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178 Cards in this Set

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what can licking at the corner of another dogs mouth mean?

young dogs: solicits feeding

older dogs: information seeking, deference, solicitaion of signal/information

what can T-posture be a sign of?

threat, challenge, request for information about intent,confidence, assertiveness

what can mounting or pressure on back or shoulders of another dog mean?

challenge, solicitaion of information, assertivness

what does popping or snapping of upper and lower jaw mean in dogs?

capitulation (the action of surrendering), intent to comply as a less desirable outcome, pushiness, assertiveness

why is sense of touch important

it is a communication tool

give some examples of using touch for communication?

calming strokes (if fast and firm can excite instead, if too light it simply feels like something is crawling on them)

is the animal enjoys the sense of touch what might they do?

lean towards you or moan

what does touch communication build?

trust and care

what does a tail being up in feline communication mean?

greeting, play, sexual approach (females), willing to interact, affiliative gesture

what does tail quivering in feline body language mean?

spraying or sexual (female)

what does a concave tail in feline body language mean?

defensive aggresive

what does the tail being under the body in feline body language mean?

fearful,withdrawn, unwillingness to interact

what does tail wrapped around the body in feline body language mean?

cannot escape but not interested to interact

what does tail lower in feline body language mean?


what does tail up with pilo erect fur in feline body language mean?

fear, fully reactive

what is the difference in tail posture in feline body languagefor offensive and defensive?

defensive the tail is concave down, whereas in offensive it is straight down

what does mediatric mean?

dillated (think of d)

what does miasis mean?


what are the ears in cats saying when they are erected?

the cat is alert and focusing on stimulus

what is the different between facial signalling and body signaling in cats?

in cats facial signalling is much more subtle and can change very fast

what are the ears in cats saying when they are swiveled downwards and sideways?


what are the ears in cats saying when they are swiveled to display the inner pinnae sideways

passive aggressive, offensive or actively assertive (wondering?)

what are the ears in cats saying when they are pulled all the way down and to rear/ back of cat (pinnae not visible)

extreme , defensive, active

what are the eyes of a cat saying when they have miotic pupils

calm cat

what are the eyes of a cat saying when they have mydriatic pupils

fear or flight response

what are the eyes of a cat saying when they have oblong pupils

offensive aggresive (almond shaped)

in cats what are some signs of offensive behaviours?

triangle face

outward rotation of erect pinnae

opening of eyelids

closing of mouth

forward rotation of whiskers

intermittent or steady stare directed toward other individual

in cats what are some signs of fearful and evasive behavior

head and neck withdrawn

pinnae rotating backward but remaining erect to varying degree

pupils remain constricted and the cat typically avoids eye contact(survey surroundings, looks in other directions)

in cats what are some signs of aggressive behaviour

pupillary dilation,opening of mouth with exposure of the inscisor canines (defender will crouch down or lie its back ready to use all4s, eyes wide, ears flat, mouth open and hissing

If a defender wants to escape an agressive cat what will happen?

head lowered and no eye contact

in cats what are some signs of play and comfort behaviors

facial features alert

ear partially flattened

eyes variable relaxed

mouth open slightly

what does the consumatory face of a cat look like?

partially flattened ears, eyes closed or partially opened in distant gaze

what is the consummatory face associated with?

maintenance activity (eating, urinating, defacating, sharpening/ marking with claws, rolling) may be pleasurable

what is the body posture for offensive behavior

forward slanting, head slightly lowered, hind legs extended, rump elevated, back sloping downwards cranially

what is the body posture for defensive behavior

back arched and curved, tucking of head and tail, cat may crouch or lay down, may even roll and expose abdomen while keeping legs flexed as precaution and extending claws

what is the body posture for fearful aggressive behavior

some degree of both offensive and defensive elements, all legs extended (forelegs slighty) back arched, head tucked

what happens to the cat's body posture as the degree of fearful aggressivity increases

tail may become elevated with pilo erection extending beyond tip along length

why is the cats sense of touch an important way to communicate?

they are nocturnal hunters

what do cats use sense of touch for?

scan evironment, stalking, measuring location

why are the cats whiskers important?

for cats equilibrium, estimate size opening (without them cat may fall, have difficulty running or get stuck)

what are whiskers?

they are just normal fur found in hair follicle

what happens if whiskers are damaged or cut?

they will grow back assuming the hair follicle is not damaged

How are the whiskers on a cat located when they walk

whiskers are projected cranio laterally (wide angle scan)

