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20 Cards in this Set

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special importance that is given to something .

emphasis. تشديد


The course has a vocational emphasis.

وبالطبع لديه التركيز المهني.

to make sure that something happens or is definite. - محدد -

ensure. ضمان


Victory ensured them a place in the final.

deny - نفي - (someone) access to or bar (someone) from a place, group, or privilege.

opposite include

exclude. استبعد


Buses run every hour, Sundays excluded.
1 the parts of a building or an object that support its weight and give it shape. - شكل -

framework. الإطار


They established a basic framework of ground rules for discussions.

أنشأوا إطارا أساسيا من القواعد الأساسية للمناقشات

cash in hand, finances

funds. أموال


The hospital is trying to raise funds for a new kidney - الكلى - machine

(of a book, newspaper, etc.) containing pictures or other graphical material.

(من كتاب، صحيفة، الخ) التي تحتوي على صور أو مواد الرسومية الأخرى

illustrated. يتضح


an illustrated collection of poems.

مجموعة يتضح من القصائد"

1 the process of coming to live permanently in a country that is not your own; the number of people who do this.

عملية يأتون للعيش بشكل دائم في البلاد التي ليست خاصة بك. عدد الأشخاص الذين يفعلون ذلك

immigration. هجرة


laws restricting - تقييد - immigration into the US.

to suggest that something is true or that you feel or think something, without saying so directly.

imply. يعني


His silence seemed to imply agreement.
existing or occurring at the beginning.

initial. أول


our initial impression was favorable.

الانطباع الأولي كان لدينا مواتية"

a particular example or case of something.



The report highlights a number of instances of injustice.

the act of communicating with somebody, especially while you work, play or spend time with them.

interaction. تفاعل


the interaction between performers and their audience.

التفاعل بين الفنانين وجمهورهم

a good reason why something exists or is done.

justification. مبرر


I can see no possible justification for any further - مزيد - tax increases.

a quantity or thickness of something that lies over a surface or between surfaces.

كمية أو سمك شيء أن تقع على سطح أو بين السطوح

layer. طبقة


How many layers of clothing are you wearing?
connection between two or more people or things.

link. حلقة الوصل

verb or noun

evidence for a strong causal link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.

دليل على وجود علاقة سببية قوية بين التعرض لسرطان الجلد والشمس

a particular place or position.



What is the exact location of the ship?

as great, high, or intense as possible or permitted.

بقدر كبير، وعالية، أو كثافة ممكن أو المسموح بها


adjective or noun

a maximum of 30 children in a class.
the smaller part of a group; less than half of the people or things in a large group.

minority. أقلية


For a minority, the decision was a disappointment.
bad or harmful.

سيئة أو ضارة



The crisis had a negative effect on trade.

وكان للأزمة تأثير سلبي على التجارة.

the result or effect of an action or event.

outcome. نتيجة


We are waiting to hear the final outcome of the negotiations. المفاوضات
the state of being a partner in business.

partnership. شراكة


Marriage should be an equal partnership.

ينبغي أن يكون الزواج شراكة متساوية