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66 Cards in this Set

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What is continuous variation?

When individuals in a population vary within a range - no distinct categories.

Can be shown by quantitative data (values that can be measured by numbers)

What is discontinuous variation?

When there are two or more distinct categories - each individual fall into only one of these blood groups, no intermediates.

Shown by qualitative data (data that doesn't contain any numbers).

What is phenotypic variation?

The variation in an organism's phenotype.

Describe the genes and alleles of individuals of the same species.

Individuals of the same organism have the same genes, but different alleles.

Explain how sexual reproduction leads to variation in genotypes within a species.

• Meiosis produces gametes with a unique assortment of alleles through crossing over and independent assortment of chromosomes.

• Random fusion of gametes during fertilisation increases genetic variation of offspring

• Differences in genotype result in phenotypic variation.

Example of genotype leading to phenotypic variation.

Human blood group - three different blood group alleles, resulting in four different blood groups.

Describe polygenic characteristics.

• Characteristics influenced by many genes

• Characteristics show continuous variation

e.g. skin colour

Define monogenic characteristics.

• Characteristic controlled by one gene

• Characteristic shows discontinuous variation.

e.g. flower colour (white or violet)

Describe how the environment can cause phenotypic variation.

• Differences in the environment (climate, food, lifestyle) affect characteristics

• Characteristics controlled by environmental factors change over an organism's life

2 examples of phenotypic variation as a result of the environment.


↳ plants grow abnormally long and spindly as not receiving enough light


↳ plants don't produce enough chlorophyll and turn yellow

↳ caused by lack of magnesium in soil.

Describe how phenotypic variation can arise due to both genotype and the environment.

• Genotype influences the characteristics and organism is born with, but environmental factors can influence how the characteristics develop.

• Most phenotypic variation caused by the combination of both genotype and environmental factors

• Usually show continuous variation

Example of phenotypic variation in animals caused by both the genotype and environmental factors.


↳ partly genetic, strongly influenced by environmental factors such as diet

↳ if diet doesn't contain enough of right nutrients, body mass is likely lower than that determined by genes

↳ mass varies in a range, so continuous variation

Example of phenotypic variation in plants caused by both the genotype and environmental factors.

↳ there are tall and dwarf forms (discontinuous) determined by genotype
↳ exact height of tall and dwarf plant varies (continuous) due to environmental factors (light intensity, water availability)


↳ there are tall and dwarf forms (discontinuous) determined by genotype

↳ exact height of tall and dwarf plant varies (continuous) due to environmental factors (light intensity, water availability)

Explain why most plants and animals have two alleles of each gene.

• One allele from each parent

• Inherit one copy of each chromosome of a pair from parents

Define homozygous.

Organism carries two copies of the same allele.

Define heterozygous.

Organism carries two different alleles.

Define dominant allele.

How are they represented?

An allele whose characteristic appears in the phenotype even when there's only one copy.

Represented by a capital letter.

Define recessive allele.

How are they represented?

An allele whose characteristic appears in the phenotype only when there are two copies present.

Shown by lower case letters.

Define codominant allele.

An allele whose characteristic appears together with another allele in the phenotype because neither allele is recessive.

2 examples of codominant alleles.

• Horses → alleles for white hair or coloured hair

are codominant, so a horse with one copy of each allele has a roan coat (mixture of white and coloured hairs)

• Alleles for sickle-cell anaemia, genetic disorder caused by mutation in haemoglobin gene → cause red blood cells to be sickle shaped.

Define carrier.

A person carrying an allele which is not expressed in the phenotype but that can be passed on to offspring.

Example of a carrier.


• inherited disease caused by mutation in CFTR gene

• recessive disease, so both CFTR alleles need to be mutated in order for someone to get the disease

• if someone has one mutated CFTR allele and one normal CFTR allele, they won't have cystic fibrosis but will be a carrier.

Describe how the genotype of an organism is produced.

• Gametes contain one allele for each gene

• Gametes from two parents fuse together, the allele from each parent forms the genotype of the offspring produced.

What is monogenic inheritance?

The inheritance of a characteristic controlled by a single gene.

What do monogenic crosses show?

