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122 Cards in this Set

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Components of extracellular fluid:
interstitial fluid, plasma, lymph, transcellular fluid (synovial, pleural, abdominal, CSF)
Volume of gastrointestinal secretion:
100L every 24 hours (roughly equivalent to the ECF volume) for 500kg horse
% of body weight represented by total body water (ICF + ECF):
TBW is 60% of BW in adults 80% of BW in neonates
What % of TBW/ BW is ECF?
ECF is 1/3 of TBW and 20% of BW in adults, ECF is ½ of TBW and 40% of BW in neonates
What % of TBW/ BW is ICF?
ICF is 2/3 of TBW or 40% of BW in adults
What factor is used for calculation purposed for substances that distribute across the ECF?
0.3 for adults, 0.4 for young animals
What % of BW is BV?
8% in sedentary horses, can be up to 14% in fit horses, 15% in neonates
What are the main anions and cations in plasma?
Cation- Na, Anions- Cl, HCO3
Role of protein in plasma:
act as an anion, provide oncotic pressure
Main contributors to oncotic pressure:
albumin and particles of similar size
What % of the ECF is interstitial fluid?
Main solutes of interstitial fluid:
Na, HCO3, Cl
Main anions, cations in intracellular fluid:
cations- K, Mg, anions- PO4, proteins
Define osmolality:
concentration of osmotically active particles in solution per kg of solvent
Define osmolarity:
number of particles of solute per liter of solvent
Normal plasma osmolality:
275-312 mOsm/kg
Define tonicity:
osmotic pressure generated by the difference in osmolality between 2 compartments
Define colloid oncotic pressure:
osmotic pressure generated by proteins (mainly albumin)
Normal COP ranges:
15-22.6 mmHg (foals), 19.2-31.3 mmHg (adult)
Where does interstitial and vascular solute and water exchange occur? Time frame?
Occurs in capillaries rapidly (30-60 min)
What controls exchange or filtration between the vascular and interstitial space?
Balance of forces favoring filtration vs forces retaining fluid in the vascular space (starling’s law)
What are the forces that favor filtration (movement of solutes/ water out of the vascular space)?
Capillary hydrostatic pressure, tissue oncotic pressure
What are the forces that favor retention of water/ solutes within the vascular space?
Plasma oncotic pressure, tissue hydrostatic pressue
What controls exchange between the interstitial space and the intracellular space? Time frame?
# of osmotically active particles in each space, slow process taking up to 24 hrs
What are the significant contributors to ECF osmolality?
Na, glucose, urea but urea is permeable to cell membranes so is not involved in effective osmolality
Define osmolar gap:
difference between measured osmolarity and calculated osmolarity
Define buffer:
compound that can accept or donate protons to maintain the pH within a narrow range
What are the primary buffers in the different fluid spaces?
HCO3 in ECF, proteins & phosphates ICF
What is the HCO3 equation?
H + HCO → H2CO3 → CO2 + H20
Define acidosis:
processes that cause net accumulation of acid
Define alkalosis:
processes that cause net accumulation of alkali
Define acidemia:
pH lower than normal in the ECF
Define alkalemia:
pH higher than normal in the ECF
What creates acidemia?
Decreased pH, increased CO2, decreased HCO3
What creates alkalemia?
Increased pH, decreased CO2, increased HCO3
define metabolic acidosis/ expected response:
decreased HCO3 due to loss or buffering, decrease PCO2 by increasing ventilation
examples of when metabolic acidosis occurs:
accumulation of lactic acid, HCO3 loss from diarrhea
define metabolic alkalosis/ expected response:
increased HCO3, increase PCO2 (decrease ventilation)
examples of when metabolic alkalosis occurs:
loss of Cl ions
define respiratory acidosis/ expected response:
increase PCO2 due to alveolar hypoventilation, increase HCO3 with increased renal retention
define respiratory alkalosis/ expected response:
decreased PCO2 due to alveolar hyperventilation/ decrease HCO3 by increasing renal secretion
response and time frame of response to primary metabolic disorders:
respiratory response that begins immediately and complete within hours
response and time frame of response to primary respiratory disorders:
titration of non HCO3 buffers to change plasma HCO3 concentration (immediate) kidney modifies HCO3 secretion or retention which begins within hours but takes 2-5 days to respond
define mixed acid-base disorder:
2 separate primary disorders are present
when is a mixed disorder suspected?
