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11 Cards in this Set

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Define: Pastiche
Mimics other styles (like parody)--> appropriation
Jameson- pastiche = "blank parody that has lost it's sense of humor"
Lacks the assurance that some sort of normal exists in the first place.
Define: Sign/Signifier/Signified
Sign: The whole that results from the association of the signifier with the signified.
Signifier: The material/aesthetic form the sign takes

Signified: the concept the sign represents
One main point of Bryson text?
IDENTITY = dessentialized

Fixed identity = now obsolete in post modernism
Main point from Mulvey text?
Cindy Sherman - shows contradictions between interior and exterior body

Uses parody (pastiche?) to criticize female beauty and elegance in homogenized mass media
Define Schizophrenia in post-modern art
Refers to a temporal break-down
Signifiers do not connect, no coherent sequence

No sense of time exists-only the present, surface. Surface = meaning
Define: The Uncanny
Something beyond familiar understanding that we are both attracted to and repulsed by but ultimately reject
Can often be caused by size extremes (small or large)
Disorientation/disruption in perception; renders familiar strange
Key points for Buchloh text?

Created a painted ready-made (a painted photograph)--> Ready-made = mode of perception that mechanically captures qualities of surfaces within a given time
Define: The Lacanian Real
Beyond language, symbolization, human comprehension
The real is that which threatens what we normally call the real
Traumatic, cannot be integrated or explained

Real = part of ourselves that remains beyond ourselves
Define: The Screen
= different way of saying "culture"
Mediates spectator's gaze, shields it from the real

The fact that it exists points to the real
Define: The Gaze
Idea that culture also looks back at YOU and defines who you are- it is a RECIPROCAL way of seeing
About power, the real looking back at you
What does Jameson discuss in his article?