The likelihood that different alleles of a gene with a monogenic characteristic are inherited by offspring of particular parents.

What is the F₁ generation?

The crossing of two homozygous parents.

Describe the result of a monogenic cross with two homozygous parents.

Always produce all heterozygous offspring in the F₁ generation.

What is the F₂ generation?

The crossing between the parents from the F₁ generation i.e. two heterozygous parents.

Define phenotypic ratios.

The ratio of different phenotypes in the offspring.

State the predicted results of a monogenic cross with two heterozygous parents.

3 : 1 ratio of dominant : recessive characteristics.

Why will you not always get the expected phenotypic ratios?

Due to linkage and epistasis.

Hᴺ → normal haemoglobin

Hⁿ → sickle haemoglobin

Describe the different phenotypes that can arise and their corresponding genotypes.

• Homozygous for normal haemoglobin → don't have disease → HᴺHᴺ

• Homozygous for sickle haemoglobin → have sickle-cell anaemia → HⁿHⁿ

• Heterozygous → have sickle-cell trait → some normal and some sickle haemoglobin → HᴺHⁿ

State the phenotypic ratio for the monogenic cross of two heterozygous parents with codominant alleles.

1 : 2 : 1 ratio of

homozygous for one allele : heterozygous : homozygous for other allele

In ABO blood group system, there are three alleles for blood type:

• Iº is allele for blood group O

• Iᴬ is allele for blood group A

• Iᴮ is allele for blood group B

State the different phenotypes that can arise and their corresponding genotypes.

Allele Iº is recessive, and alleles Iᴬ and Iᴮ are codominant.

• Group A → IᴬIᴬ, IᴬIº

• Group B → IᴮIᴮ, IᴮIº

• Group AB → IᴬIᴮ

• Group O → IºIº

What is dihybrid inheritance?

The inheritance of two characteristics, which are controlled by different genes.

Each of the two genes will have different alleles.

What do dihybrid crosses show?

The likelihood of offspring inheriting certain combinations of the two characteristics from particular parents.

What is the phenotypic ratio when you do a dihybrid cross with two heterozygous parents?

9 : 3 : 3 : 1 of

dominant both : dominant first, recessive second : recessive first, dominant second : recessive both

State what sex chromosomes males and females have.

• Females have two X chromosomes (XX)

↳ homogametic, only one kind of sex chromosome

• Males have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome (XY)

↳ heterogametic, two kinds of sex chromosomes

What does it mean if a characteristic is sex-linked?

The alleles that code for those characteristics are located on a sex chromosome.

State the names for chromosomes that are carried only on the X chromosome and Y chromosome.

• Only carried on X chromosome → X-linked genes

• Only carried on Y chromosome → Y-linked genes

Explain why most genes on sex chromosomes are only carried on the X chromosome (X-lined genes).

The Y chromosome is smaller than the X chromosome so carries fewer genes.

Explain why males are more likely than females to show recessive phenotypes for sex-linked genes.

• Males only have one X chromosome, so often only have one allele for sex-linked alleles.

• As they only have one copy, they express the characteristic of this allele even if it is recessive.

What are X-linked and Y-linked disorders?

• X-linked disorders are genetic disorders carried on the X chromosome

• Y-linked disorders are genetic disorders carried on the Y chromosome

Examples of genetic disorders.

Colour blindness and haemophilia

↳ both X-linked disorders

How do you express sex-linked alleles in genetic diagrams.

As they are sex-linked you need to represent both the chromosome and the allele.

↳ e.g. Xⁿ → X represents the X chromosome and the n represents the recessive allele.

If the allele for colour blindness is recessive and X-linked, what genotype is required for males and females?

Is colour blindness more common in males or females?

• Females require two copies of recessive allele to be colour blind

• Males only need one copy of the recessive allele to be colour blind

• Colour blindness more common in males.

• X - female

• Y - male

• N - normal colour vision allele

• n - faulty colour vision allele (X-linked)

Draw the genetic cross diagram for the offspring between a carrier female and an unaffected male. State the phenotypic ratios.

