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28 Cards in this Set

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tension democracy & markets

states ruled by IMF and not by population

getting worse through globalization

democratic capitalism

the markets have begun to dictate in unprecedented ways what presumably sovereign and demo- cratic states may still do for their citizens and what they must refuse them.


the Left and citizenship

civil vs. political vs. social rights

Revolutionary lefts believed the existing system was deeply unequal and

structurally incapable of reform from within

Electoral Marxist or Social Democratic Left:

also committed to social rights and

belief in greater state intervention

Populist Left: committed to universal rights – led in promoting social programs

increasing material living conditions of those historically excluded (Chavez)


From the Right to Development to the Rights-Based Approach

By postulating that development programs and programs by definition constitute an

implementation of human rights, the difference between a service-based and rights-based

approach to development is obscured

Realization that processes by which development aims are pursued should themselves respect and fulfil human rights

If a rights-based approach to development means empowering marginalised groups, challen ging oppression and exclusion, and changing power relations,much of this task lies outside the

legal arena, falling squarely in thepolitical realm.


difference norms and justification

finding consensus on human rights

try not to be to etnocentric

most people cannot agree because the notion of "rights" is rooted in Western traditions so the consensus needs to be on something more like "human dignity"

Altschuler and Corrales

spillover effect from community led schools to other organizations

Honduras and Guatemala

participation, but civil society still weak (autonomy, capacity for acting collectively, or ability to engage with the state )

- gender biased



income gap China

inequality is driven more by the legacy of China’s socialist system than by market forces or the global economy

Malik and Awadallah

Economics of the Arab spring

- rising cost of repression is hurting authoritianism

Failure in the Arab World to develop a private sector which is independent, productive and can compete and be integrated in global markets

no open liberal system, but a patronage system of co-optation.

leads to high unemployment

state doesnt want to change because that would threaten the leaders

an independent business sector can also generate political outcomes: it can

generate a middle class that would serve as a powerful electoral constituency but this requires that private sector opens itself beyond the realm of the royal family.

Eva Bellin

It is not because of a lack in the prerequisites of democratization, many regions have

been able to make the transition with the same disadvantages

4 factors explain the robust authoritarianism regarding the coercive apparatus:

1) fiscal health of the coercive apparatus (access to petroleum, gas, geostrategic,

locational and secondary rents), rentier state

2) maintenance of international support network (e.g. in Bahrain)

3) low level of institutionalization of the coercive apparatus (if the coercive apparatus

is patrimonially organized rather than institutionalized, it is likely to be less receptive

to the idea of regime change)

4) low level of popular mobilization


Ukraine Orange revolution

urban civic revolutions vs Peasant revolutions

- negative coalition against incumbent

peasant, more oganized and coherent and slower

people weren’t committed to a democratic future but just wanted to get rid of

the people in power, when they successfully removed the incumbents in power the state was left completely disorganized. The people that were evicted eventually got back to their positions through the ballot box.


differences in the infrastructural capacity of the state.

strong states lead to democratic inclusion

For weak states, democracy less likely to happen right after a transition because of the

exploitation of resources



first strong democractic state regulation, then markets

Linz and Stepan argued that to make democracy and market reforms compatible, the goal of reforms should be to create the conditions for the orderly politicizing and regulating of economic action. he reforms should start with state building under democratic conditions and later build a functioning market economy on these foundations That was exactly the opposite of what the than dominant neoliberal paradigm suggested: depoliticizing the economy and making it a private business.

wenty years after starting economic and political transformations, only those countries in which in the 1990s issues of economic transformation and regulation were politicized and decided in a democratic political framework have regulatory states com- parable to Western standards


Global Civil Society: extended imagined community; not generally seen as a monolithic grouping of like-minded individuals. It includes the North, the South and NGOs and other transnational actors.

GCS is not unified or homogenous. It can be contradictory and an often fragmented

space including progressive social actors and conformist or reactionary ones.

Pierskalla and Hollenbach

extremist also use social media

Eltantawy and Wiest

ocial media helped the protestors in Egypt against Mubarak


mixed effect globalization on womener

Bergh and Nilsson

globalization leads to reduction absolute poverty


winners and losers Globalization

unskilled most vulnerable



"Globalization as a concept refers both to the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole. It is a social process in which the constraints of geography on political, economic, social and cultural aggrangements and practices recede and which people become increaqsingly aware that they are receding.


legacy of Apartheid

Eva Bellin

contingent democracy


in Kerala CS was strong and the state was strong, so so was democracy

state-society synergy

look below state level


Money politics

south Korea


First, the mutual- hostage situation in Korea was a key factor in keeping corruption from spinning out of control.

The relevant question is whether the resources would be put to more productive use by the seeker or by the one being sought, and theoretically only the lowest-cost firm could afford the highest bribe

he Korean state intervened in the way it did because to do so was in the interests of a small group of business and political elites. Building roads, apartment complexes, and power stations provides some public goods, but it also provides private goods


end of history

Islam, democracy and politicla Islamism: The Mulism world in the 'third wave of democratization' has been an exeption. However, it is not an incompatibility between Islam and democracy (many examples of democratic Muslim countries). The reason this has been politicized is because of the connection between democratization and WMDs.

Democracy at the international level: gulf between Europe and the U.S over the Iraq war. The United Nations is part of the solution, but not the complete solution to create democratic accountability between states

Autonomy of politics: political institutions need to be create before economic development can happen.


neoliberalism, which has spread like wildfire across the planet and has been presented as as real philosophy of life by its designers, resulted in a crisis and in the upturning of social norms in cote d'ivore




instead of vibrant liberal and productive state it created big monopolies that made inequality even worse


illiberal democracy

- no constitution


washington consensus


3 stages in Chile


citizenship as consumption