How are the whiskers on a cat located when they rest

moved caudal laterally

How are the whiskers on a cat located when they greeting, defense or sniff

folded back along side of head

How are the whiskers on a cat located when they offensive aggression

rotate forward

what kind of muscle are the whiskers how are they controlled?


how do whiskers work exactly

they have nerve receptors at the follicle, help detect win current created by nearby objects

what will happen to a cat before an earth quake

the will become extremely fearful or excited, possibly do to electro change, ultra sonic vibration or possibly change in air pressure

what is the cats homing ability

when they are very territorial and tend to return to their home after a move

what do we call it when a cat returns to their home after a move

homing ability due to being territorial

what can cats and dogs here?

because of pinnae 180 degree possible turn they may here better than us also posssibly because tunnel formation of the ear

what is the range for dogs recetor sound

40 Hz to 65 kHz (higher frequency than humans)

what is the range for cat receptor sounds?

65 kHz, however they cannot localize sound very well,may be able to hear ultrasonic mice sound

what kind of advantages do auditory signals have over cats modality

flow around objects, travel for great distances, be modulated rapidly, be flexible

why is a cats sense of hearing relevant in a clinic?

because cats can hear xray and other machines we cannot which may frighten them

what are the five basic sounds produced by dogs?


warning sounds

elliciting sounds

withdrawl sounds

pleasure sounds

what are some examples of infantile sounds produced by dogs?

crying, whimpering,whining

what are some examples of warning sounds produced by dogs?


what are some examples of eliciting sounds produced by dogs?


what are some examples of withdrawl sounds produced by dogs?


what are some examples of pleasure sounds produced by dogs?


what is the function/ purpose of barking in dogs?

alert others / warning

territorial defense/ rivalry/ defense

individual indentification

social facilitation

play solicitation

greeting, call for attention

what is the function/ purpose of howls in dogs?

territorial maintenance

locate pack members

individual recognition

coordinate social activities/ hunting

attract others


what is an example of the reactive function from barking in dogs

response to police siren ect

what is the function/ purpose of growl in dogs?






what is the function/ purpose of whine in dogs?


frustration, pain


attention seeking


what word should we use instead of submissive


since so many sounds can mean different things, when analyzing a sound what should we focus on

context for example some dogs are quiet when aggressive

how many different vocalizations have been identified for cats?


list the groups of vocal display in cats






what does the purr mean in cats?

predominantly used by kittens when suckling

often used in positive social interations

when cats purr does it always means that they are happy?

no just like dogs with tail wagging

when do cats start to purr

2 days of age

where does the purr originate from?

oscillations of the vocal cords

what does the chirr mean in cats?

greeting sound used between friendly, farmiliar cats

can also be used to call kittens from nest

what is a chirr

like a meow with rolled rs

what does the call mean in cats?

female solliciting male, maes who fight each other can also at times produce the same sound

what is a call from a cat?

loud murmur produced with closed mouth

what does the meow mean in cats?

meow for many reasons

what is the most variable sound produced by cats?


what is the most common human to cat vocalization?


what does the gnarl/snarl/hiss mean in cats?

open mouth calls given in both offensive and defensive situtations

why are cats mouth's open when gnarl/snarl/hissing?

show off teeth (weapon)

what does the chatter mean in cats?

they chatter their teeths when watching unattainable play,but can also be a sign of underlying anxiety

In what does scent play an important role in, for cats and dogs?

communication, social behavior, sexual activity and food appreciation

what do olfactory signals provide information on?

species, sex, individual identity (all at close range or medium range)

what can olfactory signals not provide information on?

rapid changed in emotional states

what is VNO

vomeronasal organ or jacobson's organ, it is an sense organ found in many animals, (no more use in humans)

how does the vemoeronasal organ work?

it contains specific sensory neurons that detect chemical stimuli (ex pheromones)

how does the vomeronasal connect in cats and dogs?

connects to mouth via duct located behind upper incisors

which domestic specie posses the greatest olfactory acuity

dog, due to complex olfactory epithelium (can detect small concentrations of volatile compounds)

what do dogs exhibit instead of cats in VNO

tongueing (tongue rapidly and repeatedly placed behind upper, transferring material to VNO (can be used my males to find female in estrous)

what odor cues might urine and feces contain?

individual identification (sex and reproductive status) and freshness can indicate temporal pattern

do female dogs also urine mark?

yes but less frenquent than males

what information might a female dog be transferring by urine marking?

