunosuppressed adults or people with cancer.

What can listeria monocytogenes causes in adults and newborns and what is the treatment?

It can cause meningitis in adults and septicemia and meningitis in newborns.

Treatment is usually ampicillin and trimethoprimsulfamethoxyzole.

What causes anthrax?

bacillus anthracis

Describe Legionella Pneumophila

When present, it is in air-conditioning cooling towers and water lines of hospitals. Is resistant to chlorine, and causes pneumonia (Legionellosis).

What caused the bubonic plague?

Yersinia pestis, a gram negative rod.

What bacteria causes leprosy and tuberculosis

Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes tuberculosis and mycobacterium leprae causes leprosy.

What bacteria causes peptic ulcer disease?

helicobacter pylori

What causes cholera?

vibrio cholerae

What causes rocky mountain spotted fever aka tickborne typhus?

rickettsia rickettsii

What can staphylococcus do?

It can cause impetigo of newborn, scalded skin syndrome, toxic shock syndrome, food poisoning, and bacterial endocarditis.

What causes both meningitis and gonorrhea?

Meningitis - neisseria meningitidis

gonorrhea - neisseria gonorrhoeae

Describe Pseudomonas

swimmer's ear, opportunistic pathogen of burn patients, blue-green pigment

bacteria that can cause meningitis

Neisseria, Hemophilus, Streptococcus

What bacteria causes pertussis (whooping cough)?


What bacteria causes diphtheria?


List some things Streptococcus can do:

It can cause erysipelas, impetigo, necrotizing fasciitis, pneumonia, rheumatic fever, pharyngitis.

Name two things that salmonella can cause:

food poisoning, typhoid fever

disease caused by a neurotoxin that blocks the release of acetylcholine and may begin with blurred vision


what is ophthalmia neonatorum?

infection of newborn with Neisseria during birth; can result in blindness

Define intoxication:

ingestion of a preformed toxin; symptoms appear quickly

Whats another name for Hansen's disease?


Vomiting, cramps, diarrhea associated with custards, cream pies, and hams is caused by _________ food poisoning.


what is exfoliative toxin?

toxin associated with scalded skin syndrome.

what is gangrene

disease in which necrotic tissue is a nutrient source for bacteria.

Describe Cholera:

bacteria multiply in small intestine, produce enterotoxin that results in "rice water stools"

What is ischemia?

low oxygen supply to body tissues

What is endocarditis?

infection of heart valves with Staphylococcus aureus

Describe Rocky Mountain spotted fever:

measles-like rash on palms and soles, fever, headache, may progress to heart and kidney failure

Describe tuberculosis:

disease caused by bacteria which proliferate in alveolar macrophages; weight loss, coughing, loss of vigor

What is cystitis?

inflammation of urinary bladder

What is enterotoxin?

an exotoxin causing gastrointestinal symptoms.

Virulence of the organisms which cause meningitis is related to the presence of a __________.


Describe pertussis:

virulence related to capsule; bacteria destroys ciliated cells in trachea; distinctive cough

Describe the plague:

transmitted by rat flea; bacteria proliferates in lymph; lymph nodes swell; may spread to lungs

Describe diphtheria:

tough, grayish membrane in back of throat, sore throat, fever, malaise, swelling of the neck

Describe typhoid fever:

high fever, headache, and diarrhea; spread only in feces of other humans; caused by a particular genus of Salmonella

What is pyelonephritis?

inflammation of the kidney

Describe syphilis:

STD begins with small sore; secondary phase has skin rashes, loss of hair, malaise; tertiary phase has lesions called gummas and may have CNS damage

How many years does a tetanus booster last?


What is septicemia?

it is the uncontrolled proliferation of microbes in the blood

Describe the effects of anthrax:

high fever, difficulty breathing, chest pain; associated with handling animal hides, wool, and other animal products

The toxins of scalded skin syndrome, scarlet fever, and diphtheria are spread among bacteria by a __________.



disease which is caused by a neurotoxin that causes spastic paralysis.

Lyme disease:

most common tickborne disease; field mice an important reservoir; bulls-eye rash progressing to neurological symptoms and arthritis

a pathogen enters GI tract and multiplies; causes fever


an exotoxin which destroys phagocytes



bloody diarrhea

STD in which males experience painful urination and discharge of pus; females experience infection of the cervix; complications may involve joints, heart, and other parts of body


Food poisoning associated with meat products, especially poultry and eggs, is called ______ gastroenteritis


drop in blood pressure caused by endotoxin is called:

septic shock

bacteria spread from one generation of tick to another through eggs is called:

transovarian passage

What is rheumatic fever?

autoimmune inflammation of the heart following infection with Streptococcus pyogenes