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18 Cards in this Set

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group of cell bodies in PNS

Dual innervation/antagonistic control

parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers innervate tissues

pelvic splanchnic nerves

axons of preganglionic cell bodies located in S2-S4 region that enervate pelvic organs

thoracolumbar division

Sympathetic division; go from T1-L2 region of spinal cord

Sympathetic trunk ganglion

sympathetic ganglion create ganglion chain in thorax

Collateral ganglion

sympathetic ganlia not part of the sympathetic trunk

White ramus communicans

myelinated nerve branch of sympathetic trunk that provide passage for preganglionic sympathetic fibers from anterior root

Gray ramus communicans

unmyelinated postganglionic axons that enter ventral or dorsal roots through these branches

splanchnic nerves

fibers at t5 and below that form synapses in collateral ganglia

Differences between somatic and autonomic motor pathways

1. somatic motor pathways have one neuron connecting the CNS to PNS (lower motor neuron)

2. autonomic pathways have two neurons connecting the CNS to PNS (preganglionic and postganglionic neurons)

3. Somatic and parasympathetic motor pathways always use ACh as NT; sympathetic pathways have postganglionic neuron use NE

Explain how adrenal medulla works as "modified sympathetic ganglion"

How is it different or similar from typical sympathetic ganglion?

Structure that is part of the adrenal glands that act as a sympathetic ganglion because its where the axons of the preganglionic neuron terminate and send ACh to stimulate signals to target tissue.

Difference: no postganglionic neuron; chromaffin cells secrete epinephrine and NE to blood vessels

Similar: preganglionic neuron axon sends releases ACh in ganglion

Differences between parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions

Parasympathetic: enervate visceral organs, long preganglionic fibers and short postganglionic fibers, ganglia closer to target tissues, exit from brain and sacral region of spine

Sympathetic: enervate visceral organs and superficial structures, short preganglionic fibers and long postganglionic fibers, ganglia near spinal cord, exit from thoracic and lumbar spinal nerves

Cranial nerves and ganglia that carry parasympathetic fibers

Oculomotor (ciliary), facial (pterygopalatine and submandibular), glossopharyngeal (otic), and vagus

Organs that receive info via vagus nerve

Heart, lungs, liver, stomach, pancreas, and intestines

Where are sacral parasympathetic fibers and what organs do they enervate

S2-S4 spinal nerves and genitals and large intestines

Where are the sympathetic preganglionic cell bodies located?

lateral horns of thoracic and lumbar spinal cord

3 ways that pre and postgnalionic sympathetic neurons connec

1. In trunk ganglion at same level

2. In trunk ganglion at different levels

3. pass through trunk to connect in collateral ganglion

List collateral ganglia associated with splanchnic nerves

Greater splanchnic nerve/celiac ganglion

Lesser splanchnic nerve/aorticorenal ganglion

Least splanchnic nerve/superior mesenteric ganglion

Lumbar splanchnic nerve/inferior mesenteric ganglion