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70 Cards in this Set

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To show something that is usually covered.

Expose. V

The wolf opened its mouth to expose the row of sharp white teeth.

Alless was found guilty of possessing heroin.

Possess. V and formal ( means to own something, especially something valuable or important.

The lawyer asked if he could approach the bench.

Bench. N

the place where a judge sits in a court of law

It describes focal important areas and basic applied research.

Focal. Adj

Having central or great importance.

It describes focal areas and basic applied research.

Focal. Adj

Having central or great importance.

Their group does not affiliate itself with any political party.

Affiliate. V

Affiliation. N

To closely connect something with something such as program or organization.


the explanation of life and living processes in terms of the levels of organization of living systems rather than in terms of the properties of their smallest components.


to bring about the catalysis of (a chemical reaction)

Catalysis; a modification and especially increase in the rate of a chemical reaction induced by material unchanged chemically at the end of the reaction

a dedicated follower of the television show who wouldn't dream of missing an episode.

Dedicated. Adj

having very strong support for or loyalty to a person, group, cause, etc.

the destructive power of weapons

Destructive. Adj

Causing a great damage

In Japan there is a lot of emphasis on politeness / the course put emphasis on practical work.

Emphasis. N

a forceful quality in the way something is said or written

Vitamins are crucial for maintaining good health.

crucial. Adj

Extremely important

Vitamins are crucial for maintaining good health.

crucial. Adj

Extremely important

Eggs are very fragile.

fragile. Adj

Easily broken or damaged

Parents feared that the dog could endanger their children.

endanger. V

to cause (someone or something) to be in a dangerous place or situation

the exploitation of migrant workers

Exploitation. N

Exploitation;the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.

Migrant ; a person who goes from one place to another especially to find work

There are a few omissions in the list.

omission ; N

something that has not been included or done : something that has been omitted

I apologize for the omission of your name from the list. It was not intentional.

intentional. Adj

done in a way that is planned or intended

I apologize for the omission of your name from the list. It was not intentional.

intentional. Adj

done in a way that is planned or intended

Be aware be .................?



Land degradation.

تدهور الاراضي

Scarcity of food forced the herds to move.

Scarcity. N

Very small supply

a big, bulky football player

Bulky. Adj

large and difficult to carry or store

He was very vulnerable after his divorce.

vulnerable. Adj

Vulnerability. N

Vulnerableness. N

easily hurt or harmed physically, mentally, or emotionally

The military had to intervene to restore order.




To involve into something in order to have an influence of what happens

It's helpful to have concrete examples of how words are used in context.

Concrete/effective/ existent

Also . Concrete is used in building

The war in Syria is impermanent or ephemeral or transient

The opposite of permanent

Alassad bombards Aleppo in order to get terrorists out of the city.

Bombards : to attack a place with bombs

the enlightenment of the public through education

the state of having knowledge or understanding : the act of giving someone knowledge or understanding

The regime was subduing the protesters

Subdue : to get a control on something

Being a leader in energy engineering is my only desire

Desire ; a strong wish

The teacher starts the class while some students are lingering or crawl in the passages.

Linger ; to stay somewhere beyond the usual or expected time

Crawl; to move slowly or on hands and knees like babies

The flowers were becoming weaker or fading in the vase

Fade : to lose strength or freshness

They've tried or attempted a climb up Mount Everest once before.

Attempt ( noun and verb)

They've tried or attempted a climb up Mount Everest once before.

Attempt ( noun and verb)

He was angry about his suspension from the team.

; to force someone to leave his job

: the act of stopping or delaying something for a usually short period of time

: the act of making something invalid or ineffective for a usually short period of time

Her paintings never fail to fascinate.

to cause (someone) to be very interested in something or someone

ساحر - فاتن - جذاب

You may start by skimming through the entire text

Entire; complete or full : not lacking or leaving out any part

He's been feeling a lot of anxiety about his new job.

Anxiety; fear or nervousness

The massacre or genocide was committed by the rebel army.

Commit ;

to do (something that is illegal or harmful)

: to decide to use (a person, money, etc.) for some particular purpose or use

: to say that (someone or something) will definitely do something : to make (someone or something) obligated to do something

The oppression that is being in Egypt by the cruel authority.

Oppression ; the cruel behavior by the authority against people

Syenonm of cited ?


(Adjective ) forming a part from a whole ?


The origins of the language are 'obscure'.

Not well-know

The new system will 'optimize' the efficiency with which water is used.

To make something as good or as effective as possible

an 'intriguing' concept that should 'engender' much 'debate ' among climatologists.

Intriguing ; extremely interesting

Engender;to be the source or cause of (something)

Debate; a discussion between people in which they express different opinions about something

Arrivals from Muslim countries being 'detained' at US airports.

to officially prevent (someone) from leaving a place : to hold or keep (someone) in a prison or some other place

: to keep or prevent (someone) from leaving or arriving at the expected time

We may choose not to 'incorporate' all these variables into the model at first

to include (something) as part of something else

The photograph 'depicts' the two brothers standing in front of a store.

to show (someone or something) in a picture, painting, photograph, etc.

: to describe (someone or something) using words, a story, etc

To picture

In graduate school you may well need to discuss whether an idea is incontrovertible or not

Undoubtedly true

Molecules in liquid are relatively free to change their positions with respect to each other but they are restricted with "cohesive" forces to a practically constant volume.

Closely united

Molecules in liquid are relatively free to change their positions with respect to each other but they are restricted with "cohesive" forces to a practically constant volume.

Closely united

Most fluids "adhere" to Newton's Law of Viscosity.

: to stick to something : to attach firmly to something

Viscosity does not vary significantly with pressure and, as such, is assumed "solely" a function of temperature.

without anything or anyone else involved

: only or just

I'm sorry, I'm hearing you "faintly".

:not clearly seen, heard, tasted, felt, etc.

: very slight or small

: weak and dizzy

I'm sorry, I'm hearing you "faintly".

:not clearly seen, heard, tasted, felt, etc.

: very slight or small

: weak and dizzy

The boat was "leaking" water until it sank.

to let something (such as a liquid or gas) in or out through a hole in a surface

Saudi Aramco responded to an oil pipeline leak "incident" today near its Abqaiq facility.

an unexpected and usually unpleasant thing that happens

: an event or disagreement that is likely to cause serious problems in relations between countries.

Saudi Aramco responded to an oil pipeline leak "incident" today near its Abqaiq facility.

an unexpected and usually unpleasant thing that happens

: an event or disagreement that is likely to cause serious problems in relations between countries.

His songs perfectly captured the "zeitgeist" of 1960s America.

the general beliefs, ideas, and spirit of a time and place

this prize-winning biography will be the "benchmark" against which all others will be judged in future years

: something that can be used as a way to judge the quality or level of other, similar things

Not having a power or strength to move or take any action.....

Inertia. Noun

Not having a power or strength to move or take any action.....

Inertia. Noun

a usually good quality or feature that someone or something has.

Attribute. N

In mechanics : very narrow , not wide . Small or limited in amount or size.

Slender . Adj

In mechanics : very narrow , not wide . Small or limited in amount or size.

Slender . Adj

to become healthy or well again

: to make (someone or something) healthy or well again

Heal. V

In mechanics : very narrow , not wide . Small or limited in amount or size.

Slender . Adj

to become healthy or well again

: to make (someone or something) healthy or well again

Heal. V

to suggest (something, such as a plan or theory) to a person or group of people to consider

Propose. V