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57 Cards in this Set

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gentamicin is what type of antibiotic?
A. Cephalasporin
B. Aminoglycoside
C. Tetracycline
D. Antimetabolite
E. Penicillin
Gentamicin is an aminoglycoside
What does a high anti-streptinolysin 0 titer indicate?
A recent fever by group A streptococcus
Bacterial Pnemonia is most often caused by what organism?
Strep. Pneumoniae
An anaerobic energy extracting mechanism called anaerobic respiration the final electron acceptor is:
Inorganic oxidized compound like nitrates
An organism which can survuve and grow either in the presence of or in the absence of oxygen is called what?
name a neurotoxin
What is a toxoid made from?
What condition is septic shock most often associated with?
Gram (-) negative bacteria
The extended use of a broad-spectrum antibiotic often leads to the development of a secondary infection by what?
Normal flora yeast such as candida
Most of the bacteria that produce bacterial pneumonias are noted for their production of:
What do gas gangrene, tetanus, and botulism all have in common?
Each disease is produced by species of clostridium
The gram reaction is based on what characteristic?
Cell wall structure
Group A streptococci (strep pyogenes) produce what type of hemolysis?
Beta hemolysis
Bacterial conjugation requires:
Sex pilus and plasmid
Conjugation between an F+ bacterial cell and an F-bacterium involves the transfer of what genetic elements?
plasmid from F+ cell to F- cell
What bacterial structure determines the shape and rigidity of the bacterial cell?
Cell wall
Blood agar is an example of what type of laboratory medium?
Enriched medium
To isolate a thermophilic organism what should you do?
Expose culture to 80 degrees C for 10 minutes
An organism has grown in a medium containing mannitol and under anaerobic conditions when you test the medium you find that the pH has fallen from 7.0 to 4.1, what is a valid conclusion?
The organism has grown and has carried out anaerobic respiration using mannito as the final electron donor
An organism that you isolated on an enriched laboratory medium containing sterois was shown to have all of the characteristics of a prokaryotic cell but lacks a cell wall. This organism is most likely to belong to what microbic group?
Finding large numbers of acid fast bacteria in a sputum sample would be consistent with a diagnosis of what disease?
Susceptibility to inactivation of a virus by ether is indicative of what?
The virus has a lipid envelope
What is the gram (-) negative reaction and cell structure of the genus Neisseria?
Gram (-) diplococci
What is most closely correlated to pathogenic, virulent strains of traphylococci?
Coagulase production
What is/are the structure(s) responsible for motility in bacteria?
What are plasmids?
Small, circular pieces of extrachromosomal DNA found in some bacterial cells
Which of the following bacterial genera produces endospores and grows aerobically?
The electron transport system cytochromes are located where in a bacterial cell?
Cell membrane
Bacterial cells usually reproduce by what method when growing in culture?
Binary fission
A bacterial cell carrying a fertility factor (sex factor) plasmid free in the cytoplasm would be designated as:
an f+ cell
Bacterial cells usually reproduce by what method when growing in culture?
binary fission
What type of mutagenic agent produces thymine dimers in the DNA?
UV radiation
If you isolated Gram-negative diplococci from cerebrospinal fluid you could make a tenative diagnosis of infection by what genera?
What produces a gas gangrene type of myonecrotic lesion?
Clostridium perfringens
Treponema pallidum has what cell shape and causes what disease?
Spirochete; syphilis
Gram stain of a blood culture from a 40 year old male patient with suspected subacute bacterial endocarditis reaveals gram positive cocci in chains. When plated on blood agar the organism grew and showed alpha-type hemolysis and was not inhibited by an optichin disc. What is the most likely causative organism?
Oral streptococci of the viradans group
What is descriptive of the family enterobacteriaceae?
gram negative found in the GI tract
What are the bacterial disease causative agents for severe diarrhea
Escherichia causes severe diarrhea
What are the bacterial disease causative agents for toxic shock syndrome?
Staphylococcus causes toxic shock syndrome
What are the bacterial disease causative agents for gas gangrene?
Clostridium causes gas gangrene
What are the bacterial disease causative agents for cholera?
Vibrio causes cholera
What are the bacterial disease causative agents for menigococcemia?
Neisseria causes menigococcemia
What are the bacterial disease causative agents for diptheria?
corynebacterium causes diptheria
What are the bacterial disease causative agents for gonorrhea
Neisseria causes gonorrhea
What are the bacterial disease causative agents for syphilis?
Treponema causes syphilis
What are the bacterial disease causative agents for anthrax?
Bacillus causes anthrax
What kind of diagnostic test would you use to check for S. aureus infection
Coagulase production
What kind of diagnostic test would you use to check for streptococcal pneumonia?
Optichin disc
What kind of diagnostic test would you use to check for strep throat?
Beta hemolysis on blood agar
What kind of diagnostic test would you use to check for gonorrhea?
Gram negative diplococci in exudase
What kind of diagnostic test would you use to check for tuberculosis
Acid fast organisms in sputnum
A growing culture of bacteria in log phase was inoculated at 6 PM into growth medium. They endered the log phase at 7 PM, and divided every 30 minutes. If the culture reached a cell concentration of 10 to the 9th per ml at 12 midnight, at what time was growth one-half of the maximum?
Which of the following is caused by a protozoan?
a. diptheria
b. poliomyelitis
c. malaria
d. psittacosis
e. epidemic typhus
C. malaria ?
In general, when is a culture of bacteria most susceptible to a lethal agent?
In the logarithmic phase of growth ?
Energy-yielding reactions are referred to as anaerobic respiration if the final hydrogen acceptor is:
inorganic compound other than atmospheric oxygen
After growth of an organism a nutrient broth + lactose tube you detect the following compounds present in the broth lactic acid, succinic acid and CO2, what is an appropriate conclusion?
The organism produces a lactase and derives its energy by a heterolactate fermentative pathway
Temperate bacteriophage have what special characteristic?
The ability to insert viral DNA sequences into the host cell genome