Adaptive response is lower or higher than the expected response
what are the expected compensations for metabolic conditions?
Respiratory conpensation should be a 1mmHg change in PCO2 for every 1 mEq/L change in HCO3
what are the expected compensations for respiratory conditions?
HCO3 should change 1mEq/L (acute resp acid), 2-3 (acute resp alk), 3-4 (chronic resp acid), 5-6 (chronic resp alk) for each 10mmHg change in PCO2
what are the measured and calculated values on blood gas analysis?
pH, PCO2, PO2 (measured) tCO2, HCO3, BE (calculated)
define hypercapnia:
increased PCO2 also termed hypercarbia reflects hypoventilation
define hypocapnia:
decreased PCO2 also termed hypocarbia reflects hyperventilation
define tCO2:
calculation of both dissolved CO2 and HCO3 in sample
define base excess:
amount of strong acid or base required to titrate iL of blood at pH 7.4 with PCO2 constant at 40mmHg
what are the steps to interpret acid-base?
1) check pH, determine if acidotic or alkalotic 2) check PCO2, determines respiratory component, if too high then acidosis, if too low, alkalosis 3) check HCO3, determines metabolic component, if high then alkalosis, if low then acidosis 4) determine if compensation is what is expected
normal PaO2:
5x FIO2 (80-100mmHg)
define hypoxemia:
decreased PaO2
causes of hypoxemia:
decreased FIO2, hypoventilation, ventilation/perfusion mismatch, shunt, diffusion impairment
normal PvO2:
define anion gap:
difference between sum of common cations and sum of common anions AG=Na + K – Cl + HCO3
what does the anion gap represent?
Estimation of unmeasured anions
normal anion gap:
10-11 mEq/L
what are the flaws of Henderson-hasselbach in acid-base evaluation?
Does not account for other electrolytes, weak acids, or plasma proteins
principals of stewart’s acid-base:
maintenance of electroneutrality, satisfaction of dissociation, conservation of mass
what are the independent valiables in stewarts approach?
Those that can be externally altered: strong anion difference, PCO2, and total concentration of weak acids
what is the SID?
Difference between the concentrations of strong cations and the concentration of strong anions
stewarts primary cation:
stewarts primary anion:
Cl, other unmeasured anions
what does an increase in SID indicate?
Indirectly indicated increased unmeasured anions
what is the primary disturbance in stewarts approach?
Change in 1 or more of the independant variables (SID, PCO2, weak acids)
what is the difference between maintenance and replacement fluids?
Replacement fluids are given to replace lost fluids and electrolyte composition is similar plasma but maintenance fluids have less Na and lore Ca, K, Mg than replacement fluids
examples of maintenance fluids:
oral fluids with oral electrolyte formulations added, 0.45% saline with K, Mg, Ca addess
daily fluid requirements per day:
60 ml/kg/day
define dehydration:
loss of total body water
define hypovolemia:
form of dehydration due to loss of circulating volume
equation to correct hypovolemia:
correction = estimated loss (%) x BW
example of HCO3 precursors in BES:
lactate or acetate with gluconate
where are HCO3 precursors metabolized?
Lactate- liver, acetate- body tissues
what situations is saline used as replacement fluids?
When Na is lower than 125 mEq/L, in diseases with high K
what occurs with long term BES use as the sole IVF therapy?
Hypernatremia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hypocalcemia
what is the rate for Ca supplementation?
50-100mL Ca gluconate in 5L to maintain normocalcemia or 500mL in 5L to correct hypocalcemia
maintenance requirement of Mg:
13 mg/kg/day (elemental), 31 mg/kg/day (MgO), 64 mg/kg/day MgCO3, 93 mg/kg/day MgSO4
what is the maximum rate for K supplementation?
0.5 mEq/kg/hr
rules for HCO3 supplementation:
horse should have normal respiratory function, pH < 7.2, give ½ calculated amount rapidly, rest over 12-24 hrs, don’t give with Ca containing solutions
equation for HCO3 requirements:
BE (mEq/L) x BW (kg) x 0.3 or normal tCO2-actual tCO2 x BW x 0.3
when is oral HCO3 supplemented?