reproductive status

what do male dogs use urine marking for?

counter marking another dogs urine

does castration help stop urine marking?

yes , 50% of cases improve after castration (indoor urination)

what is the pattern of defecation in resident wolves as apposed to lone wolves

resident wolves defecate in a pattern around their territory as a sort of keep out sign as for the lone wolf defecate fair from their trail as to not leave a trail

when greeting other dogs where are some places a dog might smell

head, ano-genital region, with dogs that no each other usuallya cocominant oro-anal sniffing

which areas do females prefer to smell on other dogs>


which areas do males prefer to smell on other dogs

ano-genital region

what may happen after urination and defecation in dogs?

scratching which may be another olfactory signal from interdigit scent glands

What is FFP

feline facial pheromones, calming for most cats can reduce fear and increase normal grooming and food intake in sick and healthy cats

what is flehmen?

animal curls back its upper lips exposing front teeth, inhales with nostrils holds position

when might flehmen be performed by an animal?

in a site of particular interest (ex urine, feces) may be performed with neck stretched

what is flehmen used for?

do better transfer information to VNO (roof of mouth) also used by ungulates and felids

where are cats most likely to mark?

within their territory, however this does deter other cats from entering

what is the most important communication factor of urine in cats?

breeding although stress in social situation can also be communicated

what are the two marjor types of urination in cats

spraying and non spraying

do only males spray urine (cats)?

no females do aswell but not as often, victim of aggression may also spray

if neutered will a cat still spray?

yes it can still spray however if neutered as the problem is just beginning it may stop it all together

where will a cat typically spray ?

trees along his/her most frequent travelled path

how often can a marking of urine occur in non-breeding tom cats?


how often can this urine marking occur in breeding male cats


how often can urine marking happen in queen in heat?

1x/ hr

is spraying more frequent in estrous or non estros females (cat)


what is a way to fix spraying?

assuming it isnt a health / stress problem, we can ensure the correct number of litter boxes as well as keeping them clean, in appropriate areas and use of feline hormone

what is scratching for a cat?

a way of depositing secretion from sebateous paw pad glands and facilitaTES REMOVAL OF LOOSE CLAW SHEATHS

would a cat prefer an old scratching post or new

it depends on the cat but the more the post is scratched the more significant it is to the cat

what is allogrooming?

grooming another, it is a way of having a shared pack scent

where are sebateous glands found on cats

tail, forehead, lip,chin, paw pad also associated with cheek ears and flank

what is bunting (cats)

rubbing on people, way of depositing smell same as with rolling

what does cat nip do to cats?

it induces behavior, face rubbing, rolling and may lick, chew, eat cat nip

how do cats learn how to use the litter box?

they are instinctively born with this logic

do cats care where the litter is placed?

it depends on the cat but most do

what can urinating outside the litter box be a sign of?

sick cat, dirty box, not enough boxes

should the food and water bowls be placed together?

no becuase if a cat drops food in his water he may refuse to drink it

do cats prefer a cover on the litter box?

some do and some dont, they do enjoy their privacy however they are prey and can not see any one approaching when there is a lid on the litter box

does clumping litter need to be changed ? or is scooping okay?

changed and daily scooping

do cats prefer scented litter?

no, the scent is usually for us

how many litter boxes should you home have ?

one more litter than you have cats

can the stress of limited enrichment affect negatively behavior as well as physiological health?


what can be a "fun" therapy for an obese cat?

environmental enrichment

where do cats like to eat?

in quiet areas

what is a way to positively influence water drinking?

freshness of water, taste, shape of container

are aggressive dogs dominant?

no there are many different aspects ex fear, dogs can learn to supress fear signs and therefore appear more offensively aggresive

are dogs who pull the leash, jump on people, sleep on beds dominant?

no ususally these behaviors are from not being trained, bed is alsomore comfortable(if you do not want these behaviors, consistency is key)

when training large dogs you must use a prong collar

not necessarily, reinforcement is better than punishment

when your dog is aggressive towards strangers it is simply protecting you

not really, there may be other factors, they read our body language and if we show signs of fear and axiety the may pick up on that

dogs exiting before you is a sign of dominance

no really dogs simply walk faster than us and are usually motivated to get to what is on the other side of that door, plus this is a human idea dogs do not think in the sense that a doorway can be dominant

cats are solitary and like to be left alone

false serperation can become stressful for cats and can be expressed through urination, vomitting, defecation, lack of appetite, not eating and with exhuberant greetings when you return

what is a happy cat?

