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26 Cards in this Set

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anterior fontanel
the space where the frontal angle of the parietal bones meet the two ununited halves of the frontal bone
posterior fontanel
the space where the occipital angles of the parietal bones meet the occipital
anterolateral fontanels
an interval on either side of the head where the frontal angle of the temporal bones and greater wing of the sphenoid meet
posterlateral fontanels
the interval on either side of the head between the mastoid angle of the parietal bone, the temporal bone, and the occipital bone
coronal suture
joins the frontal bone to the two parietal bones
frontal bone
bone that closes the anterior part of the cranial cavity and forms the skeleton of the forehead
lambdoid suture
joins the two parietal bones to the occipital bone
occipital bone
bone situated at the posterior and inferior part of the cranium; articulating with the two parietal and two temporal bones
parietal bones
bones forming part of the superior and lateral surfaces of the skull, and joining each other in the midline at the sagittal suture
sagittal suture
joins one parietal bone to the other parietal bone
squamous suture
joins the parietal bones to the temporal bones
temporal bones
bones forming part of the lateral surfaces and the base of the skull, and containing the organs of hearing
6 groups of axial bones
bones of the skull / ossicles of each ear / lower jaw / hyoid bone / vertebral column / chest
8 paired bones of the skull
nasal concha / lacrimal bone / maxilla / nasal bone / palatine / parietal bone / temporal bone / zygomatic bone
5 unpaired bones of the skull
ethmoid / frontal bone / occipital bone / sphenoid bone / vomer
5 markings of the skull
supraorbital foramen / mastoid process / styloid process / condyloid process / coronoid process
5 ear, jaw and neck bones
ear: incus, malleus, stapes
jaw: mandible
neck: hyoid (floating bone)
cervical spine
7 neck vertebrae (concave)
thoracic spine
12 chest vertebrae (connect to the 12 ribs) (convex)
loosely connect or join
lumbar spine
5 lower back vertebrae (concave)
sacral spine
5 fused vertebrae in the shape of a triangle; articulates to the ilium bones of the pelvis
coccyx (coccygeal spine)
the tailbone; 4 or 5 fused vertebrae
intervertebral discs
composed of fibrous tissue and cartilage between the vertebrae
12 ribs
true ribs (1-7)
false ribs (8-10)
floating ribs (11-12) (also false)
3 bones of the chest: manubrium (handle) / sternal angle (where handle meets body) / body (middle) / xiphoid process