When the loss is ongoing (diarrhea)
recipe for IV HCO3 supplementation:
5% solution contains 0.59 mEq/L, 8.4% solution contains 1 mEq/L. for 5% 1part HCO3 to 3 parts water. for 8.4% 150mL added to 850mL sterile water
recipe for oral HCO3 supplementation:
1 gm NaHCO3 = 12 mEq HCO3
when is dextrose administered?
Hypertonic dehydration, hyperlipemia, pregnant mares
what is the rate of 5% dextrose administration?
1-2 mg/kg/min
when are colloids administered?
When TP < 4 g/dL, albumin < 2 g/dL, or COP < 12 mmHg
what is the equation for plasma administration?
Plasma (L) = (TP desired – TP patient) x 0.05 BW / TP donor
what is the dose of HES?
10 mL/kg/day
what are complications of higher doses of HES?
With 20mL/kg doses increased coagulation times because of decreased vWF antigen and factor 8
what type of container should be used for blood collection?
Plastic to preserve platelet function
which anti-coagulent is used for short term storage (<24 hrs)?
Na citrate
which anti-coagulent is used for long term storage (< 10 days)?
Acid citrate dextrose
which anti-coagulent is used for prolonged storage (> 10 days)?
Citrate phosphate dextrose + adenine
what issues occur with acid citrate dextrose that prevent its used for prolonged storage?
Decreases concentration of 2,3 diphosphoglycerate which causes decreased oxygen release to tissues
equation for whole blood transfusion:
liters blood = (PCVdesired-PCVactual) x 0.08BW / PCV donor
dose of whole blood in acute situations:
define oxyglobin:
glutaraldehyde polymierized bovine Hb solution
benefits of oxyglobin:
restore oxygen carrying capacity, volume explansion for colloid action
dose of oxglobin:
15mL/kg given at rate of 10ml/kg/hr
shock dose and time frame for administration of fluids:
60-90 mL/kg in 1st hour
benefits of enteral fluids:
administration of fluid directly to gi tract, stimulation of gastrocolic reflex, decreased expense, decreased need for precise fluid composition
recipe for enteral fluid electrolyte composition:
5.27g NaCl + 0.37 g KCl + 3.78 g NaHCO3 per liter water giving 135 mEq/L Na, 95 mEq/L Cl, 5 mEq/L K, 45 mEq/L HCO3
what is the rate of administration of continuous enteral fluids?
how much does blood volume expand with 1L HS?
what is the estimated duration of effect of HS?
~45 min
what is the dose of HS?
volume expansion for HES?
1L for each 1L of hetastarch (2 total)
dose of HES:
duration of activity of HES:
120 hours
what is affects rate of iv fluid flow?
Flow is proportional to the diameter of the catheter and inversely proportional to the length of the catheter and the fluid viscosity
electrolyte composition of plasma:
Na 132-146, K 2.8-5.1, Ca 9-13, Mg 1.8-3, Cl 99-110, buffer source tCO2 20-26, osmolality 285
Electrolyte composition of LRS:
Na 130, K 4, Ca 3, Mg 0, Cl 109, buffer source lactate 28, osmolality 274
Electrolyte composition of Norm R:
Na140, K5, Ca0, Mg3, Cl98, buffer source acetate, gluconate 50, osmolality 295
Electrolyte composition of 0.9% saline:
Na154, K0, Ca0, Mg0, Cl154, no buffer source, osmolality 308
Electrolyte composition of 5% dextrose:
Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl all 0, no buffer source, osmolality 253
Electrolyte composition of 2.5% dextrose in 0.45% saline:
Na 77, K0, Ca0, Mg0, Cl77, no buffer source, osmolality 280
Electrolyte composition of 1.25% NaHCO3:
Na143, K0, Ca0, Mg0, Cl0, buffer source HC03 149, osmolality 298
Difference between LRS & Norm R:
LRS has 3 Ca and no Mg, Norm R has 0 Ca and 3 Mg
Catheter materials:
polypropylene= polyethylene, Teflon, polyurethane, silastic in order from most to least thrombogenic