limit alone time + environmental enrichment

cats dont get along with other cats

false cats enjoy the company of other cats theysimply choose their company, for example when there is enough food cats do choose to live together, female cats will even nurse together, cats social interactions simply differ from ours

giving a dog a chew toy is promoting him to chew on everything

false dogs discriminate well and can easily determine off limit objects, it is quite dangerous to have a dog without a chew object (like a zoo animal on bars)

do cats eat herbs to vomit hairballs?

cannot be certain however they may simly like the taste or have developped a habit. uncooked vegetable or simple large quantities can be difficult to digest because they irritate the stomach which can lead to vomitting (indoor cats dont have much acces to herbs there fore when they do they eat it in large amounts which can lead to vommiting)

is a cat simply being mean when it catches mice without killing or eating them?

cats like to hunt it is in the nature, sometimes however they simply don't know how to kill where as hunting is innate

when a dog is barking, urinating inside, tearing up evrything when you leave him alone he is being spiteful

false dogs do not understand the behavior of spite and this behavior will most commonly be caused by anxiety or lack of social enrichment

it is important to rub a dogs nose in his feces or urine to properly house train him

false, the best way to train an animal is to reward good behavior, when using punnishers dog often cannot understand the reason from punishment and may make wrong associations

do dogs need to cock their leg to be marking?


if your dog marks on you what might that indicate

that this dog may be anxious, anxious dogs may mark on their own people as a way to calm themseslves or highlight that they care

cat litter boxes issues are always behavior problems and cannot be solved

false they may be an indication of health problem or stress, the litter box may also be the wrong size at the wrong location, have the wrong litter, the wrong amount of litter boxes, there are many reason

when a dog looks guilty it is because they know theyve done something wrong

false this guilty feeling is an example of anthropomorphism the dog doesnt have this guilty feeling instead the look can be a look of submission or fear either from expecting punishment when the owner come home or even simply by reading the owners angry body language

dogs chase their tails because they are bored

false we do not know enough about his to say it is out of boredom (ex bull terrier with OCD) it has also been seen in wild animals with inproper environment

playing tug of war makes dogs aggressive

there is no evidence of this and the enriching behaviour is actually to focus on prey the toy and teach cooperation

my dog is aggressive / fearful/ shy because it was abused as a puppy

its not always from being abused some dogs didnt have a great socialization period, others could have been abondoned just because you get a pet from the SPCA does not mean it is always abused or fearful or aggressive

what is the key to over comming fear?


what is the age for kittens to be socialized

2-7 weeks

what sense do dog have that is significantly better than humans and what is it used for

scent, rescue or hunting, bomb tracking

why do purebreds suffer from common diseases?

pure breds arise from a small number of dogs therefore all their genetic problems were passed on

why did humans change dog species?

To accomodate our needs / desires ex looks, hunting

what advantage do dogs have over wolves

they rely on us and trust us, look to us for help

what is a proof of marking in cats?

vertical surfaces

what is proof of marking for dogs?

small urines possibly at the ssame spot or a type of urination that differs from their normal urination

what can be communicated through urine marking?

sexual status, illness, property

can dogs be dominant or submissive?

they can exhibit these behaviors but not classified as a whole

what do cats do before eating


how do sick cats prefer their food?

at room temp (like when they hunt), multiple bowls for multiple cats

what is the difference with zoo animation and zoo therapy?

animation = fun

therapy = goal

what is an example of a cognitive lost in humans?

a learning problem that happened after birth, possibly from an accident

what does pallative mean?

end of life

when doing zoo therapy what is the animal?

a tool, the worker does al the work sometimes stuffed animals are used in place of real ones

what kind of dog do we want for zoo therapy?

the dog with the best adaptability

when can desensitization occur?

14 weeks

what are some positive influnces of animals on people

decrease loneliness, anxiety, isolation, blood pressure, medicine intake, and increase in affection, tenderness, sense of security, activity level (fitness improvement) self-esteem and sense of purpose

what abilities most a pet therapy worker have?

social science, health, education, animal behaviour training, pet therapy training

what should we keep in mind when choosing a breed for pet therapy?

color, size, health issue, activity level, maintenance cost ect.

what is the role of AHT in zoo therapy

to give professional opinion on whether a dog is good for this kind of job, make sure the dog is in good hep, always get his shots and doesn't show signs of over exhaustion or anxiety