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15 Cards in this Set

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Autonomic NS innervates...
Involuntary muscle: smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glands
Autonomic NS AKA
Visceral NS or "hollow organs"
Sympathetic NS AKA

Pre-ganglionic nerves originate...
Thoracolumbar division

In gray matter of spinal cord segments T1-L2
Parasympathetic NS AKA

Preganglionic nerves originate...
Craniosacral division

Pre-ganglionic nerves in brainstem and gray matter of spinal cord S2-S4
Both parasympathetic and sympathetic utilize...
Two neuron system to innervate viscera

Pre-ganglionic neuron --> synapse at ganglion --> post-ganglionic neuron innervates muscle or gland
Sympathetic division responses
Fight or flight
Catabolic (energy expending)
Dilate pupils
Increase cardiac output
Innervate smooth muscle around blood vessels
Innervate sweat glands
Innervate arrector pili (goose bumps)
Sympathetic effectors are found...
Throughout entire body

(Parasympathetic are not found in limbs or skin)
Parasympathetic effectors are not found...
In skin or limbs (so head and trunk only)
Parasympathetic responses
Anabolic (energy conserving)
Promotes rest and digest
Decrease heart rate
Constrict pupils
Increase GI motility

Also a two-neuron system
Cell bodies of pre-ganglionic sympathetic neurons found...
In lateral horns of the spinal cord gray matter between T1 and L2
Cell bodies of post-ganglionic sympathetic neurons found...
1. In paravertebral ganglia (sympathetic chain)
2. Prevertebral ganglia - ganglia located along aorta in the abdomen (ex. celiac and mesenteric ganglia)
Sympathetic chain extends from....
Superior cervical ganglia at base of skull to
Ganglion impar inferiorly (near coccyx)

*Only sympathetic division
Sympathetic chains connect to... via...
Spinal nerves (ventral rami) via rami communicans throughout length of vertebral column
Visceral motor neurons (efferent) pathway
Exit spinal cord (cell body in lateral horn) via ventral root and enter spinal nerve

Now enter sympathetic chain via white ramus communicans, synapse, and exit via gray ramus communicans

Either exit immediately or ascend or descend (synapse occurs at level where exit, so after ascending or descending)

Where they can then travel to the back/skin of the back via dorsal ramus or to the rest of the body via ventral ramus
Visceral sensory nerves...
Convey info back to CNS concerning status of viscera

One-neuron system

Cell bodies found in DRG

Enter spinal cord via dorsal root --> dorsal horn

Enter at closest spinal cord level; do not ascend or descend