• 3 : 1 ratio of offspring without colourblindness : offspring with colour-blindness

• 2 : 1 : 1 ratio of female offspring without colour blindness : male offspring without colour blindness : male offspring with colour blindness

• 3 : 1 ratio of offspring without colourblindness : offspring with colour-blindness

• 2 : 1 : 1 ratio of female offspring without colour blindness : male offspring without colour blindness : male offspring with colour blindness

• X - female

• Y - male

• N - normal colour vision allele

• n - faulty colour vision allele (X-linked)

Draw the genetic cross diagram for the offspring between a carrier female and a male with colour blindness. State the phenotypic ratio.

1 : 1 ratio of offspring with colour-blindness : offspring without colour-blindness
↳ ratio will be the same for each gender

1 : 1 ratio of offspring with colour-blindness : offspring without colour-blindness

↳ ratio will be the same for each gender

Define autosome.

Any chromosome that isn't a sex chromosome.

Define autosomal genes.

Genes that are located on the autosomes.

What does it mean that autosomes are linked?

• They are on the same autosome

• They will stay together during the independent assortment of chromosomes in meiosis I, so their alleles will be passed on to the offspring together

When are two genes on an autosome more closely linked?


• Genes that are closer together on the autosome are more closely linked.

• Less likely to be split up during crossing over.

If two genes are autosomally linked, explain the effect on the phenotypic ratio in the offspring of a dihybrid cross between heterozygous parents.

• Expect 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 ratio in the offspring

• However, phenotypic ratio more similar to that of a monogenic cross between two parents (3 : 1) as two autosomally-linked genes will be inherited together

↳ higher proportion of offspring have parents' genotype (heterozygous) and phenotype

Explain the difference in the expected phenotypic ratio and the actual phenotypic ratio.

Explain the difference in the expected phenotypic ratio and the actual phenotypic ratio.

For the NnRr and nnrr genotype to be so common, the NR and nr alleles in the NnRr parents must have been linked.

↳ mostly produced NR and nr gametes

↳ some Nr and nR gametes produced due to crossing over, but fewer Nnrr and nnRr offspring overall

As a result, a higher proportion of the offspring have their parents' phenotypes.

What is epistasis?

• Different genes can control the same characteristic → by interacting together, they form the phenotype

• Epistasis is when the allele of one gene masks the expression of the alleles of other genes.

What does it mean if gene 1 is epistatic to gene 2?

Gene 1 can mask the expression of gene 2.

What does it mean if the epistatic allele is recessive?

Two copies of the epistatic allele are required to mask the expression of the other gene.

If you have a recessive epistatic allele, what is the expected phenotypic ratio from two heterozygous parents.

9 : 3 : 4 phenotypic ratio of dominant both : dominant epistatic, recessive other : recessive epistatic.

What does it mean if the epistatic allele is dominant?

Having at least one copy of the epistatic allele will mask the expression of the other gene.

If you have a dominant epistatic allele, what is the expected phenotypic ratio from two heterozygous parents.

12 : 3 : 1 phenotypic ratio of dominant epistatic : recessive epistatic, dominant other : recessive both.

What is the chi-squared test, χ²?

Statistical test used to see if the results of an experiment support a theory.

How to carry out the chi-squared test to see if results of an experiment support a theory.

1. Make a null hypothesis
2. Use theory to predict the results = expected results
3. Carry out experiment and record actual result = observed results
4. Carry out χ² test to see whether outcome supports or rejects the null hypothesis

1. Make a null hypothesis

2. Use theory to predict the results = expected results

3. Carry out experiment and record actual result = observed results

4. Carry out χ² test to see whether outcome supports or rejects the null hypothesis

How to work out the number of offspring expected for each phenotype for a chi squared test.

E = [total number of offspring / ratio total] x predicted ratio.

What is the critical value?

The value of χ² that corresponds to a 0.05 (5%) level of probability that the difference between the observed and expected results is due to chance.

What does it mean if your χ² value is greater than the critical value?

- There is a significant difference between the observed and expected results (so something other than chance is causing the difference)

- The null hypothesis is rejected

What does it mean if your χ² value is less than the critical value?

- There is no significant difference between the observed and expected results

- The null hypothesis is accepted.