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53 Cards in this Set

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two types of new product pricing strategies?
market skimming and market penetration
Whats market skimming?
charge a high price initialy to skim revenue layers from the market
4 things that must take place for market skimming to work?
product quality must be high to support price, demand must exist, cost less than price, and no competitor market entry
whats market penetration
firm charges low initial price to attract a large number of buyers quickly
3 requirements for market penetration
must be a price sensitive market, cost of production and distribution must fall when producing high volumes, and low prices must eliminate competition
5 product mix pricing strategies?bppoc
by product pricing, product bundle pricing, product line pricing, optional product pricing, and captive product pricing
This is when you set price steps between product line members, give example
product line pricing, good better best
Pricing options or accessories along with the main product
optional product pricing, like navigation
Setting a price for products that must be used with the main product
captive product pricing
Seeking a market for by-products of production to make the price of the main products more competitive
by product pricing, wood chips
offering combinations of products at a reduced price
product bundling pricing
what two part pricing?
breaking the price into fixed fees and variable fees, cell phone with internet
This type of price adjustment will reduce prices to reward preferred customer responses
discount and allowance pricing
whats discount pricing 2 examples
reduction of price, cash discount for paying promptly, or quantity discount for buying in volume
Whats allowance pricing and example
cash back in exchange for something of value, trade in allowance for cars
Selling a product at different prices to different segments even though product costs are the same
segmented pricing
3 things that are required for segmented pricing to be effective
market must be segmentable, segments must show different demand, and different pricing reflect different precieved values
Considering the psychology of prices in addition to the economics; price signals something about the product
psychological pricing
Whats a reference price, wheres it used and what 3 things shape it
price that buyer has in there mind, during psychological pricing, knowledge of current prices, memories of past prices, and evaluation of the buying situation
When prices are temporarily priced belwo list price or cost in order to increase sales
promotional pricing
what are loss leaders
products sold below cost to bring people into store
3 ways to reduce long term pricing
low interest finance, longer warrantees, and free maintenance
what the risk of promotional pricing
frequent use can create deal prone customers who wait for a sale and avoid buying regular prices
This is setting prices for customers in different parts of the country or world
geographical pricing
same price plus freight to all customers, regardless of location
uniformed delivered price
customers within a given zone pay a single total price
zone pricing
customers pay freight cost from base point city to the customer location
basing point pricing
when prices are adjusted continually to meet the characteristics and needs of the individual custoemr
dynamic pricing, airplanes
prices are set in a specific country based on country specific factors
international pricing
2 reasons why price cuts occur?
excess capacity, desire to increase market share
selling below cost with the intention of punishing a comptetitor or putting them out of business
predatory pricing
sellers collude with competitiors to set prices
price fixing
4 solutions to competitors prices change
match price, raise precieved value, improve quality, or launch lower price brand
2 reasons for price cuts
excess capacity, desire to increase market share
3 reasons for prices increase
cost inflation, increased demand, and lack of supply
a set of interdependent organizations that help make a product or service available for ue or consumption by the consumer
marketing channel, or distribution channel
Why do companies use distribution channels?
it affects everything in the entire marketing decision.
what do distribution channels do when talking about promotion
developing and spreading persuasive communications about an offer
finding and communicating with prospective buyers
shaping and fitting the offer to the buer's needs, including activities such as manufacturing, grading, assembling, and packaging
transporting and storing goods?
physical distribution
4 channel functions
promotion, contact, matching, and physical distribution.
A marketing channel that has no intermediary levels?
direct marketing channel
when members at different levels of a channel work together in a unified way to accomplish the work of the channel
vertical marketing system
a channel containing one or more intermediary levels?
indirect marketing channel
conflicts between different levels of the same channel
vertical conflict
firms at the same level of the channel that has conflict
horizontal conflict
a vertical marketing system that combines successive stages of production and distribution under single ownership
corporate vertical marketing system
a vertical marketing system in which independent firms at different levels of production and distribution join together through contracts to obtain more sales
contractual vms
a vertical marketing system that coordinates successive stage of production and distribution, through the size and power of one of the parties
administered vms
managing upstream and downstream value added flows of materials, final goods, and related information among suppliers, the company, resellers, and final consumers
supply chain management
4 primary supply chain management functions
suppliers company resellers and customers
a large highly automated warehouse designed to receive goods from various plants and suppliers, take orders, fill them efficiently, and deliver goods to customers as quickly as possible
distribution center